Imprisoned by Corneo {darkest_fate&Azecreth}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Tifa Lockhart usually looked confident, strong, and gorgeous. It certainly took some confidence to wear Tifa's usual attire: a dangerously short leather skirt that wrapped about her impressive hips and clung preciously to her tight ass. Not to mention the white half-shirt that worked more to outline her impressive bust than hide it. Generally suspenders worked to hold the pants and help cover, though they were almost entirely for show. Not for show was the knuckles that she generally wore over her hands. If there was one part of Tifa Lockhart that didn't quite look feminine, it was her rough hands. They were the hands of a martial artist, tampered by constantly bashing things with impressive force. Her muscles had been built by martial arts as well: from her lean arms to her tight abdomen to the impressive pair of legs that her normal garb displayed.

Even natural, Tifa had a beauty to her though. Long black hair fell down well past her shoulders, framing a face that many a guy had flirted with mistakenly. But the girl's heart belonged to one man, so each poor flirt was met with a friendly comment, a cheerful smile, and a causal rejection. Pressuring a martial artists never ended well for the one doing the pressuring, as too many customers soon found out for themselves. In other words, the girl might look like she should be a streetwalker, but when it came to experience, Tifa had about as much as the little girls that walked around clutching their mother's skirts.

Which was what made Barrett laugh when Tifa had suggested this. But they had information that the Don may know about Shinra's movements. Considering that Shinra might very well be hiding Cloud... well, it wasn't even an issue for Tifa. But she had heard the loud laugh from her friend and technical boss. How was poor, innocent Tifa supposed to come off like some kind of call-girl? Like Tifa couldn't flirt and dress in sultry clothing. Really. Of course, the moment Tifa had insisted, Barrett had gone all protective, insisting that he go with her or something. That had led to a truly ridiculous discussion involving a pimp hat. In the end, Tifa had nearly had to sneak out to do this.

And so she had. Tifa had let her hair fall loose over her shoulders. She'd squeezed into a slinky dark blue dress that clung to her curves and showcased everything in a manner that, well, actually wasn't quite as revealing as her normal attire. True, there was a slit in the dress to show quite a considerable amount of thigh. The dress also clung like a second skin, and were it not for a special bra, you would see Tifa's nipples. The heels did made her legs and ass look more fantastic, but that was almost like putting an extra layer of chocolate on top of a perfectly constructed sundae: it nearly made the whole dish just too sweet.

Unfortunately, that was the outfit Tifa wore now. She blinked away a haze, trying to remember exactly how she'd gotten there. Obviously some of the details came into focus; the bits and pieces. Yet she couldn't remember quite what had happened. Her body felt sluggish and slow, and Tifa was almost positive that she'd been drugged, or maybe hit by a Slow Materia or something. Maybe both. She groaned and tried to shift, but found her limbs uncooperative. At least the shifting meant that she could feel what lay underneath her: garish sheets made from the most expensive fabric available in Midgar. Tifa groaned again, pinching shut her eyes. She knew all too well where she was now:

Don Corneo's bedroom, where girls went to lose it all.
When Don Corneo had first seen her, in that alluring blue dress giving a tantalizing view of her thighs and accentuated her curves in conjunction with her long black hair, he knew he had to have her. And what Don Corneo wanted, Don Corneo got. It had been easy enough to subdue her, an ambush by his personal guards quickly overpowering her and rendering her unconscious. He did pay for the best in the business after all, and if they couldn't handle one girl, then what good were they? She had been searched and her possessions, besides the dress, taken for 'safekeeping'. Tifa herself had been left in his room for her meeting with the Don.

Corneo was busy, the hassle of running a city wide syndicate that could get anyone what they needed for a price, but the awakening of his new acquisition was something he didn't want to miss, and he returned while she was still stirring from her sleep. The pungent odor of a cigar soon filled the air from his huffing, though it was a good cigar. Only the finest for the Don. He was small in stature and pudgy by his own admission, though no one ever lived long enough to call him fat twice. Her couldn't help it that he so enjoyed the finer things in life, and the wealth and power he had allowed him to...indulge himself. He wore an interesting combination of a fur coat with a white shirt partially unbuttoned to reveal his chest, and blue jeans. He didn't exactly exude charisma, but money talked and that he had plenty of.

