Return to the Labyrinth (Lila Lupin & vmpdevil101)

Oct 12, 2013
Have you ever heard the story about a beautiful young girl who entered the labyrinth to save her baby brother? Sarah was her name and along the way the Goblin King feel madly in love with the beautiful teeth girl. He did everything she asked of him and more he only wished for her love and obedience and yet all she thought of was the baby boy. Eventually she got the baby back but Jareth wouldn’t let him go without a small curse placed upon both of the humans. He would eventually win that beautiful Sarah’s heart and his thrown was given to her brother Toby, that’s where we begin our story.

It had been well over sixteen years since Toby had been here. He walked along side of his sister and her husband. She held onto his arm tightly “This is your kingdom my boy.” Jareth said with a cold tone that seemed to suit him. Toby remembered this place it was beautiful and dangerous. “SARAH!” she heard others scream excited to see Toby’s sister.

It was true Sarah was well liked within the Goblin court she was the Kings wife and the young princess sister. Toby walked away from the group leaving them to greet each other. His fingers slide across the walls that keep the outside world from the labyrinth. “Do you remember this place?” Jareth asked from behind him and Toby shrugged. Things were fuzzy about this time but it seemed so familiar. “You are the king here now Toby.” Jareth said flately and Toby turned on his heels to look at him.

“Wait what?” Toby asked with shock he never expected to take that possession or at least not now or really ever. “I am leaving to be with your sister.” He said in a flat tone again which made Toby slap his face. “Although if you need me or your sister…” he tossed a small crystal ball at him.

“I remember this.” Toby said waving it over his hand as he had seen Jareth do in the past. “You know how to work it.” Jareth said with a smile and turned away “There are some issues we must discuss first.” Jareth said bluntly “You will have to marry the young princess Cydney.” He didn’t look at Toby even though Toby almost tripped over his own feet when he heard he would have to marry a female he didn’t even know.

“WHAT?” Toby screamed in shock and Sarah walked over Jareth wrapping his arm around him “She should be on her way here.” Jareth said with a wicked grin and both him and Sarah disappeared into nothingness. “Shit!” Toby muttered to himself brushing his blonde hair from his face. “Young king… Hoggle said clearing his throat to get Toby’s attention. Toby turned to look at him “Call me Hoggle.” Toby said looking at one of his new followers. Hoggle looked semi taken back by him saying his name “You know my name?” Hoggle said and Toby nodded “Of course your Hoggle.” Toby said flatly and walked with Hoggle to the castle. It was an easy and quick walk to the entrance of the goblin city.

“We have to get you ready to meet the princess.” He said cautiously and Toby sighed “Let’s get this crap over with.” He huffed walking into the castle to change into something he assumed was close to what Jareth had worn in the past and of course he was correct.

Skin tight black pants that showed off more of his junk then he liked. Yes Toby was large in the lower member but he didn’t want others to know that. He huffed to himself after slipping them on as well as a pair of silver boots a white thin silk shirt that sat under a silver jacket that hugged his body and then draped down behind him dragging on the floor just a bit. Yes Toby had to admit he kind of liked the clothing except the pants.
Cydney sat in the library of the castle of the dreamlands. She'd been brought here six years ago. They said that she'd always belonged here, that she came from here, but she had had trouble remembering at first. Her 'mother', the queen, had stated that Cydney had once sought to make peace with another kingdom, as all good future queens should, and made the agreement to marry the king, a Fae named Jareth. However Jareth had broken the agreement causing great harm to the very princess that had orchestrated the treaty in the first place. Unbeknownst to either Jareth, Cydney, or her family, a witch had placed a curse on the pact they made, that should either party break the treaty then the other would b cast out of the underground and stripped of their memories of their former kingdom, and then just to make things fun she cursed that no heir could properly rise to the throne of the kingdom that broke the treaty unless they upheld the broken end of the arrangement. Unfortunately for the well being of the labyrinth and the kingdom it protected, Cydney was not just a mere princess. She hailed from one of the greater kingdoms, The Dream Lands. It sounded beautiful, and it could be, but it could also be horridly dangerous. The Dream Lands were the home of Dream Weavers, and Dream Walkers, people with the ability to either manipulate or walk among a persons dreams. It was also the home of the Nightmare Weavers and Walkers, the kingdoms fiercest warriors who could use a persons very nightmares and fears to destroy them. The royal family had an interesting trait that Jareth had wanted for his own kingdom, they could not only control both nightmares and dreams, but they could make them a reality. A trait like that would have made the Jareth's kingdom much safer, more prosperous and more powerful, but after he fell in love with a mortal girl he refused to marry Cydney. Upon returning to their kingdom with the news that Jareth refused to uphold his end of the treaty, the king and queen were informed that their daughter could not be found. That she'd merely disappeared, as if she were torn from their very kingdom. From that moment on the king and queen began to hate the goblin king, refusing to do any form of trade with him, or aid his kingdom as they searched for their only child.

