A Beautiful New World (of Pokemon) --- Arcanine Fan & Fancy_Brat

Jan 23, 2014
It was only a few short years ago that mega evolution had taken the world by storm. Trainers capable of attaining such a phenomenon were still very rare, both because of the veil of mystery that still surrounded the nature of mega evolution and the extremely limited availability of the coveted mega stones that made it possible. Mega evolution was still a rather mysterious thing, but it was all but forgotten. Despite the enticing idea of uncovering the secrets of this powerful form of evolution, most of the world's renowned pokemon professors had veered from their research of mega evolution. Something even more rare and even more incredible had captured their attention...

Anthro evolution had not only taken the world by storm; It had created the foundation to change everything. It was not a mere increase in power and a change in physical form, such as the other types of evolution which had yet to be discovered. Pokemon that underwent this evolution became humanoid in shape, regardless of what they may have looked like before. In addition, the transformation into a more human shape seemed to grant the pokemon the gift of human speech, albeit accented by the pokemon's previous vocal capabilities. Furthermore, this evolution had proven to be a permanent transformation - not like the temporary change presented by mega evolution.

This was the new topic of discussion for the pokemon professors. Though the first recorded account of anthro evolution had occurred two years ago at the world's stage, the Pokemon League competition, very little was known about it. The professors had worked tirelessly since to uncover the secrets, but to little avail.

All that was known publicly about anthro evolution was that it was triggered by some yet to be identified bond between the evolved pokemon and the human world. Our world, it seemed, had brought pokemon to take this new step in evolution to allow them to co-exist with us on a level never before attainable. This, of course, meant that there were no wild anthro evolved pokemon. Only pokemon that were accustomed to human life could anthro evolve. At least, they were the only ones capable of anthro evolving naturally.

There was one exception to this rule - one exception that the vast majority of the world knew nothing about. This chance to bring the world into a new, more beautiful age of human and pokemon coexistence had caused the reformation of Team Flare in Kalos. Furthermore, the scientist that had reformed the gang had accomplished what the pokemon professors had not - he had attained an understanding of this wondrous new evolution. With this knowledge, he had created a new type of pokeball, the Morph Ball, which he made available to the most promising members of the new Team Flare. This ball was the exception to the rules of anthro evolution. Any pokemon captured using one of these balls would undergo anthro evolution upon their capture. Inside the ball, the pokemon would transform and upon their release, their new trainer would discover that their new pokemon as a rare, beautiful gem among its peers.

Team Flare had spread across Kalos as a result. They had operations in most of the region's towns and cities such as pokemon massage parlors where you could get a massage from an anthro evolved pokemon of your choice from among their staff. It didn't stop there, of course; cafes with anthro evolved waitresses, pokemon beauty contests specially tailored for anthro evolved pokemon, and anthro-fashion shows to show off anthro pokemon clothing were just as common.

Their biggest source of revenue, however, was the anthro-morph porn industry that had become so popular. Because anthro evolved pokemon were still pokemon, sexual acts with them were illegal, but that made the industry all the more profitable. The films produced were as good as gold, especially the extremely rare few featuring human or unevolved pokemon partners. Most of the videos were anthro on anthro, as that was what appealed to the largest mass of viewers, but a rare few enjoyed the taboo of a humanoid pokemon mating with a more primal relative or even that of a human and anthro bond. Either way, the videos were worth a fortune.

One trainer, Logan Masters (seen here with his twin sister, Serena), of the prestigious family of Growlithe breeders, had managed to naturally anthro evolve both of his arcanine companions. He had joined Team Flare when he first heard of their return and his two arcanine, Arcano and Arcania, were huge stars on the anthro-morph pornography market. He knew, however, that he would need to find some 'fresh talent' if he wanted to keep his pockets lined with gold.

With his pokemon companions tucked safely away in their pokeballs, Logan set out from his home in Luminose City in hunt of rare pokemon that he knew would bring a wider audience to his video fanbase. Due to the popularity of his pokemon videos, he was considered one of the new Team Flare's top members and, as such, was armed with the morph balls that would allow him to turn any pokemon that he captured into an aspiring anthro-morphed porn-star, whether they wanted it or not.

His destination was Route 7. The area around the pokemon daycare center always presented trainers with rare and odd opportunities. Pokemon would be, all-too often, forgotten there and the eggs that they would inevitably lay from the other pokemon left there, would hatch. Without a trainer, these new pokemon would vanish off into the wild when their mother was retrieved or they simply grew large enough to care for themselves. It was hard to tell what one could find there!
The Daycare Center on Route 7 had been a popular place for trainers to leave their pokemon for a little while, only to return and pick them up again. They were always in good hands with the kind couple there, and it was no reason most people still came by to drop off their pokemon. However, there were times where pokemon were left there or forgotten by their trainers. One way or another, it did at times leave the Day Care with a lot more pokemon to watch over than they could handle. However, the pokemon left there at times would end up just leaving, whether to seek out their trainers or just go out in the wild once more. No point in sitting around for much longer without knowing if they'll come back or not.

All the pokemon staying at the Day Care were non-anthro pokemon, not that they didn't accept anthro pokemon to look after. In fact, they had an anthro pokemon of their own to help around the place just for some added security. This discovery of anthro evolution sure did have its benefits for certain trainers. The ability to communicate easier with them was a big plus. However, this seemed to spur on the reformation of the notorious Team Flare. The special pokeballs they had created were well-sought after, though those were only available to promising Team Flare members, so this ended up with many trainers joining them in hopes of getting a few of these 'Morph Balls' for themselves. As expected though, Team Flare would not stop there with their discovery, making sure to take full advantage of their newly acquired morphs for their financial gain. Many businesses came about that took advantage of anthro pokemon's talents, having them work alongside humans in the same professions and even fancy fashion shows for these unique pokemon. This was a breakthrough discovery turned worldwide phenomenon, though this was only available in Kalos for the time being as Team Flare had yet to spread out to other regions.

Perhaps the biggest surprise was the sudden introduction of anthro-morph porn. While it was seen as a means of pleasure for viewers, many prominent breeders had taken to this business in filming mating sessions between morphs. Of course, the naughtier videos were much more popular, and the rare videos of humans together with anthro or non-anthro pokemon were perhaps the most sought after material despite being illegal.

One of the pokemon from the Day Care, a lovely Espeon named Eva, had gone off on her own from there after being left for a few months now. She had been wondering for some time if her trainer would return, though after a few months, she had started to think of possibly going back out into the wild to see about meeting her sister again, who was an Eevee before Eva set off on her own. She had to wonder where she turned out or if she decided to stay close to home. Espeon did have a companion with her, a young Vulpix that she had been taking care of herself after a trainer had come by and picked up their Ninetails, leaving the egg with the couple. Even while Eva tried to leave herself, Vixy, as she was called, insisted on following her around, thinking of Eva like a big sister in a way. Eva figured she wouldn't mind, enjoying the company and figuring she could look after her still. Eva had been hearing about the whole pokemorph craze every now and then from the couple, and she did get along well with the Kangaskhan they had helping. She had wondered if her trainer would have come back to try and get her to evolve like that, but what was done was done. For now, unless someone else found her, she'd live with Vixy for a while and see if she couldn't get her to evolve at some point.
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