"Tifa Lockheart, of the famous Avalanche. You don't know how glad I am to have finally met you in person." Corneo said, voice laid with an inherent rasp as he advanced, circling the bed in his well decorated room. Artifacts adorned the walls, items that would cost a fortune from the far reaches of Gaia, from Wutia, Midgard, even Nibelheim (What there was actually worth getting from there). It was another reminder of his opulence and wealth. "It isn't often that beautiful women such as yourself walk into my inn of their own volition."He gesticulated at the area around him, cigar clutched between fingers as he talked, taking the occasional drag from it and letting the smoke waft up to the ceiling, to mix with exotic fragrances inherent in the inn.
Don Corneo, one of the most disgusting lords in connection to Shinra, approached, leering, and Tifa felt her stomach turn. It wasn't simply his appearance, though that was hardly impressive. It also wasn't the cigar smoke that he brought with him. Its thick aroma simply mixed with the strange smell that had hung in the air since Tifa had awoken from her drugged slumber. No, more than anything, it was the leering, the way his eyes raked Tifa's body like she were a piece of meat and he a chef firing up his grill. Tifa's eyes flicked toward the jeans for a moment, wondering, hoping that the allusion wasn't too horribly apt.

His words rasped out, and Tifa felt like plugging her ears. She tried shifting again, finding her muscles at least partially responsive. Nothing moved like it was supposed to. No matter how hard Tifa pulled, her limbs were barely compliant. Definitely something. Tifa stopped after a few seconds of this, laying back, her chest heaving with the effort. Her impressive bust rose and fell, a little bead of sweat dribbling down into the deep valley of Tifa's cleavage. The sexy brunette licked her lips, her eyes shifting back.

"I can't say the same," she offered, keeping her voice light. To be more accurate: she tried to keep her voice light. Whatever affected her apparently hit her vocal chords as well. Her normally light voice had dropped slightly, as though she'd spent hours yelling. Tifa swallowed again, closing her eyes for a moment. Stall, she needed to stall. She just had to stall until whatever was affecting her left. Corneo wasn't supposed to be smart; it should be easy.

"So," said Tifa, opening her eyes and turning her gaze on the pudgy man, "what's the plan? You've got me here and, what, slowed down? You planning on oogling me for a few hours? I guess that would be the only way a guy like you could get a girl, huh?"

Deep within, Tifa found herself praying, hoping that Barrett ignored her. Or, maybe, just maybe, Cloud had survived his fall and would show up to be Tifa's hero yet again. The thought made her heart flutter, her hope soar. That was perfect Cloud.

Stall; she just had to stall...
Corneo continued his slow circling of the bed like a shark circling its prey. His eyes roved over her form, admiring it and appreciating the effect of their chosen method of restraint. He didn't doubt she could hurt him several ways if she had the freedom of movement to do so and his guards were asleep on the job. But they weren't, and she didn't, so he didn't have to worry about any harm to his physical person, which was most appreciated. Hell, he was worried being this close to Sector 7, and he was fairly certain he'd come through that unscathed as well. But when it came to Shinra, erring on the side of caution was always a good idea. He didn't need a visit from the Turks or anyone of the kind.

He stopped at the foot of the bed, grinning at her taunts. Even like this, she had some fire. Good, that would make this way more fun. "Ah, you'd be surprised what people will do for the right price, even if I'm not one of Shinra's recruitment poster boys. But no. I plan to do a bit more than ogle. I always make a point to personally inspect my new female...acquisitions, make sure they're good enough quality to work for me." He had the feeling that that wasn't what she'd wanted to hear, that although she had known and perhaps expected he would do that, knowing and hearing his intentions announced were two very different things.

"I wouldn't hold out much hope of rescue either," he continued, reveling in his 'victory' as it were. "It'd take a significant amount of manpower to get in here past my guards, and your Avalanche buddies will be a bit busy with other things. So there'll be plenty of time for you to learn the ropes and get settled in." He took a few steps back to a nightstand, grounding the cigar end in the conveniently placed ashtray and leaving it there, before returning to the bed. Here he had a powerless woman for him to do as he wished. So many options, what should he do first? He slowly unzipped his jeans as he thought, letting his cock spring forth, already hardening in anticipation as Corneo grinned. He wasn't exactly the biggest in that area, but it was decent sized. And it was apparent that if Cloud showed up, he would be too late to save her.
Tifa's eyes followed Corneo as he circled, well aware of the predatory nature of that movement. He stalked her as if she were his prey. And wasn't that exactly what she was, bound by whatever it was that kept holding her into place? She bit her lip and tried to pull again, still keeping an eye on him, and found that all she could manage was to lift her body a few inches. It had to be something, but Tifa had no materia, nothing but her own strength to try and get out of this, and it was becoming increasingly clear that her own strength wasn't going to help with this problem.

