A interesting curse (Yajirobe and femshep)


Jul 14, 2011
Tenyu was a pokemon trainer he had been at it for a good while and he was rather good at it too. He had one pokemon though that he used no matter what, and that was his gardevoir, she had been his main champion in so many battles over the last years. Tenyu had a good amount of success too as a pokemon trainer, he had gotten rather good at his craft over all. He had been able to add so many new pages to his pokedex, and befriended many of his pokemon as well.

Yet, the one he was wanting to capture the most was a nine-tails, they were powerful, but it was more it was one of the few fire types he never got his hands on. He was walking down one of the routes, paying attention for any sign of wild pokemon in the area. One always had to on guard just encase, he kept a good supply of pokeballs with him to use incase he saw one he needed. He saw the ninetails, he smiled as he sent out Gardevoir out to face the nine-tails. He smiled as he looked ahead. "Go, Gardevoir," he said as he sent her out, "attack the nine-tails, I need him weakened so we can capture him," he said to his pokemon as he figure that she would be able to understand what needed to be done. She was a rather smart pokemon afterall.
Gardevoir was as loyal as pokemon could be to her trainer Tenyu. She remembered when he captured her as a small Ralts, but through his training and care she became the powerful and intelligent pokemon she turned out to be. There was one thing she wanted more then anything was to make Tenyu happy. Even if it meant she had to die for him after all Tenyu was her best friend and a amazing trainer. Without a doubt he will become a pokemon master.

As soon as she was thrown into battle, Gardevoir faced the Ninetails across from her, but she looked over her shoulder to show full attention to her trainer. After listening to his command she gave him a nod and made a understanding cry. Then she turned to stare down her opponent knowing she would have to hold back her power to make sure the Ninetails isn't taken out by her in one move. Gardevior used her weakest physic move; confusion. From her hands a purple aura glowed and shot towards the Ninetails.
Tenyu smiled as she used the pyshic attack, it was a smart choose any grass type moves would be pointless, he blinked as the nine tails came at her aiming for her and going to an attack on Gardevoir. He was always worried about her, he would never want to see his prized pokemon hurt if he could help it. He watched it happen before him, "Gardevior watching move to the right, you can avoid the main part of the attack, if you do," he called out instructing her how to avoid the attack by the nine-tails, he was sure that it would work, but he didn't know that when she moved there she would be hit lightly by the tails of the nine-tails, which would place the curse to be on her.

The Ninetails hit her with its tail before running off before Tenyu could throw a pokeball at the creature. He sighed as it got away, and then shook his head, "good try Gardevoir, you did your very best, and it was a great attack," he said with a kind upbeat voice as he smiled at his friend and pokemon. He called her back to him, and returned her to her ball, he of course had no idea about the curse, he wasn't sure about it or the effects it would have on his prized pokemon and how it would change her life, and his life to such a large degree.
Gardevior was determined to injure this Ninetails to win for her trainer so he could capture one of the pokemon he haven't caught yet. She wasn't scared to get hurt for her trainer, but she knew how much he cared about her so for him she tried hard to avoid all attacks that could greatly hurt her. When she heard his instructions on the attack Ninetails had launch at her she gave a understanding nod and moved to the right. While the attack barely hit her, one of the Ninetails' tails had touch her body. Garevior heard rumors of the 'Ninetails Curse', but she wasn't a believer. It was nothing more then a old pokemon's tale.

When the Ninetails turned to run, Gardevior was getting ready to go after the pokemon herself, but Tenyu's words stopped her in her tracks. His voice was kind and upbeat so he didn't seem too upset about it. She turned towards him and gave a happy cry as she returned to him. The red light from the pokeball sent her back to what she called home now. Little did she know she was about to undergo the curse the Ninetails affected her with and change her life forever.
Tenyu didn't know either and he headed into town, he figured that a good meal would serve him well, he planned on challenging the gym in the town later anyhow. He figured that he would stay a night go to the gym the next day and win. He walked to a hotel and went inside as he checked in, he headed to a large room, he made blankets for each of his team members to put his pokeballs in so they would be warm and taken care of, why they slept though he never had been in a pokeball before, that was what he figured they would be like honestly.

