Heroes aren't my type... (Mercenary+October Screams)


May 21, 2013
Scott Howards, a.k.a Deathnote, waited in the window of a long abandoned building in the city, knowing his target would show up soon. The vigilante that went by 'Protector', his enemy. He wouldn't have much of a problem with this 'superhero', as everyone called him, if he hadn't done what his name had stated. Deathnote had been taking out government officials one by one, those involved in project 'bioweapon', which involved the betrayal of him and the other brave men who were killed for a test.

But now the Protector had stopped multiple of his assassination attempts, even though they had only encountered once. It ended in mostly a tie, though Deathnote had to admit the Protector had started getting the upper hand. This hero had superpowers, including flight and increased strength and speed, as well as he was harder to hurt and seemed to heal faster, among other things...

He was by all means a superhero, and like Deathnote, hid his identity well. But Scott planned to learn his secrets, if not kill him first. Now one of the heads of project bioweapon, Nelson Smith, now the mayor, was about to have a public speech down the road from his position. But he was only a bonus target. The real target was this hero. This 'Protector' always seemed to be by the mayors side in public appearances, and often when he was by himself, too. But the Protector still did things like save people from burning buildings and the like, though it wasn't like he was always free. Not when he was with the mayor. There was some connection between those two, and Scott intended to find out what it was.

Deathnote gripped his sniper rifle as the crowd in front of the mayor's podium began to grow. Soon enough the mayor came out to do a speech on some new traffic law that would supposedly cut down on accidents severely. And of course, to the mayor's right, was the protector. He was clad in blue, cape, mask, and all, though they were different shades. and he had the classic 'protector's shield', his signature weapon. it was all blue, with a sky-blue star in the middle.

Deathnote aimed at the mayor, and pulled the mayor with his rifle, aiming through the visor of his motorcycle helmet. He pulled the trigger, and the shot rang out. of course, the protector immediately responded, getting in front of the mayor with his shield just in time, blocking the shot. He said some cheesy superhero-like comment, then flew after Deathnote. Just as planned.

Leaving the rifle, Scott quickly headed down the stairs to the bottom floor, , running out the door. Police had surrounded the mayor and the people where being corralled as more police came in. But now the Protector was the only target, and Deathnote got on his motorcycle to bait him away. He took the bait and followed. Scott turned into an alley, then waited. Soon enough, the Protector stood in front of him.

"Foiled yet again, Deathnote. I honestly didn't expect you show up yourself. But now you're trapped." The hero said. Deathnote didn't reply, he just got in a ready to fight stance. He thought about firing at the Protector with his pistol, but that would only waste ammo. At least until he separated it from the vigilante. The Protector burst forward and through a punch, but Deathnote predicted it and dodged to the side. The fight had begun.
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