When Queen Elsym was informed that Jareth wanted her only daughter to marry his new chosen heir she was enraged. The curse had come to light after the princess had finally been returned after a ten year search, but as far as she was concerned her daughter's misfortune was all Jareth's fault. He had broken a binding treaty between two kingdoms of the underground for a MORTAL. As far as Elsym knew Jareth was merely trying to mend the broken treaty so that the kingdom would be better for his chosen heir, the brother of the very mortal that Jareth had set this curse on her daughter for. She knew, however, that Jareth's chosen heir could not have the throne unless he married Cydney. "I will not stand for it." Elsym said to the young fae that had come on Jareth's behalf. "My lady, it was your kingdom that offered the treaty nearly twenty years ago." The young fae woman spoke. Elsym had nothing against this woman, it was Jareth, and his audacity that she hated. "And it was your king that broke it. My daughter was cursed because of him, and I will not agree to aid him." Elsym said sternly to the woman with the wild green hair. "But, my lady..." She began before she was cut off. "Go tell your true king that as far as I am concerned he acted against my kingdom sixteen years ago. If he does not wish to wage war against my people, and my armies, than he should cast aside the idea of a happy ending, lead his kingdom, and kiss the hopes of passing his throne to an heir goodbye." She said. Elsym shot the young fae woman a look of warning as she opened her mouth to speak. The woman, Evaryn, closed her mouth and simply nodded, disappearing to try and find Jareth to tell him the news.

Cydney sighed as she sat in the library waiting, clad in a beautiful emerald green gown, that while modest enough for a princess, showed off the curves that made her a woman. She smiled when the doors opened and a young man and woman clad in black armor entered the room. "My lady I think this is a bad idea." The woman said as Cydney rose to meet them. "Oh, Cessaly, we'll be fine. I'm not going to marry the new heir, I just want to meet him." She said with a smile. It had been six long years in this castle, trying to remember what she'd apparently forgotten. She'd remembered her treaty, it was the first she'd ever come up with, but not much else. She didn't really understand why her mother hated the gobbling kingdom so much, and she wanted to see it. She wanted to get to know this new heir, and see what was expected of her.

The man was the next to speak. "Alright my lady, but please, stay close. As far as we are aware, the Goblin Kingdom are our enemies. This could be a ploy to harm you again." He added. Cydney merely smiled as she brought a gentle hand to the man's face. "I'm sure I'll be more than safe, Andon. I have you and Cessaly to guard me after all." She said with a smile that caused even her guards to smile in return as they nodded. They soon left as only their kind could, towards the Goblin Kingdom.
Toby couldn’t help but sit down in what was once Jereth’s lovely thrown. He huffed slightly annoyed remembering the times when he was a baby in this place. “To-be.” The large red creature said his name slowly and Toby looked up from his lap to see the creature and tried his memory for the name of this creature. He had seen him with his sister many times in his home as a child “Ludo?” he said his name very slowly as the best nodded with a wide grin “You we-member.” He said in his child like tone and Toby smiled widely “Such a sweet giant you are.” He walked over to him petting his redish orange long fur. “I could never forget you.” He chuckled as a few others walked into the room.

Yes most of them were friends with his sister. “My lord the princess will be here soon.” Hoggle said bowing and Toby sighed “Hoggle please I’m not the king yet so just call me Toby.” He smiled a cool smile he loved using on the girls at home. Hoggle looked at him shocked he wasn’t use to the goblin king being so kind. “I think it’s time for the Goblin kingdom to change!” Toby said and they all looked at each other as if he was speaking a different language.

