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Name: Wilhem Ibrahim.
Location: Pharmacy.
Attire: Military flak jacket, black toque, black jeans, with biker gloves. Steel-toed boots.
Weapons: Handmade Wooden Spear. Strapped over shoulder AK-105 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle. Concealed Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum.
Date/Time: July 4th, 2025.
Tagging: Open.

The first sound that greeted Wilhelm as he walked were the clinking of bells as he opened the door. The next noise was a groan and heavy footsteps as a decayed corpse in a white lab coat came to greet him with welcoming arms. With a tired sigh that told of repeated acts, he twirled his makeshift spear in his hand until the point came forward, and with a single thrust, ended the welcoming committee. The spear point penetrated easily through the rotten flesh and out the other side, extracting raw bits of brain matter and blood as he pulled it out. Taking a moment to clean the pointed edge on the once crisp white jacket, he rose and gave the rundown pharmacy a scrutiny. There were two other moaning figures in the building, shuffling about in the dim light as they caused ruckus by stumbling into shelves and counters. Dozens of containers and bottles of pills were strewn around the floor, and Wilhelm took care not to bang into any as he quietly tip toed around. You could never be sure when there was a horde just around the corner, and he already had a few close calls by being reckless.

What he needed today was a refill of dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant, to help limit and perhaps quiet the amount he was coughing. He didn’t when or how he picked up this cough, probably from all the dust microbes that seemed to be in the air, but he did know he needed to fix the issue. Coughing was an involuntarily noise that often got him into trouble, as zombies would overhear him and move in his direction. This was what he wanted to avoid, and looking at the state of the shop, he knew he would be digging around for quite a while. Wilhelm stepped as quietly as he can, trying to circle around one of the shelves to get around at a zombie that seemed to be stuck in a circular motion. It, or she as it once had been, had been drawn by the noise of tinkling bells as he entered, and was now searching for the strange smell of living human that seemed to give it new life. Crouching, he waited until the undead creature moved up the opposite lane between shelves until it was on level with where he hid. In an instant, he stood, and used both hands to quickly jab his spear through its head and out again in a well oiled movement. It collapsed forward with a crash, spreading pills and containers in its wake.

One zombie left, and this one roared when it clearly caught scent of Wilhelm standing and ducking, and came striding straight towards him. Typical move. With his spear, he had the advantage of outranging the arms and teeth of the undead, and he quickly dispatched it in the same style as he had the first two, leaving him the undisputed inhabitant of this small corner pharmacy. He was well armed with guns, but to fire a shot was to give his position away, and he only did so in the most extreme situations. Immediately, he went down on a knee and began to pick up containers, reading the labels and trying to figure out what section he was staring. No, these are all vitamins and diet supplements, he thought to himself, though he did pocket some Vitamin D capsules. He continued his search, checking the various aisles and shelves for the desired product.

Name: Jenna Hurst (Jen, Jenny).
Location: Pharmacy.
Attire: White cami tank top, white cardigan, lowrise jean shorts, white and pink athletic sneakers.
Weapons: Aluminum baseball bat.
Date/Time: July 4, 2025.
Tagging: Wilhelm; open.

Running. That's all she seemed to be doing now was... running. And it hurt. It burned. It made her lungs want to seize up and stop working. Jenna's palm rested upon her chest as she continued her brisk pace along the streets, her mind swirling as the oxygen she so desperately needed just wouldn't come. Her other hand clutched tightly to the battered up baseball bat she'd been fortunate enough to find, the thing saving her life a time or two when she'd had no choice but to swing it at the heads of these horrific beasts that now roamed about, swarming everywhere, closing in upon the living. She gasped for air as her lungs tried to work, but she was out of albuterol, her inhaler completely caput. As it was, her inhaler was no longer cutting it anyway. She needed something more, something stronger. She needed flo-vent or maybe some other pill to help open up her constricting airways.

Jenna's cheeks burned as her thoughts darkened. She hated this, hated everything about it! Her blue eyes frantically scoured the streets for a sign of anything that could help--stores, a pharmacy, something! Suddenly, she caught sight of a pharmacy, the sign like a beacon of hope in the wastelands of a desert of ashen hell. She laughed inwardly at that thought. Everything had indeed gone to hell and she was standing in the middle of it. Gasping, wheezing, she pushed herself further.

Not much more to go and please let there not be any more of those things in there!

