Never Alone In The Walking Dead [Closed for now]

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Nov 15, 2013
"It's going to explode!"

There was no warning when the outbreak which brought the dead back to life hit. It started out like any other day with people going to work, or to school. They had no idea that this day would be for many their last day on Earth. As the living that is. The outbreak which created what would be called 'Walkers' had no clear starting point. It was everywhere. The recently deceased suddenly rose and began attacking the living. Feeding on their warm flesh and creating more walkers. Those who weren't ripped apart by the attacking zombies, were themselves turned into blood thirsty ghouls. A person could bleed out in just minutes and become a walker in a matter of seconds. However, there were some who survived with just a bite wound. But in time they would die from the infection and become a zombie. There was no antibiotic that could stop this infection. Most people died within hours of being bitten. Doctor's were powerless to help those in dire need. Hospitals all over the nation became swamped with the injured who soon turned into monsters. It didn't take long for society as we know it to breakdown. With in days everything was pure chaos. People began looking out for themselves when it was clear that the Government wasn't coming to save them. Nothing had been heard from Washington D.C. since the emergency broadcast system was activated. Sure there were local rescue stations which had been set up. But those places were over taken by the advancing hordes of walkers. Those rescue stations became death traps for those seeking help. For those who were still alive, they had to now fight to survive.

Within minutes things were suddenly gone: the computers, favorite television shows and mindless texting. Now all that people thought about was how to live from day to day and stay alive. Gathering food & water while keep away from the walkers. The walkers were easily beaten one on one. A shot to their heads, or a sharp blow would put them down for good. The one thing that those who survived learned was that walkers could only be killed by destroying the brain.

Slowly as she opened her eyes and went back to reality, everything still felt the good old days. Waking up 5:00 in morning was quite surprising for Jessie when looked over to side and gazed over her digital clock. Usually she would wake up little later but it looked like something kept her back and awake from reaching that time. As she sat there for minutes, waiting for dad to appear in front her bedroom or come back from work, she gazed back over to her digital clock and noticed it was still staying at 5. Was it even a few minutes? Lousily pressing her hands firmly against the sheets of her bed and swinging her legs over to the floor beneath her, she got up and tip toe towards her bedroom door. Turning the knob of it and pulling back towards her, she opened the door and stepped through it before lightly tip toeing to the living room.

It was quiet. Too quiet. As she approached the living room and realized the tv was left on and guessed all last night. She soon went in front of it and listened. Even though the tv volume was at a low terms Jessie was still able to hear it and listened what was going on. "Breaking News: The World is Falling to a End! There is no time to explain! The World is Falling to End. GET TO SHELTER AND HIDE. PROTECT ALL THE CHILDREEN" And with that, a little video at the side showed what was happening outside in Atlanta. Large fires burning down cars, People and kids running away (which was unclear why), and loud moaning sounds coming behind the background as for a few cries. Cars moving in fast paces as they knocked over people, honking their horns them to get pass. This was not a ordinary game. Suddenly, in video, shown a moan dropped down to the ground and bitten alive from whatever was on top of him. He of course cried. And suddenly, the video blacked out along with the tv....Could it be the power knocked down? Jessie began to panic.

Until there was a large crash.

This is the world we live in and this is where our story begins.......
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

The day was only beginning. Victor was still asleep in his apartment. At exactly five o' clock AM, his alarm clock set off, letting out a loud repetitive beeping sound. Then, he twisted his body over to the loud bells and turned off the clock. "What the hell... why did I set my clock to..." He looked at the alarm clock and focused his eyes at the time.


Then suddenly, a burst of memory impacts Victor's head, making him remember why he had set his alarm clock to five o' clock. He was meant to go to work early, and it was for a remainder for getting dressed in fine clothing so that he could have an anniversary party later on. "Oh shit, I need to get ready for work!" He rushes over to his closet and looks for a dress shirt and dress pants that go well with each other. Soon after that, he places on a black vest and takes a blazer off the racks.

Then, he heard a large crash. Victor went over to his window to look outside. He was shocked at what he saw.