Hoggle looked over as Sir Didymus came over riding his steady steed Ambrosius. “Sir Didymus.” Toby made somewhat of a bow and they looked at each other “MY lord.” He barked “WE must show you around.” He turned and Toby followed as they lead them around.
Sir Didymus lead him to the bog of eternal stench. Toby covered his nose and coughed at the obnoxious smell that entered his nose “It stinks!” he said as Sir Didymus turned to look at him “I smell nothing.” Sir Didymus said sniffing the air widely “Your sister said the same thing.” Toby looked at him “I think you shall stay here to take care of this place Sir Didymus.” He keep his nose closed with his pointer finger and thumb “I don’t think anyone else could stand this place.” Toby said with a chuckle. “I will make you the Lord here so no longer Sir Didymus but lord Didymus.” He looked at his new advisor “And you will help me rule here like Hoggle and Ludo.” They each looked at him with shock in their eyes.

“Is it that strange?” he asked and they nodded slowly and he shrugged “I want everyone to have a say in this kingdom not just me.” He smiled as they continued walking “We will be greeting the princess just outside the labyrinth gates.” Hoggle said softly “But you have to know something…” Hoggle said looking over at the other two “Jareth was meant to marry this princess and when he fell in love with your sister he broke a treaty with the princess’s people so they probably aren’t happy with you…” Hoggle said in one gasp and Toby sighed “Another mistake…” he said slapping his face “Jareth did this to me on purpose didn’t he?” he walked to the other gates of the Labyrinth.

This would be his first meeting with the future wife he so didn’t want to have. A wife and he didn’t even know her… he’d rather just not rule this kingdom but they needed him to be king. They all looked up to him to be their leader even though he knew nothing about being a leader. Toby stood at the gates Hoggle to his right and Ludo on his left with Didymus next to Ludo. This was going to be Toby’s first meeting with his new bride.
Cydney smiled as they traveled through the dream line. It was quite easy really, to travel between the realm of the Goblin Kingdom and the Dream Lands. After all, dreams and wishes were closely related and often went hand in hand. "I wonder what he's like." She asked as they neared the kingdom. "This new king, do you think he's kind?"

"It doesn't really matter, My Lady. He's not king, and he never will be." Cessaly said wit a cold look. She'd never had a fondness for Jareth, and as far as she was concerned his heir was probably as selfish as he'd been. No good ruler would ever risk placing their kingdom at risk the way he had over a mere woman. "It's funny, Jareth seemed to think that by merely choosing a new heir he could escape the hold of the wishes, but even now, if someone made a wish of the goblin King, it would be Jareth forced to answer, not this boy." She said with a harsh laugh. Andon seemed to smile at her words. Cessaly was not particularly well known for her kindness or forgiving nature. No, she was known for her deadly precision when fighting, and her skill at wielding the nightmares that made her who she was.

"But what if he would make a better king?" Cydney asked, though Andon and Cessaly both gave a huffed laugh, as though the very notion were simply a joke. "I'm serious. As the future queen of the dreamlands it is my duty to uphold any and all treaties I make. I understand that Jareth broke the treaty first, but I can at least get to know the boy willing to take over his rule." She said. Cessaly stopped, turning to stare at her with a hand on her hip and a raised eyebrow. "WHAT!!!! It's not like I'm going to marry him. I don't even know him yet." She said as she put her hands up in the air in defense, though Cessaly continued to stare with her eyebrow raised incredulously.

"We admire your sense of duty, my lady, but you must understand that we've seen the type of treachery that Jareth dares to weave. We know where the curse originated from, tough we don't know from who." Andon said sternly. They were just outside the Goblin Kingdom now, they need only open the gate way between the dream line and kingdom before them. "Someone from Jareth's kingdom cursed you, and we highly doubt that he would not be made aware of that kind of power being used in his own kingdom." Andon continued. "We don't trust him, or anyone in his kingdom. They've betrayed us before, and they will most likely do so again." He added as he drew a knife from his belt. Cessaly prepared herself as she waited for Andon to open the gate. "It's time you meet the heir to the traitor king." Andon added before sinking the knife into the scenery before him, opening the gateway between the dream line and the and the goblin kingdom.