He got a drink as he figured he might as well head to bed early, he would need the sleep after all he had a busy day ahead of him and it was going to be something that was taxing for bot his pokemon and himself. He would do what he had to, but he had a feeling that Gardevior would shine again as she had always done before and he was so confident in her skills. He looked at the pokeballs and smiled as he rested his head on the pillow slowly drifting off to sleep as he did so.
Gardevior wasn't sure what Tenyu was doing, but she knew one thing was for sure: Tenyu was planning to go after the next gym. She was going to be ready and fight the best she could do to win for Tenyu. Knowing it was getting late soon, she assumed Tenyu went to a hotel to rest especially after the long journey they had that day. The pokeball inside felt a little warmer then usual with a familiar warmth she came to know as a blanket covering her home. Tenyu always cared so much for them, it warmed her heart to have such a caring trainer.

She yawned softly and closed her eyes to go to sleep. Gardevior was tired from the battle and was oddly more tired then usual today. Something told her that when she wakes up she won't be the same, but she never let those things bother her. She needed to be wide awake and ready to fight tomorrow so soon she too fell asleep inside of her pokeball
The next morning Tenyu got up early, he was going to do something, but the first on that list was to feed his pokemon, he had just a few on him three honestly with him, Gardevior, Farfetched, and Raichu, each were high leveled but Gardevior was his personal favorite, he let Raichu and Farfetched eat there for and opened up the ball for Gardevior to come out from. He had no idea of the changes that had happened to her during the night, he figured that she would be normal.

He remembered catching Gardevior, she was his first catch when she was younger and still a Ralts they had came though so much, she had won a gym match for already even over Brock, and they one over Misty as well. It was great to think about how they were on the up and up. He would always treat all his pokemon well, but he had a kind of special place in his heart for his first one which she really happened to be.
Gardevior remembered being so young when she first met Tenyu, just a little Ralts wondering the tall grass. Little did she know that the trainer she would be captured by would become her best friend. She tired so hard to win each battle she was engaged in. Even as a young Ralts she fought battles and won him badges and this next gym was no excuse. The was no doubt they could lose this one, she wouldn't allow it.

When he released her from her pokeball, Gardevior woke up softly and rubbed her eyes. That's when she noticed her hand wasn't the same. Her hand looked like Tenyu's hand and her chest felt heavier then usual. When she looked down she was shocked to see she grew large breast like a human female. Her body was curvy like and hourglass and her rear was round and firm. She noticed her entire body become more like a human, but still had her pokemon traits. Her short green hair and white as snow skin and dress like features were still there. What happened to her!? How did this happen!? She gasped and asked herself "What happened to me!?"
Tenyu blinked and then blushed as he looked at his prized pokemon, she was different, she looked so human in so many ways. Tenyu was more then a bit shocked to see this, it was something he never thought possible, but he also felt his face turn red as he looked at her. He blinked as he looked at the beautiful near human looking Gardevior, he gathered himself pretty quickly thought as he knew losing his composer wouldn't be a good idea. He took a deep breath as he regained his focus and smiled before he blinked as he could understand her too now.

"You..I think it might be that curse, maybe, I don't know," he said as he looked at her, measuring her out in his mind, he noticed just how curvy she happened to be, something that was a horrible weakness that the young man had, "you look far more human, um and I can understand you now too," he said as he looked at her, he looked at the food and blinked, "Maybe you should have real food with me today, how do you feel right now, anything odd, anything out of place, anything you don't know about at all," he asked as he wanted to check her up to make sure she was okay.
Gardevior couldn't believe what she was seeing. Was the Ninetail's Curse really real? It couldn't be because of it's tails touching her, could it? Her body was practically human with just her pokemon features and colors. When she looked to Tenyu like she was looking for answers, but she didn't expect him to understand her pokelanguage. Then it hit her the moment she heard him answer back, Gardevior's confusion and fear swifted to happiness. "Wait...you can understand me!? I..I can't believe it! You can actually understand me!" She smiled brightly like she didn't hear what he was saying to her. She suddenly hugged him tightly, her new human breast pushing up against him. "I can't believe it...I always wanted to talk to you like this. I guess this...transformation has it's ups. Well...since I'm more human...I guess I don't eat pokemon food anymore...this is all so weird...Tenyu....do you think...the Ninetails did this to me?" She asked not letting him go
Tenyu nodded his head to her question, he found this odd, and interesting, he could talk with his prized pokemon, yet as he looked at her, she was more woman then mon. He didn't have much time to react as he felt her hug him tightly, he felt her breasts pressing against his cheast, she was well endowed, very well. He blushed severaly as he felt her body do this. He could feel his heart beating so fast in his chest as he felt her body rubbing against himself. He listened as best as he could though to her words, and her question to him.