(Sorry, I don't know what the crash is, so I just need details, is all. :p)
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

Jessie was about to check the nearest window when she heard the loud crash, but something stopped when she heard a loud bang. In a instant, she quickly spun the head around and noticed it was her dad who came through the backyard door! And he was certainly out of breathe with sweat dripping down his face. But why? Jessie was really concerned was out there. She quickly ran up to her father, hugging him to death. "Daddy! What's going on?!" She panicked, tears beginning to form in her eyes. Her eyes showing fear. Suddenly, without an answer from her a father, a loud crash soon crashed in their house and made a loud moan. "Ah!" Jessie screamed, creeping behind her father as he quickly positioned himself in a attack mode with his shotgun directly pointing at the thing who really looked messed up. "Daddy, what-what is that?" And without another respond from her frightening father, he soon pulled the trigger and managed to shot the zombie in the head, killing it. It suddenly dropped to the ground. Jessie gasped.

Her spun then quickly around, grabbing his firm hand on her delicate skin. "Baby girl, I don't have time to explain but we need to leave. We aren't safe here." He whispered as he guided her up the stairs and towards her room. "Anyway, quickly! Pack some stuff, grab a weapon, and meet back here" And with that clearly stated Jessie quickly went to her room, packed her things, her phone, grabbed a few weapons from the closet, and met her father back in the hallway, who was waiting. "Got everything?" Jessie nodded. "Good. Let's get out of here. - Your uncle would be here any minute with the car-" Jessie raised an eyebrow, a more serious one. She had to argued. She had so much questions to ask. "Daddy, what's the fuck is going on?!"
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

And then, he heard the faint sound of a gunshot. "Holy shit!" Victor yelled, as he ducked under his window, making sure he wasn't being shot at. He slowly peeked his head over the window, and saw that the street was filled with people, running around among a panic, killing each other. But then, he noticed that some of those people were eating each other. "What the fuck...!" Victor went back to staying calm, and looked around his room for anything that could be used as a weapon. Lying against the wall was a baseball bat, and a flashlight was on a cabinet beside it. "Perfect."

Meanwhile, outside, the horde of walkers were closing in Victor's apartment complex, slowly filling in all the tight spots. He was running out of time.

Victor quickly ran back to the window and looked outside. The mob of walkers were slow, and they were about to reach his apartment. He runs to his front door and exits the apartment, escaping the death trap early. Then, he reaches the parking lot and looks at his car. "Oh, shit! I forgot my keys!" Only then he realized he forgot his keys, his apartment was blocked by the horde of walkers. He couldn't escape on foot.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

Jessie gleamed back at her father when she noticed that facial expression when she cursed at the last sentence. Even though she might be a "little" young to be cursing, she was still able to curse. Jessie however knew that reaction and look. She knew he wanted to argued for that comment, but he knew there wasn't time to argue. With a small small sigh parting for his lips and his mouth slowly opening to answer, a sudden honk of the horn quickly stopped him and gasped. Jessie eyes lighten up. Uncle was here! "You're uncle is here, let's go!" He whispered, holding his gun close to his side and quickly running down the stairs, but keeping a close eye on Jessie - in case something happened. But Jessie was for sure was keeping low from being seen while she followed her father, who leaded the way, to the front of the house. "Come on. We don't have much time!"

Once they both reached to the Uncle's car, Jessie hopped in the backseat while her father sat at the front seat. They were soon off then. Wasting no time. "Daddy, please answer me, what's going on?' She questioned her father with a desperate voice.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

By now, Victor was starting to panic. He was standing in the middle of the street, frantically looking around for a car to pass by and pick him up. "Oh god, what do I do...?" He grips onto his baseball bat and protects himself from the few zombies that were going for him. Luckily, there were only two of them, and the one on the left had no arms. As they were getting closer and closer, Victor struck the one with no arms to take him out by hitting him on the head with the baseball bat. WHACK! Off goes the head, as it flies over a picket fence. The other walker was getting more close, until Victor swung his bat across the face like the other. This time, however, the head did not fly off, but it was severely smashed. The walker falls to its knees, and Victor stomps on its face on impulse.