From where Toby and the others stood it would seem as though a black portal were opening before them. After it had fully opened a man stepped out, clad in black armor, followed shortly by a woman clad in armor of the same kind. The very ground beneath them seemed to blacken, and they let off the most fear inducing aura. They both had their hands on their swords, and once they felt that there was no danger from the group of creatures and the young man standing in front of them they turned, each reaching a hand back into the black abyss. Soon a beautiful young woman clad in an emerald dress emerged. As soon as her feet hit the ground the very color and life seemed to spring back into it, and the fear inducing aura seemed to disappear. The woman clad in black armor seemed more comfortable to keep her hand on her sword and her princess behind her. "Introducing the Lady Cydney, princess of the Dream Lands and heir to it's throne." The man said as the young woman smiled curtsying before looking up to meet the chosen heir to the goblin kingdom. Her eyes widened as she looked at him. She knew him. He'd been the brother of one of her friends during her time in the aboveground. She never once thought that she'd see someone she knew from there again, let alone like this. She quickly regained her composure and smiled. She doubted that he remembered who she was anyways.
Toby stood next to his newly appointed counsel as they waited for the princess and her guard. It wasn’t like they expected something grand but to see a black hole just made Toby think nothing of them. “So they’re coming from a stupid black hole.” He huffed as a male stepped out of the black hole then followed by a woman.

He knew they were both probably the princess’s guards after all they both seemed dark and cruel in nature. He rolled his eyes at them and looked at his friends “Tell me that the princess isn’t as ugly as them.” He whispered under his breath and they knocked his knees and he chuckled and looked back at them.

Toby watched as they reached in introducing the princess of the dream land and he sighed annoyed he was going to be forced to marry some girl he didn’t know and probably wasn’t going to like to begin with. When she started to step out he thought nothing of her. Sure she was well dressed every princess was well dressed it was like a rule of some sort.

Toby had to admit the green of the dress looked good against the girls skin as he stood there. He watched as she curtsied before him. His eyes stopping at her face trying to place where he’d seen that beautiful face before. He watched as her eyes widened and he knew she knew him as well. “You know me?” he said moving closer “I know you as well…” he stared at her closely trying to place her.

“You were one of Sarah’s friends.” He stated slowly his eyes on her the whole time. He watched her closely “I would have thought you would be much older than this.” He smiled that teenager boy smile that fit his innocence all too well. “I’m glad it’s you who’s the princess and not one of them.” He pointed to the guards as a joke to make her laugh.
Cessaly let out an irritated sigh. She already disliked this boy, he was presumptuous and ignorant. He might have thought he was being quite when he whispered, hoping that their princess wasn't as 'ugly' as they were. Few people had ever considered Cessaly to be ugly, not that she really cared, but this boy merely assumed to know how they were because of their natural aura. All nightmare weavers gave off an aura of cruelty and fear. They controlled the very nightmares of living creatures, they were not meant to be all that pleasant to begin with. She was insulted when he referred to the portal as a stupid black hole. "The dream line portal wouldn't have been necessary if your STUPID KING hadn't cursed our princess you insolent brat." She said, receiving a look of disapproval from Cydney. Cessaly wasn't afraid to speak to this boy like that, or to speak in such a manor of Jareth. "The only stupid thing here is the fact that he really believes we'd help his kingdom after what he did." She added. Andon chuckled at her words. Most royals wouldn't have had the nerve to even speak like this boy had in front of nightmare weavers. They could literally scare you to death.

"Forgive, Cessaly, young sir, she's had quite a disdain for the Goblin King ever since his betrayal. She's been our lady's personal guard since they were young, and she isn't exactly known for her forgiving nature. She is a nightmare weaver after all." He said. Jareth was a fool, leaving a human boy in charge of his kingdom. This boy didn't even know the proper etiquette when dealing with other races such as theirs. "I am Andon, personal guard to the lady Cydney." He answered and Cydney smiled at him. Cessaly however did not seem as keen to play along with this little game. "My lady we shouldn't even be here. The queen declared that no alliances will be made with Jareth's kingdom and..." She was cut off by Cydney raising her hand.

"I suppose that it's a good thing that I'm not here to make any alliances then, isn't it." She said giving Cessaly a stern look that caused her to back down quite a bit. Cessaly bowed her head and agreed with Cydney. Cydney smiled as she looked back at Toby who seemed to have remembered her. She smiled as he mentioned that he'd have thought she'd be older. "I am older, dearest. Nothing is really as it appears in the underground." She said with a smile. "Why the king that ran away with your sister is hundreds of years old and he barely looks a day past his late twenties." She said with a smile.

"Lady Cydney is quite a bit older than you, time just passes differently here in the underground, and the aging process is immensely slower." Andon said. Cydney was smiling at him clear up until he tried to make a joke of her guards.