As Jenna reached the door to the pharmacy, she let all her weight fall against it, pressing her ear and face against it so as to listen for any sounds of trouble. She couldn't hear anything, but she knew that didn't necessarily mean anything. Biting down on her lower lip, she moved her one brush her blonde hair out of her face. Setting her jaw, still wheezing, she slowly opened the door. Immediately, she heard the sound of bells. Heart quickening, grip tightening on her bat, she braced herself for the worst, but inside she saw the place was riddled with lifeless undead. She half expected them to get up, to groan and howl, to ever pursue. But they didn't. Amidst the mess was a lone man, another survivor.

Licking her lips, her breaths short and raspy, Jenna gave him a cautious look. "Survivor?" she asked softly, gasping. "I'm Jenna. Need albuterol." As she stood there, she could feel her chest tightening even more. It frustrated her, made her angry. She wished she could stop the attack, make it go away. But, it wouldn't. She needed the medicine and the sooner, the better. "Please, help me." Shaking, her grip on her bat loosened and panic began to take over as she began to rummage through items, desperate to find what she needed to stop her asthma attack.

Name: Wilhem Ibrahim.
Location: Pharmacy.
Attire: Military flak jacket, black toque, black jeans, with biker gloves. Steel-toed boots.
Weapons: Handmade Wooden Spear. Strapped over shoulder AK-105 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle. Concealed Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum.
Date/Time: July 4th, 2025.
Tagging: Jenna, Open.

Wilhem sighed. This was certainly starting to be a chore to look through all the scattered containers spilled over the floor. He was already in the third aisle, still looking for his precious dextromethorphan which he had not been able to see. Advil? No thanks. Aleve? Pain killer. Might come in handy. He pocketed the half-empty container, looking at all the capsules on the floor and thinking it above him to get on his hands and knees to collect all of them. He was nearing one of the dead zombies he had slain and a horrible stench was emitting from the decayed corpse. Wrinkling his nose, he checked the containers around it quickly. Fish Oil Supplements? The hell are these? He casually flung them over his head as he picked up the next container. Smiling, he had found what he wanted. Dextromethorphan, the cough suppressant. As if on cue, he started a fit of coughing into his arm before standing up, holding the container as if he had just discovered gold. His triumph however, was cut short when someone barged into the pharmacy.

His first instinct is that his coughing attracted the horde and they had burst though the door, but when he lowered his spear for a running battle, he was amazed to see a blonde woman burst in. She immediately laid eyes on him, panting severely, and demanding help. Her name was Jenna, and she seemed in desperate straits for albuterol. His mind immediately clicked. He had seen the medicine, twice, in his search, in both tablet form and a red boxed inhaler not far from where he stood. But he also wondered why he should help this stranger, who had just ran into his looting grounds most likely being chased by zombies. But he couldn’t leave her to suffer either and he knew what it was like to suffer from short-of-breath and wheezing. Moving slowly, his eyes always on her, he moved towards the end of the aisle and picked up two objects. He then approached her, spear tucked under the armpit, and placed the small container of albuterol tablets and a box containing a red inhaler on a shelf separating them.

“I’m Wilhelm. These are all I could find that contained albuterol.” He said, eyeing her carefully. She was only armed with an aluminium bat, which all of his three weapons could easily outmatch, so she wasn’t an immediate threat. But while a part of him urged safety and caution towards the newcomer, the greater part secretly rejoiced at seeing another human again. He wasn’t alone anymore and the possibility of other survivors greatly cheered his mood. Coughing, he turned away and strode around her to the door. Looking through the glass panes, he saw several zombies strutting towards them in their heavy fashion, groaning and clawing for their guts. As if it had any effect, Wilhem twirled the open sign around to where it pointed closed to the zombies. He also locked the door. “Better hurry because their coming. Lots of them. I say we have about ten minutes before their all crowding up the windows."

Name:Dax Draven
Location:Pharmacy (Outside)
Attire:Same as in picture
Weapons:Scythe, dual revolvers holstered on her sides, shotgun and sniper rifle in the car
Date/Time:July 4, 2025
Tagging:Ulysses(NPC), OPEN

The sound of tires squealing could be heard in the distance as Ulysses took the corner on the street leading to the pharmacy. Jamie had needed some bandages and supplies because she was running low, the plan was to go into town and grab what she needed while also looking for other survivors. As the neared the pharmacy Dax noticed a herd of walkers surrounding the place and shook her head, "Fucking aye, looks like we're gonna have to come back after we hit the shopping center, there's too many of them here right now" ,she told Ulysses. The old man nodded in agreement as he drove. Just as Ulysses was about to speed up Dax put her hand on his shoulder as she looked through a pair of binoculars, "Wait take this turn and drive around we have to take these numbers down, there's people inside" ,she stated before grabbing the scythe off the back seat and standing up, her body now through the open sunroof, weapon in hands.

