Why You Don't Leave the Tower {darkest_fate&Google}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
"Okay, so what's the worst that can happen, really?" Rapunzel asked the small green chameleon that sat on her window ledge. The blonde perched atop the rocky ledge, her bared feet close together, toes wiggling. She rocked for a moment, the entire impressive length of her golden hair shifting with the slight movement. Even the littlest movement could cause the feet upon feet of hair stretching out behind Rapunzel to shift; she'd learned that from an early age. Fortunately, she'd learned how to move with the hair, often using it for all sorts of handy things. So one of those things happened to be a rope, and she might have sneaked out of the tower and almost immediately ran into her mother.

"It's not like there are man-eating monsters out there!" protested Rapunzel, waving toward the outside again. Her pet just gave her a lackadaisical look before rolling its eyes. It was used to the pretty young girl discussing things like this. Rapunzel had been talking about leaving the tower off and on for the last half dozen years or so. Her eighteenth birthday lay just around the corner, and it was as if that looming date had set off some kind of internal clock within the naive girl. She wanted to head out, specifically to see some lights. Her mother had already said no, but that wasn't enough to stop Rapunzel, oh no.

Unfortunately, she'd had a little difficulty finding her way out of the little valley where her tower lay, and there had been some walking in circles and stuff and she'd eventually just wound up more or less where she'd started. And there had been mother. And then Rapunzel's mother had been quite insistent that the girl return to the tower. A day or so had passed, and then Mother Gothel had insisted that Rapunzel clean up, because the next day they'd be getting a visitor.

"And wear something cute," the woman said, eying her "daughter" critically. "Though I'm not sure there's any hope for you."

Rapunzel really didn't have any clue if she counted as attractive enough. Oh, she supposed that her hair was beautiful, being golden and thick and all. But her face was rather rounded, almost as though childhood hadn't quite given up on her. Her bright green eyes were a little on the large side too, seeming to stand out prominently on her face. She supposed her skin could do with some coloring too; she hadn't exactly been outside the tower in ages and you could only get so much sun through windows. Her nails and hands had a tendency to get grubby from the countless activities she did to fight off her boredom. She certainly didn't have the same figure as her mother. Her bust simply did not stand out as impressively and she didn't quite have the flare to her hips. Rapunzel liked to think that she still counted as cute, and that most of what she had to wear counted too, but her mother kept saying she wasn't, so...

The girl shrugged and swung away from the window, moving about. The tower was already clean, spotless, in fact, and Rapunzel had gathered the right supplies for a supper if it came to that. She'd brushed through the hair already and tried to make it as shimmering as possible. She'd found a few ribbons which she'd tried to weave in, which she thought looked nice. As far as clothing went, she opted for one of her better dresses. It was still a pale pink that definitely looked "cute," but she thought it would work alright. She liked it. Underneath was the usual: a light pink shift. No need for shoes.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your haaaair!" the familiar voice called. Rapunzel skipped over, tossing over a great rope of the golden hair. Within moments, Mother Gothel had climbed up the tower and was dusting herself off. She gave Rapunzel a once over, frowned, muttered a "I suppose that's the best you'll ever do" and then walked to the center of the tower floor. She set down a small bottle that Rapunzel had never seen before, stepped back, and then muttered some words. Smoke billowed out of the bottle, and Rapunzel wasn't sure whether to step back or look forward. Her pet had decided that now was a good time to leave; it scampered off, leaving Rapunzel and her mother to face whatever the smoke had released.

The bottle, it would change everything, what was in that bottle was something primal, something that had existed before the world and could quite possibly continue to exist long after the world was torn assunder.

In the Eastern Lands of Story and Sand there were legends of worlds beyond ours, not out in the stars but in places that were all around the people but could not be seen. The denizens of these lands were many but among them there existed the Ifrit and the Djiin.

These beings were both incredibly powerful and lived in planes that were close enough to touch in some places... but while the Djiin were generally cheerful trickster beings that took great care not to harm the mortals who occasionally stumbled into their lands the Ifrit were the opposite, wild and bestial things, controlled by the basest of urges. Beings of violence and lust...

Among the Ifrit there was one being in particular that stood out, he was far more clever then most and his strength stood out even in such a group of powerful beings. He had long watched the human world from the tower that he had built for himself, wanting to find a way to do what the humans so often did by accident and cross over. The Ifrit had a hard time doing that, as far as this particular one was aware not a single one of them had ever managed.

But Cherubael was not going to just give up because none had ever done it before, he knew there had to be a way and he would find it. Eventually word reached him, a human king had found a way to draw the Djiin forth into the human world... and as far as Cherubael was concerned he could use that as a way into the mortal world.

And so he mounted an invasion, leading a demi legion into the world of the Djiin and when he felt the mortal Kings spell work he rushed forward and out into the softer and brighter land. It was all that he had desired, the air was crisper, the people were so much softer, here he would be able to rule like a king... here he would rule as a God.

But the king who had brought him forth knew the mistake he had made and Cherubael had no idea what he had just rushed into blind. The King had been binding the Djiin in lamps, powerful spells forcing them to use their power to grant wishes of those that freed them. This however was going to be a different thing, a very different sort of thing... the spells were hasty and improvised but what they lacked in subtly they made up in power. Cherubael was bound into a glass bottle, the spell to release him was carved into the glass along with a warning that the spells that would keep him obedient would not last, if he was released then sooner or later he would find a way to free himself from the control of the witch or wizard that set him loose.

Time went by, Cherubael was unsure how much as he slumbered for most of the time, the bottle was passed from hand to hand, traded along from magic user to magic user, the spell to release him remained legible but in time the warning was rubbed away, too many hands rubbing over the wrong spot would have great effect later on.

Cherubael knew that he would be free eventually though, humanity was short sighted and foolish. Many centuries had past before the bottle eventually passed into the hands of a witch, moderately powerful but using a rather unique sort of magic, rare in this world that allowed her to remain young far beyond her years.

She began to whisper the proper words to the bottle to awaken the spirit within, letting him know what was intended, he was to remain in or near the tower and keep the girl within from leaving by any means necessary, beyond that he could do as he liked... so long as he did not kill the girl or cut her hair. He wasn't released right away though, the first part of the spell to release him could be done at any time, it would awaken the spirit and the second half would be completed in the next twenty four hours or else the Ifrit inside would sleep again.

But the a few hours later he heard the other words speaking, the chains that bound him in the bottle weakened and disappeared, smoke pouring free and with it Cherubael was given flesh once more though he wasn't as strong as he had once been, the time locked away had weakened him. Before he had been able to change him form however he liked, size and shape had been his to command but now he was trapped into a single shape, the one he wore most often, towering at nearly seven feet tall, three hundred and twenty pounds of solid muscle covered in thick fur with waves of heat radiating from his body... his resting temperature in the neighborhood of a hundred and ten degrees but could raise even higher when angered or excited... and he was very excited to be free.