"I understand that you're human, Toby, and that you've had little to no experience with anyone outside of the goblin kingdom, but I'll warn you, NEVER insult a nightmare weaver. They are the guards of my land for a reason. Their fierceness and observed cruelty are a necessity when defending our realms. The dream lands are not made up of only dreams, after all." She said seriously. She had the makings of a wonderful queen. She was kind, but stern when needed, and most people and creatures just seemed to love her.
Toby stared down Cessaly he didn’t like that women as he was sure she had a real disliking for him. Sure he was presumptuous and ignorant but he wasn’t from this land and he knew nothing of these dream world people. Cessaly was ugly in his eyes for many reasons it wasn’t because of her looks it was her attitude that made him have a real distaste for her. “I’m sure if Jareth knew of the curse your stupid people placed upon your princess he would have never let himself fall in love with Sarah.” He said bluntly back at the women.

“Jareth expects nothing from your kingdom.” He stated calmly his anger rather quickly to rise from his stomach “However I expected that your people would wish to meet the new king.” He glared her guards down. “I understand how she has taken a great disliking to Jareth but I am not him, so don’t put me at the same level as him Cassaly. I have read a little on your people I’ve never truly seen a nightmare weaver you are interesting subjects within the dream worlds… sorry that was rude I mean people I am not king yet I should be treated no differently than you.” He motioned to the guards.

“No alliance is needed between the dream world and the wishing world. Or should I say Jareth’s world and yours for a few reasons everyone has a wish but not everyone dreams… so this alliance is for your people.” He said bluntly “As your kingdom has grown so has ‘Jareths’ kingdom but in a way that would out way yours. Cause a dream is a wish. For without wishes there would be no dreams.” He turned on his heels. “please forgive my rudeness for insulting your guards.” He turned “As for nightmares they are just wishes that seem to be twisted so if you think that a dream land could live without mine you are surely mistaken.” He turned to look at them. “Jareth’s land has wishes that turn into what you call dreams and without wishes that we twist you would have no nightmares.” He stood at the gates.

“I wish you and your people the best but it looks as though an alliance between us is not going to happen. As for a need to have the princess by my side it is not needed for I do not plan to be king nor will anyone.” He glared at her and her people “I am making this place a utopia for the creatures here, and if you wish to come in please leave your negativity at the door.” He uttered “Otherwise just go back to the palace pampered princess.” He left with the others leaving the gates opened so if they wished they could fallow.

Toby was right without wishes there were no dreams and without Toby the dream world would fade into oblivion leaving them to die a slow agonizing death. Toby knew he was being cruel but it seemed that, that was the only way they would listen to him. Toby motioned for his friends to leave to their different parts of his world and they did quickly and silently.
Cydney and her guards listened intently to Toby's words. However when he mentioned that the alliance was for the good of their kingdom they all choked back laughter. Cydney gave a small chuckle as she approached Toby, just before he could walk away. "He's cruel for leaving you here without educating you first." She said with a kind but serious tone. "Our kingdom survived and flourished long before Jareth's existed, Toby. The treaty was proposed by me, to make both kingdoms stronger, but your kingdom could cease to exist and ours would continue to survive. Dream Weavers create the dreams based on peoples wants and desires, all of which could exist without wishes. The wishes themselves would even still exist, there would merely be no one but the humans themselves to make them come true." Cydney had nothing against Toby, in fact she rather enjoyed his presence. "Nightmares are born of fears, not wishes, Toby." She added. She was about to follow him when Cessaly stopped her.

"My lady I think it would be best if we left. I grow tired of him insulting you, and accusing us for casting a curse that came from this kingdom." Cessaly stated. This time she was stopped by Andon. He stepped forward, and when he realized that Toby had no intentions of stopping, he made it happen. Darkness surrounded them stopping all from leaving, even the princess seemed unable to walk from the confines of the now black 'room' they seemed to be in.

"Forgive the confinement, young sir, but it seems you were more uneducated than we were led to believe. Your predecessor sent an emissary to our queen, practically demanding that our princess uphold her end of a broken treaty. Our queen refused, but our princess wanted to meet you regardless. SHE did not believe you were as bad as the man you gained your throne from, despite our warnings." Andon said tactfully. He'd always been better at speaking than Cessaly, and sometimes he'd rather just gag the damn girl and be done with it. "Our princess merely warned you because she was concerned for your safety, and then you call her pampered. You claim to mean no insult, but th words you speak, and your actions say otherwise. Cessaly, as tactless as she may be..."

