Something unexpected [faithviper]

Ren Olvry

Dec 22, 2012
It had been some time since the Dragonair had been alone. Working and 'training' on his own, becoming strong enough to evolve once and no further, he was, ultimately, little more than a stray. Frequently hiding away from humans, even, it was barely if at all known that the dragon pokemon was in the area. Sticking usually around the large creek within the local forest, he simply lived his own life, occasionally observing people that might pass through.

One in particular was of mild interest at the moment, a girl that may or may not have had pokemon with them; he wasn't certain. If she didn't, all the better, considering she wasn't bad-looking, he found himself considering. For now, though, he simply watched, seeing what she might do, and especially if she might do anything with the creek and give him certain... opportunities.
Dark red hair swished back and forth as a young woman walked down a path by the creek like she did almost everyday, her bright green eyes where shining as she placed the wicker basket she had with her down on the grass. "Man it's beautful out here today." Hanna said as she took off the little sandles she had been wearing so she could feel the grass between her toes.

This was the spot that Hanna always came to even though people would tell her not to since of all the wild Pokemon. "I have never been attacked before, so why worry." Hanna said to herself as she got out a beach blanket from her basket before taking off the red sundress she was wearing to reveal the little pink and black bikini she had on.
Carefully the dragon pokemon observed as the girl moved, deep purple eyes occasionally shifting each time an article of clothing, first the sandals then the dress, was removed. Approvingly the Dragonair's eyes wandered the girl's form when the only things covering it were the bikini top and bottom, which themselves offered him a fair indication of her curves regardless. Attractive for a human, most certainly... though why he, unlike his kin, was attracted in such a way to a human, he'd never likely bother to question.

For now, though, it wasn't quite time to make a move, he felt. Moving a bit further off to the side and slipping carefully and quietly into the water of the large creek, making sure he'd be out of view and not make a sound the girl would likely notice, he glided easily closer under the water, barely able to see the girl but aware in turn that she probably wouldn't be seeing him very easily. How long exactly he could hold his breath, he wasn't quite sure, but he hoped at least that he could hold it and keep himself still until she came into the water, and his opportunity came.
Hanna hummed softly as she rubbed some lotion into her lightly tanned skin to keep herself from getting a burn. Once she was sure she was covered, she walked over to the water and dipped a toe in first to see how cold it was. "Ohh that feels nice." Hanna said as she walked farther into the water with a bright smile on her face.
She was walking in; even if he couldn't see it, which he largely could, he could tell from feeling the little ripples flowing through the water. Perfect. The only question from there was how to approach, especially with his breath slowly declining. Making up his mind soon enough, the serpentine dragon pokemon quickly flitted beneath the water's surface, hoping at least that the girl wouldn't spot him before it was a bit too late. She'd probably panic anyway, he was certain, but if he could at least show his intents, of sorts, that was a start.

With that in mind, he pressed his head quickly up between the girl's legs before giving her covered slit a long, firm lick. Letting that sort of intent be known, he retreated back just as quickly, letting his head surface a little ways from the girl so he could at least breathe again, and she could see that it was a Dragonair that had just done that. From then, he could only hope she didn't panic too much, but... well, she was a human, after all. Not exactly a creature that normally went for one like him.
Hanna was enjoying the water and was compleatly relaxed when she felt something bump into her, she let out a cry of suprise when the thing suddenly licked her and caused her to fall into the water with shock. What in the world had that been, had some creepy guy followed her here today and was trying to mess with her?

When the Dragonair popped it's head out of the water, Hanna was shocked and confused as to why it had licked her. "Wow...a real Dragonair." She said as she moved a bit closer and held out one of her tiny hands so she could try and pet it.
Surprised that she didn't seem to be panicking at all, even when there was nothing and nobody else around and thus surely nothing else the surprise lick could have come from but the Dragonair himself. Not minding that too much for now, he wandered closer to her as well as she moved closer to him, freely pressing his nose gently against the hand she held out and giving it a small lick. Even then his long, serpentine body shifted over further as he held his head there, the end of his tail coiling loosely around one of the girl's legs and rubbing the end of it slowly up and down that leg.
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