A grin, and she looked at the bloated man. The next words didn't surprise her; Tifa worked at a bar, she was well aware of what people could and would do. The only reason Cloud had even agreed to work with them was money. Tifa liked to think he kept on because she asked him to, because she was around, but she wasn't wholly convinced of that. The more time passed here, the less certain she was of that fact. The next few words though, the idea of an inspection, set loose a panic within Tifa. She struggled fiercer than ever, not caring is she was giving Corneo exactly what he wanted. She writhed and pulled and squirmed and yanked, desperation fueling her. Her eyes, wide with anger and fear kept looking to him, wondering what he would possibly do next.

He doesn't know Tifa told herself as he continued, outlining his plans like some classic villain. There's no way he could know. He probably thinks a pretty girl like me has slept with the entire AVALANCHE crew. Damn, I'm not sure if that's good or bad. What would the Don do when he found that his pretty captive was about as virgin as they came?

His released member seemed to offer a few suggestions. Tifa's eyes fell to it, widening hugely at the sight. Corneo may not be huge, but this was the first cock that Tifa had seen under such circumstances. To a virgin, one who knew enough to guess where that was going, the cock looked like a lethal weapon, bobbing at his waist. Tifa hurled herself against what held her, desperate to force herself up and off the bed. She managed to raise her rear over a foot, arching herself before falling. They must have set her body to move only so far and no further... but how? Tifa's mind ran with possibilities, desperate to figure out an answer to her problem. She had a feeling that it would be too little... too late.
Corneo watched Tifa struggle with an amused smirk, the restraints currently being used having been developed by the trafficking industry to keep their cargo from being too much of a nuisance, and it was proving it's effectiveness here. He licked his lips at the unintentional show she put on for him, her writhing curves and bust set to motion in her futile attempts to escape, or prevent what he knew was to come. It was enticing, to say the least, and a further sign that his judgement wasn't too far off. If she 'danced' like that when restrained, how much better would it be when she wasn't? That angry look in her eye might have given him pause in any other setting, but here it just spurred him onwards.

"Please, don't worry," he said with a tone meant to placate, though it would do anything else, laced with that cocky supremacy in it. "I intend to be very...thorough. And if you relax, you'll find it very pleasurable." He shed his fur coat, draping it over a chair before returning yet again. "If I think you're suitable, you'll be well taken care of. Food, shelter, clothes. You won't have to worry about Shinra anymore." He then shrugged, glancing aside. "Of course, if you don't...Well, then things get complicated." He chose not to elaborate on that, fairly certain she could fill in the blanks herself.

Finished with his little introduction, Corneo advanced, bed springs shifting as he got on and moved on top of Tifa, hands running along her curves before moving down to brush shapely legs as he hiked her dress up. He was ready for some aggressive actions, considering that she wasn't fully restrained, but he wasn't going to open himself for any shots.
Don't worry? Tifa couldn't practically do anything else. She really didn't like the sound of "thorough," not coming from those lips while those eyes stared. The promises did sound good, to some degree. How many girls had heard those sweet words and willingly spread their thighs for Corneo? Tifa knew that was why there were enough willing girls ready to come here. Tifa hadn't ever needed that, not as strong as she was. She certainly didn't need it now, and the promises just made her tug all the more fiercely at the invisible bindings.

"The only pleasure that I'll get out of you comes when I crush it," she told him, her eyes promising vengeance if given even the slightest opportunity to act. He seemed to take that as encouragement, coming over to her. Tifa's stomach lurched as his bulk slid atop her frame. Her muscles tensed as she bucked slightly. The waves she managed didn't do much besides give Corneo a ride, but Tifa still was determined to move. Just laying there and taking it wasn't her style, even if that might be better in the long run.

