To Bend the Avatar to Tarlock's Will {darkest_fate&malin}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Blood-bending; Korra should have known. But how could she have known? Tarlock hadn't given any indication that he'd learned the forbidden art, hadn't shown any of the signs. Korra knew about it, of course, thanks to Katara nearly every water bender in the world knew about blood-bending. They also knew that it required a great deal of skill and that the act itself corrupted the soul, unbalancing the one that used it. Which, considering how Tarlock had looked at Korra when he'd used his bending on her, only made sense.

The Avatar had been beaten. She knew it. She laid there, slumped against the cold floor of the truck, her eyes hidden behind a thick bandage. Ropes or chains or something bent her muscular form into a bow shape. Tarlock knew better than to leave a bender of Korra's power with any freedom of movement whatsoever. He'd even caught her long hair into the bindings somewhere. Korra couldn't see it, so she didn't know precisely how he'd tied it. It felt as though her hair had been pulled back to some kind of central knot, while other thick bindings wrapped about her muscular frame. her normal garb still hung upon her athletic frame, though it had suffered at the hands of the mad water bender as well. The blue fabric and fur had been sliced, revealing the deep brown skin beneath. Korra could feel the air kissing parts of her abdomen, not to mention her bared forearms and bits of her leg. She tried to strain against the bindings several times, only to find them quite secure along her. All her straining did was thrust her chest out, though nobody was there to see the admittedly impressive chest stretching out the already straining clothing. Nor could they see the flexing of her rock hard ass as she turned.

This is all my fault Korra thought, pinching her eyes shut behind the blindfold. She could only hope that Mako or Bolin or Tenzin found the scene and thought through it all. Someone had to think that something was up with Tarlock. Really it was Korra's only choice, and that thought alone sent more chill into her veins, flooding her.

How long had she traveled? Korra couldn't tell. She'd lost all sense of time and direction. In this position, she couldn't even fully meditate or get in touch with her more spiritual side. Time just crept onward and Korra kept working at the bindings that bent her into this unnatural shape.

Then the rumbling stopped. Korra froze, listening intently. Footsteps, crunching against the snow. Large ones? Like... an animal? There was more than one, Korra could tell that much. She didn't know what she'd do, considering her position, but she tensed her muscles anyway.

A door swung open and Korra felt the blast of cold air hit her. Snow touched her bared skin, sucking her breath from her. Hands soon grappled with her, and she couldn't do more than squirm in their grasp. Korra entered frigid air, air that reminded her of home. Someone more accustomed to warmer climates might feel this chill more; for Korra, it felt almost like a Fall day. Still, she would have worn significantly more clothing during harsher weather. The wind bit into her exposed flesh, and soon Korra felt her body sink into snow. Footsteps sounded around her, and all the Avatar could do was twist in their general direction, straining her senses and hoping against hope that she could pick up something, anything that might give her even the slightest bit of hope.
Tarlock had won no doubt about it, but in his victory he had overstepped. He had attacked the avatar herself, and had in his anger unleashed the one weapon that would make him loose everything he had worked towards. Blood Bending, as much as he hated his brother and father for what they had done, the art was more then useful for dealing with people like Korra, but there was a bigger problem now. Korra knew his darkest secret, the thing that would ruin all he had ever worked to achieve, and all of his plans. He was planning to take over this city, and how could he do that if the Avatar was against him?

Korra's interference had given Tarlock one solution. He had to break her, he couldn't leave her in a cage for someone else to find or even kill her for that fact. If he did he might succeed in taking the city for five maybe six years, but Korra would eventually speak through the next avatar in the cycle and he would be found guilty of that crime as quickly as he did if he just left her to rot. No Korra's will would have to broken, she would have to become his puppet to use, both politically and personally. It wouldn't be an easy task Korra was a strong headed woman, in charge and the most powerful bender in the world. He had done well to bind her as well as he had. The tough rope had done it's job even as he grappled with her bindings and tossed her out into the snow.