"What the HELL, Andon!"

"Would never use words such as yours today and claim to mean no offense." He added. "Of course, with as long as I've worked with Cessaly I've come to believe that her life's goal is to offend and annoy as many people as she can." He finished with a respectful bow. Cydney laughed as the black walls seemed to melt away. Allowing Toby to walk away freely if he liked.

"For Christ's sake, Andon, must you be so harsh!" Cessaly huffed in irritation as Andon merely put his hands up non-challantly.

Cydney ran to Toby before he could walk away from her again. "My mother may have forbidden that I marry you, which honestly I'm not all opposed to since we don't 'really' know each other, but she didn't forbid me from teaching you." She said, grasping his hands in hers and looking hopefully at him. "I mean, it could certainly help to know more about the underground if you wish to make this place better." She said with a smile. Cydney had, and would most likely, always be a most pleasant person. She did however narrow her eyes at him for a split second. "But if you ever call me pampered again for no good reason, or threaten my kingdom again, I will show you a true hell." She added before smiling again. "Though I'm certain neither of us would really have to worry about such 'negative' behaviors or comments like that from one another again." She added, making both of her guards shiver.

"She scares the crap out of me when she does stuff like that." Cessaly added with Andon nodding in agreement.
He stood in his spot with a sigh as the dark walled trapped him within its temperate box and he looked at Andon. He could sense that it was him doing it and he sighed once again. This was truly becoming annoying to him. Toby calmed himself waiting for this man to say what he wished so he could be rid of him and his friend as well as their princess. Toby stood there as if he were listening to his words but not really taking it in. “Thank you for your words Andon.” He bowed respectively to him.

He turned away from them and he looked at Cydney as she stopped him before he could really leave them. He pinched the bridge on his nose this women was really annoying and he honestly didn’t want to have to deal with her. “Listen princess it’s a honor to have you volunteer to so called ‘teach’ me but I must swiftly refuse.” He bowed to her “I have only been here an hour and was forced to meet you and your people.” He keep his arms at his side “You have only been taken from your home once and from people you love. I have had it done twice in my life. I would beg to say differently princess. To say you are pampered didn’t mean in the way I am assuming you are taking it. Lets take you from your home and make you live in a place you barely know and told you may never leave. EVER!” he said swiftly

Toby rolled his eyes he was far from scared of the princess he didn’t like her. “I am sure you would be a great teacher but I have no interest in your teaching. Jareth will be back to teach me the ins and outs of this kingdom as well as the others.” He looked at her “I will beg of you and your guards to leave and come back when I have learned more so that I do not seem to insult you and your people.” He bowed leaving them at the gates and closing them behind him.
Cydney sighed as he spoke, yes it was true that she'd only been taken from her true home once, but to her it felt like twice. Stripped of her memories and placed in a world she didn't know, alone and afraid, only knowing her name, and not remembering much of anything else. She was left in that world for ten years. She found a new family, and new friends, but soon after that she was taken from them as well. She was told that the life she'd been living was nothing more than a well orchestrated lie. She had to relearn everything, who she was, her family, her friends, her culture. "Hey, at least you can remember the people you love." Cessaly spoke, her words getting her disapproving glances from both Cydney and Andon, though for different reasons. "You at least know where you really belong, but Cydney...She may not say it out loud, but she will ALWAYS feel out of place." Cessaly added before he left.

Andon watched as the gates closed. "He doesn't get it, does he. If Jareth was going to teach him then he wouldn't have just thrown him into it like this with no teachings what so ever." Andon said as he prepared to open a portal. "The man is selfish. He already got what he wanted, he has no more use for him, or any of us." He added as the portal opened.

"It doesn't really matter, we aren't welcome here, just like he isn't welcome in ours." Cessaly added. "Owww....what was that for?" She whined as Cydney elbowed her in the side. She glared playfully at Cydney as they all entered the portal together.

"You need to learn to keep your mouth shut, Cessaly." Cydney said with a frustrated sigh. "I've told you both before that words can often get us in to more trouble than actions sometimes can." She was unhappy, more with the fact that Cessaly had mentioned anything about her feeling out of place. It was true, yes. It was very hard for her to feel as though she belonged. She'd been part of the human world for ten years before she was brought back, and before that she couldn't remember a thing about her life before except for her name. It was easy to feel out of place when the things you 'remembered' had been mostly taught to you. She hadn't wanted Toby to know that though. That was something personal, something she'd have preferred to keep to herself. The trip home was silent for them. Cessaly wasn't speaking because she knew she'd upset Cydney, Andon felt like he had nothing to really speak about, and Cydney was thinking. This meeting had been a failure plain and simple. She certainly hoped Toby's new kingdom could survive long enough for him to learn the truth.