Hands ran along her sides, feeling her curves through the tight dress. Again Tifa felt her stomach lurch and she became seriously concerned about keeping the contents of her stomach down. That disgust became laced with fear and anger as he tugged at the hem of her dress. Tifa rolled her hips yet again. She'd meant to buck, but the restraints meant that she nearly thrust her hips up against him, looking like some kind of eager horse straining to be mounted. Tifa hoped that her growl dispelled that illusion completely. Still, she could feel cool air kiss the top of her thighs. The stupid dress had been tight enough that Tifa had only had two choices when it came to undergarment. She'd opted for a deep black thong, one that wouldn't show a line but was still marginally comfortable. But the last thing she wanted was for Corneo to see that, and she didn't want to think what he'd make of it.

"Get the hell off me," she growled again. Another attempted roll, this one with an accompanying twist. It practically helped slide the dress further up her body, and it certainly wasn't enough to unbalance anyone, unless he'd been unbalanced from the beginning.
Corneo snorted at her threat to his manhood, knowing it all too well to be more talk than substance. He would work that out of her in time, but not now. He could afford to be patient after all, and he knew it would all fall into place given time and effort. As it was, he enjoyed the 'ride' she gave him, the feel of her hips pressing up against him, though he knew she was anything but eager. His slow pulling up of her dress continued, assisted by her resistance, fabric rising to reveal more flesh under it had reached his target.

His eyebrows rose as they fell upon the worn thong, and he looked back up at her angry face with a grin, savouring it as he slowly removed the undergarment to bare her sex to his view, tossing the thong off to the side somewhere and not paying it much attention after that. He reached down, running a finger around the perimeter of her slit before dipping in with two, spreading open her lips so he could get a look inside, ignoring her angered responses.He even lowered his head to get a sniff, if only for the flushed red that graced her cheeks.

"So far so good," he announced, moving up to a better position, taking an experimental feel of her significant bust as he neared her head, though again ready to avoid something painful like a head butt on her part if it came to it. He really didn't need a headache. His hardened member rubbed against her entrance, forcing her, and himself, to wait until he was good and ready. He paused though, as if something had occurred to him. "Oh yes, feel free to be loud if that's your sort of thing. I promise, it wont make much difference for anyone outside." And wasn't that the truth.
Corneo noticed the thong, much to Tifa's dismay. The fat tub of lust probably thought that she always wore stuff like that. Which would have been just stupid, given Tifa's normal attire. She needed to be able to kick and punch freely, and having to worry about something shoved up her ass didn't help. If it hadn't been necessary for this disguise, it wouldn't have been gracing her figure now. Not that Corneo spent much more than a look at it. A look, and then his finger descended. Tifa again stiffened as she felt his fat finger pressing along her virginal slit. Two fingers pressed against her tight lips and she hissed, sounding like a kettle needing to release steam. Tifa didn't buck, though she wanted to. one wrong move could mean bursting something inside, which Tifa certainly didn't want.

But oh, was it tempting as that head lowered. Tifa almost thought that she could attack, that she could just jerk her hips up and slam into him. He seemed all too pleased with the situation, and his head began traveling back up her body. Hands groped at Tifa's impressive chest, but this she was more than used to. Another hiss and a twist. She still couldn't quite move her lower half, not with his fingers still nearby, but she was proving remarkably flexible. Years of martial arts training had given Tifa plenty of flexibility and stamina.

All that left her as she felt something touch her sex. Something round and hard rolled along the tight lips of her sex, far, far closer than Tifa Lockhart had ever let a man get before. That was Cloud's territory, Cloud or some other male that managed to win her over. Not some gangster. But a gangster rubbed against her now, on the brink of seizing Tifa's innocence. Be loud.

"I'll loudly kill you if you do it," she threatened, her eyes locking on him, hate beaming from her. Her breasts shook with ragged breaths, fear seizing hold. She'd been less afraid taking on giant robots or planting bombs. One thrust, one thrust and Corneo would do more damage to Tifa than Shinra had managed with loads upon loads of forces. "This is your last warning," Tifa tried. She tried moving away too, poring all her energy into the movements. Tifa even managed to accomplish some movement, inching away from the Don, though she had no idea where she would go. "If you don't fuck off, I'll beat you till you wish you were dead." All empty, with whatever was holding her body in place. But it couldn't last forever, and if Corneo did what he intended, Tifa swore she'd make him pay for it.
Had the situation been different, if Tifa had the freedom of movement currently denied to her, Corneo would have been slightly intimidated by her works. Perhaps even scared. As things stood though, he took the situation as it was, crediting her for bravado but still determined to go forward despite her threats. A chuckle escaped as he ran his hands along smooth skin. "If you did, I'd kill my chief of security myself for letting you," he replied. "Still, you aren't really in a position to make threats to me." He paused for a second, as if thinking in turn. "I will, however, take your suggestion about fucking. That will be one of your jobs here after all. Besides serving at dinners and parties, as well as other things too bothersome to talk about now."