"Holy shit..." He said, out of breath. That's when he heard the sound of a nearby car.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

"Baby girl, to tell the truth, I have honestly have no idea," He finally answers, out of breathe. "But all that I know of and can inform you, is that were being under attack by the living dead zombies. Which means we need find food, shelter, - and most importantly stay alive" He then looked back at her with a serious look. Jessie didn't move, she just starred with a shocking face. Minute later, Jessie soon heard her uncle's voice bump in. "...or...we could go to safe zone, which is unknown...The News reporters haven't given out specific details, nor about the government." Jessie's uncle was a member and part of the military, he worked at the military for over 10 years but was sadly retired after his recent incident there. When her uncle was in war with some country, that Jessie that had no clue, she heard news he was shot in leg and was badly wounded; he couldn't walk until after a year later. It was sad news. "'re telling me were being attacked by dead living things? - Doesn't that happened in video games?" Her father shook her head. "Not this time, baby..." Suddenly, with her eyes glancing up to the front of the road, Jessie screamed. "Look out!"

With the quick halt of the brakes, Jessie knew her Uncle was passing over the limit speed and knew he wasn't paying attention anything at all. Just his family and safety. Now that the car was stopped and finally braked in front Victor, only a few inches away from him, Jessie looked around the car and knew they didn't have much time. She quickly starred back him. Why was he standing in the middle of road with a bat? "No...I don't got fucking time for this. Get out of the fucking road!" Jessie's father yelled. And her uncle now coming along with a loud honk, who was beginning to attract the zombies. Jessie looked around again, panicking. "Ah! There coming! Let him come!" Another honk soon blew out the car. And they continued to ignore her...or did they.."Sonny, you want to live, or stand there to die. I can happily run you over..."

RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

"Thank you!" Victor cried out, as he quickly rushed to the side of the car, opened the door, and sat next to Jessie. He was covered in blood, wearing a white dress shirt and a black vest with black dress pants. He gave out a sigh of relief. Apparently, he looked like he just killed a bunch of walkers. (By the way, in the Walking Dead universe, the people have know idea what zombies are, and they aren't even called zombies. They're called other things, like Biters, Walkers, Ghouls, Roamers, etc.) "I owe you big time, sir. If there's anything you need, I've got it covered." He looked around, and assumed that the people in the car were a family. Outside of the car, there was mass panic, all around, streets were blocked off by crashed cars and barricades. Stores all around were empty or ransacked. The apocalypse was here.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

(It's stated in my very first post...but thanks for the reminder.)

It wasn't no doubt to Bill's eyes when he soon realized the world was going to complete chaos. Bill watched as people panicked in the middle of streets and watched them as they jumped over cars. He watched them as they escaped from the walkers themselves and basically watched while they traveled on foot. But he knew he couldn't save all of them like after saving that back there. A sigh soon parted from his lips, fear beginning to overwhelm him. "Yeah, yeah. Don't mention about it.." Bill mumbled underneath his breathe once the car's gas pedal was pressed and began to run down the road. In the meantime, Jessie now felt much calmed when she noticed the guy was in the car and safe with them-but the only question she had in mind was: Why was he wearing those type of clothing? Didn't be knew something was happening? She had to eventually question him. "Uh, excuse me...Why are you wearing that?" Her eyes roamed down his decent clothing while a hand passed over to her hair and began to stroke it. Though, for her, she worn a nice pair or jean shorts and a white tank top; but she basically for herself wasn't completely aware of the issue as well.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

A question like that caught Victor off guard. He looked over to Jessie and raised his eyebrow. "There is panic all around, and you're asking me why I am wearing this- actually, never mind. I guess it won't hurt. I am wearing this for an anniversary party at work. Well, at least I was going to one, until all this shit happened." he explained. He looked out the window again, and it seemed that they were almost out of the city. The car was obviously stained with some blood from the occurring events that they passed by, but it was still functional enough to drive for at least 5 hours worth. Victor looked back at Jessie and then at the two in the front of the car. "I'm... Victor... Kato." he introduced himself.