Meanwhile a young woman with long blue hair was running around in an underground part of the Goblin King's castle. Syllaby had been Jareth's court mage for a long, long time. She was frantic as she went of the results of the observatory spell she'd cast on the meeting place for the heir and Princess Cydney. She had to tell Jareth, he couldn't have known what was really going on here. Unfortunately for her he'd already left with his wife and placed her young brother in charge. She couldn't help but feel a sense of duty though, and she had to tell Jareth the truth about what was going on. He was a kinder king than the people of the Dream Lands had been led to believe. Syllaby took in a deep breath as she made up her mind. She clenched her fists and closed her eyes as she spoke her next words. "I wish that the Goblin King would come and listen to what I have to say."
Toby hated the fact that they thought that he felt in place in either of these world. As a child he never felt like he belonged with his family and then when he was told he was the next Goblin King he felt even more out of place here. Yes it wasn’t the first second or third time he was here although the times he had been here he was brought here with his sister to learn about Goblin Kingdom. Sure he knew a lot of the Goblin Kingdom but never wondered what was outside those gates and nor did he really care.
It was intense… no more than intense when he arrived today he was told he was to have to marry a women he never knew about or even cared to know about. Sure she was pretty but then again Toby was only 18 years old and he wasn’t looking to get married to anyone. Toby enjoyed the single life and he sighed in defeat as he sat down against the wall in frustration. This day wasn’t going how he wished it to go and he knew even more now than ever that he didn’t belong here or where he was born.
Jareth felt something pull at him and he flinched looking around as Sarah rested her head against his chest as they watched the strange thing she called a television. “What’s wrong?” Sarah asked and Jareth blinked “Something’s wrong I’ll be back.” He whispered to her kissing her passionately and disappeared to see what was going on in his former kingdom.
By the time Syllaby had opened her eyes the king was standing before her. She bowed at the waist, her long blue braid falling over her shoulder. "Oooooh, I'm soooo sorry my lord. I understand that you were busy, but this is important." Syllaby said as she worried her lower lip with her teeth. She wasn't really all that afraid of Jareth, but she didn't quite like inconveniencing the man she served for the majority of her life time. She rose from her position once she felt free to explain herself. "I was observing the meeting between young master Toby and Princess Cydney, when I noticed something rather.....unpleasant." She said with a sigh. "Cydney's...well...she's covered in curse traces, like whatever curse had been placed on her hadn't quite run it's course." To Syllaby this was quite alarming. Most curses left a trace after they were placed on someone, the greater the curse, the greater the trace, and the traces were strongest before the curse had ran it's full course, or before it was broken. "I started to analyze and trace the curse and I found some rather disturbing news." She added with a deep breath. This was the part that she had been dreading. Jareth was certain to be unhappy once he found out that someone had not only cursed an arrangement that he'd made with the dream lands, who had been nothing but good to the goblin kingdom up until the disappearance of their princess, but that the curse had come from within his own land. "The curse came from our kingdom....and it hangs over our kingdom as well." She said with a sigh.

"And sadly that's not even the worst part. It seems as though someone has been trying to manipulate the curse to take affect. It was made nearly twenty years ago when the treaty was first made. It seems that shortly after that an item was cast from the underground to the world above...a book, my lord, with stories of you lining it's pages." She sighed explaining further the disheartening news that her spells had uncovered. "The curse was plotted so that should one party break the agreement made that the other would be cast from their kingdom, and stripped of their memories. No heir could rise to the throne of the kingdom that broke the treaty unless it was upheld by the future heir." As Syllaby finished her sentence a young woman with green hair appeared in Syllaby's den of magic. "Evaryn?" She asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"My lord we have a serious problem." The green haired woman said. "I spoke with Queen Elsym as you requested, but she refused. Worse, she and the rest of her kingdom seem to think that we cursed their princess. They've threatened war should we act against them again." Evaryn added. She'd seemed worried, and rightly so. While the fae and other creatures that lived in Jareth's kingdom were nothing to be trifled with they weren't a good match to the nightmare weavers that fought for the dream lands. A war would surely devastate the kingdom, and worse, nightmare weavers didn't just attack the kingdom of one who acted against them, they went for the ones they loved. They were ruthless when needed. "I'm not entirely sure how to fix this my lord. I know you never would have raised a hand to Lady Cydney, she was a good friend to our kingdom after all, but apparently someone from our kingdom did." She added.