"Dax it's no use they're trapped, we can't save everyone" ,Ulysses shouted up at her.

"Bullshit ya old fuck just get me close enough, their all crowded together I can cut some heads off easily then I'll pull out the rifle and take out some more, give these people a fighting chance even if we can't get them into the vehicle and to the camp" ,Dax demanded. Ulysses let out a sigh then did as Dax instructed and made the turn, as they neared the crowd of walkers he sped up to give Dax some more power for her attack. "Come on you fuckers!" ,Dax yelled before taking out a small group of them, their head falling and rolling onto the pavement. The sudden attack drew attention to the others causing them to begin their chase after the car, just as Dax had planned. "Alright old fuck gimme the rifle" ,she stated. Ulysses slipped the rifle through the sunroof and Dax set the scythe down on the back seat once more before taking aim and blowing walker brains all over the streets. "WHOOOOOOO, come on, come and get it!" ,she yelled as she continued to shoot.

Name: Jenna Hurst (Jen, Jenny).
Location: Pharmacy.
Attire: White cami tank top, white cardigan, lowrise jean shorts, white and pink athletic sneakers.
Weapons: Aluminum baseball bat.
Date/Time: July 4, 2025.
Tagging: Wilhelm, Dax, Ulysses (NPC); open.

Immediately, Jenna went to the albuterol inhaler that Wilhelm placed on the shelf. It might not have been much to most, but to her it was gold. With shaking hands, she fumbled to open the box and took the thing out. She inspected it quickly, pressed down on it twice before bringing it to her mouth and sucking in the precious contents within. Two puffs... two puffs was all she needed and within moments she could feel her chest beginning to relax. Slowly, the airways were opening up and little by little she was able to take deeper and deeper breaths. She eyed the pills and grabbed them, putting them in her pocket.

"Thanks," Jenna said softly, her voice a bit breathy. She gave Wilhelm a small smile as she touched her chest and then pocketed the inhaler. As she made sure the medication was secure in her pockets, she noticed his coughing and wondered if that might be why he'd come to the pharmacy. Perhaps he was coming down with a cold or was dealing with allergies? She didn't know and it wasn't her place to pry. At least not at this time. They had more pressing matters to contend with.

Jenna glanced over toward the door, which was starting to rattle. Walkers were starting to swarm the place, no doubt because she'd lured them there due to her own carelessness. She frowned at the thought of her own stupidity and immediately heard her parents scolding her, making it damned clear just how clumsy and stupid she was. Who was she kidding? She'd never survive at this rate... But she had to! She needed to! Hanging her head, she watched Wilhelm turn the sign around, her hands gripping her bat tightly as her heart began to pound.

"Don't think I have the time to look for more then. This'll have to do," Jenna said, her voice faltering slightly. Ugh, how could she be so stupid, so careless! She had to try and make up for it and she would. "But if those things want a fight, then they'll have it," she added trying to muster up her courage. She walked toward the door and peered outside. As she looked out she saw a vehicle approaching and tilted her head. "You see that?" she squeaked, glancing over at Wilhelm, a hand moving to brush at her blonde hair. "Reinforcements?" Her smile grew a little and she held her bat a bit more firmly. It was now or never, time to prove her parents wrong. Time to prove to herself that she could make it through another battle, that she could survive.

Name: Wilhem Ibrahim.
Location: Pharmacy.
Attire: Military flak jacket, black toque, black jeans, with biker gloves. Steel-toed boots.
Weapons: Handmade Wooden Spear. Strapped over shoulder AK-105 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle. Concealed Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum.
Date/Time: July 4th, 2025.
Tagging: Jenna, Dax, Ulysses, Open.