He brushed his hand though the hair of Gardevior as he felt it in his hand he looked at her and nodded his head as he couldn't blame her excitement of the fact. He pressed his lips to her cheek as he looked at her, he smiled, "Well, yes, I can understand you, and yes, you can eat with me, and do whatever with me, I am sure you don't even need to get into the pokeball again," he said before he couldn't contian a slight curiousity and urge to quickly kiss the Gardevior on her lips.
It was strange really, Tenyu's heart felt so fast. She could feel his heart pounding against her chest and it made Gardevior wonder if he was okay. After feeling his kiss on her cheek, Gardevior looked up at her trainer with her big sparkling purple eyes. His hand running through her more human short light green hair felt so odd yet so wonderful. His cheeks were so red, but what did it mean? It was so strange to feel her trainer in a way that felt so good to her, but nothing she's ever experienced before. She smiled sweetly up at her trainer as he talked to her. Gardevior knew her whole life was about to change yet in many more ways then she thought. Then it hit her, Tenyu's lips quickly pressed against hers. It happened so quickly that she didn't know what to do. "Tenyu....what was that?" She asked curiously since she didn't understand how humans showed romantic affection to each other.
Tenyu looked down at Gardevior, she was a good head shorter then himself, as his eyes focused her her own as he broke the kiss. "A kiss is something someone does when one person likes another or in this case when one person me, likes you in a more then a friend type way," he explained as he looked at her, his hands slidding around her as he continued to hold her close to himself. "You are my prize, and now your different, the same but different, your someone I can talk to, and share things with, and have feelings for," he said as he let his hand press over her back gently as he looked at her. Tenyu kissed Gardevior longer this time, letting her feel the kiss and enjoy it more as he pressed his lips to her own once more.
Gardevior looked up at her trainer with innocent and curious eyes, but hearing his explanation on what he did to her. Something he said caused her cheeks to redden and warm, her first time blushing. Then she felt his arms softly wrap around her body, holding her closer to his own body. Her body was softly pressed against his, her hands moving to hold onto his shoulders as she watched him carefully. "More then a friend?" She questioned softly, but seeing him lean in to kiss her again, Gardevior said no more and let the soft feeling of his lips against hers. Before she knew it, the feeling felt so good that Gardevior closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling. His lips stayed on longer then before, she didn't want him to stop
Tenyu let thie kiss linger, his firm lips pressing against her soft lips, he could feel his hands pressing against her back, as he felt his heart still beating as fast as ever. He pressed her against him as to help deepen the kiss and help it develop and last longer. He slowly broke it as he looked at her and remembered her question to him. He looked at her and thought about terms she might know, "I wish to mate with you," he said looking at her, he found her irrestitable and he couldn't but help smile as he looked into the soft purple eyes with his darker ones. She was a matchless beauty, in his arms, who was extremly loyal to him, a fact he knew from all the times previous to this. He held her lose in his arms as he leaned close pressing his lips sloftly agianst her neck as he pressed them firm against her neck sucking on a single spot.
Gardevior felt his arms push her closer to his body feeling their kiss grow stronger and lasted longer then she originally thought it would be. Slowly she felt his lips part from hers again then she gets the answer to her question earlier. She was surprised to hear that he wanted to mate with her. Of course being a Pokemon she knew little to nothing on human sex, but she knew Tenyu could help her understand it. He really wanted to be her mate...Gaedevior felt her heart race faster then ever before. What worried her is that she wouldn't be able to bear his children if he desired them, but the thought of spending her entire life with Tenyu was something she couldn't let go. When she looked into those eyes of his, she found herself unable to deny him what he wants. The moment she felt his lips on her neck, Gardevior's face blushed even more. His lips sucking on her neck, Gardevior melted and squeezed his shoulders. She whispered softly in his ear. "I...I wish to mate with you too Tenyu." Her lips lightly kissed his ear like she was sealing the decision.
Tenyu heard the words from the Gardevior as he blushed, he was glad that she had felt that way, he let his fingers trail over her back pressing and rubbing it from the middle down in a up and down pattern to his movements. He soon found himself moving them lower each time, till they were pressed up against her backside. He let his lips press more against her neck working his way down her collar bone with soft light kisses, none of them overly long as he only pulled away after a good long moment when he looked into her eyes, he smiled as he slipped his hand over her lags picking them and her off the ground so that she was on eye level with him, "Well, you have made me very happy, Gardevior," he said to her softly as he held her still pretty much pressed up against as he did so.
