Devotion (CoC) [Desertpaladin]

Dec 25, 2012
The land of Mareth had been effectively saved. The demon incursion had been halted, their leaders deposed, and their hordes scattered. A champion of Ingnam was said to have saved the land from the scheming of the hellspawn, then fade to obscurity. The tradition of sending a human every year through the portal continued. Mareth was still full of danger. Other forces would try to take advantage of the power gap, but all in all, things were safer.

But not completely safe.

Evelyn was told of this as she crossed the portal as the newest champion. The stable gateway, now closed, but was still her charge, her duty to guard and defend. When she crossed, the woman was not greeted by anything or anyone, just an abandoned campsite used by her predecessors. This was her home now. Evelyn stood tall, her long, red hair tied in a bun. The blue eyes she possessed scanned the horizon for signs of anything malicious. She had quite a bit of muscle mass on her, and not much cleavage, not that anyone would know under the full plate she wore, and the quality broadsword she kept at her side made sure it stayed on. The woman came equipped for the task, having been adopted by Ingnam's church and trained as a holy guardian, a paladin. Evelyn crushed and slain anything that turned out to be hostile. She was a trained warrior, and carried her job out with extreme prejudice.

The paladin had only spent less than a month in the demonic realm, but she was getting used to many recurring themes here. The vile nature of the monsters and their intent on raping her, the common foods and drinks that would hold impure alchemical properties, the corruption's effect was everywhere. So far, Evelyn had managed to keep her body completely free of taint. Her vigilance drove out anything even remotely demonic from around the gate. She would try to work things out fairly with words with the inhabitants, but usually their corrupted nature just ended in having them assault her. Evelyn enjoyed putting them out of their misery, but she longed for someone to simply talk to. An equal. Evelyn needed companionship, or this isolation might start doing things to her head.

This day in particular, she had already made the daily patrol routes. It was already nighttime. Evelyn sat by a warm campfire, staring into the fire, trying keep her mind off of how long she would have to do this. The same routine, over and over. This was already tiring for her.
However as she moved back up from the fire she saw him. He was barely a few feet away from her and god he was huge. She should have heard him coming closer as the beast towered over her, easily twice her size in both height and width as he was built almost purely as muscle underneath scales that had an interesting red glow in the firelight. He was easily the most physically impressive male she had ever seen since coming here, and likely one of the most deadly as emerald reptilian eyes looked down at her so cold, calculating. Before she could move he spoke in a voice that demanded respect and attention "I hear you are the woman slaying my kind left and right, have to admit I figured you would be taller" and without another word he sat down by the fire as he looked at her, his eyes just locked on hers almost tempting her to act hostile toward him so he could just easily best her. And now that he was closer to the fire she could see his features more.

Even when sitting he looked huge, large leathery wings folded on his back almost looked like they were a cake or a cloak around him. A long, powerful looking tail moved in the grass nearby the two of them and she could see his scales were a deep red, the color of a powerful fire dragon. His reptilian head turned to face her, sharp teeth showing themselves as he said "I hear you are a rather interesting champion of humanity as well, willing to try and talk and reason with an opponent before... well" he smirked "let's just say I'm not as stupid as the others so please sit... It looks like you were about to have dinner and could use some conversation... after all guarding a magical gate by yourself must be tiring work"
The woman stood as something large approached. With the way it carried itself, the champion almost sure she was about to be assaulted. Evelyn's hand instantly reached for her sword as the towering beast came into view. Something of that size would guarantee a real fight for her life, one she wasn't certain she could win. The human sighed in relief when it seemed to not be interested in doing battle with her. That hand still rested on her weapon as she spoke.

"I cleanse this place of those who would do harm to me, humanity, and this land by extension. I simply believe in being civil to those who deserve it. I understand that not everything here is tainted, and deserves the right to live and be free. I was taught more than just to stick a pointy end into a bad person."

The warrior kept her seat, but still glared directly at the dragon, trying to gauge out a motive. True, she was tired, lonely, but he didn't need to know that.