By now, the sun was almost all the way up, and the clock in front of the car read:

RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

Jessie listened to Victor as he explained his reasoning-to why he was wearing those type of clothing. Once it was clear and straight up to the point Jessie soon mouthed into lip "O" impression and slowly nodded her head then. She looked away afterwards. "Sorry I even asked..." She commented a minute later after the quick explanation, and went back to silence. Jessie didn't turned her head back to Victor's direction when she heard him announced himself. She instead nodded her head again; but her family member seemed to be interested and of course responded. "Bill." "Rob..Bill's brother." And it was her turn... She swallowed hard, "Jessie."
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

"I cannot thank you enough for saving me, Bill, Rob, and Jessie." he stressed. He placed his baseball bat under his seat, and sat back, relaxing his shoulders as the car was long gone from the city. Currently, they were on the freeway, as there were also many cars there blocking the way. It would take an hour to navigate the whole ordeal, but less time on foot. Of course, the best and safe way was to stay in the car. Until some complications arose. The entire freeway had been occupied with walkers, all spread out. The forest was beside the freeways, and they looked intimidating enough to convince anyone NOT to enter. "Oh shit, which way do we go? The entire freeway is blocked!" Stating the obvious, there was no way they could go back into the city, and the only way forward was through the freeway itself. Victor looked around, with his shoulders all tense again, as he took his baseball bat from under his seat and placed it on his lap just in case.

The walkers were roaming around, aimlessly looking for survivors. The clock hit:

RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

The ride certainly felt like hours, and the hours felt like grueling days of driving. Jessie felt like she was sooner or later going to pass out any minute from the aching stress she was going through. There was plenty of things overwhelming her that could be easily be passed out, for example. This sudden chaos with walkers and people....- Just somehow Jessie couldn't understand it. It just didn't make any sense...AT ALL. All Jessie could remember was waking up, as if it was a normal day, and suddenly hearing a loud crash, that could come from anywehere. Then the black out? What? It definitely didn't make any sense.

As Jessie continued to stare at the window, her eyes soon grew wide when she realize they were in the middle of no where. She realized they were in the entrance of a block freeway, and there was no way they could get through...Unless you have to walk on feet and walk through, which might take hours. But we all know Jessie wasn't going to do that. She found it dangerous. Though, on other note, id her uncle knew where he was going, or was her currently lost? Jessie then leaned over the driver's seat and gently tapped her uncle's shoulder. "Uncle Rob, where are we going?" Her father then looked over at his brother with the same questionable look.

Jessie soon heard her uncle gulped. Uh oh. Not good. "What's wrong? Are you trying to say we can't get through" She questioned him. Rob shook his head. "I'm not saying we can't get through - we can actually...but I'm afraid we have to walk on foot. There's way to much chaos on this freeway..And i don't think the car can take us through.... Shit.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

"I knew it would come to this." Victor mumbled. He gripped onto his baseball bat and looked outside the car. Then, he opened his door and got out of the car to survey his surroundings. Right now, there were no walkers in sight, but it was just the four of them in the middle of the freeway in the desert. The food supply was low, and water was on shortage. The car was almost out of gas, and it was about to burn out. The best way to progress was on foot, but that would be risky. Traveling in numbers could increase their chances of survival. "All right, we have to stick together. We have a better chance that way."

The freeway was blocked by a multitude of cars, most of them empty, and some of them still have supplies still intact. "Yo, let's loot these cars. We look like we're low on food and water. Best to find some backpacks while you're at it." Little did the rest of the group know, Victor used to have some survival skills.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

"Then...I guess we should head out the car now?" Jessie questioned, already grabbing her belongings from the back of the trunk and opening the car door then. Her father and uncle nodded their head in agreement and opened their car door as well. Jessie soon hopped out the car and closed the door behind her, resting her bag over her shoulder before both of her uncle and father could ever head out the car themselves. "Well..I guess I won't be needing theses.." Rob stated as he jingle his own car keys, and having second thoughts to throw them across the freeway, down to the bottom of the bridge since it won't be helpful for this journey. Jessie then turns around and stops in her uncle in time before he could ever do something stupid, that can actually be helpful one of these days. "No, Uncle Rob, don't. Maybe it can be handy..." She pointed out. And without any further reply from her uncle, she watches him as he shoves the keys inside his pocket and nods.