“Gothel...” He murmured, his voice a deep and powerful growl that echoed from the tower walls. “This is the girl that you have freed me to watch over... I can guarantee that she will not be leaving.” He looked over her, eyes narrowing, long and thick tongue running over his lips, tracing over his prominent teeth, the leather loincloth that he wore was straining to cover the bulge that was forming. “You can leave now, I will be very happy looking after her.” At least for a while, sooner or later he would find a way free of the bindings, now that he was free he would have all that he desired.
The two women watched the arrival of the servant with completely different reactions. Innocent Rapunzel's mouth opened in utter shock. Not only was this some kind of magical being, a creature or being that had walked out of her books and into life, but this was some kind of dark magic creature. Rapunzel could nearly feel the dark energies rolling from him. Worse, she could feel something else, the bulging muscles and the sheer masculinity of him frightening her. Her heart thudded fast, and she expected it to burst from her chest. She'd been expecting a female guardian, another overbearing motherly type, not this strange creature.

Gothel recognized the servant of heat, recognized him all too well. Her calculating eyes raked every inch of him, memories awakening from deep within. It had been a few years since she'd dallied with a creature like this, an she couldn't even say whether it was this male specifically. They all looked the same to Gothel. She did know that they could be spectacular lovers if it came down to it, and she was all too aware of the throbbing thing that lay underneath his loincloth. Her eyes hovered on that for several long seconds, and she had to fight the urge to suggest that they perhaps attend to a little dalliance together. Instead, she looked to her "daughter," who stared openly at the creature, shock and awe etched all over that cute little face.

"Rapunzel, this is Cherubael, an ancient being of the East," said Gothel, gesturing toward the massive creature. "Cherubael, this is my adopted daughter, Rapunzel. Now, Rapunzel, Cherubael is to be your guardian, and you're to obey whatever he tells you. All his orders are to be obeyed as if they come from me,' she placed her hand upon her chest, smiling benevolently. "It's for your own good, you understand."

"Uh- of course, mother," said Rapunzel, pasting a smile on her face. She placed her hands behind her chest, which unconsciously thrust her modest bust forward ever so slightly. She rocked on her toes and tried to look Cherubael in the eyes. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. uh, Cheru---Chara---Bael? Is there maybe an easier version--"

"Now, now Rapunzel, don't be a pest. Cherubael, you know the rules," she shot him a look, hoping to remind her: no hair cutting, no death, but everything else is allowed. Hell, she didn't mind if the creature took Rapunzel every hour on the hour, so long as the hair was in good condition and lost absolutely none of its magic, which she seriously doubted. She was even willing to share, if it came to it. Gothel was going to hesitate for a few moments though, wanting to see how the introductions went and such.
Heat, chaos, passion, the Ifrit did exactly what it wanted when it wanted to and to be chained, to have rules placed upon it went against its very nature. He could feel them, even if no one could see the chains he knew they were there. The magic that trapped him, bound him, was not very complex but the king who had put it in place had used a great deal of power... to just break the bonds wouldn't be easy but given time Cherubael knew that he would be able free himself. That would be the key to regaining his full power, if he were able to break free of the chains and from there he doubted there was anything on the planet with the strength to bind him again. The last time he had been weakened as he emerged from the portal to this realm but at the peak of his power the whole world would tremble.

Curious about how strong the bonds were, just how much power Gothel really had, Cherubael took a deep breath, feeling fire build up within his body but before he could even begin to exhale it at the girl he was there to protect... it was like a freezing collar of iron slapped closed around his neck and cut off the power. His eyes narrowed right away, hands twitching as they itched to rip the collar from his throat and destroy it... but he knew that it was nothing he could touch and nothing that could be seen. An Ifrit didn't like the cold, it was an antithesis to them. Oh he hated Gothel in that moment for limiting him, for trying to control chaos, uncounted years without a body and he hated Gothel in that moment more then the man who had placed him there.

“I remember the rules.” He grunted, reaching up to scratch his chest and take off a little if of the edge from the cold that still burned at his neck. Oh it felt good to be able to do that, so long without a body, nothing but a mind and the urges that came along with a body never went away. SO long locked away, all his urges still burning, unable to act upon them or find even the slightest bit of relief. It was a good thing that Gothel had put rules upon him to keep him from killing her because otherwise he might just fuck her to death. By his estimate it could have been thousands of years since he was last able to walk free and that left quite a lot of pent up desire to be burned off. Of course Gothel likely wanted those rules to remain unstated, not wanting to worry the young lady overly much and for the time being Cherubael was willing to play along though her difficulty pronouncing his name was an amusing one.

Looking away from Gothel he started to advance on Rapunzel with a grin on his face that displayed his sharp teeth and clear desire burning in his eyes. The way that she was displaying herself, he doubted that she was doing it on purpose but that didn't matter at all, she smelled of royalty, magic, and innocence, things that all men, even men that were Demons desired. Still looking at Rapunzel, not wanting to take his eyes off of her. “She will not leave the tower, there will be no visitors except for you, there will be no problems at all.” No, anyone trying to get into the tower would be dealt with harshly and given no second chances. Gothel's whispers were had informed him that she had longed to leave and that plenty of people might be looking for her one day... let her true parents come for her, let them bring their armies, it would give him a chance to stretch his legs a little bit.

"Now why don't you leave Gothel, give us a chance to get acquainted."
There were certainly advantages to the way Gothel had bound the ifrit. She had not completely bound him, not stripped away his powers entirely. In fact, he would find himself capable to do nearly anything he wanted, should it come to that. Gothel fully believed that the demon was going to... enjoy himself while he stayed at the tower. There were many a legend stating that demons preferred virgin sacrifice, but only a handful knew that the main reason they preferred virgins was for their, well, their lack of sexual knowledge. It was ever so much more enjoyable to corrupt someone that wholly innocent, and females didn't come much more innocent than Rapunzel.

So there was that tantalizing tidbit for him. Plus he would find his abilities nearly untapped, should he be using them on Rapunzel in accordance with the rules. He would even be allowed to leave the tower for extended periods of time, and he would find that he could venture quite far and wide. The cold would only settle onto him after an extended leave from the tower, and it would build gradually until it smothered his internal fires. Cold was the best way to deal with an ifrit. Well, actually, holy magic was the best way, but Gothel hardly had any interest or skill in that. Rapunzel might have been capable, if left to develop in that direction, but Gothel hardly believed that anything the girl could do at this point would harm the demon.

