I'm a Badass on mission. I'm looking to expand my area of operations so I'm decided to join another roleplaying site and so happens that bluemoon has caught my attention. I heard how awesome this site is so I had to joined. I guess this is the time were I tell you a little bit about the person behind the screen.
*My two passions in life is gaming and reading
*My favorite food is chicken( Or should I said bread because I eat it with most of my meals.)
*My three favorite drinks are water, pink lemonade and Dr Pepper.
*I'm a libertarian and an atheist(Well I'm open to the idea that there maybe a god(s)/goddess(es))
*I'm shemale (I roleplay as males and shemales. In short I got to have a you know what when we role play. heh)
*I like female (shemales and futa included) characters( You real life gender is not important to me. I really don't care, just know that you're roleplaying with a shemale in real life so if that bothers you well. Don't reply to this thread then.)
The Basic RP info
Posting Length: 1-2 Paragraphs
Post reply rate: Depends (ask)
Length of Role Play: one-shot, short term or long term. Whatever my partner prefers(usually).
Location: Right here on Bluemoon. Threads or PMs(Note if I start a role play I will start it in a PM because I like PM better than threads)
Age of Characters: I prefer if both of our characters are 21 years old or older. I can play between age of 18-20 but that as low I will go. No Adult X Minor(17 or younger) sexual pairings.
D/S: I'm really not into Dom/Sub so please don't ask for it.
I prefer anime pictures than real life photos when comes to posting an image of my character.
flist: http://www.f-list.net/c/the badass
I really don't any rules for my role-playing partners beside please read my request thread and f-list, I made them for a reason. Wait I just thought of something, do not create my character for me. There only a few things that irks me more then when someone creates a character for me.
Just to get Fandoms out of way. So yes I will do fandom role plays with you. I can do C x C, OC x OC, or C x CO.
List of Fandoms:
Dragon's Dogma
Mass Effect
Saints Row Series
Command and Conquer(ask for what games I played)
Pokémon(New to anime.)
Resident Evil
Ghost Recon Series
Deadliest Warrior
Um, that all I can think of at the moment. Just ask me if you see something not listed.
*Note about canon character, please note that I will stop roleplaying with you if you role play a canon character as a slut unless that character was a slut in canon.
* Here a list of my favorite canon characters of all time.(Note listing in no order of preference. Top Six.
1. Pein from Naurto:http://youtu.be/RS6ZNhLHvto
2. Anko from Naurto:http://youtu.be/qwwImcKvxO4
3. Soifon from Bleach:http://youtu.be/C9A1LjeYr8Y
4. Godzilla from Godzilla:http://youtu.be/OVFyAATzBvw
5. Grunt from Mass Effect:http://youtu.be/vqzsMy8jpr8
6. Legion from Mass Effect: http://youtu.be/cJA2Ova4suM
Me x You
College pairings
Military pairings
Fantasy pairings
Space pairings
Family/Insect pairings (Remember what I said about ages)
Spy x ?
First Responder(i.e cop, firefighter and etc) x ?
Arms Dealer x ?
Gangster/Mafia x ?
Mercenary x ?
Hero x ?
Guardian role x ?
Rebel x ?
Bounty Hunter x ?
Treasure Hunter x ?
Political Role x ?
Like everybody else I'm not limited to pairings on this list. Just ask
1. The Eradicated of the Sex Trade.
Idea: For years this sickening business has been left uncheck and has been spreading across the country like the plague. People are treat like nothing more than sex slave or even worse (Rape and Killed). STDs has been rising at an alarming rate. The scum that run this trade are making billions off the suffering and death of others, no more. Time to make stand
Pairing(Me x You): Law enforcement x ???
2. The 11th Hour Save
Idea: You were facing your darkest hour, all hope seem lost your life was spiraling out of control. Everyone around you just gave up on you. They called you a lost cause. Soon you found yourself at death door.( Overdose? Attempt Suicide? Fire? whatever.) Just as you close about to close your eyes at accept death's sweet embrace. Someone (Cop? Firefighter? Best Friend? whatever) snatch you away just in the nick of time.
3. The Fall of Jerusalem. Israeli's Thermopylae?
Idea: The enemies of Israel has ground stronger day by day. Their anger rise as they watch the holy land be overrun by the Jewish infidels. So they start planning and coming together and one night they attack Israel starting the second holy wars. Unlike last Israeli luck has out. Israel is being overrun and soon that last of them are push into the city Jerusalem. Can they change the tides of war or will the Israeli face a second genocide?
Pairing(me x you): Israeli x ?
4: Someone plot that with zombies
Pairings: ? x ?
5: On the Run: Most Wanted
Idea: Well one day there was a prison riot and during the confusion and chaos two inmates manage to make their escape before the riot was put down. Now both these fugitives are put on the most wanted list. Can they stay free or will they be put behind bars.
6. Ever saw the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith? Yeah lets do something like that.
7: The Fight for Freedom.
We were locked away for life with no chance to see the light of day ever again. Until we were offer a way out. The catch we were put on popular show that has inmates fight to death until one(or two) is left stand.
Pairing: Inmate x Inmate
I will add more plots later when I think of them. Also you can always added your own ideas.
You can PM me or post in this thread for a request, question, comment or whatever you have to say to me.