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Hobbit, Tomb Raider, F looking for M

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Jan 7, 2014
Hello, I'm going to go straight to the point. First the basic rules then what I want. I want to play a few characters from different settings, I'm flexible with their details; age (15+), looks and the like, also with the setting as crossovers may be ok but only if the idea is appealing enough. Medieval fantasy and modern settings are my preference. Third person past tense only and at least semi-para. Sex-only roleplays aren't ok with me, long term is what I want. I'm not going to be your OOC girlfriend. No godmodding, no metagaming and no drama of any kind. I will be willing to play on PMs or maybe chat and forums.

Ok! Now what I want to play, I love social scenes and character development.

~ Sigrid, whom is one of Bard's daughters in the hobbit. Her name and age is neogtiable, I'm also willing to take an incest angle for the long term either with her brother or her father. Going on an adventure together or simple day-to-day scenes would be a lot of fun for me.

~ Tomb raider, I'd love to play Lara after she escaped the island on the las videogame. Crossovers are ok in this one and I would be willing to change her name too if needed. Modern scenes would be great, incest is just a maaaaybe kind of thing but it probably won't work in canon.
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