They soon turned towards Victor. Jessie however shook her head. She had no idea how this going to work; she hardly knew any survival skills. So, she might as well follow Victor's instructions if she wanted to stay alive.

Looking at the surroundings around her, the entire freeway was only covered with cars and dried blood, stain onto the ground. At this moment, they weren't any walkers in sight, and that was good. However, the crashed up cars disturbed Jessie. In fact, she had a bad feeling about this but it was worth of shot. With a final response, she nods her head. Then, her uncle soon bumps in. "I think I might have something to burst those locked doors to open. Hold on" And goes to back of his car, opening the trunk.

In the meantime, Jessie's father looks at Victor and furrowed his eyebrow. "You sure you know what you're doing, sonny?" Bill could tell Victor was an intelligent person, but he was curious to know if he knew any some sort survival skills. Since he didn't want to die himself.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

(Nice use of Chekov's Gun for the keys. If something looks useful, you might as well use it anyway.)

"I've had some survival training. I'm just not that well prepared for this type of situation. If you can even call it that." Victor replied. He adjusted his tie and started to bash a car's windows with his baseball bat. However, as he broke of the car's side windows, no alarm was tripped, luckily for him. He decided not to break any more windows because he simply realized that he could have accidentally attracted unwanted attention. Looking inside the car, he found useless junk and some batteries inside the glove compartment for his flashlight. "Perfect. Just what I needed."

He looked back at the family and yelled out to them, "We're going to have to find a different way to open these cars silently! They might cause an alarm! I got lucky with this one!" He returned back to the original car he arrived in, and looked for a piece of wire, or anything to pick a lock with. He went over to Jessie and asked, "Do you have any hair pins?"
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

"Impressive," Bill nodded his head. His eyes following Victor as he watched him walked off and smashed his bat against the glass window making it break into thousands of pieces. Bill decided to get worked up too. With that, he walked away from his daughter, without a word, and went to a random car looking inside before thinking wisely before he could ever do something stupid and cause to set off the alarm. He thought hard.

In the meantime, Jessie stood in the middle of freeway like a complete idiot. When not having any word or something at least from her father, just a random poof of disappearance, Jessie felt like a complete idiot then. But when Victor suddenly approached to her, her head slowly turned around and glares at him, wondering what he wanted from her. Now listening what he had to ask, Jessie slides her hand into her pocket and began to search. "Uh, do I?" She questioned herself, scattering her hands around before suddenly pulling a hair pin out. "Oh, I guess I do. Here you go." And hands the pin to him with a small friendly smile.

After a few good minutes of the cautious thinking, Bill finally had something. Quickly going back to his brother's car he takes out a knife and hops back to the car he left, and tries to reopen it then. Placing the knife between the small gap the car and the car's driver seat, he began to working on the lock before he could ever to get it open again.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

"Thanks, it'll come in handy." Victor said, as he plucked the hair pin from her hands. He walked back to different cars and started to pick lock them. Based on the survival training where he had learned to open locked doors in an emergency, he didn't really consider right now to be an emergency; just necessary. After many failed attempts to pick lock each car, he finally gave up. "This actually won't work. Hmph..." he mumbled to himself, as he placed the hairpin into his pocket. The only dilemma he had was that the hairpin could only pick doors in a house or building, not a vehicle's.

"How are you doing on your end, Bill?" he asked, walking over to him. He noticed the knife, and thought that would've been the better solution to crack open car doors.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

"Pretty good." Bill answered sarcastically as he continued to work on the driver's door, but with little luck. He looks up to Victor a couple seconds later before looking away and quietly shaking his head, can't believing he just asked that. Though, to be honest, it was pretty funny - at the same- when he asked . "How's yours, Sonny?" He then asked Victor, raising to his feet when he felt his knees beginning to hurt. And after raising up from crouching on the floor for so long, while working on the door, he managed to hear a couple of cracks from his knees when he stood. "Shit," He cursed underneath his breathe, feeling the small pain as it jolt his bones. "...damn car..." Bill had a feeling they were going to be here until day break.

