The Ties That Bind A Soul Eater (True Grave & ShyFoxie)

True Grave

Jun 30, 2010
Where The Fight Takes Me
Aaron Doherty stepped out of his house in San Diego and headed for his car, a blue sporty coup that always got him from point A to B in record time. There was a slight breeze that ruffled his light brown hair, and his dark brown eyes scanned the street for anything out of the ordinary. Seeing nothing unusual, he shrugged and got into his car. As he was on his way to his destination, he thought about the strange looks he would get if he told people what he really did during the day. People would hardly believe that he went to a school in the middle of Death Valley where the Grim Reaper himself was the principal. As his car left the road and skidded over sand, he saw the spire of the Death Weapon Meister Academy come over the horizon.

The DWMA, as it was often abbreviated, was a school for young men and women looking to become meisters, roughly what those in the States would call 'weapon masters'. Aaron had just graduated high school a few months ago, and had enrolled there on a whim. After some rigorous testing, which he passed thanks to his athletic body and keen wits, he was accepted into the school. All students who attended the school started out as level one meisters, and were given a weapon that could switch back-and-forth from human form to assist in combat. Aaron had yet to receive his weapon, and was supposed to meet with Death, his oddly goofy principal, to receive his before he went to his first class.

After parking his car, Aaron hustled into the building and found Death's rather luxurious office. A man in a white suit, one of his Death Scythes, was standing next to him. A Death Scythe was a weapon that had eaten 99 Kishin souls and one witch soul. Kishin were evil spirits and criminals alike who sought to gain power by eating human souls. The DWMA's job was to stamp out the Kishin and witchcraft wherever they found them. When a weapon became a Death Scythe, the Grim Reaper himself used it in combat, or it was gifted to an instructor or gifted student on occasion.

Any student that could turn his weapon into a Death Scythe went down in school history, and was always spoken of in a reverent tone. Aaron wanted such prestige and power, but he knew it would take much time and hard work to get there.
"Heya!" Death exclaimed in his jubilant tone of voice.
"Lord Death, I am here for my weapon."
"Of course. Right this way."

He almost giggled as death floated away, but a stern look from the Death Scythe made him straighten his face. As Death sat down at his desk, the door opened behind Aaron, causing him to turn around. His mouth almost dropped open at the beauty of the young woman before him. She had snow-white hair and beautiful eyes framed by a fair complexion, and that was just for starters. Her breasts were big and perfectly round, looking even bigger than they probably were due to her short height and small frame. Her frame was a perfect hourglass deliciously hugged by the threads of her outfit. Right then, he thanked the heavens that he had chose the DWMA over a regular university.

Death cleared his throat.
"This is Ms. Tsukino, a recent transfer from our Japanese branch. She had a hard time fitting in over there, so she came here to find a meister that could use her as a weapon."
"Really?" Aaron asked, but his voice trailed off into an appreciative tone.
His handsome face brightened into a charming smile as he caught her eye.
"My name is Aaron Doherty, and it's very nice to meet you."

Death turned to Tsukino.
"Please show him your weapon form. I need to know if you two are a good fit before you're both late for your first class."
Aaron turned to her and watched expectantly, wondering what such a heavenly young lady would become if she became a weapon.
Fuyoko was still a little jet lagged from the change in time from Japan to America. But she had managed a shower, and to get her long snow white locks brushed out, before dressing in her typical outfit she wore to school. She was anticipating the new year of school, and the new country for that matter. She felt it was a good thing that she had done well in her English language class the year before, being one of the best students. But being good in a class and actually being fluent were two different things. Fuyoko was still a bit nervous about not only the new school and country, but also the exciting new that they had found a possible meister for her. She had felt so left out in the DWMA Japan that she wondered if she would ever find someone that would be able to wield her. So because of the nervous butterflies in her stomach she decided to forgo a typical breakfast, instead just grabbing an apple on the way out the door of her dorm room.