Walking up to Korra he lowered himself towards her level bending his knees so that he could look down at her his hand lifting up the blind fold so that she could see where they were. Republic city was far away as they were up in the mountains next to a cabin. "Hello Korra." His tone was angry, and drenched in venom. He would have to cage her or do something to prevent her from bending almost constantly. Even so as she was alone, and Tarlock was not, Naga stood beside him, though to be fair only because he was forcing her too, one of his hands was clenched working the large polar bear dogs blood as he stood over Korra.

"You ruined everything you little bitch." Tarlock let out a long sigh feeling his breath turn into fog against the cold night air. It was the truth, and even now he was spurned and angry because of it. He had to make her bend, and break and he had quiet the idea about where he would start. "But still no one will find us up here, when they see all the damage to the emissary, they will assume that the equalists were behind the attack and that we have both been taken by Amon's groupies, and that is the story you will help me tell after I have pounded you into the ground so hard that not even the avatar state will help you out of the ocean of pain and suffering you have caused yourself."

Tarlock was angry but even so he was going to enjoy what he had planned for Korra, still he wanted to revel in this, make her ask what he had planned, and he also just wanted to gloat and see her face as bound and as helpless as she was. Turning around he stepped on her bindings forcing them to tighten and pull on her hair at the same time. He looked down at her face expecting too see some pain as her pigtail was pulled on hard by his ropes. forcing her neck to crane upwards so that she would look towards him. "Just checking to make sure your still secure, can't have you breaking out can we?"
The cold helped Korra's awareness. Everything about her felt clearer, sharper, and the chill seeping into her muscles certainly helped with that. She noticed that Tarlock was alone, well, nearly alone. Korra could see Naga, her faithful mount, standing nearby. The blood bender must have Korra's pet in his thrall, because there was no way that Naga would normally stand by like that, not while his partner was being threatened. The venom dripping from Tarlock's every syllable made the threat quite clear.

The Avatar chuckled at Tarlock claiming she ruined everything. Korra was half tempted to point out that everything was pretty well ruined before she ever showed up, and that Tarlock's plans were hardly that revolutionary anyway. Okay, so he'd had a good setup here, but didn't he realize that these things never held, especially with the Avatar involved? Everything balanced in the end. Korra told herself that as her captor explained how he was going to cover everything up. "Somebody will figure it out," she hissed through clenched teeth. Lin, Mako, Tenzin, someone would be able to piece things together. They'd see traces of bending. Or maybe they'd even go after Amon and his minions, and when the Equalists couldn't produce the Avatar, well, there weren't many other options, were there?

A part of Korra felt some fear at Tarlock's plan though. Not the plan itself, but that last, the idea that he was going to beat it into her. Tarlock knew Korra; they'd worked together. He'd managed to nearly perfectly manipulate her into confronting Amon. So he knew how strong she was and how to work her. So how did he expect to break her?

Before Korra could ask, Tarlock tugged. The Avatar hissed in pain as her bindings pulled, stretching her muscles. She could hear ropes creaking, so at least she knew what held her, for all the good it did. But she could also feel that pressure stretching every bit of her, especially her hair. Korra had to pinch her eyes shut for a moment, channeling the pain into anger. Soon she'd be able to look up at Tarlock, rage seething from her blue eyes.

"What's the matter? Afraid that I'd beat you in a fair fight?" she said. Korra thrashed again, testing her bonds. As Tarlock had figured, however, the bindings held the Avatar in place almost too well. She'd need outside help if she was to escape. Which made Korra look over at Naga, wondering if Tarlock's decision to bring the polar bear dog here would be in her favor...
Tarlock eased his foot off of Korra's ropes and hair smiling a moment as he heard her rebelous voice. Oh he knew she was strong he had fought along side her in how many encounters now? So many places had been raided with the two working side by side on his task force, but now he had to stamp her out. It wasn't an easy task but it was a challenge, and Tarlock loved a good challenge. That said in terms of a fair fight didn't he just have one with her? He almost laughed remembering at how she had barged into his office.