But now, he had tired of chat, this talking as an attempt to distract him, though he was willing to humor her in that regard. It would be something he would have to work out of her later. He began to press into her, slowly so that he could feel every detail of his new acquisition as his head split apart her virgin lips. It was because of this slowness in spite of his own instincts, that he was able to stop when confronted with something quite unexpected, eyes widening as the discovery was made, to be replaced with a grin, lecherous, mocking, close to a sneer.

"Well now. Saving yourself for me, were you? I'm touched," he said with mock sincerity, amused by how tormented this was making her in the process. Even someone with a modicum of social skills could tell she was furious at him, and that he was in no way the one the honor was intended for, if her being restrained didn't show that enough. He sighed before continuing. "Sadly, nothing lasts forever." He didn't say anything else, but completed the deed as he pressed further, to feel the snap of the barrier as he took her purity. He buried his length as far as he could inside her before moving on, picking up a slow, rocking rhythm that pulled him out before plunging back in, basking in the feel of her virgin sex wrapped around his length. This was why it was good to be the Don.
Tifa knew full well that she was in no position to make threats. She was in no position to do much of anything besides precisely what the Don wanted, and he very well knew it. She also didn't appreciate his taking her words and flinging them back at her like that. She flinched, already knowing full well what was to happen. His crudeness only twisted Tifa's stomach all the tighter, forcing every muscle in her body to tense in rejection of the moment.

The thick head pressed forward. Tifa hissed as she felt it pushing aside her tight lips. Her muscles clenched, desperate to fight against the unwanted invader. Corneo's cock inched forward regardless, slowly and steadily stretching out Tifa's tight sex. Muscles would clamp like a vice about it, the girl's abs rippling with the effort of expunging the member. Those interior walls quaked and shook, unknowingly massaging the cock, likely giving it the attention Corneo so desperately wanted.

Then it stopped. Tifa lay there, stunned, panting. What could possibly make him stop like that? Then she saw that sneer and felt her blood run cold. Her hymen, he'd found her hymen. Tifa shook her head, her eyes blazing with pure hate. Of course he already knew it wasn't for him, not for this foul beast. He didn't care; his moment of false sincerity fleeting. he pushed, and Tifa groaned through gritted teeth as she felt her insides tear. The thick cock took her innocence in one solid thrust, and Tifa felt her body scream at her, the pain of it flashing all throughout her. She had heard of drugs, of materia that would allow a girl to feel pleasure instead of pain, even stuff that would increase a female's sex drive to such an extent that they nearly begged for it. But none of that affected Tifa's system now. Clearly the Don had wanted their first time to be special, unfiltered.

"I'll... fucking... kill... you..." Tifa hissed through clenched teeth. The Don had begun to move, his cock sliding up and down Tifa's tight sex. She could feel her blood adding to the lubrication, and she felt her interior walls clamping down hard on him, even with these harsh movements. Her breasts shook as she sucked in desperate breaths, fighting the pain and anger that threatened to completely overwhelm her.
Corneo hummed with satisfaction as his cock pushed inside Tifa's virgin sex, massaged by the tightness as her muscles tried to force him out, though it was for naught in that regard and had the opposite effect of making it all the better for him, so he was less likely to stop even if he'd felt motivated to. Slowly he pumped, carving a path deeper and deeper into her at a decent (for him) pace, the ease of his thrusts made that less difficult by the provided lubrication, himself knowing but not commenting on the fact that it was blood. It just didn't seem worth mentioning as her body shook in pain underneath him, chest heaving from her breaths while constrained by the dress.

"Yes yes, so you've said. tell me something I don't know already," he replied with an inherent sigh, already tired of the threats. "No one's coming to save you, and soon enough your AVALANCHE friends will have too much on their hands to even think about you." He could afford to be cocky, knowing what was about to happen and fairly certain that Tifa would not be able to tell any of her friends what was to come. She might not believe him, but he would be proven right in time, of that he was also certain.