"Right, I do have things to do," said Gothel, dusting herself off. Rapunzel gave her a wide-eyed look of disbelief, her mouth opening for a bit. Gothel, as always, found she didn't care. "I'm certainly you have plenty to do yourself. Getting familiar with all the nooks and crannies, learning what enjoyments there are to be had, things of that nature," Gothel waved a hand dismissively, then turned to go. She swayed her hips a little as she headed toward the exit of the tower, waiting only a moment while Rapunzel scampered over. "Lower your hair, dear."

"Um, mother, don't you think that you should probably--"
"Now now, you'll be fine. Cherubael's a wonderful being, very old. I'm sure he'll have plenty to talk to you about," said Gothel, placing a hand on her "daughter." "Now, give mommy a kiss," the two exchanged kisses on the cheek and then the witch was off, knowing full well what she left her troublesome daughter to.

Rapunzel stayed by the window for a few moments longer than necessary, staring down at her mother. The witch had gestured for her daughter to head back inside, but Rapunzel wasn't quite ready. She tried a nervous smile and wave, but Gothel was having none of it. Soon Rapunzel had sighed and turned back to the creature. He just looked so... so... imposing. But maybe looks weren't everything. For all Rapunzel knew, he could secretly want to be a baker or collect china figurines.

"So, uh, was there anything you wanted to do?" she asked, moving away from the window and again lacing her fingers behind her back. "I've got lots of books and paints, and I think there's some games around here somewhere... I could give you a tour, but the tower's really not that big..."
The innocence of the girl before him was perhaps the most tempting thing that Cherubael could picture at that moment. TO have gone so long without any particular release for his immense carnal desires had been a torture in itself. In the lands that he had called home he had been a duke of the lower realms, ruling a massive swathe of land from a tower much larger and grander then this one, half a dozen succubi existing only to bring him pleasure at any given moment...

Ah the succubi, that was a thought to bring a smile to his face, the memory of nights with those many varied vixens who, if the rumors were to be believed, had started out as innocent mortal virgins before being corrupted by a being from another realm, the constant exposure enough to change them over time. Cherubael had no idea if this was true but in the end it really didn't matter, the corruption of innocence, the defiling of something pure was on its own a perfectly enjoyable pastime. The blonde young thing before him was a complete innocence, a rarity for sure and one to be enjoyed... savored.

As Gothel prepared to leave Cherubael hardly spared her a thought except to chuckle a little bit at her choice of words. He intended to fully explore each nook and cranny in this place, to rediscover the many different pleasures that existed for him here and not just the carnal pleasures of a sexual nature... to have gone so long without form had left him craving a meal as quickly as possible. Stretching out his senses he was able to hear a variety of animals around that could be hunted and devoured quite quickly and it seemed like a building a little farther off filled with rowdy men and the smell of some very potent liquor... oh how long had it been since he had enjoyed a drink. Every single sensation was always like new to him and he was ready to devour a barrel of whatever drink was most popular in the region.

As she moved to the window to watch the witch leave Cherubael looked over her with a grin on his face, looking over her body, gorgeous and so nubile. Unable to help himself he moved up behind her, surprisingly graceful and silent for a creature his size, hardly seeming to make a noise as his feet brushed over the floor. The tower seemed especially small around him, as though built for a body significantly smaller then his own.

“I was trapped for so long I lost track of the centuries...” He told her with a smile that showered far more teeth then should have been there. “There are many things that I want to do but I have more then enough time to relax and take it slowly... why don't you show me to the bedroom.” Of course he would take the bed, hopefully it would be large enough but if not then something could be arranged.
"Uh, I can probably help you catch up, or, you know, books," Rapunzel tried as he began explaining how long it had been. She very nearly talked over him, only just managing to get her mouth closed as he continued. Imposing or not, he was someone new, someone she could talk to who wasn't her mother or her pet. Just think of all the things he had experienced! Rapunzel was definitely hoping that he would at least share some things. Who knows, maybe she could get on his good side and figure a way out of here. He might even turn out to be helpful.

But first, the bedroom. Rapunzel nodded at that, clapping her hands together, "Right, the bedroom, I bet you're tired. There's actually two beds," she held up her fingers, "because Mother likes to stay over from time to time or get some beauty sleep or something," Rapunzel never asked what her mother did in her bedroom. She wasn't allowed to go in there, though that didn't stop the noises from leaking out. Every once in a while Mother would come home in a hurry, covering something, go into the bedroom, and Rapunzel would hear strange noises. She'd asked once, but the harsh answer had made her think twice about ever asking again.

So Rapunzel took him toward the bed section of the tower. Both were up some stairs, Rapunzel's room out in the open while her mother's was a locked door even further up. The nubile blonde bounced forward, careful to slide her hair out of the way. She might be used to dealing with it and moving around it, but that didn't mean Cherubael was. Soon she was gesturing toward her mother's bedroom and explaining, and then indicating her own, which looked almost too feminine. White frilled sheets rimmed with pink covered the bed, upon which were strewn several fluffy pillow in matching colors. A handful of stuffed animals sat atop the bed and a handful more were set against various dressers and the like. The room was fairly simple, pretty well opening up into the rest of the tower. Really the only door was the one leading to her mother's room. Everything else was wide open.

"So, uh, what do you want me to call you again? Was it Cherubub? Cherry-bale? Is there some short version you'd rather be called or...?" tried Rapunzel, smiling up at the man, trying to be as friendly as she possibly could.
It was interesting, she was innocent to the point where she didn't even fear him. He was a massive and powerful incarnation of chaos, fire, and lust with a fearsome appearance that perfectly matched that description and yet she didn't even seem to show the normal fear that a mortal displayed before him. When last he had appeared in the mortal world the king who had trapped him had been surrounded by acolytes, they had all quaked in fear and begged for their lives when he had appeared and only the king had kept his head.

In that case it had been the power and knowledge of the king that had allowed the mortal man to remain calm but Rapunzel had neither of these things as far as Cherubael could tell though there was an odd aura of magical power about her. He wasn't able to figure out the exact amount of power that was present but it seemed to be just about everywhere in the tower as though emanating from nearly every direction. It was a curious thing, he would need to investigate it later, the magic, if it could be harnessed, would be a great way to regain more of his strength.

As she led him up to the bedroom he followed after her, taking care not to step on her hair. Gothel had not explained all the details to him about why this girl was so important but given that he was not to harm her hair he had to assume that this particularly abundant hair had something to do with it. Another curious thing that he would explore later once he had figured out just how strong Gothel's power over him was, what the limits were, and how he would be able to break free. The witch was clever, cold magic was perhaps the best way to control him to anyone who couldn't use the much more powerful Holy Magic and while an Ifrit was nearly immortal it would be possible to put him back into the bottle, weakening him so that he was unable to fight or ever break free.