She walked through the halls of the school on her way to the office of Lord Death, or as she referred to him Shinigami-sama. Fuyoko had wondered for the longest time, where Lord Death would go off too sometimes when he was absent from the DWMA in Death City. Now she knew that there were branches and schools all over the world. She straightened her skirt and shirt before the door to the office opened on its own. Now this was like an automatic sliding door this was, the door knob turning by it's self and then a long drawn out squeak from the hinges as it opened.

"Lord Death really should get that door greased or something... maybe he just likes his doors to sound creepy when they open.

When she came in she noticed the a young man standing next to Lord Deaths desk. There heals of her boots seemed to echo in the room as they clacked against the office floor. She heard Lord Death clear his throat, as she approached his desk and the young man.

"Is this the meister I've been told about?" she thought.

"This is Ms. Tsukino, a recent transfer from our Japanese branch. She had a hard time fitting in over there, so she came here to find a meister that could use her as a weapon."

As she finally made it to the desk, she bowed to Lord Death and then to the young man, that she assumed was to be her meister. She had to admit he was quite handsome, it made her smile internally a little. Not that she typically worried how someone looked, and worried more about their personality. It was nice to know that her partner would be easy on the eyes.

"My name is Aaron Doherty, and it's very nice to meet you."

"I am pleased to meet you as well Aaron, my name is Fuyoko Tsukino."

She gave a gentle smile back at the young man, and then turned her attention back to Lord Death, as he asked her to show Aaron her weapon form.

"Hai, Shinigami-sama", she reached out her hand to Aaron and gently took his hand in hers.

"Please don't feel awkward with me taking your hand like this, it will make it easier for me to transform.", after saying that she took in a deep breath.

There was a shimmer white light that swirled and morphed around Aaron's hand. After a few, spins around his hand, Fuyoko was no longer standing beside him, and there was a wrap of cloth around his right hand.

"Can you hear me speaking to you Aaron?"
Aaron felt his mouth go dry as she took his hand. She then shimmered in a bright light as she went into her weapon form.
She's Japanese, so it might be a sword, nunchaku, or maybe even a gun!
When she reappeared, she was cloth wrapped around his arm.
"Huh?" he couldn't help verbalizing.
He then heard her voice speaking in his head.

"Uh, yeah, I can hear you."
Just in case she didn't hear him, he repeated the message in his head through thoughts. He took a look at her and an idea came to him.
"Hey, this stuff looks just like fighter's tape that boxers and kickboxers use."
He had studied boxing and a few martial arts, so he knew many tools of the trade. After wrapping the weapon tighter around his fist, he took a few practice punches with it.

"Hey, it feels great!"
Do you think you can use her as your weapon?" Death asked him.
"Absolutely! I bet I'll pack one hell of a punch with Fuyoko on my arm!"
"Splendid! You two run along now and get to class."

After Fuyoko reverted back to human form, Aaron opened the door for her and followed her out.
"Good thing I thought of the hand-wrapping thing, huh?" he asked as they headed down the hall.
Aaron knew that once he was experienced enough, he would be heading out on combat missions for the DWMA. In order to be ready for that, and in light of his chosen fighting style, he would need to find a gym either inside the school or close to it so that he could put on some muscle. He looked at Fuyoko out of the corner of his eye and couldn't get over how beautiful she was. The two then stepped into the classroom and took their seats, waiting for a teacher to appear and begin the class.

Back in his office, Death turned to his Death Scythe, who was named Shiro.
"What do you think of those two, Shiro?"
The Death Scythe pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"Fuyoko Tsukino was an excellent student at the main school, and I have no concerns for her. Aaron Doherty passed his physical and mental exams with flying colors, but it remains to be seen just how effective an operative he will be in the long run."
Death folded his abnormally sized hands together, considering what his Death Scythe had said and coupling it with information he already knew in an unusually contemplative moment.
After she reverted to her human form she had a big smile on her face. It was the first time a meister had complimented her when she went into her weapon form. In the past when this test of compatibility was made, the meister would look at their wrapped up hand give an awkward look and ask, "What do I do with this?", but it seemed actually excited when he saw her. And the fact that he was obviously into the hand to hand fighting that she could help him with was the best news she had in a long time since she had come to the DWMA when she was younger.

