Superman is Real?! (Qant x darkest_fate)


Sep 4, 2013
Earth was a planet full of fantastic creatures, well adapted to their environment and thriving. All but one. Humanity. At least that was the perspective of one Kal-El of Krypton. On his Earth, he had brought order and civility to a chaos he had long since played a limited role in conquering. It took losing his wife and yet-to-be-born-son to the mad man, The Joker, that Batman had yet to end to realize that humanity couldn't save itself. It needed him to force them on to the right path rather than wait for them all to do it themselves. So he did, with fellow heroes, and some villains, that felt the same. With them he created his One Regime, a force for the greater good. With them he brought the world under order. It was a comfortable existence, the people did what he said and he watched over them as their protector. Still, there were those who thought what he did was "wrong" and that he was acting like a "dictator" rather than the hero he once was. Those of his former friends betrayed him and created the Insurgency with Batman as their leader. That Insurgency brought the Justice League from a different Earth to stop him. They succeeded and their Superman banished him to the Phantom Zone to spend eternity while they undid all of his work.

Kal-El was not one to give up easily, so he waited, patiently, as he floated in the void of space and time. While he waited he found a prison complex that he remembered creating. It housed a monster that always found ways to escape, General Zod. He infiltrated the complex, pummeled Non, vaporized Ursa, and, after divulging information on how to escape, snapped Zod's neck. He used a Phantom Zone projector that the now deceased trio built and escaped back to Earth. When he arrived he quickly went to find Clark Kent and the Daily Planet and burn it to the ground, but there was none. There was no Metropolis, no Gotham, no Star City, no Coast City! He quickly found a media resource and absorbed all the knowledge that he could. Apparently he had arrived on an Earth where nothin that was familiar to him existed. He, Batman, and the rest of his foes and allies existed on comic book pages and in movies and cartoons. It was quite funny actually. Kal had arrived on an Earth where war still raged and the greedy and the vane gained all the wealth and power without doing anything. He was this worlds first real Superman and he planned to shape things the way he was accustomed to.

From his research he learned that there was a gathering of celebrities and the like for a ceremony to stroke their egos. It was called the Oscars. He flew quickly to it and crushed through the roof to a shocked and excited crowd. From the whispers he could hear among them they all thought it was part of the show, but those working the event knew that something was wrong. He remained in the middle of the stage and began to berate them, using his powers to project his voice. "You!" He began, "All of you are pathetic! You gain more money and popularity than I ever made in my life for one reel of film. You make more money and gain more popularity and influence than most nations leaders!" Laughs came form the audience since they thought this was still part of the show. His face turned very grim as his anger began to boil. "And yet, here you all sit, handing out statues of gold and congratulating one another for nothing!!! You all could do so much and yet most of you remain as pariahs on society. Hatred spreads across nations if people do not agree upon a films status or whether or not one of you is more attractive than the other. With everything you have and all the money going to you, you squander it when that money could be helping the world! But, you do nothing. Your leaders do nothing. There are people still warring over land disputes while you all cut swathes of land for houses that are excessive!" He shook his head and hung it in shame for them. "Well no longer. No longer shall your worlds leaders sit by passively and allow this Earth to degrade into oblivion. No longer shall people tear each other apart over trivial maters. Because I will make things right. I will bring the swift hammer of justice upon all of you!" With that he flew out of the ceremony and went to fix things.

Within months the world was under his iron fist. No conventional weapon could stop him. Governments and armies fell before him as he took complete control. Decade old conflicts were solved by force. Arms crisis dissolved because he willed it so, else surfer his Kryptonian fury. Economics problem? There was none as people earned proper waged for their work. Kal-El was at the helm of it all. Now that Earth was under his image he could only laugh at his former naive self that allowed the humans to try and do this themselves.

