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The Betrayal (Dark, Twisted, Rough, Non-Con)

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Mr Quixotic

The Lowest Form Of Wit
Dec 14, 2012
Hi all,

I just thought I'd post something a little darker, but now I've posted it, I'm not sure if I actually want to roleplay it, or spend some time and expand it into a short story! Anyways, if anyone's interested at all, just shoot me a PM.

He’d managed to conceal it his entire life, to hide it from those who would try to change or 'help' him. Sure, some had their suspicions, but it was nothing they could put their finger on, nothing which could be proven – he'd never allow that to happen.

Some knew more than others, of course; the ones he'd hurt before and a couple of his friends. Friends? Maybe acolytes was a better word, 'friends' implied that he was capable of caring for someone other than himself. It wasn't like they'd tell anyone though, the acolytes reaped the benefits, and the others? Well, they'd seen what he was capable of.

Still even then, they didn’t really know, not the whole truth. That underneath the charming, intelligent and friendly exterior there lay a true sociopath, totally incapable of remorse or empathy; one whose sole pleasure in life came from the pain of others, who could only feel true emotion through their suffering.

From the moment he saw her, he knew. She was just another victim, another toy to play with. He’d charm, befriend, manipulate and isolate her, until, in the end, he was the only one she could depend upon, the only one she could trust and, in return, he'd be the only one who cared for her. And once she trusted him, completely, he would betray her.

They had yet to speak, but he knew how it would be, it would be as it was before. He closed his eyes and the images ran through his mind, as if he was watching a silent movie. He could see the look of pain and disbelief on her face; the dawning realisation that this is what he'd always wanted. Although there was no sound, he knew through her wide open mouth she would be screaming and begging for him to make it stop, pleading for it not to be true.

And he'd watch, and he'd laugh and he'd mock, as his friends systematically used and violated her and her mind and body were broken, but most of all he would feel. Her emotions and her pain would be his emotions, his pain, and for that fleeting moment in time at least, he'd be able to feel something.

As far as characters/settings/ages go, there's a lot of possibilities and a lot would depend on my partners preferences.

If you're looking for something lighter, here's my usual thread:
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