"What of you, though? May I have your name, your identity?"
"My kind do not really take names. We are called by titles which we earn... so for now you may call me stranger as I have not done anything to earn a title from you" he was very calm when he spoke, and the tone which he had seemed to almost radiate a commanding presence which even seemed to make the sound of the fire crackling hush. As he sat there he shifted a bit as he smiled a little "It is hard to believe you humans still think we have enough of a force to come through... our lands have lacked the proper numbers to bring our population back after your slaughter of our highest members... so I will admit you humans make me curious and I am interested in knowing more about your kind... please if it would not be much trouble I could keep you company for a while and even offer some food and drink in exchange for knowing more about you"

The truth was he was smirking on the inside. This woman was too easy, a bit on the petite side but then again many a human female had been before he had been through with them. While she did not know this his title, or more correctly his name for many creatures here was mostly 'master' or 'father' He was a powerful monster with a very powerful lust that seemed to get the better of him more than once. However he had left his last harem. Multiple beautiful daughters, and many mates all wanting his child inside of them. All to find something more... exotic. A human female who he could mold to his perfect woman.
"There's not much to know. I'm sure much of it would bore you." Evelyn replied, her hand slowly leaving her sword as he spoke. This was an interesting creature. He sounded civil, intelligent, humble. A welcome change from what she usually had to deal with. The human was still wary but was quickly warming up. Isolation had left her starved for just someone to talk to.

"Your company is... appreciated. I'm afraid I don't have much to offer in hospitality. There is not much to know about me um, stranger. My name is Evelyn, and I was orphaned, raised by priests, and trained to do, well, this." Her story was more elaborate than that, but this stranger didn't have to know everything about herself. "It's not something I volunteered for, but still. You don't get everything you want in life."
Stranger smiled as he nodded and he said "Well that's interesting to me... I thought that priests were pacifists in your world. It seems odd to me that they would train anyone to fight in any way" now with her guard being lowered and her coming more to join him she got a better look at his body and attire. Once again his body looked like it was pure muscle under those scales but she also saw his attire was a rather nice looking loincloth with a couple of large satchels each one larger than her pack though seemed to be nothing to him as he took them off with his tail and presented them to her.

As he opened up the one she would smell the delicious aroma of meat from the human world. See cows, pigs and chickens and such were hard to find here, there were only tainted counterparts but here the beef he pulled out and began to cook by the fire was easily pure cow. "I found this creature out in the wilds... I believe it was native to your world but I figured that you would enjoy it and some drink" he pulled out a bottle of what looked and smelled like a very fruity beverage but in reality was a special kind of lust potion as he smiled offering her the bottle while the meat cooked.
She noticeably became more tense as she was offered said food and drink. Reluctantly, she took the bottle, but hesitated to drink it as she went on with their conversation.

"Well you're right. They are pacifist. Technically, they can still learn the art of war, but just not use it on any living being. Nothing restricts them from teaching others. A controversial fact was that our religion was one day forbidden from having any armed man be part of a private army for the church. This was done by the state for fear of a takeover. Well, they took that literally and trained exclusively women for war to continue to protect their interests."

With how much she was talking, Evelyn was in fact starting to get thirsty. The human was putting herself in a more relaxed state as she kept talking. However, just when she began to raise the mysterious bottle to drink, she brought it down.

"Must be nice, things are, different, here yes, more savage. But I bet you don't have to deal with complicated politics and such."
"Oh there still is... see for the most part women in our domain... usually end up as mates for stronger males. It is very rare for women to dominate men here but even with that there is a lot of fighting then over who belongs to whom" he shrugged "it's not the most prefect system but in the end it works better than most. It keeps us constantly moving forward and makes it so that anyone here becomes stronger or works toward making a group strong as we don't just fight for ourselves most of the time"

He had to admit he was getting pissed. She had been so close as he took a piece of meat and ate it his sharp teeth ripping the meat apart with ease as he waited for her to drink. Even if she went to eating he had laced the others with the same potion. All she needed to do was take a bit of food or a bit of drink, one drop would be more than enough to suddenly make her horny as hell. It was then he would strike.
"As I said, savage. I never said it was better, just different." Evelyn honestly thought that this was still a terrible place to live in, but she wouldn't say that to the face of her new acquaintance. Seeing the stranger take a bite out of his own meal, she looked back down to her own drink. Evelyn contemplated for a moment if she should still trust the thing that still wandered into her camp uninvited. Again, deciding against it, she tried to keep exchanging words.

"Then again, it is not my place to judge, or think. That's not what I was raised to do. I am a servant to my people, they are my responsibility. By extension, this land is now my responsibility as well I guess... I live to serve."

Those were the last words she spoke untainted, as her hand idly brought the drink up to wet her tongue. Once her mouth got a taste of the liquid, she had to have more. The concoction tasted of alcohol but was laced with some unknown taste that possessed her to greedily gulp down the rest. The bottle was empty in less than a minute. Evelyn glared down at the empty glass, and back up to the stranger. Her suspicions kicking back in too late. This was a land of temptation, and that tasted good, too good.