Wilhelm was still contemplating whether he could trust this newcomer. A part of him wanted to, mostly because he had been alone for so long that any companionship was desirable. And whereas he was armed and ready for a fight, she wasn’t, and that could always be clear incentive for her to swing that bat at his head when his back was turned. While Jenna used her medicine to find relief, Wilhelm strode around to the counter and checked to see if there was anything useful. Sometimes shop owners left guns or other security measures underneath the counter and he could always do with a second weapon. He had only a single clip for his rifle and perhaps a reload or two for his magnum so as she was desperate for asmatha medicine, so was he for ammo. But unfortunately there was none here. He assumed a pharmacy owner would keep a sidearm or something, as to ward off thieves and assailants desperate for a fix. Regardless, it was just him and Jenna, and whatever abilities they had between them.

He immediately came up to her while she watched the approaching horde. They slammed up against the windows as if a celebrity was inside. Well in a sense they had that status to the undead, for they all desired to literally tear them apart. He looked at Jenna’s bat and guessed she only got this far by luck. “Here,” he gestured to her, withdrawing his magnum and handing it to her, butt first, “in case things get ugly.” An ill-advised move, putting a gun in the hands of a stranger, but why not? They were both alone and trapped, about to be swarmed unless they found an alternative entrance. But he noticed Jenna becoming more piqued and suddenly he heard it too. Gunshots, the roar of tires screeching, and...cursing? There was a battle raging outside and some of the hordes were beginning to disperse to follow that direction. It seems they were deliberately being drawn off. Such luck! More human survivors, and this time here to rescue them. “Well, nobody got anywhere by being a sissy. You ready? Stick close to me and make a mad dash for the car. Don’t stop for anything.”

Without further ado, he raised his assault rifle, pointed at the last zombie in the line, and squeezed the clip. Armor piercing rounds shattered the glass pane and blew gaping holes in the undead. He swept the rifle from right to left, mowing down the eight or nine that were still bunched up and clearing a hole. But while it knocked down this small group, already dozens more were pouring towards them from either end of the street. And his rifle made jerking noises as it fell empty. “Run!” He shouted, pushing her towards the vehicle in the distance where some skinny kid was slashing and hacking away with a scythe like he was the damn grim reaper. But Wilhelm was mistaken. It was a she! Regardless though, he ran after the vehicle, yelling “Stop! Stop! You two-faced polio-shirt wearing motherfuckers, stop!” They were in the middle of the street now, his spear out and ready to fight if they got left behind. Already there were dozens of zombies coming towards them, groaning for their guts and flesh with their monotone voices.

Name:Dax Draven
Location:Pharmacy (Outside)
Attire:Same as in picture
Weapons:Scythe, dual revolvers holstered on her sides, shotgun and sniper rifle in the car
Date/Time:July 4, 2025
Tagging:Ulysses(NPC), Wilhem, Jenna, OPEN

Ulysses took one more spin around the pharmacy and let Dax wipe out a few more of the walker's surrounding the place, this also gave the two inside a clear window to get out of the place and put some distance between them and the undead threatening to rip them to shreds. That also should give Dax time to open the door to the back and let them inside the vehicle. The old man sped towards the two survivors and shook his head at the young man's swearing, he knew Dax wouldn't take to kind to it but he'd deal with that when the time came.

The tires of the blazer screeched to a halt and skidded sideways so the now open back door was right next to the two survivors waiting for them to get inside, "Get in, hurry up they're hungry!" ,Dax shouted as she took a few more out with her rifle. "Not bad for a polo wearing mother fucker eh?" ,she continued sarcastically making Ulysses roll his eyes and slap her lightly on the side of the leg. "Relax I'm just having fun". Dax took aim again and began shooting, making sure the walkers behind the two survivors were kept at a distance until they got into the car.

Name: Jenna Hurst (Jen, Jenny).
Location: Pharmacy.
Attire: White cami tank top, white cardigan, lowrise jean shorts, white and pink athletic sneakers.
Weapons: Aluminum baseball bat.
Date/Time: July 4, 2025.
Tagging: Wilhelm, Dax, Ulysses (NPC); open.

Jenna knew she'd have to come back to the pharmacy later on for more meds. The bit she got would only last for so long and help so much. And given the attack she'd just had after her short run, there was no telling how her lungs would hold up if she had to run any more. As she gripped her bat tightly in her small hands, it was clear that running was going to be the way of things for a while. A thought that made her heart sink and her mood darken considerably. Though things were already looking pretty grim. Walkers were surrounding the building, their jerky shuffling as their rotting bodies lumbered along an ominous sight to behold. She gasped audibly as she watched, trying hard not to let her thoughts run wild.