It was like she couldn't stop grinning just before they left Lord Deaths office she turned and bowed respectfully to him.

"Arigato, Shinigami-sama", and with that she turned to follow Aaron to class.

As they started down the hallway Fuyoko was amazed at how similar the set up to the American DWMA was to the Japan branch. However she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Aaron say something about him thinking of the hand wrap thing. She didn't know what he meant by that, she had always turned into a hand wrap. She just had never been able to find a meister that would accept a weapon as simple as that.

What they didn't know is that she had the ability to give them immense strength that could destroy something with a single punch. But they didn't have the patience or understanding to go through with much more than the introduction, moving on to weapons with blades or bullets. But as they were in class now she sat down to pay attention to the teacher, not noticing Aaron's side glances.
Aaron chuckled at Fuyoko, since she did not seem to understand his reference to the hand-wrap. He put it together that most Japanese martial arts did not feature fighter's tape, so she might not have understood its role in combat. It was most prevalent in American boxing and Muay Thai, where Thai boxers occasionally wrapped their hands with rope instead of cloth for a deadlier punch. Aaron was a huge martial arts enthusiast, so his knowledge of unarmed combat was extensive, even if he could not actually perform all of the moves that he had seen. Maybe with enough training at the DWMA, he could become a badass martial arts grandmaster. His thoughts of combat mastery subsided as his instructor entered the room.

The main was of medium build and average height, standing at an average height of 6'2". His hair was gunmetal grey and wispy, settling lightly on his head. He wore a pristine black suit and had shoes so well-polished that they gleamed in the light. His eyes were solid black and had a hardness to them, but this was belied by the soft features of his face and the easy smile that curved his lips. His movement was natural and fluid, indicative of a natural athlete. Even though he didn't stand out, Aaron could tell that this guy was fit and could probably dish out some damage if he had to.

Clearing his throat, their instructor then spoke in a soft voice that seemed to reverberate all the way around the room, so that even those in the highest row could hear him quite clearly.
"My name is Professor Amadeus Sigfried, and I will be your home room instructor. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you."
After picking up a stack of papers on his desk, he flung them out to each of his students with the expert speed and aim of a master card cutter. Each paper landed right side up with the relevant information being displayed as if the students themselves had set the paper there. It had not even been five minutes into the class, and Aaron was already awed by his professor!

"Read over the rules and make sure you understand them before we continue."
As instructed, Aaron read over the sheet. It was a basic syllabus of what the class would cover and what they would be expected to do. It also listed things that were not allowed in the class, and what the punishments would be if the rules were broken. After he had read the rules, he waited to see what would happen next. In the next moment, his eyes were glued to his professor for a whole different reason.

A tick seemed to happen in Professor Sigfried, with his head cricking over to his shoulder. In a flash, his whole features began to change. The look in his eyes became crazy, and his soft features became pointed and unpleasant. A fearful murmur went up amongst the students, and Aaron took Fuyoko's hand, ready to use her as a weapon if the situation became too dangerous. After the sudden and strange transformation, the professor spoke again, this time in a horrible, high-pitched voice laced heavily with insanity.
"Any questions about the rules?!"

The students quickly shook their heads, still puzzled by what was going on. The professor opened his mouthy and his tongue came lolling out.
"If you break any of my rules, I will break you! Are we clear?!"
The students quickly nodded. The professor seemed satisfied, and the strange transformation that had made him seem like a monster seemed to undo, making him look like himself again.

The professor smiled a friendly grin.
"Now that we all understand the rules," he said in his regular voice, "let's begin the lesson."
He turned and began writing some words on the board. They read, "A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body". Aaron recognized it as the school's official motto, though he was starting to wonder about the 'sound mind' part in the case of Professor Sigfried. He let of Fuyoka's hand and stared at the board, waiting for the next segment of this bizarre class.
Fuyoko smiled when Aaron laughed a her a bit, she got the sense that he might have been teasing her. Despite the fact she was Japanese and turned into a weapon based on hand to hand combat. She really didn't know much about martial arts or fighting. Before she went into the DWMA, on the behest of her father, who was also a former student, and a meister, she had been trained in things of more of artistic, then combative. She had spent from the age of four to thirteen learning and playing violin. Her mother who was neither a weapon or a meister, insisted that her daughter learn an instrument. For the most part, Fuyoko had spent most of her life, following the whims of her parents, that is until she left to come to America.