"What did I just drink..."
Standing up he smiled as she had been drinking so now she looked up at the looming creature who she now saw as the large, imposing, and extremely intelligent creature that he was. "Just a little persuasion... you holy types can be a bit hard to convince. After all I never rape a female that I mate with... they always go right for this" he grabbed his loincloth and pulled it off leaving him now buck naked. the 12 foot tall behemoth was looming over her and now dangling in front of her face was a cock currently 2 feet long and nearly as thick as her arm. If that was supposed to be flaccid... it would be something to see is erect. Smirking she saw rows of sharp teeth gleam in the fire as he moved closer to her, the overwhelming scent of his musk overpowering her nostrils as it was soon all she could smell. The large organ, one of only two parts not covered the other being his impressive balls each one being more than a handful for her as he looked down at her "You must not have faced a dragon before now... we are some of the smartest beings here as well as have an interesting trait... our musk and our cum are addictive. The more cum sprayed on or in a female makes them unable to be without more dragon cum." he smirked "and the musk slowly rots away the brain of any woman, turning her more into a perfect bimbo slut for breeding again and again."

"now" he said his voice very deep and commanding, clearly letting her know that he was being more serious as his wings spread and she saw his tail flick back and forth threateningly "strip of your things... you no longer need them... and rub your body against my cock, beg for my cum like the horny bitch you are"
Her mind and body were being altered, more suggestive. Evelyn fell to the dirt before the campfire, slowly unstrapping her armor and the belt which held her sword close as she edged closer and closer to the stranger. She couldn't believe this. Evelyn allowed herself to be easily fooled by this magnificent creature. He was smarter than her, bigger than her, faster than her. There was nothing she could do. "You, you poisoned me, why can't I think, why can't I stop!? Why couldn't you just fight me?"

The clank of metal hitting metal sounded off repeatedly as her armor was pulled off. The useless bits of steel were constricting Evelyn. She didn't need those now. The potion she drank was reshaping her body before her very own eyes. She looked down to see her breasts expand from being nearly flat to a pair of melon-sized mammaries. The paladin was losing muscle mass with every step, it was all going to her hips and her chest. Her clothes soon fell to the ground as well. Evelyn mindlessly tossed her shirt into the fire, not caring if the useless rags started to burn or not. That wasn't what she was focused on. Evelyn focused on the flaccid draconian breeding tool in front of her, drawn to it. The stranger didn't even have to command her to do it, although his reassurance was good encouragement. Such a thing would have repulsed her beforehand, but now it looked like the most beautiful thing in the world for some reason.

Her hands reached out to get a feel for the stranger's cock. Evelyn wrapped her arms around the shaft and dragged her body towards it, hugging the length tight and embracing the musk.

"Some warrior I turned out to be. It's so big though... how will I ever fit it all inside me!?" Already she was thinking of stuffing the stranger's cock inside her, showing how addled her mind already was.
He of course smiled as he said "Because this is more fun, to watch a once strong paladin coming to me of her own will and knowing that the drugs affects will end by the time I stick it in" he smirked "but by then you will be brain dead from pleasure" as she approached him, stripping and he watched the small 'side affect' of the potion as her body grew more voluptuous. Actually the truth was she was stronger than ever before but showed it off more as curves. After all she would need that strength to be able to take his cock.

With her soon hugging his man mead almost like a daughter hanging off the arm of her father he smiled as he said "we will find a way" as his cock got harder shifting how she held him as his hard cock was pushing her away some. Pressing her newly curvy body against him as he grabbed the bun with surprising dexterity removed the band keeping it up as it cascaded down her back as he picked her up with one clawed hand around her waist. Sitting her down with her pussy along his shaft he sat back rubbing her against him, pressing her down so her tits tried to wrap around his cock as her pussy lips grinded against him and he pressed her face into his crotch as his musk got much stronger now.

Now sure his musk and the potion, as well as the addictive affects of his cum were rotting her mind or were going to she would remember her past. How she was a warrior, how she had been trained by priests but soon enough their talks of god, of how she used to be so strong would slip away. Soon enough she would call him God and would beg for his children to be planted inside of her again and again. "Now my little whore warrior... what do you say to your new master? Don't you want me to try ramming it deep inside of you? Fuck you until you can barely walk let alone stand?"
Her hair flowed freely as the stranger removed the band. Evelyn was picked up, and pressed against the dragon's cock, eagerly beginning to grind her wet snatch against it of her own initiative. Each intake of air her lungs soaked in clouded her mind even further as she clung to the stranger's manhood as if her life depended upon it.

She tried to focus on her past, on how she worshiped and revered... something. On the training she endured for, some kind of task. On her service and dedication to, well, whatever it was. All that mattered right now was what was in front of her. This stranger, no, her master deserved worship. She would train to service him.

