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Dec 24, 2013
As the title states, I'm looking mostly for video game fandom roleplays. I've played a loot of games over the years, and some of my favorites (and favorite characters) are often not always ones that spring up to popular memory. But before we get into that kind of stuff, a few guidelines.

EMAIL is the best way for me to respond and roleplay in. I apologize if this isn't your cup of tea. Don't pm, email! Looking foward to emails!

  • I do M/F, F/F and Futa/F or any of those combinations. Don't be afraid to ask! I am also more than happy to do OC characters in a fandom setting.
  • You're gonna have to earn the right to get me to double. I've been burnt pretty bad by doing it so far.
  • <---- F-List! (Slightly old, but it's still worthwhile.)
  • I am not a submissive person, so I will never be a submissive roleplayer. I prefer being the dominate or just have a 50/50 thing going on. There doesn't need to be a dom/sub dynamic to everything, they can just be people. I don't like playing my women as willing rape victims, I don't mind non-consensual, just don't expect her to suddenly like it on some deep level. I like my women confident and knowing what they want, barring certain situations or characters.
  • Due to various cirumstances, E-mail is the easiest thing to roleplay with me. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but that's just how it is for now.
  • I've gotten a little less picky, but I'm still putting this warning up...I've had people sling insults at me after very clearly stating that I was kind of touchy on writing styles. Just as a warning, I will try to find examples of roleplaying to see if I'm interested.
  • I'm looking PRIMARILY for something on the smuttier side, but don't be discouraged to shoot me something more plot related. It really just depends on what I'm feeling like with the set up or the characters involved. 50/50 works well for me in the most part. Or no smut at all, I don't really mind as long as the idea is fun!
  • I generally try to stay as close to the canon as possible personality wise, but I am never against AU depictions of background provided there is a reasonable backstory or a few details are twisted here and there. Sometimes smutty fun means a few lies, either way. But the personality retains some of what makes the character them, I just do my best to twist it in a way that seems like they'd do it. If you wanna know how I portray this character or that, never hurts to ask.
  • I'm currently looking for strictly video game stuff. This list is probably not exhaustive, as I have played a lot of games and I'm fond of a lot of characters and I will probably be updating it somewhat regularly. Starting off will be rather small...since quite frankly I don't want to list every single series or character I'm familiar with in one go. And if you don't see a game on here? Ask! I might know it.

Here's my list!

  • King of Fighters (Too many to mention)
  • Pokémon (The female gym leaders, trainers)
  • Resident Evil (Jill, Ada, Clare, Helena...the list goes on)
  • Anarchy Reigns
  • Final Fight 1-3 (Poison, Maki and Lucia especially!)
  • Final Fantasy (Seriously, almost all of them)
  • Last Blade 1 and 2
  • Mario Universe (Peach, Daisy, etcera.)
  • Metal Gear Solid (Quiet, Meryl...The Beauty and Beast ladies, Frogs...)
  • Legend of Zelda (Zelda, forth)
  • Dynasty Warriors (Zhurong, Xingcai, Zhenji and more)
  • Dead or Alive (Pretty much any of them)
  • Ninja Gaiden (Momoji, Rachel, ectera)
  • Megaman Classic/X
  • Binary Domain
  • Darkstalkers
  • Gundam UC/Wing
  • Fire Emblem (Some, not all...but I'm willing to research)
  • Mass Effect
  • Soul Calibur
  • Fatal Fury
  • X-Com
  • Star Fox
  • Dawn of War/Warhammer 40k
  • Virtua Fighter
RE: Video Games, Anyone?

What Fire Emblem games do you happen to be familiar with? I may be interested.

Otherwise, maybe we could work out something for Mario. Do you mind doing OC/Canon, because while I couldn't do Mario, I'd love to RP with a Rosalina.
RE: Video Games, Anyone?

bump, if I haven't gotten back to you, don't hesitate to toss me a PM, I'm sure some people got lost!
RE: Video Games, Anyone?

Feel like doing something with Taki...or something Minecraft related (Not that I have any idea what the hell that could be.)
Everyone should message this lady right now becaus she is an amazing partner to write with.
Welp, life destroyed my capability to be on here for a while. But I'm back out of curiosity to see if I get anything. Don't always expect rapid fire replies.
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