Quietly, Jenna mumbled words of encouragement to herself. Something, anything, to keep her confidence up. It was her and Wilhelm now against the zombies. Thankfully they seemed to have a bit of help on the outside. Whoever it was, she was never more grateful in her life. She looked over at Wilhelm as he handed her a gun--no doubt an act of trust, but seeing as they were in a dire situation, it was either fight together or fight it alone. Considering their options, together definitely seemed like the better choice. She gave him a nod and a smile, reaching out for the gun and taking it into her tiny hand. The weapon felt foreign as she held it, but she had to get used to it--and fast--because those walking corpses weren't about to give her a chance to adjust.

The moans grew louder as, the zombies rotting hands banging on the windows as they tried to get in. Jenna felt a wave of panic wash over her, but she held her ground. Now wasn't the time to lose it. Hell, she could never lose it. Doing so would mean death. Licking her lips, she readied the gun and stuck close to Wilhelm's side per his command. She could tell he seemed to know what he was doing and that was enough. Before she knew it, things moved quickly and she was bolting out a broken window, listening to guns fire as the groans of zombies resonated within her ears. She felt a hand grab at her shoulder causing her to scream.

Jenna swung her bat with one hand, but her leverage was off. She stumbled slightly, but fortunately didn't lose her footing. Staying close to Wilhelm, she made it her goal to keep up and stay by his side as they headed toward the vehicle in the distance. Another hand reached for her and she let out a shout, turning around, she pointed her gun and shot it. The creature crumpled to the ground in a heap, but more zombies were on the way. She saw another heading toward them both so she shot the gun again, however the bullet only hit the zombie's leg causing it to fall back for a moment. All too soon it was trying to get back up once again.

"We're coming!" Jenna shouted as she ran. "Wait for us!" Her breaths coming shorter, but thankfully the medicine she'd taken had prevented her from having a full blown attack. As she neared the vehicle, the most hope she'd had in a long time began to fill her. She just hoped it would last. At least for a little while anyway.

Name: Wilhem Ibrahim.
Location: Pharmacy.
Attire: Military flak jacket, black toque, black jeans, with biker gloves. Steel-toed boots.
Weapons: Handmade Wooden Spear. Strapped over shoulder AK-105 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle (Depleted)..
Date/Time: July 4th, 2025.
Tagging: Jenna, Dax, Ulysses, Open.

The vehicle skidded to a halt a few meters from where they stood, a young woman poking out of the sunroof with a sniper rifle as large as hers. The sight was comforting and Wilhelm ushered Jenna into the vehicle first before he got in after. His spear, in such tight quarters, became burdensome and unwieldy, bumping against the vehicle frame as he got in. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Wilhelm cursed, before turning the spear sideways and positioning it horizontal across his lap. The point jutted across the backseat and out the opposite window. “Not bad for a polo wearing motherfucker.” He commented with a smile, agreeing with the woman as he adjusted his empty assault rifle on the seat beside him. Though he had no bullets for it, he thought it a decent weapon to have and was quite attached to it, loathe abandoning it as it got him out of many tight jams.

“Thanks for the rescue. I’m Wilhelm.” He said breathing and trying to catch his breath before going into a fit of coughs. He still had the dextromethorphan pills in his pocket along with the vitamins he snatched, and they rattled together in his pocket. “You wouldn’t happen to have any water would you?” He then asked, feeling a little reluctant. They had already rescued them from certain death and he was even more loathe to ask them for another favour.

Name:Dax Draven
Location:Pharmacy (Outside)
Attire:Same as in picture
Weapons:Scythe, dual revolvers holstered on her sides, shotgun and sniper rifle in the car
Date/Time:July 4, 2025
Tagging:Ulysses(NPC), Wilhem, Jenna, OPEN

Dax let out a laugh at Wilhem's response then sat down in her seat before turning to face the two in the back, "I'm Dax and this old bastard here is Ulysses, he's the best damn get away driver you're gonna find now a days" ,she stated in response. Her eyes then fell on the spear in Wilhem's lap, "Good choice of weapon, it's riskier because you gotta get a little close but it's safer then firing a gun and attracting an even bigger heard of those fuckers". When she heard the coughing fit Dax looked from Wilhem to Jenna then back, "You two don't look so hot, I mean I know no one really does these days but you guys seem like you've been running non stop for miles and you...." ,Dax began before pointing to Jenna. "....You look like you could use a breathing treatment, now I'm no doctor but my sister can help you both out as soon as we get to camp, for now here's some water, relax and concentrate on your breathing camp's not to far from here".