"Is that what master wants? Can I call you master instead of stranger now? It's whatever you want to be master, I just want you to help me fit your cock inside me!"
He smiled "call me your God" he said "the one you worship, you fight for... your reason for being" as he picked her up he suspended her above his huge cock, her tiny body looking so vulnerable. As if she were nothing but a doll compared to her impressive new God as he thrust her down around his cock. His huge man shaft sliding in deeper and deeper. Sure only the head fit at first inside of her, after all a girl like her in a place full of priests. He had to imagine she was a virgin or at best only had a human cock which was nothing compared to his. Pushing her down more and more it did not take long until her stomach began to expand, growing larger and larger as his cock penetrated deeper making her look more and more pregnant until she was at the 9 month mark and he stopped. He was groaning out happily, his cock had grown considerable since he got hard as the thing was practically four feet of pure man meat and thicker than anything a human woman could have even imagined getting shoved inside of her. The feeling in her legs was now gone.

However his precum began to leak out, beginning to fill up her womb and would start to affect her body more. As he pulled out slowly, the throbbing veins of his cock causing him to twitch inside of her and hit her sensitive spots with greater frequency. He thrust her down again, this time taking more of his cock, and more and more with each new thrust as her body shifted trying hard to make sure she could take him completely.
"You, you want me to worship you? Pledge to you?" Evelyn asked, as the dragon held her right above his cock. The next thing she felt was pain. Her innocence was taken in the blink of an eye, and the first few inches of the dragon's meat forced inside her was agony for the poor human. She screamed, unable to hold back her cries of pain as each twing of movement hurt the woman.

Evelyn felt something warm emerge from the tip of the dragon's shaft, something that swelled in her womb and made her shift with it. She was changing, evolving, the mystical proportions of the monster's seed twisting her into the ideal mate. What was once pain was replaced with pleasure. What was once a reason to stop, to hate, was replaced with a reason to love, to exist. She needed more.

"Of course you're God! You're the reason I'm me! I was made for you! What do you want of me!?" She managed to speak as the dragon began thrusting into her, each movement causing her to shift and grow slightly. Her breasts were continuing to expand, as were two new sensitive nubs that appeared below her original pair.
His cock pounded in deeper and deeper. However as he did it seemed like she was bulging the same amount even though he was getting deeper. Well her body was growing, taking her original height and soon adding a foot to that, and another, and another. Eventually she felt his mighty balls slap against her ass as she stopped growing staying still a few feet short of him at roughly 9-10 feet tall with her stomach still looking so large as that massive monster of a cock pounded her again and again. Flipping her she was soon on her back on the cool grass. His strong arms holding onto the ground as he really began to go at it.

"I want you to be my whore... to do everything you can to please me and to bare child after child of mine" he groaned out. Her transformation was becoming more radical with those extra nubs that were growing larger and larger becoming a second pair of breasts as his precum shifted her. Sure the process was slow but things would be radical in just a moment. His thrusting took on a more brutal nature as he began to fuck her with more of his true power. Her body getting pounded actually into the ground as a silhouette of her body was being formed from those powerful thrusts. His eyes looking so much more commanding now that she was almost level with his reptilian head as he leaned in smirking as he licked along her neck with his reptilian tongue. "come now you can moan louder than that... after all I want even your world to hear how much of a whore you are"
Soon she was a giant compared to her former self, fit only to take the dragon's male sex inside her. Despite her growth spurt, Evelyn still felt weak and inferior compared to this powerful being. The bulge in her stomach didn't hurt the woman at all. Such a feat was nothing short of a miracle. She was screaming now, never experiencing anything like this in her life. The human was letting out unintelligable crying, for joy, at being filled by the thing that claimed to be God. When the beast spoke to her once more, Evelyn found the words to answer, somehow.

"Oh God yes. Oh God yes! Oh my God, yes! I'll be your whore God! I'll bear your children God! Can we do this all the time God!? It feels soooo much better than... whatever I was doing!"

At that moment the abused woman reached her limit, her body shuddering as her orgasm flooded her love tunnel with juices to mix with the dragon's own seed. At that moment, milk began to drip slightly from her enlarged teats, for at least a few seconds. Now a third pair was forming below the two, and Evelyn had three rows of mammaries to show off and nurse with. Even through her orgasm, Evelyn was still talking. She was ecstatic about the prospect of what she was being turned into.

