Name: Jenna Hurst (Jen, Jenny).
Location: Pharmacy.
Attire: White cami tank top, white cardigan, lowrise jean shorts, white and pink athletic sneakers.
Weapons: Aluminum baseball bat.
Date/Time: July 4, 2025.
Tagging: Wilhelm; open.
Running. That's all she seemed to be doing now was... running. And it hurt. It burned. It made her lungs want to seize up and stop working. Jenna's palm rested upon her chest as she continued her brisk pace along the streets, her mind swirling as the oxygen she so desperately needed just wouldn't come. Her other hand clutched tightly to the battered up baseball bat she'd been fortunate enough to find, the thing saving her life a time or two when she'd had no choice but to swing it at the heads of these horrific beasts that now roamed about, swarming everywhere, closing in upon the living. She gasped for air as her lungs tried to work, but she was out of albuterol, her inhaler completely caput. As it was, her inhaler was no longer cutting it anyway. She needed something more, something stronger. She needed flo-vent or maybe some other pill to help open up her constricting airways.
Jenna's cheeks burned as her thoughts darkened. She hated this, hated everything about it! Her blue eyes frantically scoured the streets for a sign of anything that could help--stores, a pharmacy, something! Suddenly, she caught sight of a pharmacy, the sign like a beacon of hope in the wastelands of a desert of ashen hell. She laughed inwardly at that thought. Everything had indeed gone to hell and she was standing in the middle of it. Gasping, wheezing, she pushed herself further.
Not much more to go and please let there not be any more of those things in there!
As Jenna reached the door to the pharmacy, she let all her weight fall against it, pressing her ear and face against it so as to listen for any sounds of trouble. She couldn't hear anything, but she knew that didn't necessarily mean anything. Biting down on her lower lip, she moved her one brush her blonde hair out of her face. Setting her jaw, still wheezing, she slowly opened the door. Immediately, she heard the sound of bells. Heart quickening, grip tightening on her bat, she braced herself for the worst, but inside she saw the place was riddled with lifeless undead. She half expected them to get up, to groan and howl, to ever pursue. But they didn't. Amidst the mess was a lone man, another survivor.
Licking her lips, her breaths short and raspy, Jenna gave him a cautious look. "Survivor?" she asked softly, gasping. "I'm Jenna. Need albuterol." As she stood there, she could feel her chest tightening even more. It frustrated her, made her angry. She wished she could stop the attack, make it go away. But, it wouldn't. She needed the medicine and the sooner, the better. "Please, help me." Shaking, her grip on her bat loosened and panic began to take over as she began to rummage through items, desperate to find what she needed to stop her asthma attack.