Dax reached down and pulled two bottles from her dufflebag that was settled between her feet and handed them each one along with a package of dried fruit, "Eat something, keep your strength up and as soon as we get home and Jamie takes a look at you both you can clean up and I'll have Deacon make something a little more filling then a bag of dried fruit then I'll explain the rules of the camp if you decide to stay" ,she told them before turning to face forward while Ulysses turned down a dirt road that headed towards the farm.

(Exit to Oxford Survivor Camp)

Name: Jenna Hurst (Jen, Jenny).
Location: Pharmacy.
Attire: White cami tank top, white cardigan, lowrise jean shorts, white and pink athletic sneakers.
Weapons: Aluminum baseball bat.
Date/Time: July 4, 2025.
Tagging: Wilhelm, Dax, Ulysses (NPC); open.

Jenna's wheezing had resumed slightly as she sat down in the truck. The inhaler had worked for a little bit, but she really needed something stronger. With all the running she'd been doing lately and the unfortunate lack of treatment, her lungs were just shot. Plus, she could smell the allergens in the air. Those certainly were not helping things. Not even remotely. Trying to take in precious air, she tried to calm down, to not think about how difficult it was to take a simple breath as she sat there and they all drove off to somewhere hopefully much safer than where they currently were.

Wilhelm and Dax chatted a bit, Dax going on about weapons and such. She seemed to be a real survivalist. So did the older man driving. She wondered how she and Wilhelm got to be so lucky at just the right time. Truly, it had been a miracle! As she tried to breathe a bit more deeply, gasping and almost coughing as she did so, her own expression became one of worry for her new friend. He definitely seemed a bit off, no doubt it was why he'd been in that pharmacy just as she'd been there. Her features softened and she reached over to gently touch his arm.

"Y-you all right?" Jenna asked Wilhelm, clearly concerned. She then looked to Dax as she handed her friend some water. Shaking her head, she answered. "A b-breathing treatment would be g-great." Her voice was breathy, short, but she smiled as she spoke despite it, grateful for the offers of help. She then reached items Dax offered from her bag. First, she opened up the bottle of water and then took out a small handful of the dried fruit from the one package. She looked over at Wilhelm and offered some of the fruit for him to take if he wanted any. "So where is this place?" she then asked Dax.

(Jenna exits to Oxford Survivor Camp)

Name: Wilhem Ibrahim.
Location: Pharmacy.
Attire: Military flak jacket, black toque, black jeans, with biker gloves. Steel-toed boots.
Weapons: Handmade Wooden Spear. Strapped over shoulder AK-105 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle (Depleted)..
Date/Time: July 4th, 2025.
Tagging: Jenna, Dax, Ulysses, Open.

Wilhelm smiled and shook the spear a little in response to Dax, “Yeah it’s a great asset. You have to get close but not quite personal, and best of all, its quiet. Sort of like a silencer on a gun.” He laughed a little before coughing more when Dax spoke of their condition, “Well we just met not ten minutes ago,” he said, indicating Jenna with a gesture, “We needed some medicine and the only pharmacy not completely ransacked happened to be in the middle of fuckerville. I visited two before I got to this one and it was all the same. Nothing left.” He shrugged after and took the bottle of water with thanks, placing it between his legs as he dug into his pockets for the pills he took. He brought out the container of Dextromethorphan and placed a pill on his tongue, before drowning it down with water.

The water felt so refreshing that he practically drank the entire bottle down in one gulp, his throat bobbing up and down as he swallowed its contents. It had been a while since he had clean water and not drunken from some stream or pond. He immediately went into another fit of coughs that thankfully was his last, as his throat cleared up and he felt he could breathe properly without restriction or irritation. “I’m fine, Jenna,” he replied to her question, feeling put off by the concern in her face, “you seem worse off than me.” He did take the dry fruit from her however, and ate it quietly as he listened to Jenna and Dax speak. The old man seemed to say nothing but then again undistracted drivers were in short supply these days. Sighing, he leaned back in his seat and got comfortable for the long ride, fingering the barrel of his empty rifle as it lay depleted between him and Jenna. He wondered if they had an ammo dump at their camp.

(Wilhem exits to Oxford Survivor Camp)
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