“Only two bedrooms... clearly I can't take Gothel's...” He grunted as she explained the situation to him, knowing that if he wanted to then he likely could just take that room but it was more interesting to impose himself upon Rapunzel. Her room though was... very feminine, the sheer amount of pink, lace, and stuffed animals... it was grating to a being that most mortals might consider a demon. “So you and I will be sharing the room for the time being.”

Moving across the room, sweeping an arm over the bed, brushing aside the majority of the stuffed animals and pillows that laid atop it before lounging upon it, hearing the bed creak beneath it. “My name is Cherubael... it does not translate very well but it has a great meaning to my kind. I suppose if you have trouble saying it then you could call me Master or Sir, now I have been trapped in a bottle for a long time so why don't you come over here and massage my sore muscles... I would appreciate it.”
"Well, you probably could," Rapunzel guessed, frowning. She didn't like where this was going. Her bed was fairly spacious, sure, but she wasn't sure that both she and the massive creature would fit on it. She had this utterly ridiculous picture of herself curled on the edge of the bed like some kind of pet, curled into a little pile. Sure he was the guest and all, but surely he didn't think he'd just get to take over.

"Um, okay, I guess," Rapunzel managed. The creature moved forward, sweeping her bed clean of the various plushies. The girl darted forward, picking a few up to set them around the room. It was partly because it just looked wrong and partly because Rapunzel knew better not to leave a mess. But given that she now had a babysitter of sorts, maybe Rapunzel wouldn't have to worry as much about the details. Or she'd have to worry all the more, which now that she stopped to think about it, seemed much more likely. She'd paused to chew her lip, holding a stuffed pink rabbit, when she realized that Cherubael was asking her to massage him. That only made sense, what with him having been stuck inside the bottle for so long.

"Sure, I can do that," said the young girl. She smiled and set the rabbit down, moving over to stand beside the bed. She ran her eyes all along the massive creature, again noticing just how big he was. Rapunzel supposed she should be afraid. He had clearly come from the bottle, clearly had a lot of power, and he had to be at least five times her size. But she just didn't see the harm; he wasn't doing anything, and surely her mother wouldn't have allowed anyone in here who would actually do anything to Rapunzel. Even if he did, Rapunzel did have magical healing hair, so she'd just patch herself up and report to her mother.

"So where would you like me to start?" Rapunzel asked. She moved to massage his left arm, which happened to be closest at the time. Wow, did he have some muscles, so huge. Rapunzel was pretty sure she couldn't even wrap both hands all the way around him. "Is there anywhere in particular that's, like, really sore? I imagine you were really cramped in that bottle." Besides, Rapunzel had read a book on massage a year or two ago. She'd tried it on her lizard, but that really wasn't the same as an actual thinking creature.
The bed would need to be larger, Cherubael had enjoyed a massive bed when he had lived in the tower that had once been home, a sprawling thing that had taken up more then three times the space that this paltry little thing did. A new bed wouldn't be difficult, what little power he had would allow him to quite easily assemble a new bed from some trees in the immediate area and it was likely that this young woman was just the sort who would know how to sow together some new sheets or a comforter for the bed. Not that he would need such things but she would and any other young women he could bring to this place would also need the space in bed... his own body heat would keep him comfortable no matter how chilled the night could get here but at least the bed was comfortable.

“Rapunzel, your mother summoned me from a bottle and I suspect that if she wanted too she would be able to send me back with little difficulty.” No, it seemed unlikely that she really could but let the innocent sort worry for him, play upon the concern of a decent being. “If I were to try and claim her room then she might grow angry with me and chose to just send me back into that bottle until she can find a more easily controlled guardian for you... like a Djiin.” He had to wonder just how much she had read, was she familiar with what an Ifrit was or was she more familiar with the Djiin... Genies he heard they were called here.

In the end it really didn't matter what she knew about the Djiin or Ifrit, he would be able to manipulate what she knew just by giving her a first hand experience with something other then a mortal for the first time in her life.

“I assure you that I will be able to keep you quite warm at night without any trouble and the fur on my body should make me as comfortable to lay next to as any of the cloth animals that you keep on the bed.” Put her at ease, let her think that he was some sort of large stuffed animal that she could curl up against for comfort as she slept, of course she would soon know that there was quite a bit more to him then that but she would have plenty of time to enjoy that.

Her touch on his arm, his entire body stiffened for a moment before he relaxed again, eyes lidded at the simple pleasure of her touch. It might not seem like much but after so long without form... to experience something so pleasant was a moment of pure bliss. “Its hard to say really.” He murmured happily, unable to hide how much he was enjoying the experience. “To be without real form for so long, to be as insubstantial as smoke but to still have the occasional sensation, a cramp that went on for years without a body... so I think starting with my tights might be best.” Yes, a good way to start off the corruption, get her to brush up against him, little more then a loin cloth was covering him for a hint of intimacy... but that wouldn't last for long like this.
So the Ifrit thought as Rapunzel: that Gothel had control over him. Which, to the girl's mind, meant that they were both prisoners in this tower. What better thing could she have hoped for? Okay, sure, he was stuck here, but he would know what it felt like to be a prisoner! All Rapunzel had to do was earn his trust, get him on her side, and she'd be able to handle it. Maybe she could even figure out a way to take him with her. He was probably tied to the bottle or something; wasn't that how they worked in the histories? Rapunzel hadn't exactly read up extensively on djinni and efreets, but she definitely would now.

Or, well, later. She was blushing at the mention of sharing the bed, and she looked at it. Shouldn't he be the gentleman and give her the bed, really? Then again, he was a guest, and she had just sworn to be as kind to him as she possibly could. "No, that's okay, you can have the bed. There's this really comfortable chair downstairs. Sometimes, when I'm reading, I fall asleep in it. So I'll just curl up with a blanket, and we'll both be happy!" A quick reassuring smile, a nod, and she was already moving to the massage part.

Which must have been for the best. He had stiffened just at her touch and Rapunzel had to frown at the poor guy. Stuck in a bottle for who knows how long, only to be pulled out and have people cower in terror at you. What kind of life was that? Rapunzel could definitely show him a better one, and she'd start right now. The moment he suggested his thighs, she nodded and moved her hands lower. She started at his hip, mostly because he was so massive. Her delicate hands proved quite dextrous, squeezing and caressing his flesh. Those white digits dug into the demon and worked his muscles, the girl even leaning in slightly to add just a bit more to the effort. Her fingers worked all about the thigh, feeling him, squeezing. Rapunzel didn't drift too far toward his loins, figuring he probably didn't want her messing around in there.