"Korra we just went a round or are too dumb to remember that the reason your here is that I already beat you in a fair fight." His voice was a small laugh as he put his free hand over his forehead and shook for a moment. Standing out in the cold he felt refreshed, and as he looked at Naga, and then too the avatar he smiled. "Oh your mount won't help you here, see Humans are... difficult to blood bend, they have much more resistance something about willpower. Animals on the other hand are rather easy by comparison. Past the full moon I might not be able to blood bend you, but your favorite pet is very easy for me to command."

Standing up he demonstrated his point turning to Naga his hand outstretched and he pointed down, immediately the giant polar-bear dog laid down as if Korra had told her to lay down. Raising her up, however Naga's body twisted and rose in an unnatural fashion the dog letting out a harsh whimper after a moment. Now that he was done showing off to Korra He turned back to her. "Lin is busy, her city has gone into a full on war, Mako is a moron, and Tenzin... do you actually think that old fool would suspect this? After all the times you ran away from him, how long do you think it would take for him to even realize your gone, and not just off with your pro bending friends again."

If she was putting her hopes in those three then he really did have Korra right where he wanted her, in more ways then one. As for the seething rage he saw in her eyes, he returned the look with his own menace and glee at her situation. If there was one thing he loved being it was in control, and right now He was in control of everything. "Your friends aren't coming for you Korra, they all have bigger problems than that. You're only saving grace is that I am your friend, and while I may need you out of the city right now eventually once you have seen things my way we can go back we can play the hero's we were meant to be, but until then everyone in republic city is gonna cry out and ask where is the avatar, and the only answer you will be able to give, is face down in the snow."

Bending a small amount of the snow into water he slapped her across the face with the ice cold fluid, just to drench her a little and show her that he really did have full control over her, and her little pet.
"That wasn't a fair fight!" snapped Korra. She thrashed and stretched the ropes for a moment. Her rage gave her quite a bit of strength, her body surging against the bonds. It wasn't enough though; all she managed to do was hurt herself. Korra ended up back on the ground even before he started talking about Naga. Her eyes flew to her companion again. Soon those eyes widened in horror at seeing the animal bending low, brought there by Tarlock's foul powers.

Of course animals were easier. Korra should have remembered that from the stories Katara used to tell her. Blood pounded in all veins, but animals didn't have the resistance that humans had. Humans could fight, could gather their will and their chi and at least attempt resistance; animals had so much less to work with. So Korra should have known. The anger she felt at not knowing swelled within her, and she could practically feel Naga's pain.

Tarlock built on that pain. He enumerated all the people who wouldn't be finding her. Korra sucked in a breath, trying to act as though his comments hadn't hurt. He hadn't mentioned Bolin but, well, Korra hadn't even thought of Bolin, nobody would. There was Asami...

Only saving grace was that Tarlock was... Korra barked a laugh at that. "right, because you're so understanding and genero--" Korra didn't finish the words, as ice slammed into her face filling her mouth and silencing her for several seconds. The Avatar spit the snow out, growling fiercely. She wiggled, trying to move something, anything. But Tarlock had even bound her her head in place. Korra couldn't move her head enough to bend, not without removing her hair. And by the time she pulled enough to manage that, Tarlock would have already sent a much more fierce attack than some snow.

"Is this your brilliant plan?" she barked, twisting and looking up at him. "Are you gonna talk me to death? I shouldn't known," oh, she definitely should have known. She should have figured out something was wrong with Tarlock from the beginning. Korra had been foolish to trust this man, and that trust was coming back to hurt her even worse than she'd thought possible.
"No, my plan is to watch you cry." Tarlock said happily it seemed the direness of the avatar's situation was in fact slowly sinking in past her thick skull. However for the moment he was done with gloating. As fun as it was, he wouldn't get anything across Korra's skull with just words. Oh he could push her buttons he knew how to do that, but when she was tied up and powerless there wasn't as much fun it. Stepping on her body as if she was just the rug under his feet he walked over her so that he could get behind Korra, while at the same time the ropes pulled on her joints and her body was pushed deeper into the cold wet snow.

