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Nov 15, 2013
"It's going to explode!"

There was no warning when the outbreak which brought the dead back to life hit. It started out like any other day with people going to work, or to school. They had no idea that this day would be for many their last day on Earth. As the living that is. The outbreak which created what would be called 'Walkers' had no clear starting point. It was everywhere. The recently deceased suddenly rose and began attacking the living. Feeding on their warm flesh and creating more walkers. Those who weren't ripped apart by the attacking zombies, were themselves turned into blood thirsty ghouls. A person could bleed out in just minutes and become a walker in a matter of seconds. However, there were some who survived with just a bite wound. But in time they would die from the infection and become a zombie. There was no antibiotic that could stop this infection. Most people died within hours of being bitten. Doctor's were powerless to help those in dire need. Hospitals all over the nation became swamped with the injured who soon turned into monsters. It didn't take long for society as we know it to breakdown. With in days everything was pure chaos. People began looking out for themselves when it was clear that the Government wasn't coming to save them. Nothing had been heard from Washington D.C. since the emergency broadcast system was activated. Sure there were local rescue stations which had been set up. But those places were over taken by the advancing hordes of walkers. Those rescue stations became death traps for those seeking help. For those who were still alive, they had to now fight to survive.

Within minutes things were suddenly gone: the computers, favorite television shows and mindless texting. Now all that people thought about was how to live from day to day and stay alive. Gathering food & water while keep away from the walkers. The walkers were easily beaten one on one. A shot to their heads, or a sharp blow would put them down for good. The one thing that those who survived learned was that walkers could only be killed by destroying the brain.

Slowly as she opened her eyes and went back to reality, everything still felt the good old days. Waking up 5:00 in morning was quite surprising for Jessie when looked over to side and gazed over her digital clock. Usually she would wake up little later but it looked like something kept her back and awake from reaching that time. As she sat there for minutes, waiting for dad to appear in front her bedroom or come back from work, she gazed back over to her digital clock and noticed it was still staying at 5. Was it even a few minutes? Lousily pressing her hands firmly against the sheets of her bed and swinging her legs over to the floor beneath her, she got up and tip toe towards her bedroom door. Turning the knob of it and pulling back towards her, she opened the door and stepped through it before lightly tip toeing to the living room.

It was quiet. Too quiet. As she approached the living room and realized the tv was left on and guessed all last night. She soon went in front of it and listened. Even though the tv volume was at a low terms Jessie was still able to hear it and listened what was going on. "Breaking News: The World is Falling to a End! There is no time to explain! The World is Falling to End. GET TO SHELTER AND HIDE. PROTECT ALL THE CHILDREEN" And with that, a little video at the side showed what was happening outside in Atlanta. Large fires burning down cars, People and kids running away (which was unclear why), and loud moaning sounds coming behind the background as for a few cries. Cars moving in fast paces as they knocked over people, honking their horns them to get pass. This was not a ordinary game. Suddenly, in video, shown a moan dropped down to the ground and bitten alive from whatever was on top of him. He of course cried. And suddenly, the video blacked out along with the tv....Could it be the power knocked down? Jessie began to panic.

Until there was a large crash.

This is the world we live in and this is where our story begins.......
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