They had demanded that she stay in Japan and continue waiting till a suitable meister was found for her. But with a possible already found in America she didn't see why she should stay, if she truly wanted to become a great weapon and possibly a Death Scythe shouldn't she do whatever it takes. They weren't happy in fact they were still quite furious when she left, but they couldn't stop her.

Fuyoko looked up as the instructor entered the class finally, by all appearances he reminded her of Professor Stein back home. The silver gray hair, all he was missing was glasses, a lab coat, and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Well that and a body covered in stitches from years of self experimentation and dissections. She listened as he introduced himself as Professor Sigfried and passed out his class agenda for the year. Things seemed somewhat mundane until it was like someone flipped a switch in the teacher.

Her eyes grew wide, and Aaron took her hand she sensed his fear, but having spent several years in Professor Stein's class it was very familiar for her to see a crazed look in her teachers eyes, and a change in his demeanor. So she wasn't to uneasy about it. As Professor Sigfried went on about how the rules must be followed or unpleasant thing would happen, she looked over at Aaron and squeezed his hand trying to reassure him that despite this they were safe. Just as she did that, the teacher's demeanor changed back again and he went about writing things on the board. Fuyoko sighed with relief, as Aaron's hand left hers she had a bit of a feeling of sadness. The lesson went along, that was until a pair of students a few desks down start whispering back and forth.

There was a twitch from Professor Sigfried again, and he craned his neck around to look at the ones disturbing his class. Fuyoku wondered how he could manage to turn his head like that without it being very uncomfortable.

"Whisper, whisper, whisper..." Sigfried said in the mad tone of voice from before.

In a split second he started to make a run for the students, then leapt up to then on the second level of the desks. He crouched down, and then leaned into the the pairs faces. His head doing an odd turn to the right, slightly popping his neck.

"What pray tell is sooooo important that you have to whisper among yourselves in my class. Hmmmmm?", a crazed smile spread across his face as he reached out to one of them.

Taking their face in his right hand, he started to squeeze the boys cheeks together, making him purse his lips. The guys eyes were wide with fear as he looked Professor Sigfried directly in the eyes, their face just inches from one another. Fuyoko was sure that the kid felt the professors breath on his face.

"I hope... that you're done... cause I'm going to have some important things you need to know, so you can pass your classes this year. And if you don't.... hehehehehehe!" he laughed maniacally.

The pair that had been talking before vigorously nodded their heads.

"Goooood, gooooood...", the professor let go of the guys face, then hopped back down to the chalk board. When he turned back to the chalk board his voice calmed again, and he acted as though nothing had just happened. All the students in the class barely breathed for the rest of the lesson.
Aaron turned to Fuyoko as she squeezed his hand to reassure him and shook his head. He had not grabbed her hand out of fear, he had grabbed it so that she could become his weapon if he needed to defend the class. Back in Lord Death's office, she had said that it was easier for her to transform if they were holding hands. Aaron did not fear Professor Sigfried and his craziness, though he had been taken aback by it. Years of martial arts training had taught him to respond to threats instinctively, without thinking. However, the Professor did not seem violent, just a little...unhinged.

He relaxed as the professor began writing things on the board. However, when he heard some students whispering, he knew that there would be trouble. The professor turned around, the crazy look in his eye again. He then suddenly vaulted onto the second level of the desks and grabbed the face of another male student. Aaron was just about to go after the professor, when he saw the man relinquish his grip and return to his spot near the board. Aaron sat back down, watching him intently and trying to absorb from the lesson what he could.

Professor Sigfried explained what a soul was, and the difference between a normal human soul and the soul of a Kishin. A normal human soul was white, and a Kishin soul was purple. Meisters and weapons had a different color themselves, ranging in the color spectrum depending on their personality. This was entirely normal due to their intense training with soul energy. However, if anyone, meister or otherwise, ate a human soul for any reason, they would instantly become a Kishin, a creature possessed of madness that would not stop hunting for more until they were destroyed. He explained that Kishin were too powerful and dangerous for normal humans to take on, so that was where the role of the DWMA came into play.