Tarlock bent lower, placing a hand on the avatars firm ass for a moment reaching under the fur's she wore as a belt, and grabbing the edge of her rather baggy pants. pulling them down to her knees. He couldn't take them all the way off simply because he would have needed to untie her for that, but he was still exposing a large amount of her skin directly to the elements. He worked on untying the sash next dropping the furr next to her face so that nothing was left to protect her bottom half. Her ass and pussy as well as a good majority of her bottom half were exposed to the elements.

"Your right I am understanding, and I am generous, after all Korra i'm not going to kill you. Though in all truth I probably should. You've proven more then capable of causing enough damage." He was rather annoyed at her, but in truth he enjoyed the constant banter, that was why he wasn't putting a gag on her. Though she certainly deserved one, for the avatar she never really did have much of a concept of respect for others.

"I do hope you understand that you brought this all on yourself." As he spoke his free hand moved and with it the snow under her hardened into a bed of ice, tarlock stomped the ground and a moment later Korra was flipped uncomfortably onto her back via his bending.
Watch her cry? "Yeah, good luck with that," said Korra, smirking at that. If it was one thing she didn't intend to do in the slightest, it was cry for this guy. Korra wasn't one to really cry in front of people; okay, there had been that thing with Mako and she could distinctly remember crying in Tenzin's arms, but those had been during moments of weakness, not when she was gathering her strength to fight against an evil bender.

A pull, and Korra soon became more intimately acquainted with the snow. She chuckled at that. Really? He wanted to try and break her with the cold? She'd lived in it for ages. Oh, it still didn't feel great, but, oh, wait, his hand touched Korra. she could feel his fingers touching her ass. He would find the portion of Avatar anatomy to be rock hard, almost solid muscle. Years of bending mixed with an active lifestyle had left Korra almost more muscular than the average man, let alone the average woman. Soon Korra felt the cold air kiss those muscles. This time she couldn't hold back a gasp. She may be used to cold, but she wasn't used to it caressing her rear. The muscles clenched. The flexing shifted things, and Korra could swear that she felt air kissing her nether lips. That was a tight slit of pink amid the sea of brown. the virginity practically showed just from the appearance, let alone from any prodding. Just a few inches above it was a slightly trimmed thatch of unruly pubic hair. Korra had tried some maintenance, particularly after meeting Mako, but it was a bit like attempting to cut down a forest with a machete for her: much more effort and pain than it was worth.

Capable of causing damage, not killing her, well, that was something. As long as Korra remained alive, she remained in a position to fight back, to strike against Tarlock when his defenses were lowered. More words, something about bringing this on herself, then a flip, a hard flip onto ice. Korra grunted as she felt her hands and head pressing against the cold, her body still arched thanks to the hog-tying of her frame. She was also all too aware that she practically shoved her sex up at him. Even her breasts seemed to have been put on presentation; their youthful firmness making them all too tempting targets.
Tarlock looked at the sensitive pink flesh along her athletic brown body. In truth he much appreciated Korra's strength. Her frame was a unique thing among most females, and she was a little more precious because of that. He did find her attractive which was a good thing for what he was going to do to her, however looking at her body it seemed like she wasn't at all prepared for what was coming her way. He had no doubt that his goal was maybe a little unrealistic, but that just meant he would have to try hard to break Korra down past her strength and bravado.

Looking down at her athletic frame and the full breasts that seemed to just dare him to take off her shirt he couldn't help but smile. Tarlock resisted the urge to touch her for the moment however, instead bending water from around them. He rubbed the cold water like a small tendril crawling up along her trapped leg, and rubbing lightly against her her pussy. Tarlock let out a small breath, as the cold water rubbed against her pussy, sliding up so that it was against the small forest she had grown. It was clear she had tried to play maintenance, but he doubted she had ever thought about something like this.

"I think it's about time you waxed."

Tarlocks tone wasn't joking, his fist clenched and the cold water froze over lifting away from her actual skin, but trapping the hair between her legs in a layer of thick ice, and what came next was ripping off the ice like wax paper. The cold water had probably numbed the area making it less, but he had no doubt that it still hurt like a bitch. Still it would leave her smoother then any actual wax job she could have bought.
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