On other hand, Jessie didn't mind the wait. Even though they were being attacked by live-living creatures, known as Walkers, the breeze however still continued to felt nice on Jessie's skin like the good old days. So, Jessie didn't mind the wait. For now, she decided to check up on her uncle, to see how's hes getting along. She walked up to him "Hey, Uncle Rob," she jumped, ""Found what you're looking for?" With that being said, she soon heard a long sigh parted from his hips. Probably not. "Okay...Maybe not" Gleaming her eyes to the back of her uncle's car she noticed there were a lot of junk that wasn't need, and basically knew it was just a mess. He sighed again. "Whatever, I don't need it anyway. Come on. Let's go back to them before they start worrying..." And closed the trunk door.

"Dammit, I need a cigarette..." Bill grumbled once he placed a hand on car's handle and started to struggle with it, in order to open. Suddenly, it finally opened without a alarm turning off. "It's about damn time..." And looked inside the car, checking for anything they needed for the apocalypse.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

Victor stood behind Bill, and peered over the car to see if there were any things of use. Fortunately, they had apparently found a machete in its own sheathe. "Nice find!" Victor went over to check inside the glove compartment, and found something special; a handgun. The handgun looked very military-grade, as if this car had belonged to a cop who could have seemingly been undercover or it had belonged to a well equipped criminal. Also inside the glove compartment, there was a small box with 9 millimeter bullets, only covering about 3/4's of the box itself. Victor, not wanting to lose any trust with the family he's traveling with, decides to hand Bill the pistol and says, "Here, you'll need this more than I do. Trade you for the machete?" The handgun had a magazine of 7 bullets. The box of ammo contains at least 30 bullets.

And then, in the distance, a gunshot is heard.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

After a minute or so of search, Bill soon pulled out something and gave it to Victor to check out before heading back inside the car, and check for more things that could be useful for their journey. And once he found the extra things he needed, Bill soon pulled himself out of the car and looked instantly over to Victor, wondering what was inside the glove. "What's inside, Sonny?" He asked Victor, looking at the palm of his head as he notices the pistol on his hand and the handgun along with it. He then looks at Victor as he hands him over the handgun and pistols, which he slowly takes out of his hands with a cautious eyebrows. "Uh, sure," He answered, shoving the pistol inside his left pocket before looking over to his hand where he was holding the machete, then to Victor. He finally trades the machete to him. "Be careful using that" He added to Victor until going to instant silence when he heard the gunshot. And began to look around.

"You heard that, too, right?" Jessie half whispered after the unexpected gunshot and looking around, high in the skies before straight forwards but found nothing still. She began to worry and wondered who was out there. "I think we should keep on walking" Jessie suggested, walking by the side of her father's.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

Meanwhile, in the distance, there could be seen a group of figures that seemed hostile and aggressive. Of course, if seen closer, they were to be a group of bandits looting each and every car around them to look for food and ammunition. They appeared to be well equipped, from bolt action rifles to handguns. The gunshot earlier was a recent betrayal of one of their own, leaving one behind for dead. The body lies dormant, awaiting its unexpected return, because he had only died from blood loss of a bullet wound in the chest. Of course, no one knew, they would still turn after death.

Victor, looked around, his heart rate slowly increasing; motioned at Bill to regroup with the others, and find a hiding place. Eventually, Victor leads the group to a hiding spot behind some bushes far away from their car, and he pops his head out to look and see if the coast is clear and scan the area. Seeing the bandits, he lowers his head again, and scratches his head. "Well, we wait. Until they pass over, or we could sneak by, but that would be really risky." he suggested.

