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New to the forums and ready to get started!


Jan 30, 2014
Hello all I have read much of the Forum rules and believe I have a good grasp on what is and is not allowed here.

First off I am primarily looking to play Pathfinder as a player. I joined to get the chance, that being said I have extensive experience as Dungeon Master and am likely level 20 by now, but I stopped adding my exp around level 1.

So if I ever see a very interesting idea that needs a GM I might consider it.

Not really an Erotic player myself but I do want to be at least a little adult. I don't want to cyber but I am cool with being in a very graphic game as long as I am not required to be overtly graphic, as I am not comfortable doing so, not saying I won't be descriptive and go a little ways into the sex act but perhaps after a point fading to black and coming back the next day.

I can promise to post at least 1 time per day, more on Thursdays possibly, but probably not more than 1 per day. Excluding life intervening situations.

My personal interests right now are seeking a GM to run one or both of these ideas:
  1. Playing Pathfinder Adventure Path: Jade Regent
    I have had this character in my mind for about 5 years now and he has finally found a home in this adventure path. He is a 16 year old Half Elf Druid focused on summoning with a childhood crush on one of the NPCs in the adventure path.
  2. Playing a Pathfinder 1on1 or possible full party game using the Ultimate Campaign Downtime rules, and possible Mythic rules (optional).
    I have a character idea for a Demoniac from the Books of the Damned Volume 2. I haven't decided on a race or gender for the character yet just a basic evil outline using the downtime rules for the church(see below) and possible mechanical feat and skill layout for them.

    I am cool with placing the game in any region of Golarion and cool with adventuring with good aligned characters as long as I can get my downtime work done, which is being the messiah of the Church of Nocticula the Succubus Queen and raising her to godhood and myself if at all possible.

    As this particular character idea is much more homebrew and wide ranging I will add that I plan on taking the leadership feat, I know some GMs hate it, and I plan on using only books from Paizo, since I have most all of the hardcovers minus Bestiary 4 and several player companions, to build my character.

    I will be playing Chaotic Evil Alignment as is fitting for a Demon worshiper. However I plan on playing the character more as an evil 80's corporate executive willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, rather than a psychotic insane mass murderer.
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