Once she saw Tenyu's cheeks blushing, Gardevior smiled softly up at him. His hands running up and down her back comforted her slowly to the point she wasn't as nervous as before. Her eyes widened softly feeling his hand reach her rear, but didn't seem to act badly to the feeling. His lips touching her neck working it's way down to her collarbone caused something inside of her to strangely want him more then before. She let out a soft moan and closed her eyes until she felt his hands under her legs to lift her up off the ground so their eyes were at the same level. Her legs were at either sides of his sides, her breast pressing against his chest and her sex touched his stomach. The long parts of her body resembling a lady's dress was the only thing keeping her sex from completely touching him. Gardevior's hands rested on his shoulders and she softly leaned in to kiss him. She closed her eyes and kissed Tenyu on his lips enjoying the feeling of his human lips against her own lips.
Tenyu laid the Gardevior softly bed as he looked at her and smiled as he saw how her sort human body worked, he looked over it with a smile now a bit back he couldn't but like what he saw, she was a beautiful female. He smiled as he slipped his clothes off, he was so hard and ready for her. He moved up a s he moved the dress like thing away from her as he moved it aside moving up and sliding himself up between her legs, pulling her legs around his waist as his member started to rub directly against her sex firmly at first as he let his lips rediscover her own for a good long moment or two as he pressed his hands against her shoulder, himself just a bit away from her as he kissed, before he slipped himself into the Gardevior. He pressed gently as he wanted this to be remembered well and in a positive light.
Gardevior looked up at Tenyu as he laid her down on the soft bed, seeing him smile and examining her body with such love. She watched him observed her body letting him see and figure out how it worked. She watched him as he slipped out of his clothes, seeing him hard and ready for her. Then she felt him move her dress like things aside, exposing her bare and wet sex. Feeling his hands grabbing her legs, Gardevior wrapped around his waist and positioning himself between her skinny legs. Once she felt his length rub directly against her sex Gardevior let out a soft moan feeling him getting ready to push himself inside of her. She kissed him back after he placed his lips on hers, her body loosening and relaxing as his lips comforted her. His hands pressing down her shoulders lightly kept her body down on the soft bed under her. Then she closed her eyes and moaned into his lips feeling his hardness pushed inside of her tight untouched wet sex.
For Tenyu this was about as magical as it could get, he was laying with someone who was more loyal then anyone else, and sexy. He was enjoying this lustful action a great deal as he pressed his thick shaft farther into her sex, he could feel her body naturally allow him to take her, holding his shaft inside of her like it was a glove with a perfect fit, it was amazing the feelings that he had as he pressed up into her his pace slowly over time getting strong and faster, as he got used to the whole thing. Tenyu could feel his heart beating like some drum, he could feel his body move with excitment and with great antcipation for the next feeling that it might have while hew as with Gardevior. He could feel everything and it all felt so wonderful, so magical and amazing. He only hoped that Gardevior felt even half as good as he did at that moment.
Gardevior closed her eyes tightly feeling Tenyu inch himself inside of her. Her now human like hands gripped the bed tightly, her body allowed him inside of her making it easy for him to slide as deep inside of her as he wished. Her back arched slightly feeling a pleasure she's never felt before. This was so magical in a way Gardevior never expected to have. He was so big and the harder and faster he went the more she let her moans escape her lips. It felt so natural and amazing that Gardevior wished this would never end. Her heart was pounding like it would explode out of her chest at any second. Gardevior was completely loyal to Tenyu and would do anything for him. She trusted Tenyu with every fiber of her being that he was just as loyal to her. She just hoped he was happy, but right now she was experiencing a great pleasure she'll never forget.
He looked down and saw the expression in the eyes of Gardevior, he held her loosely as he made sure that she was not going to slip or fall off the bed. He felt himself pushed forwards with a innerneed to take her, to be one with Gardevior, the light from the outside moon hit perfectly over her face as he did so, the place was right everything was right, he felt himself nearing what he had to know was going to happen. He pushed on wanting to go along as he could and wanting to make this as enjoyable for her as it was to him. He was breathing heavy, as he started to twitch, something that started off slow and grew quickly till he was doing so a great deal, before he climaxed within the Gardevior.
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