Several questions were asked, and the students did not even have to raise their hands as long as they did not speak out of turn. Any that did got the crazy eye, and they got the point.
"Now, let us turn our attention to witches."
Professor Sigfried explained that witches were magic users who tapped into the madness of the Kishin in order to boost their own powers. The witches were their own society with rules to govern themselves, and had an uneasy alliance with Lord Death. Any who strayed from the teachings of the witches and would not be brought around were put forward as offerings to the DWMA, so that their souls could be eaten by weapons to become Death Scythes.

"Now, then..."
Professor Sigfried took out several books and passed them around in the same manner as the papers.
"Your assignment for tonight is to read the first two chapters of this book on the varieties of Kishin and witches. I would bone up on it as much as you can before your Combat class this evening."
A mournful sound like the tolling of church bells echoed through the halls.
"Class dismissed," he said with a friendly smile.

Aaron watched as the students practically stormed out of the class, eager to get away from Professor Sigfried. He then turned to Fuyoko.
"You have a dorm on campus, right? Let's head there and do some studying. Afterwards, let's find a gym."
He got up and left the room, waiting outside for his weapon to join him.
Fuyoku listened intently, even though she had heard most of this sort of thing already in her classes in Japan. She was glad that there were no other disturbances in the class and no more crazed outbursts from the professor.

When the bells tolled signalling the end of the class she was up and standing, after picking up her book from the desk she turned to Aaron when he asked her about her dorm room.

"Yes, I have a dorm room and... sure lets go study." she didn't know if it was against the rules or not him to come to the dorms.

Back in Japan most weapons and mesiters were assigned a small apartment that the pair would share. Close proximity between partners was essential, to create a connection between their souls, strengthening their soul resonance. She assumed that in the near future they would be assigned a place to live together, but for now she didn't see a problem with him going to her room.

"So... I've been meaning to ask, what made you join the DWMA?" she asked as they walked along the hallways and corridors on their way to her room.
Aaron walked with her down the hallway, looking at the interesting candle holders and torches that lit the hallway. It was different seeing a modern school being lit by medieval technology. He turned to Fuyoko as she asked her question.
"It was kind of a process of elimination. My grades were good in high school, but if I was going to go straight into college, I wanted it to be a good school. I shopped around a bit and ran across the DWMA, which had opened right here in Death Valley."

He chuckled a bit.
"I have to admit that the first thing that drew my attention was the name. You just don't see very many schools with 'Death' or 'Weapon' in the title when they are of the academic variety. I inquired about it and was welcomed to take their entrance examination. After I passed it with a top score, Lord Death gave me a run-down of what they did here, and when he told me I would be fighting witches and soul eaters, I thought it was all pretty crazy. But then I realized that I could continue my martial arts training while also doing a valuable service for humanity, so there was no way that I could pass up something so closely tied to my personal beliefs."

They arrived at Fuyoka's dorm, and he waited patiently while she unlocked the door. When they were inside, he briefly admired the Asian ambiance before plopping down on the bed.
"Since we're on the subject, why did you join the DWMA? Something to do with family tradition, right?"
Aaron had a pretty good working knowledge of Japanese culture thanks to his martial arts training and consumption of Japanese-made media. He took his book in his hands, but waited for Fuyoka's explanation before he began studying.
She listened intently to Aaron as she took of her boots and he told how he came to the DWMA. Fuyoko was surprised that Lord Death had advertised the school, in Japan few knew of it outside of Death City the common folk really had no idea of it's existence. But she assumed things were different in America.

Her room was small, there were pictures from home on a wooden dresser. A simple bed, a small bookshelf almost over flowing with books of all shapes and sizes. But most notably was a small stuffed Lord Death plush doll sitting on the made bed by her pillow.

When he asked Fuyoko why she came to the academy, and his assumption on a family tradition, she nodded.