Though in his crusade to fix Earth he didn't take time for himself, so now his loins stirred greatly for the touch of a woman. Seeing as he was this worlds Chancellor Superman, he deserved the finest they could offer. Searching through more outlets of media he decided that a certain Jennifer Lawrence would be given the honor of pleasing him. He called for her to be brought to his home, an improved White House as instead of the familiar white monument stood a crystalline structure that was his new Fortress of Solitude. He sat in his bedroom while he awaited the arrival of Ms. Lawrence, toying with certain ideas of what to do with her.
Jennifer had been there. She'd been sitting there, nearly on the edge of her seat with excitement, when Superman had crashed through the ceiling. Like most of the other attendees, Jennifer had at first figured that this was some kind of publicity stunt. The man there looked very much like the one that they'd selected to play the character in an upcoming film. Jennifer knew that, of course, since she worked hard to stay on the edge of the nerd culture. Hey, if they were going to practically idolize you, it was best to know what they were about. Which was why Jennifer was one of the few who recognized the guy. She stood, her eyes went to the ceiling, and she thought hard. That didn't look like a stunt, it looked, well, real. Jennifer had turned to the person next to her and said exactly who that was: Superman. Then he'd introduced himself.

And things had gone downhill.

Technically, things were "fixed." Crime became practically nonexistent, as did several other of society's problems: hunger, overpopulation, the works. Deaths hadn't decreased though, not a whit, nor had "political dissent." Several of Jennifer's cohorts had lost their lives speaking up; they hadn't figured it out. Jennifer had. Oh, it hurt to lay low. In fact, Jennifer hadn't entirely done that. She'd contacted people and worked through the internet, trying to work underground, to get people motivated, to help them understand what was going on. People had always looked up to her and admired what she did, so why not use that for something good?

Then came the call. Jennifer had frozen at the words, ice going into her veins. Did he know? He totally would; that was right in line with what he did and everything that people knew about the man (which had included his weaknesses, but good luck finding Kryptonite or magic). But no, instead, they ordered Jennifer to be primped and readied. The blonde put on a loose black dress, one that emphasized her shapely body while still showing some skin. Bits and baubles adorned her, adding another layer. Her blonde hair had been styled and fluffed, brought along her fetching face. Said face had received professional level makeup: the blue-green eyes brought out by perfect eyeshadow, pink lipstick making lips shimmer, and basic foundation making her skin all the more perfect. In point of fact, they'd adorned most of Jennifer, including primping and teasing and all kinds of things. Hair had been removed below the neck, save for a neat little strip that pointed directly toward her sex.

Now Jennifer walked through the Fortress, her strappy black heels clicking against the floor. Her breath came out in short bursts, the curls of warm air spiraling out for a moment. Strange though, she didn't feel frozen, well, not on the outside. Her stomach churned and she swore that her heart was going to burst out of her chest. He'd hear that; she knew he would.

"So where is the Super-guy?" Jennifer muttered, trying to keep her voice as low as she possibly could. Still, she had a feeling that he'd hear; she nearly counted on it.
((So Sorry for the delay))

Kal's ears perked up as he heard the clack of high heels. He floated to the top of the ceiling and remained there, moving fast enough to keep out of her sight. Once she spoke he descended in front of her. "I can hear that. I can hear anything save for the voice in your own head, but I can always make a good guess." He touched down on the floor and took a regal stance, his hands clasped behind him as he looked her up and down, his various visions looked through all of her to check for everything, diseases, weapons, or anything that could harm him. He smiled in satisfaction at her, "Welcome Ms. Lawrence." He used one of his hands and grasped her chin, angling it so he could see her whole face. "Perfect." He said as he began to walk back to his quarters."Follow." He commanded.

Once they were in his room he sealed the doors and made sure everything he was going to use was out. "You know why you're here, so I won't sugar coat it. I'm looking for sex, and seeing all the options I had I found you to be the most suited for the job. Wide hips, a buxom chest, and a Spitfire like attitude. It reminded me of someone from home." He reached down and picked up the Wonder Woman outfit that he had made for his pleasure. He tossed it to her, "Put it on," he said, "I'd rather have you in that than that dress."
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