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Looking for either two brothers or two gang members

Forever Unbreakable

Nov 15, 2009
Okay so I have an idea I want to try out just to make it fun and exciting. My girl can either be in high school or college and your guys are college age or older. I would like the brothers / and or gang members be 20-25 and my girl will be 16-19, they would either kidnap her or invite her to a party and kidnap her then. They will go all around the country hiding, changing her hair color, the way she dresses and the same about them unless we decide no one knows what they look like. It can start out un willing and turn into willing, or she can act like she doesn't want it but the actions she does they know right away she does. There can be abuse / scratching / scars / cutting the skin lightly with a knife / holding a gun to her head while they fuck her mouth against the wall.

I basically want rough / force / intimidation that can go far, to the point that they will even drag her into the gang life, have her even start to do the shit they do.

Now there is a catch, your guys have to be overly possessive / protective / get jealous easily, and your guys can either deep throat a girl and make my girl watch to see her reaction after they have her for like a month. After that my girl will be the same over them, if a girl touches them or fucks around with them, she will basically hunt the girl down, warn her and if she doesn't caught on she will basically kill her.

My girl won't be scared, she won't show that she's scared and she will if you want her to even stand up to these two guys.

If your interested please PM me or add me on my messenger.

EDIT: You have to type more then just one paragraph, I want 3-4 or more if it is possible, This plot is heavy and I expect the replies to be heavy to!!
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