"Yeah, it's a little like that I guess. You see I grew up in Death City, so the DWMA, is the school basically. But it was kind of a tradition too, my father is a retired meister. My mother is actually neither a weapon or a mesiter, but she grew up in Death City as well. Most young people that live there, if their able to are expected to go there. I mean we have regular grade schools and stuff like that. But, I've been in the DWMA since I was fourteen, it's just different then it his here in America."

She sat on the bed next to him, turning her back to the head board of the bed. Fuyoko pulled her legs up into the bed, crossing them in front of her, then resting their text book in her lap.
Aaron nodded as she explained her close ties to the main, Japanese branch of the school.
"Yeah, we come from two different cultures, that's for sure."
The two then studied their textbooks quietly for awhile. Aaron had just finished the first chapter on the varieties of minor Kishin when he heard a knock at the door.
"I'll get it," he told Fuyoko as he set his book down and got off of the bed.
He opened the door to find three people standing there, one male flanked by two females.

The male was Hispanic-looking with medium skin-tone, a not uncommon sight in California.
"Are you Aaron Doherty?" He asked, his voice bearing a faint Mexican accent.
"I am, and who are you?"
"My name is Eddie Deguerro, and these are my weapons, Olive and Annie Granger."
When he said the name of each girl, he gestured to her with one of his hands.

The women were classic California girls, beautiful blonde hair with great figures and large breasts. Unlike many women, they wore no make-up and still managed to look beautiful. Aaron felt weak in the knees, but managed to keep his attention on Eddie and the purpose of his visit.
"Is there a reason for the visit, Eddie?"
"I wanted to meet the man who scored the best on the physical and mental scores of all the American applicants to the DWMA. I figured that I would get the best scores in the physical category."

Aaron could see that Eddie was built with layers of smooth muscle. His legs bulged out with muscle, indicating that he was some kind of leg striker. Aaron recognized him as a fellow martial artist.
"You do Muay Thai?" he asked casually.
"You're very observant. I have a black sash in Muay Thai and a black belt in American Kickboxing."

Aaron whistled appreciatively. He himself had a black belt in Okinawan Karate and was an expert boxer, so he could appreciate the dedication to the fighting arts that Eddie possessed.
"You're upset that I beat your score, right?"
"A little, but most of me is happy to find some serious competition here. What say we see who the better martial artist is?"
"Are you challenging me to a sparring match, or a fight?"

"Neither. I want to see which one of us can collect more Kishin souls. The one who makes their weapon a Death Scythe first wins not only the contest but a place in history. This is the American DWMA's first year, so the first student to do it will be a real legend."
"Sounds fun. I wish you the best."

"I've got no problem with keeping it friendly. Just remember that I've got two weapons to your one. I can give Lord Death two Death Scythes."
"That's only if you can get them to one, and if you can do it before I can."
Eddie smirked, but the two ultimately shook hands to seal their friendly rivalry. As Eddie and the Granger sisters began walking down the hall, Aaron closed the door and went back into Fuyoko's dorm.

"It seems we are not the only ambitious meisters around here."
He picked up his book and began to read the chapter on witches. They would ultimately prove to be a more challenging fight than most Kishin. They had palpable magic, and many had more than one defender willing to cover their escape, be it through slavery to magic or otherwise. Aaron turned the pages until he learned most of what the chapter said on witches. He set the book down and waited for Fuyoko to be done with her reading before he suggested their next course of action.
They were pretty quiet for a while as they sat there reading their textbooks. Even though most of what she was reading was review for her, she couldn't help but to periodically glance up at Aaron. She was surprised that he was actually studying and not goofing off, or complaining he was bored. Not at all what she expected from a typical American male.

Just like, many Americans who expect certain stereotypical behavior from an Asian person. An Asian person expects some stereotypes from an American, most concerning them being, fat lazy people. But Aaron had broke through that clouded expectation when she first met him. His physique was well kept, and now she knew that he was a fighter. Now he was breaking through another barrier, she had assumed when he said lets go study. That he would just, sit around her room poking around at her stuff trying to do anything but study. This impressed her, and she felt a bit guilty for her expectations of his personality before.

