A drink? (Kat x Zapp) [DC/Doctor who]


Aug 20, 2013
It had been a long, but productive day. They had hunted down another cluster of Cyclon ships, and defeated them. But it had taken a few ships of their own. Which was the main reason that River was now sitting at the bar, having a drink. She was trying to wind down after a long day. Luckily she wasn't supposed to be on the bridge before the middle of the next day. Unless there was an emergency. One of the few benefits of being one of the tactical leaders.
After drowning another shot of.. whatever it was, River nodded to the bar robot, signalling that she wanted another one. She was still in her uniform, which was very much like a 21st century, military thing. Tight, dark green skirt, white cotton shirt, and a jacket over that. At least that was what she wore when things were very formal. At the moment she had removed her jacket, and pulled the shirt away from the skirt, so she looked a bit more relaxed. Her black heels were parked by the side of the bar stool, but her hair was still tightly bound in the bun on the back of her head, as she sipped her new drink.
RE: A drink? (Kat x Zapp) [Marvel/Doctor who]

Though he had become a widely known superhero on Earth, J'onn J'onzz still knew where his calling was: the stars. Back when he was one of the famed Manhunters of Mars, it was his duty to travel through the 28 known galaxies, tracking down the universe's worst criminals. They said old habits died hard, and so when he was called upon to help out against an ever-encroaching Cylon fleet, the Martian Manhunter was there to lend his assistance to the universe's top law enforcement.

After a day of crushing Cylon ships with his bare hands, the Green Giant decided to at least have a drink with his allies in celebration before making his way back to Earth. He was dressed in his standard uniform, his abdomen bare while his cape wrapped imposingly around his form. At 6'6" and 380 pounds, nobody would be picking a fight with the intergalactic detective.

"River." His voice, deep and just above a monotone, came out softly behind the curly-haired time traveler. J'onn had become familiar with River Song after a team-up with The Doctor, not to mention that River's past status as a "fugitive" had been known to most law enforcers in the known universe. "Excellent shooting today. Though you did almost hit me with that neutron turret..." The Martian smiled and took a seat next to the smaller human/Time Lord hybrid.
RE: A drink? (Kat x Zapp) [Marvel/Doctor who]

"J'onn" River smiled as he approached her. She had known the man for some time now, and he had proved to be a good friend and ally. Who would want to be on the bad side of someone who could crush you like a bug? During her past 6 months of spacewar, she hadn't seen the slightest glimpse of her husband, but J'onn she had seen quite a bit of.

One night they had lost a lot of their fleetships. And although she knew it was a bad idea, River had gotten quite drunk. Not having seen her husband for more than 6 months, meant that she had quite a lot of sexual tension build up. J'onn had maybe taken a bid advantage of that, but at least he didn't pretend that it was more than it was. River was a very sexual woman, and she did have needs. When her husband didn't show up on a regular basis, she had to find other ways of keeping herself happy. But in her heart she was true to him, that never changed.

She nodded at the compliment. "I did not.. you were just in the way" River shot back at him, teasingly. Being an expert marksman, she didn't take any critique of that lightly. "You did great too.. you saved a lot of lives today" River smiled softly. She honestly felt better when she was keeping busy. Having time to think, really wasn't something she liked.
In many ways, J'onn and The Doctor were quite similar. Both had lost their entire race, both took on new faces as the need arose, both were far too old and experienced. Perhaps that was why River had been so drawn to him, and in turn, why he was drawn to her. After centuries of solitude, he had finally begun to move on with his life after the loss of his wife, child, and all of his loved ones. It was long past time to work on himself, which River was more than happy to help with.

"Perhaps it's lucky for you that I was able to phase through it then. Not every man can do that." He nodded with a small smirk. The bartender brought J'onn not alcohol, but a small bag of cookies and a glass of milk. Immediately he dunked one of the cookies and threw it into his mouth.

~~You're quite quiet and reserved tonight.~~ He spoke telepathically to the time traveler.
River grinned a bit as she saw what he was brought, in stead of alcohol. It wasn't a far cry from The Doctor's love for Jammie dodgers. Good she missed him. But more than that, she needed him. It had been so long since anyone had taken advantage of her curvy body. River was a very psychical person, and needed that contact with somebody. Even if that somebody wasn't to be her husband.

"I know you can look out for yourself.. I wasn't worried." River smiled slightly as she drank a bit more of her drink.

His telepathic message got her to sit up. "I knew one of the people who died today, really well." She shrugged a bit. The woman who had been on one of the lost ships, had been one of the few people River had bonded with really well. And to know that she had died, effected her. Like it should.
For a moment, J'onn paused, his munching becoming slow and hesitant. Slowly he nodded before finally continuing telepathically.

~I learned a very long time ago that in a war, there are casualties on both sides. Everyone loses something, whether it is a friend, a lover, or something even more. This is why I gave up being a soldier long ago. It's too much.~ He placed a large green hand upon River's shoulder, his touch allowing him to send calming waves of psychic energy through her. ~You have my utmost condolences.~
River hadn't lost anything but friends from being a soldier. She didn't have anything else to loose, having already lost her parents, and her husband was floating somewhere in outer space. But she didn't want to stop making friends. If she did that she would only be more lonely than she was already. In some ways she was too much like her husband.

"Thank you" She smiled at him, feeling a bit more calm when he touched her. "Let's talk about something else.. cheer me up" She finished another glass. Because she was sitting down, she didn't really feel it's impact yet. But she knew she would, once she stood up.
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