"Please, fill me more! I want to feel that again. I'm growing, and my tits are growing! Nice, big, fat, healthy tits for kids to feed from and you to play with! Is that what you want, God!?"
He of course was smiling wider as he kept thrusting more and more until he thrust his entire cock inside of her. Cumming and cumming hard into her tight wanting cunt as he roared out happily. Listening to her begging for his full cum shot seemed to only intensify the orgasm as his seed made her stomach expand even more and her changes became much more radical much quicker than with his precum or even the potion which made her shoot up quite a few cup sizes in a matter of seconds. He was clearly pleased as he finally came down from his high looking down at her, her belly absorbing his cum to impregnate her but the rest was going to transforming her, shifting her into a hybrid of woman and dragon. Pulling from her as he smiled and said "I want my whore to become better and better, bigger tits, more breast milk, and constantly getting pregnant with my children" he smirked some more as he said "You will be nothing but a tool to get me more fuck dolls"

And as he stood he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her so that her face was getting practically crushed between his massive balls as he said "now get to work on cleaning up my cock. After all it's your fault that my cock is all messy with your whore juice"
The moment she begged for arrived, and Evelyn let out a final cry for joy. Her insides were flooded with fertility cream, ensuring a first batch of children and altering the poor woman even further. A pair of tiny spiked horns began to emerge from her forehead, while a nub began to grow right above her anus, a dock that would grow into a nice, long tail. The changes showed how far she was gone. The woman was already nothing compared to her former self, except her zealous devotion. The idea of starting a family with such a kind and loving deity brought nothing but joy to her now corrupted heart. She sat back, her eyes near the back of her head and her tongue hanging out, before the master demanded that his penis would look good as new.

"Y-you're right! This is all my fault! I'll help though, my lord! I'll fix this!" To show how eager she was, Evelyn instant went to work. The woman started from the bottom, lapping up all the fluids that managed to make their way down to his testicles. From there, she worked her way up, swallowing his semen or her own feminine juices as her head went further and further up his cock. As she worked hard on her task, she noticed her tongue was getting longer, helping her catch more of the delicious fluids more efficiently. Under a few minutes, the behemoth shaft was clean, with Evelyn using her extended tongue to suck up any last drops of seed directly from his cumslit. The brainwashed knight looked up at her master, gazing up happily. She had a satisfied smile and was looking for approval.

"Such a thing deserves to be worshiped, don't you agree master? Did I do good?"
He nodded as he ran his hand through her hair. he had to admit she was forming nicely into a half dragon whore. Pulling some of her hair back to inspect her horns and he looked over her entirely. Sure her smallest breasts were still only C cups and as they grew bigger and bigger up they were not to his standards yet. Even her other traits still made her look too human as he said "Yes I think you are right my whore... you did well in your imperfect state" he moved so that he tossed the rest of her old clothing into the fire and his clawed feet easily destroyed the metal of her armor and sword. Picking up some scraps she watched as he burned the metal, super heating it so she saw it melting in his hands. Moving over to her he formed the metal into special bands, large enough for what he needed she was given a metal collar with special runes on it. It labeled her as his property and other bands on her wrists and ankles showed her to be essentially a slave, as they looked like shackles.

"Now stand whore... and follow me... this place now holds nothing to you and we will be moving on to my home" he said as he smirked pushing her down so she was on her hands and knees "however you will not make the journey on your feet... after all is it not a worshiper's duty to kiss the ground in which I walk?" he was testing her now, seeing just how much of a dumb bimbo she turned out to be. Or if she needed another cumshot to destroy those brains completely.
The former paladin played with herself as she watched her master melt and shape useless bits of metal on the ground. Evelyn fondled and gripped her new breasts, pinching the areolas and forcing droplets of milk to stain the ground. The shackles that were made for her fit nicely, she thought, proof that she had surrendered herself to him, body and soul.

Evelyn was visibly excited once she heard they were moving on, but was suddenly puzzled when she was forced to the ground, unsure of what her lord meant. "I don't understand master... I'd rather kiss you than the ground. Do you want me to crawl behind you?" She was eager to serve, but merely lost in thought on what he meant, already dreaming of what they could do together.
He could only smile. She was sure dumb enough to be his bimbo and it seemed to be she could be loyal. Though there would be enough time to test that later he smiled "actually you may stand... though I expect that you wish to touch your God... to be touching me and showing how much you love me... I expect you to not stop the entire time we walk to our home and should you lack in any regard I will make you walk on all fours behind me like a worthless bitch"

Using his tail to bring her back up to her feet he turned and began to head out, giving her a couple of seconds to catch up before he would begin the punishment. After all if she got all the sex she wanted with no training he would spoil her too much. He had to train her to be patient as well but that would come after she became his half dragon whore.
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