Syllaby sighed in frustration at her sister's words. "Gods, we'd need a damn cupid and every god of love to fix this right mess." She grumbled. "I do wish that things could have gone over more pleasantly, my lord, but to make matters worse, Cydney and Toby seem to greatly dislike one another. He called her pampered." Evaryn winced when she heard what Toby had called the princess of the dream lands. She doubted he'd have said that if he'd known what was expected of the Royalty of that kingdom. Cydney had to have already participate in at least one battle, as the royalty o that land were expected to fight, and lead with prowess, and they believed that it was best to teach through experience with something like that.
Jareth appeared before the small Syllaby and he exhaled in a way that warned her that it better be a good reason she summoned him or she’d be dead. Jareth waved his hand to hurry her past the apologizing so he could find out what was going on. He listened to everything she had to say and sighed in exhostion he couldn’t believe someone was stupid enough to place a curse like that on another royal. “We must find out who placed the curse upon the princess.” He said between gritted teeth.

Jareth really didn’t want to have anything to do with the princess he disliked her as much as Toby disliked her. It wasn’t because the princess it was more because of her mother that he disliked the young princess. “Wait you mean that’s not the worst?” he slapped his face trying to calm his nerves and he pulled his hand down his face and looked at Syllaby “What else is there?” Jareth really didn’t like this situation he was placed in. He had to take the blame on all of it he had followed his heart instead of doing what was right for his kingdom. “So we have to make Toby and the princess… what’s her name? fall in love simple enough.” He nodded trying to figure out a way for Toby to make the princess fall in love with him.

Jareth’s eyes darted over as Evaryn appeared “What the hell is it now?” he said anger laced clearly through ever word he spoke. He was slowly but surely wanting to take this kingdom and destroying it himself. “Another one?” he felt like smashing his head against a wall. When he was done with this he’d go back to Sarah and fuck her brains out and then some.

“Cydney that’s her name!” he exclaimed as Evaryn mentioned the princess’s name like he suddenly remembered it. “Toby didn’t raise his hand to the young Cydney did he?” he looked at the both of them “And it’s not like they don’t know that he’s new to this and Cydney should understand him more than anyone if she doesn’t she’s a very stupid princess.” He huffed “But I suppose for a dream girl she isn’t that smart.”

Jareth laughed at the pampered part “I suppose in a way she is pampered although probably not in the way he is thinking she is put through a lot but she is loved by more than need be. Toby has no one as of now but three at his side even you two should be calling to Toby not me… I should kill you for placing this pain of a mess on me and not Toby. I am no longer your king.” Jareth looked at them both “You need to both learn I will do you no hope if you wish to help the kingdom go to Toby explain your worries to him. Explain everything and how it works if he doesn’t understand things then get him to call for me. I will no longer answer your cries. You must trust in Toby he wishes for the best for this kingdom.” Jareth said in a soft soothing voice and then disappeared back to his Sarah.

Toby sat in the main hair where when he was a baby he was danced and sung with. He loved this memory the more he thought about it. “Toby…” Hoggle said softly and Toby looked up at him “Yes Hoggle?” he asked and Hoggle looked at him nervously “I know I shouldn’t correct you my lord but…”Hoggle began and Toby looked at him “I need to learn about this place and things I do wrong that’s why I have you Sir Didymous and Ludo to help me.” He watched at Hoggle explained everything to him and he nodded with a sigh. “I messed up.” Toby said slowly “I wonder if there is any way to make up for it…” he thought about it.

“Well there is Evaryn and Syllaby they were two of Jareth’s closest…” Hoggle thought about it he wouldn’t say they were his friends or comrades “Followers I’m sure we could ask one or both of them. They are both very smart.” Toby nodded in agreement and then looked at Hoggle “How do I get ahold of them?” Toby asked Hoggle and then Hoggle shrugged “I’m not sure Toby but we can look for them for you.” Hoggle said softly and Toby nodded “Please do so.” Toby waved Hoggle off to look for the two women who he thought could help him a bit.
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