"So, uh, sir," she said, trying to think of another thing to say, "would you like something to eat? When we're done here, of course. I can cook lots of stuff, though Mother usually only leaves so much food here and--" Rapunzel stopped, frowning. Was there... something under his loin cloth? Had her mother stabbed him with a knife or something and left it under there? Because it looked like something was rising out from beneath him, and Rapunzel couldn't figure what else it could possibly be.
Her insistence of giving him the bed while she would stay somewhere else, perhaps she had expected him to insist that he could sleep somewhere other then the bed but that was really just madness, he was of course the one who had all the power and he would sleep where he liked. If she didn't want him to have the bed then she would need to object quite vocally and then find some way to stop him from just taking the bed, something he very much doubted she would be able to pull off. The more time he spent in that bed with her fingers dancing over his body the more comfortable he was there and he suspected that he would soon be far more comfortable, her body limp and worn laying against him and unable to even crawl away from him when he was done using her for his own pleasure.

Oh her hands on his thigh, it was not quite a sexual pleasure that coursed through him but it was practically electric, his body reacting almost right away, his breath escaping from him in something close to a low and wet growl, like a very pleased big cat. Oh she had talented hands, he was going to need to put her to work as he was corrupting her and figuring out just what it was that she could do. Oh perhaps there was no truth at all to the stories of where the succubi came from, they sure as hell never told, but he would have fun seeing if this young virgin would be corrupted so wonderfully. Sooner or later he would end up returning to the lands of his people and when that time came he would return as a conqueror, a freshly constructed harem of corrupted royalty from the mortal realm to serve his every need and perhaps a stable bridge built that would allow him to move back and forth at will.

As he touch continued his body kept on reacting, the loincloth shifting in the most obvious of fashions, only barely concealing the pillar of flesh that was starting to rise from beneath it. He could feel her eyes upon him, not even looking at her and he could feel her eyes upon him, he could feel her curiosity and the fear that she was experiencing... or perhaps it was just curiosity on her part having lived such a sheltered existence. No matter what it was that she felt it didn't matter, Cherubael was enjoying himself a great deal and his body temperature was continuing to rise, at this point approaching a hundred and fifteen.

The question of food did manage to get his attention though, his eyes opening as he sat up a little bit, the shift of his body making the loincloth slide aside a little bit, the large flared head of his cock visible at this point if someone were to glance down and the rest of the thick shaft outlined against the leather loincloth. “I think your mother intends for me to find food for us... my kind mostly eats meat and I am quite capable of bringing in anything that I will need.” The look he gave her though, an almost silent message, as though he was considering eating her... and in a very twisted sort of way he was. Her innocence would be a meal to him, devoured entirely, first the physical sort and then after that would come every possible manner of corruption that was possible.

“But please don't worry about that now, I would appreciate it if you shift your hand higher and to the right a little bit, I seem to be particularly stiff there.”
The... thing between his legs continued to grow. Rapunzel couldn't help but stare openly at it, her green eyes widening further and further as it seemed to inch its way steadily upward. The cloth parted, showing a flared head. The thing looked like a snake, or maybe a pillar of flesh of some kind. Rapunzel frowned at it, her brow furrowing. Something about it struck her as being quite familiar, as if she should know what it was. Her mind went through all the books she'd read and all her mother had told her. She couldn't seem to recall anything about djinni or ifrits having large pillars attached to them. This must have been some sort of curse, perhaps his link to the bottle or something.

"Meat, huh?" repeated Rapunzel, looking up at Cherubael and smiling, "well, sir, you'll be happy to know that I know several ways to cook meat, so I'm sure you'll be very pleased," and she nodded confidently before leaning forward, letting her legs dig a little more into the ifrit's flesh. It was weird, but Rapunzel could have sworn that she felt him getting hotter and more tense. She guessed that the hotter thing made some sense; he was supposed to be a being of fire or something. But why would he get tenser? did it have something to do with that thing sticking out where...

Wait, wasn't that where his privates should be? His loins? Realization dawned on Rapunzel and her eyes went wide, her hands going to her mouth. "I am so, so sorry," she said, looking up at him, "I didn't realize, those are your private parts, right? I definitely wouldn't want anyone pawing around down there. I am so sorry. That's probably something Mother did to you, right?" she pointed at the rising pillar between his legs. "Some sort of curse or something? Is there anything I can do to help? Oh, my hair!" she grabbed it, pulling it, then released it. Her mother probably wouldn't want her to mention it to him, even if this was her new guardian. Rapunzel palmed her hair for a while, chewing her lip. He had asked her to massage higher, but her concern for his swollen privates was much, much worse.

"Okay," she said, taking a deep breath. She released it slowly and looked up at him. "So my mother apparently has cursed your... your privates," she gestured, flushing, "and it looks really unpleasant. So, is there anything I can do to... to help? Oh I'm repeating myself, aren't I? it just looks so, so painful," Rapunzel's eyes went to it again, her lip quivering at the thought. If she had something hard jutting out of her body right there, she knew she'd want it taken care of right away.
Her ability to cook the meat was rather meaningless, he was more then capable of cooking the meat by himself but bringing her some food for her would at least do her some food, give her a little bit of independence from the witch who had summoned him. It was strange, Gothel seemed to have taught Rapunzel to consider her a mother but Cherubael was able to sense no actual relation between them, didn't look like her at all and didn't really feel like her. It was strange because she didn't feel to much like an actual mother, his interactions with humans might be limited but he had watched enough to know that Gothel didn't behave the way that a mother traditionally did towards their young. He would need to figure that out later as he was to busy embracing the recently rediscovered pleasures of a corporeal body.

He was about to just tell her that there was a curse, part of the summoning from Gothel but stopped when he heard her mention her hair, strange, he had already suspected there was something about her hair but how would that hair be able to help him with a curse. Soon, very soon he would need to ask her about that, she seemed reluctant to give out to many details about that hair but he would learn them from her before to long and anything that he could put to use he would.

Reaching down he pulled aside the loincloth, revealing the full length of his cock to her for the first time, surely it was more suited for a horse then it was on anything that walked on two legs, long, thick, black, and below it were two balls that were larger then her fists and covered in the same fur as the rest of his body, the entire thing seeming to pulse and a prominent vein standing out on the side.

“It is very painful...” He told her, his voice little more then a hiss as he watched her carefully, finding her reaction to be quite fascinating... it had been so long since he had seen innocence first hand. “And any help that you can provide for me would be greatly appreciated.” Reaching out with one of his massive hands, the fingers tipped with small small black nails that were almost like claws, he took hold of her wrist in a fashion that was shockingly delicate given the power of those hands. With only the slightest effort he could cause quite a nasty injury, just twitching his fingers.

