Scarlett vs COBRA (DeRe & borgov)


Mar 19, 2013
Scarlett O'Hara, GI Joe Intelligence Operative
The Baroness, COBRA Operations Leader
Major Bludd, Mercenary Commander allied with COBRA

(somewhere in central Australia, May 2017)

A weird and sober moonlight cast a blue glow across the barren sandy landscape. It gave the desolate vista an eerie tinge. Broken rocks lay scattered about like jagged tombstones, while a few isolated and barren trees clawed at the heavens. Nothing seemed to live and breath in this suffocated endless space. It seemed truly barren of all human civilization.

From out of a crack came a same green lizard. It sniffed the twilight air cautiously, intend on finding some prey stirring at the temperature cooled. As it crossed an invisible line, it unknowingly tripped an invisible defense system. Before the unlucky creature had time to realize what was happening, a slim metal arm had appeared from several feet away and directed a powerful laser beam at the lizard. It was fried in moments, seared in half by the scarlet ray.

For this empty landscape was not what it seemed. In fact it hid a small but potent terrorist base, an outpost of the notorious COBRA. Beneath the red broken rocks lay a lab that was perpetuating all sorts of hideous violations, under the command of notorious sadists Major Bludd and the Baroness. It was a place of terrible evil, kept secret and ruthlessly protected in the forsaken Outback.
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