But he continued, picking up speed in his thrusts while that tightness continued to squeeze his length, and he felt himself having to take a hold of himself so he didn't do anything precipitously as a result of her inexperienced sex. One hand stayed at her leg, holding it apart while rubbing at her thigh, and the other traveled up her dress, taking a hold with almost lecherous hands at one of her ample breasts, kneading and massaging it while her pert nipple was trapped, pulled and rolled about between two of his pudgy fingers. "The sooner you relax, the more you'll enjoy it," he commented, though he didn't expect her to, a typical reaction for an unwilling acquisition, but he was sure she would give in in time. and the first step in that was to excite her body despite her minds wishes, which was the whole point of his current actions while he satiated his own desire for her young, busty form.
Ugh, the cruel Don even hummed as his thick member delved into Tifa's tight folds. She ground her teeth together, feeling her body rippling about him. Tifa's muscles were fighter strong, her entire body tight and lithe. when her muscles moved, vibrated, they worked well. Her sex gripped like a vice onto Corneo's invading cock, the woman using every ounce of her strength to make that passage as difficult as possible. Pain shot from her groin, pain as great if not greater than anything she'd felt before, and her gripping wasn't helping. Nor was it helping in deadening the sensations that came from feeling the thick member pushing against her interior walls. Tifa's chest heaved with effort, with the pain, and with the urge to fight against any other sensations that might bubble up.

A sigh, and Tifa retorted with a hiss between the clenched teeth. She was too busy breathing deep, sucking great gulps of air between her teeth, to shoot back even more comments. Someone would find her, someone would save her, she had to cling to that, cling to it and fight Corneo every step of the way. Her body surged again, pulling against the materia that bound her. For a moment, Tifa thought that she might even pull fully upright; the bindings seemed to strain.

Then Corneo picked up his speed. Tifa let out a groan as she felt the thick thing pushing inside. A hand grabbed her leg, pulling her apart, and she felt something drawing against the soft skin of her body. Tifa's eyes flicked down, rage filling them. A hand bulged against her dress, it moved, pushing at the tight fabric, pulling it tight. The sensations it spread sent more little waves throughout Tifa, igniting her nerves. then she felt it touch the massive mound of a breast. Tifa sucked in air sharply, attempting yet again to jerk and move out. The movement caused his cock to shoot deeper within Tifa. The pain of that forced her backward, nearly bowing, a sharp cry leaving her. This exposed her chest to his fingers. Soon Tifa felt that pain latch about a nipple and she let out another sharp cry. Pain shot through the tender breast, soon replaced by a growing warmth that scared Tifa worse than the pain.

The fighter took several deep breaths, stealing herself. But the breaths just caused her breasts to rise and fall, almost as if begging for attention. Her sex burned as well, the interior walls still convulsing, desperate to expunge the cock before it could do more damage to her interior.
Stab and remove, thrust and pull back, the Don's cock covered in blood like a weapon, the weapon that it had become aimed at the bust AVALANCHE member. Corneo could certainly appreciate the physical shape she'd kept herself in, how those carefully honed muscles tried to stop his progress, stop what was happening, and failing. And in that failure they didn't cease to increase his won pleasure from his actions. His length worked deeper inside, faster as he could manage it, working to his release while enjoying the involuntary gift of her virginity.

There was the show to enjoy as well, how she writhed and struggled against the bonds that held her in place, the pain that wracked her form. She made her suffering quite known through her cries, but it did little to desist him in that regard. It was an old routine, the breaking in of new acquisitions, and it would be worked out of her in time until that was but a distant memory and all that was left was the pleasure of it for her. But for the moment he took advantage of it to watch her chest rise and fall with her deep breathes, the fruitless anger in her eyes, the pained cries that shook free from her form to fill the room.

Still faster and more forcefully he moved, feeling the pleasure he sought rising up within him as pre began to leak from the tip to add to the mess of liquid coating his cock, grunting in time with his movements. His hands continued their activities, still trying to excite her in spite of herself. He switched to the previously neglected mound of covered flesh, massaging it while fingers worked at the pert tip. His other left her thigh then, reaching around to catch her clit between two of his fingers, pressing against it, rolling it between the two, pulling on it, seeing which earned the best response in his mind. To enjoy himself, but also to test her in that for later. They had the time, with what would happen soon, and he knew that this sort of thing could not be rushed, lest she be pushed too hard and snap. He'd seen it before, and it wasn't a pleasant sight. and she was too good to waste like that. But he would be firm and exploitative if need be, as he was now, taking full advantage of her restrained form.
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