Rather then doing that he instead moved her hand from where it was resting to the throbbing member, pressing it there, letting feel the heat that radiated from that particular part of his body. “I wouldn't be hard to relieve me of this pain though... just stroke it a little, perhaps use your tongue and I will feel much better very soon.”

Oh yes, get the first one out of the way so that he would better be able to control himself and take his time... this was an experience to be savored for a little while rather then just throwing her onto the bed and taking his pleasure from her.
Wow, was his private part swollen. Rapunzel's eyes nearly bulged out of her head at the sight of him. He had to be nearly the size of her arm! Just thinking about having something that swollen attached to her made Rapunzel wince. And here Cherubael had been laying there, acting as though nothing was wrong. Then again, he was an impressive ifrit, so he was probably used to dealing with pain. He probably had to deal with this quite often as well. Rapunzel was willing to bet that nearly every time the poor ifrit left his body, he had this swelling to take care of.

"Don't worry, I can take care of it," she told him confidently, nodding. The girl's little pink tongue snaked out for a moment as she rolled up her sleeves. Something told Rapunzel that she'd need to put a lot of effort into this. Swelling like that wouldn't go down without a lot of massaging, and Rapunzel fully intended to give it to him. She did have to remove her hand for a moment to adjust her sleeves, and the difference in temperature reminded her that he was very, very warm. That was probably just the ifrit thing, and Rapunzel doubted he would hurt her.

"Okay, so I'm going to start by, like, massaging it," she told him, waving her hands around his bulging member. She tenderly took it in both hands, her fingers just pressing. She rolled them slowly, going in small circles, wanting to work out the pressure. Just by touching it, Rapunzel could feel the pulse thudding beneath. The sheer pressure of it had to be tremendous! "I bet you usually have to deal with this by yourself, don't you? Well, you don't have to worry about it with me around. Just let me know if it swells like this, and I'll give you a good massage. Not like there's anything better to do," Rapunzel shrugged and gave the member another little squeeze with her fingers. She rolled them around near the swollen head, her tongue again extending for a moment as she focused on the task at hand. Her delicate fingers fluttered all about the tip, her light touch caressing the little slit in the middle. Rapunzel guessed that probably functioned to release his urine, so she didn't want to mess too much with it. Better to massage around it, maybe work her way down. She did so with little fluttering strokes.

"You'll have to tell me where it hurts," she said, frowning down at it and tilting her head. "I've never seen privates like this before. Oh! It's because you're male, right? So you've got this thing instead of," she blushed for a moment, bit her lip and turned away. He probably didn't want her staring either. It would have to be totally embarrassing, and he already had to deal with her touching him and everything. Rapunzel looked back up his body while she kept working at the thing. Her fingers pulled the flesh a little, noting how tight everything felt. "Sorry, Mother usually leaves me alone, so I don't really have people to talk to. Like I said though, just let me know what you need!" She increased the pressure a little working around it. Her fingers traveled all the way to the base of the long thing, prodding at the twin balls underneath. Maybe they needed work too? Rapunzel tried playing with them a little, her eyes again looking up to Cherubael to try and determine how good of a job she was doing.
The moment she touched him his entire body arched again as if a surge of electricity was running through him, unable to keep from pressing his hips up against her hand. The way he was no, so long without even the slightest of carnal pleasures had left him with almost no self control, if he were to take her properly then there was a good chance to that would leave her body broken and battered long before he was finished. It was best to regain some self control before it went any further though the more contact that she had with his body the harder it was to maintain that control. He was walking along a knife edge at that moment, holding onto what little self control he had because if it were to slip for a moment then he was going to be far more bestial, like a crazed animal with nothing on its mind but rutting and breeding.

“I don't mind your talking, its nice to have someone around after so long spent in that bottle... but you should know that the swelling is normally a natural thing.” He explained to her, knowing that a touch of the truth would make what he had in mind quite a bit easier. She might have some knowledge, he had gotten a glimpse at many of the books she had around and at least one of them might deal with some form of anatomy, covering the basics of copulation and if he were to try and lie to her when she might already know some of the truth then it would only make what he had in mind for her far more difficult. “Normally it is a basic sign of arousal in a male, preparation for mating with a member of the opposite sex.” A pause, a deep breath, she might not have experience but Rapunzel had some fantastically talented hands and with every moment he was drawing closer to what would likely be a very explosive release.

“I spent so long without a body though, my mind was active the entire time, the instincts that I would normally have never actually went away.” Let her think that it was just so powerful because of the time spent locked away when in truth the arousal was probably not much more powerful then it would normally be. “With no chance to ever deal with those urges they grew rather powerful and I do appreciate your assistance.” More truth mixed in with the manipulation, getting her to give him a hand job in order to help him deal with cruel pain that he didn't deserve when in truth she was just helping her captor maintain a semblance of self control so that when it came time to properly enjoy here there wouldn't be any extraneous injuries.

As she started to play with his balls his breathing became particularly labored, he was getting close and he wanted to ensure that she was exposed to as much as was possible when that time came. An up close and personal dose of his purest essence. “Just keep doing what you are doing but if you kiss the tip then the swelling will go down very quickly...” That was probably all it would take at this point and as his fingers tightened in the sheets he could hear them tearing beneath his claws, ruining what could have been quite a lot of work that his captive had put into them and completely uncaring.
Rapunzel's eyes met the ifrit's as he explained the arousal thing. She'd heard some suggestions of that, mostly from her mother and from the occasional line in a book, but she'd never really gotten to experience it firsthand. That was definitely a drawback of not being allowed to leave the tower. From here, Rapunzel could see many, many things, but very rarely did she see anything living besides birds and insects, and even the few living things she did see weren't generally sporting erections.

However, Rapunzel did understand just enough about arousal to know that there was generally an object of that arousal. She frowned down at the pulsing thing between her fingers for a moment. Men were aroused by women, or in this case, male ifrits were aroused by females... but he hadn't seen a female ifrit, just Rapunzel and... her mother. That must be it! Rapunzel's eyes widened. Her mother had---well, actually, he claimed that it had to do with not having a body, which Rapunzel supposed must have added to it. He had already been tortured by his thoughts without having a way of getting rid of the pain, then Rapunzel's mother had shown up, swayed her hips, and he'd gotten all excited. That was the only possible explanation! So now he needed a little massage to get the swelling down, and from the sounds and movements he was making, it must have really hurt.