They were sitting there for a while, when a knock was heard at the door. She was about to get up and answer it, when Aaron offered. She smiled, his manners impressing her. She watched the verbal exchange between him and the other guy from her spot on the bed. At first Fuyoko thought some sort of fight might break out. But it turned out to be a friendly wager, and equal respect given by both young men. Needless to say, Fuyoko was impressed. She smiled, waived at the two girls who came, with the other guy that had called himself Eddie, but was met with sarcastic smirks and rolled eyes. She didn't know quite what to think about that and after Aaron closed the door and sat back down on the bed, Fuyoko closed her book and sighed.

"I don't think those girls liked me", she said feeling a bit awkward.

It had been, a common occurrence here at the American DWMA, it seemed like most of the girls had a jealous streak, and often made a point to look down their noses at Fuyoko. She didn't know what it was, she had never said or done anything that would make someone not like her. Most of the times she was just quiet and kept to herself.
Aaron looked at Fuyoko, listening as she voiced that the Granger sisters had not seemed to like her. He had not noticed, but that was because he was engrossed in his conversation with Eddie and trying not to ogle them. After all, his weapon was just as beautiful and perfect as they were, if not better, so there was no need to look too far to study a perfect female in action. Her concern about it made him remember high school, where the popular girls often picked on the nerdy girls. Perhaps the Granger sisters were also jealous of how beautiful Fuyoko was, finding unexpected competition themselves. This was the DWMA, though, and that brought up a whole new possibility.

"Perhaps they're not sure what to feel about you," Aaron suggested, "I mean, you are the weapon of their meister's rival. Maybe they feel that by being nice to you, they're being disloyal to him. Weapon-meister pairs are supposed to be very close to each other, and that may be what happened there."
Aaron scooted closer to her, thinking that over time, the three girls might become good friends. He took her hand and looked deeply into her eyes.
"In the meantime, don't worry about them, because I think you're amazing."

Aaron gave her a quick hug and then backed off to give her space.
"Since my studying's done, I'd like to go find a gym and pump some iron before class. If there is not one at the academy, there should be one in a town close by."
He approached the window and saw that they were doing some construction outside, though he was not sure why.
"Are you ready to go?" he asked politely.
She smiled at his gentleness, a slight tinge of pink crossing her cheeks when he told her he thought she was amazing, it definitely lifted her spirits and made her feel better.

"Thank you... Aaron."

Fuyoko, closed her text book and set on the table next to the bed. He was right to want to go and get some physical training in before they were to attend their next class. This was one Fuyoko was anticipating, because she had never had a partner she had never been able to participate in it before.

"Hmmm... a gym, I'm pretty sure there is one in the school somewhere, but I'm afraid I've never been to it before. So I wouldn't have the foggiest idea where it might be. But I might know someone who might." she stood up from the bed.

Walking over to where she had set her boots aside before, she bent over to put them on not really thinking about the fact that Aaron was in the room. Carefully she slipped each boot on, then stood up and adjusted her skirt slightly.

Turning around and smiling at him, "Come on, I'll take you to meet someone."

(sorry its so short, just didn't know what to do next, than to do this and be able to do something else in my next post.)
(It's okay.)

"You're welcome," he replied to Fuyoko.
Aaron nodded as she said that she knew where someone who could find a gym might be.
"That would be good, since this is my first day here, and I don't know my way around very well."
She then invited him to go and meet someone, and he smiled.
When she bent over to put her boots on, he turned his head, but not before he had seen a glint of pink underwear. When she was ready, he opened the door for her and they walked side-by-side as she led him to whoever she was going to introduce him to.

Aaron was definitely excited to hit the gym. He always did his best thinking when he was training, and he definitely wanted to put on some muscle. If he was going to stay ahead in his rivalry with Eddie, he would have to work hard. The thought of Fuyoko being with him int he gym also made him smile, as he looked forward to showing off his strength and maybe seeing her look sexy in some workout gear. He had definitely scored points with her, and he was glad they were hitting it off. The better their relationship, the stronger they would be together and as a team.
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