The group of bandits finally reached the family's car, and checked everywhere and assumed it was empty long before. Only a few hours later, there seemed to be no more life around; except now, the corpse that was on the ground is reanimated as a walker. Only, the group didn't know...
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

Bill looked up to the distant. He looked to where the gunshots were recently heard and furrowed his eyebrows as he knew something eventually wasn't right. And feared it was coming to their way. - They needed to hide and fast. "Don't just stand there...HIDE" Bill suddenly remarked to the three, including his daughter, forgetting she was standing by his side. After that sudden comment Bill began to search of a hiding place, while leaving the others to followed Victor, who in the lead. Bill knew they would be safe with him. He trusted him.

Jessie on other hand was terrified as hell. With her heart beating rapidly and beating per second, she couldn't think straight. After the recent comment that was given out by her father She followed Victor as he took them to some bushes and hid there for now, until further notice. Though, in the meantime, she was lucky enough to take a small peak and watch everything while it happened before her. But now finding herself looking over to Victor as he gave a clear advice out, which did sound a bit dreadful. Who knows how long that would be...It sounded like it would take hours before they could ever leave.

After a few minutes without talking, and just starring; Jessie leans over to Victor and whispers something to him. "Do you know how long would that take?" She questioned, drifting her eyes back to the men who was now owning the entire highway, and still wondering when they would leave. Though, Jessie couldn't really spot out for her father's hideout. He was nowhere in sight...
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

(Sorry for the long hiatus, school got ahead of my schedule. Including the latest Walking Dead episode.)

By now, Victor was looking around, scanning the area for any more bandits that were creeping around the vehicles like vultures, looking for any type of food or supplies. "I'm not sure. It could take hours." he whispered back to Jessie, and looked back at the freeway. Eventually, after waiting for a few more minutes, Victor slowly crept out of his hiding spot and sneaked out into the open to make sure if the coast was clear. There seemed to be no one around, until Victor looked further into the distance, and spotted what looked like a walker. He quickly ran back to the hiding spot to tell Jessie, "There's only one walker out there, but the bandits appear to be gone." he said.

The walker, was slowly shambling its way across the middle of the freeway looking for victims to consume. It didn't look like much of a threat, but it would be wise not to underestimate it. Victor pulled out his machete and walked toward it, only to swing his machete in a single swipe horizontally at the head, ripping the top half of his cranium off its head. The walker fell down to its knees, then fell face front onto the graphite. "It's clear!" Victor said aloud, hoping that the others would hear him.
RE: Never Alone In The Walking Dead [RevengexGradius]

Jessie heart was racing. After searching around for her father's sight, it almost has been five minutes since they've last seen him, and now he was nowhere in sight. But, suddenly, when Jessie's eyes scanned the entire driveway from where she was at, she saw a figure moving about and knew it was body, but who? Looking more closely with squinting eyes, Jessie finally noticed it was her father from short distance and sighed with relief, glad he wasn't caught in this mess.

Once Jessie heard Victor gave the announcement that she was expecting for, and with the coast now being clear, Jessie resumed up to her feet and retreated from the hiding spot, moving into the clearing. Her uncle followed behind and walked by her side. Walking up to Victor, after him killing the walker with one slice of the head, and who was looking for live people to feed, Jessie carelessly looked down at the lifelessly walker as it laid deadly onto the ground, for sure to be dead. And just by looking it at, Jessie felt uncomfortably goose bumps tingling her body as it sparked it, as if it was a electric shock. Looking away then, her eyes quickly gleamed up to her approaching father as he walked up to them, with a serious face. "Come on. We need to move. - I could already image this place full of walkers if we don't start moving and to end of the highway. So, let's go." He stated, walking away as that.

Though, before Jessie could ever ran up to her father and walk by his side, Jessie was actually pretty amazed by Victor's bravery and how he managed to sliced his machete against the walker's head, slicing it in half. Jessie wasn't even sure if she could do that herself, but that was amazing example of bravery. With that, she begins walking and walks up to Victor's side first. "Nice kill." She smiled, and walked away as that, catching up with her father. Jessie however still couldn't get that scene out her mind, it was just amazing...
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