"Well, I'm definitely willing to help any time you need it," assured Rapunzel, nodding and giving him another smile. She gave the swollen thing a little squeeze, hoping to reassure him. Rapunzel had noticed the reaction when she'd palmed the balls below, so she certainly kept working that. Her lower hand spread, the palm cupping the twin orbs and holding them slightly aloft. Her fingers worked at the flesh above, kneading and circling. She wasn't quite sure about pinching the balls, so she only did so hesitantly. Meanwhile her upper hand worked at squeezing and kneading the cock. Rapunzel ran it from the thick base nearly to the tip. She was practically there when she heard his suggestion. Her head swiveled back from his face to look at the thing. The slit almost looked to be winking. Maybe he needed a little pressure there to help? Rapunzel licked her lips nervously.

"Okay, if you say so," she said, her eyes flicking up to him for one last moment. The pretty virgin leaned forward. Her lower hand cupped the balls and lifted, her upper hand squeezed and rolled the member, and her pretty pink lips descended in a feather-light kiss right upon the crown of the swollen member.
While Gothel did have a certain appeal to her and given time Cherubael intended to take full advantage of her body Rapunzel was far from right about the source of his arousal when she assumed that her adoptive mother had caused the problem. It just showed how unfamiliar she was with his kind, yes they were often attracted to mortals and held similar standards for beauty but there were two key things that set her apart from Gothel. In the eyes of Cherubael her young and firm body was exceedingly appealing, like a ripened peach just waiting for a bite to be taken out of it, it seemed perhaps Rapunzel didn't realize just hot lovely she was.

And then there was the innocence, the thing that had caused this intensely powerful arousal, he could smell the innocence pouring off of her body just like he could smell that she was clearly of royal heritage while Gothel was not... a princess if he was right. At that moment a virgin princess was busy stroking him off as he lay back in his bed, helping him deal with the 'swelling' he was experiencing and promising to help him any other time that he might need the help. Oh this girl, so caring and compassionate was pretty much offering him sexual favors whenever he wanted them. Oh this girl was going to be busy very soon and he suspected that once she got used to it she would love it, from the way her hands were moving she pretty much perfectly over his cock, the pinching of his balls earning her an angry snarl, it wasn't overly painful but it was certainly not to enjoyable.

“Oh I think you might be helping me rather often, I was in that bottle for a while.” He warned her with a slight chuckle, watching her start to move her mouth closer to the wide flared head of his cock, innocent enough to agree to it without any actual knowledge of what was soon coming and why he had asked her to do just that. His breathing became more ragged, his body straining, so close to the release that he had been unable to experience for so long.

Then her lips brushed over him, oh it was like a kiss from an angel at just the moment he needed it. The balls she was playing with tightening, almost heaving as they pulled up closer to his body, his cock convulsing in her hands as the release that he had so long needed rushed through his entire body. As a deep breath that he had taken was released as nearly a roar of pleasure as his seed erupted from the head of his cock. Even when taken into advantage how large he was it was still a very impressive amount, long ropes of hot and thick semen sprayed up from the pillar of his cock and because of where her face was at the moment of her climax a large amount ended up across her face and even in her mouth, being exposed to the hot essence of an Ifrit during her very first sexual experience and the first step down the road towards the corruption he had in mind for her.

Deep breathing, his body going limp as the pleasure coursing through him began to slowly fade away, laying back on the bed perfectly relaxed. Looking over at her, face covered in his seed, he couldn't help but grin, he doubted she could have expected something like this was coming. “That... I needed that.” He half growled, a little drained from the experience but still awake for the time being. “That was just what I needed. Sorry about the mess." From the tone it was rather clear that he wasn't though.
Rapunzel had kept stroking and rubbing at the swelling, expecting it to suddenly deflate at any moment. Especially when she kissed it ever so sweetly on the tip. Given how Cherubael had been acting, Rapunzel was right in her estimation. It surprised her, therefore, when the demon let out a ferocious roar. The girl gasped at just the wrong time, her pretty pink lips falling open a few extra inches, providing a wide open target.

The first burst coated the innocent girl's face. She felt it splatter against her, drenching lips and features. The next shot managed to get almost entirely between her lips, filling Rapunzel's mouth with the strange, hot fluid. Rapunzel gagged and coughed, leaning forward so that the next burst anointed her with the seed, bathing her in it. Within seconds, the poor girl had ifrit semen running all down her face and chin. A great ropy strand of it hung from her chin, stretching down. The girl hadn't even had the presence of mind to immediately move her dress away, and soon it too received a splattering of seed. Nearly every part of Rapunzel from shoulders up had gotten at least some portion of it, and droplets lay on her modest chest as well. The girl couldn't even open her eyes, for the demon's spunk coated the pretty green orbs completely.

"You're welcome," Rapunzel managed. She reached up with a hand, trying to wipe away the seed from her eyes. She blinked a few times, feeling a slight burn. All the demon's fluids felt unnaturally warm upon Rapunzel's flesh, nearly feeling as though they might burn her. She turned her now watery eyes up at the creature. He looked relaxed, at least, and the swelling had definitely gone down. His previously swollen privates didn't look too much smaller though, and Rapunzel wasn't sure what to make of that.

"Um, what is this stuff?" she asked, shaking her hand and letting a bit more splatter. Rapunzel winced as she saw the bed; she'd need to wash it, and soon. She staggered to her feet, swaying a little, having found her blood rushed. She coughed and winced. She suddenly felt in desperate need of a bath, which was always a bit of a hassle, what with her hair. Then again, only the hair near her face had really gotten any of the seed, so Rapunzel could probably get away with just washing her torso.

First though, she wanted to find out what she'd just been drenched with. Was this the demon's blood? It felt weird and tasted off to be blood. Ugh, Rapunzel's stomach lurched thinking she might have accidentally ingested some blood. Maybe she should work on purging...
The timing of his roar and her reaction to it was just about perfect, great timing to ensure that she got a mouthful of his seed. The amount released was more then the norm for an Ifrit but not by too much, it had been enough to cover her face though and the hot fluid was slowly dripping down over her dress and some of it sliding inside of the drink. His cock slowly softened, still a massive thing but laying across his leg now, a few drops of thick white fluid still dripping from the head and onto the sheets. That night she would sleep in the evidence of his pleasure, something that was going to make him grin.

The sight of her covered in his seed though, oh it was a struggle for him not to just bend her over and rip her dress off right then and there, if she knew the full details of what it was then she would no doubt be entirely humiliated by the experience. Of course telling him all that might freak her out and for the time being he was going to enjoy dragging things out a little bit rather then revealing the full details just yet. Again the key would likely be to let her know some of the truth while keeping the full implications of it away from her at least for a little while longer. “Its my... essence...” He said slowly as though he were a little embarrassed by the fact when in truth he was trying very hard to hide how much he was enjoying the sight of her blinking away the burning sticky fluids. Of course it would cool off quickly but he knew that it hat to at least be uncomfortable at first. “Its what causes the actual swelling and once that swelling is taken care of it is released. Its not the least bit dangerous and it supposedly has great benefits for a young woman, promoting clear skin and a developing form.” Encouraging her to keep it on her for a little while or perhaps even swallowing some of it. Let the essence of the Ifrit corrupt her, let her feel the most potent expression of carnal desire and unbound flame that could exist in the mortal world.

Shifting a little bit, stretching, his legs practically limp from the power of the climax, unable to help the slight yawn that escaped his lips, blinking a few times as he stretched. “That was entirely wonderful.” He murmured, opening his eyes and looking at her with a bit of curiosity, now that the immediate lust was dealt with he was able to focus more on his thoughts about her and what might make her so special, what might be so important about her hair as to make it one of the few things that Gothel had bothered to protect... the girls virginity was entirely up for him to take any time he wanted but he wasn't allowed to actually damage her hair. A very unusual rule...

“Of course it would be rude of me to accept help from you without offering any sort of favor in return, is there anything that I could do for your Rapunzel?” A slight leer entering his voice, knowing it would likely slip right past her but still unable to resist.
"Really? Your... essence leaks out of your privates?" repeated Rapunzel, not quite believing it. Not that she had any reason to doubt Cherubael; he'd seemed perfectly honest with her up till now. The whole situation just seemed so strange to Rapunzel. The hot fluid stuck to her, clinging to cheek, hair, and other parts of her upper torso. The girl felt some of it stick in her throat, causing her to cough. A little bit of it fell, and Rapunzel had to hurriedly catch it. Of course, that meant that she was standing there holding some "essence," not sure what to do with it. Figuring that she might as well believe him about the skin thing, Rapunzel rubbed it in just under her throat. It felt sticky though; she'd definitely have to wash it off, probably sooner than Cherubael would have liked.

Thinking about the ifrit made Rapunzel look to him. The big creature certainly looked more relaxed now, stretched on Rapunzel's bed. That bed had always looked and felt so large, but the creature seemed to fill most of it. Rapunzel compared the size, again marveling at his sheer mass, before her eyes fell back upon his privates. It still looked overlarge, but Rapunzel supposed that was because of the creature's own size. It definitely didn't look swollen any more, though Rapunzel thought she saw a bit of essence still clinging to it. For a brief moment, the girl thought about asking if he needed it cleaned. However, she figured she had more than enough.

Cherubael must have been somewhat comfortable. His noises of pleasure were fairly evident, soon followed by the appraising look. Then an offer, one that made Rapunzel's heart leap for a few seconds. She'd only helped him deal with a little swelling, and already he was offering his assistance. The girl was very tempted to tell her entire story, to beg the ifrit for his aid in fleeing the tower. The words were just at the edge of her lips. But Rapunzel stopped. One little task wasn't enough to get him to break his word. Better to wait until they were more acquainted, until she'd done a few more things for him.

"No, at least, not now," Rapunzel said. She flashed that charming smile and performed a bit of a curtsy. It probably looked downright comical to the ifrit, considering that the girl still had "essence" on her and wasn't too pleased about that. She rose from the polite gesture and nodded. "I'm sure you'll want to rest now. I've got a few other chores and cleaning to do. Just let me know if you need anything!"

she was already backing away, not quite hurrying. The essence felt like it was drying on her skin, and Rapunzel wanted to get to it before it stained anything, like her very best dress, or got stuck in her hair. So she was fervently hoping that Cherubael didn't actually need anything. Hence the semi-rushed backing away and the offer but not quite suggestion.
Perhaps his choice of words had been flawed to call it an essence but he was trying to avoid using any of the more pornographic terms that might frighten her or perhaps turn her away from what he had done. By using the most dull and precise of words he was able to keep things detached, letting her think that the pleasure he experienced came solely from the relieving of pleasure rather then the hint of sexual bliss it had been. Though he was relaxed and quite content after the release he also felt stronger, the bonds that held him in submission to Gothel was still as powerful as it had been before but he felt more like himself... it did make sense of course for a being of lust, chaos, and fire to be strengthened by lust.

This was how he could return to his full strength, corrupting Rapunzel was no longer about pleasure but also now about the power that would be gained from the ongoing process. Perhaps she alone would not be enough to return him to his full strength but it would be a start and at full power he doubted Gothel would be able to maintain any semblance of control over him. It was something to make him grin and chuckle as he watched Rapunzel cough up a small amount of his semen and then rub it into her skin. Of course she would want to wash it off soon and while he might want her to leave it on longer he did know that he would have to do things in a more subtle fashion. Forcing her to remain in place and watch it dry would only complicate things at this stage and so Cherubael watched her carefully as she slowly started to back away, failing to ask for the thing that she no doubt wanted more then anything else and made an excuse that she had chores to do and told him that he could stay in place.

Of course he had no intention of moving, he just wanted to lay back and enjoy the simple pleasure of having a body that could be stretched out over soft linen, perhaps not a nap but at the very least a little bit of peaceful relaxation. Her asking if he needed anything else, coupled with that smile and the courtesy he was quite tempted to just go for what he really desired, feeling his cock twitch a little bit in response to the less then wholesome thoughts.

“I am just fine...” He said slowly, escaping his throat almost like a purr as he slowly blinked, enjoying the moment right then and there. “Really I am about perfect right now though I could use something to eat if you could manage it...” It would start off simple enough, let her think he was just a guardian, soon enough she would come to understand that he was in charge, that he was the master and she was there to keep him occupied while he kept her safely in place... Gothel's distraction could soon become her undoing and Cherubael slowly closed his eyes, thinking of the pleasures that would await him as he established a kingdom in the mortal world... he would be like a god to these pathetic little people.
"Right, food," said Rapunzel nodding. She turned and walked a few steps away before realizing something. It made her pause and turn back to him, confusing crinkling her features. That slight alteration of her face made the sticky stuff still attached crinkle, which would have made Rapunzel wince more had she not already been wincing quite a bit. She opted to speak anyway: "Didn't you say that you wanted to get your own food? Meat and stuff? I mean, I can cook..."

Was this some kind of test? It sounded like a test. But maybe he'd just forgotten. Rapunzel would wait for the answer one way or the other. If he wanted something else, maybe too tired to go hunting or whatever, then Rapunzel could just cook him something from what they had on hand, after she washed up, of course. They did have some various meats and such around, enough to make a halfway decent stew. If he caught on, which Rapunzel half expected, then she could just clean up and maybe get some food for herself.

If this was a test, then Rapunzel fully intended to pass. The more pleased she made her guardian, the better off she had to be.
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