

Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
For the people of New york, the day was as normal as it always was. They had easily recovered from the Alien attack, though no one was calling it that. Most people didn't even believe there had been an 'attack' at all, but then human's had always been good at denial. Thor had returned three weeks after the attack to help with the cleanup and to inform the Avengers that Odin had stripped Loki of his magic, and banished him to earth. Thor promised them that Loki was no threat, and after a week not neither seeing, nor hearing from Loki, most of the Avenger's relaxed and decided that Loki suffering as a human was probably the ultimate punishment for the God. That didn't stop Natasha from requesting Tony to keep Jarvis on constant lookout for the God. Three weeks after being dumped on earth, Jarvis found Loki... in a very surprising place. A Mental Ward. According to the medical files Jarvis brought up, two random joggers had come across Loki in an alley, looking like shit and bleeding to death from wounds on his wrists, and neck.

That was the public's awareness of it, those that even realized someone had been 'attacked' in an alley. Jarvis and Tony knew better. According to the Personal reports, the people who had performed the emergency surgery on Loki to stitch his wrists and throat back up, they had to resuscitate the God three times, and every time Loki woke up, he begged them to let him die. Loki claimed he was not being punished enough on Earth, that he needed to be in Hell where he belonged. He said many things about 'the voices will return' and at one point, bit one of the Doctors who was trying to work on Loki's neck. Once they had him physically stable, they moved him to the Psych ward... where Loki promptly escaped and tried to leap off the top of the hospital, realizing that blood-loss wasn't going to be enough to kill him. He failed to make it all the way up the building, and had collapsed in the stairwell, far too weak from Blood-loss to make it up all those stairs. The Doctor commented that he was amazed that Loki even managed to make it up a whole flight. Now Loki was restrained with soft leather cuffs and straps so that he couldn't get out of bed and try to kill himself again.

There where Camera's on him at all times, and an alarm system in place. If Loki managed to get free of his straps, the alarms would sound and doctors would be there to stop him from trying to kill himself again. Loki looked like shit, his hair was filthy, he was way too thin, his clothes where ragged and tattered. Which didn't make any sense at all because even though it was a punishment, Loki had a bank account filled with thousands of dollars so he could support himself. Odin knew Loki wasn't strong enough to survive without help, and wasn't that just another slap in the face for the trickster god? What had Loki been doing in the three weeks he'd been on earth!? He looked like he'd been sleeping in alleyways and starving to death. Thor didn't even seam to realize anything was wrong, he was happily going about his life, helping people rebuild their houses, he didn't seam the least bit concerned that Loki hadn't been seen once in three weeks, assuming that his little brother was simply 'sulking in the darkness of his home'. Apparently not.
Tony had no problem keeping an eye on the God that had destroyed half of his city and his building in particular. Using SHIELD'S resources that he had been tapped into since he had been called upon the flying ship it wasn't hard to find him when he had been admitted to a facility. Since he was already in the system he had kept an eye on Thor as well, wondering if he had anything to do with Loki's downfall or if he had tried to help him in any way. It had taken him a week at most to return his building to its pre-alien invasion state and he had been working on his ideas for using clean energy since then. Jarvis had let him know that Loki's face had been detected though the match was fairly low due to him being so emaciated and sickly looking. His wounds didn't sound as though he was attacked, Tony was looking through the charts the hospital had on Loki, even without his magic his fighting skills were much better than that. They had to have been self-inflicted and that would have been very strange for the God. He was much too full of himself to do something like that.

Being Tony Stark was enough to get you into just about anywhere in Manhattan and certainly when he was also am avenger who had helped being down Loki's reign of terror. He was lead into Loki's room, grimacing at the stark white walls, that was enough to drive someone crazy on its own. "Hey there reindeer games, how about that drink?" He asked, a smirk on his face before he realized just how bad he looked. "I'm gong to have you moved to Stark Towers. I don't know what's wrong with you but I know it's about a hundred times better than here." It was a statement. Not an argument or a question. It would happen whether Loki wanted it or not and if Tony had to have him tied up there as well then so be it. But he knew he could take care of a banished god better than these doctors, no offense to them but there was something about Loki with the Tesseract that just wasn't right. Jarvis would not stop taking when he got Loki back home, telling him about what he had done "Thank you Jarvis, will you please just get his room ready?"

Well. There was no reason to let anyone else know that he was housing the God just yet. He had Jarvis make some food that would be easy on his stomach and got him assume more blankets and things. "Now Jarvis isn't going to let you kill yourself so don't get any smart ideas. Why did you do it anyways? It seems like a big step to go from threatening an entire city with subjugation to attempting suicide. Don't you think?" Tony asked him, sitting at hours side drinking Bourbon. It wasn't that big of a deal to him to have him in his home. He didn't have his magic and having a suit of armor was a pretty good method of defense regardless.
Loki opened his eyes and looked over at Tony as he heard the man speak and a little sound of almost desperation left Loki's mouth as he turned away, trying desperately to ignore the infuriating annoyance that was Tony Stark. "I am not allowed to drink. go away." Loki ordered, his voice barely a rasp. he hadn't talked in a while either apparently. "i don't want to go to that infernal eyesore you call a Tower, Man of Iron. i just want to lay here and waste away." he ordered, panting slightly just from the effort of talking. of course, the doctors there wouldn't let him waste away, he already had IV's attached feeding him liquids and nutrients. he didn't want to go to Stark Tower, the symbol of everything that he had done wrong. the scene of his greatest crime... how could he have done it!? it took only minutes to have Loki transferred out of bed and into a chair, where he was also strapped down so he couldn't try to escape... not that he could walk away, he was too week to even stand on his own at the moment. dying three times and being turned away by your only daughter does that to a guy. he tried to struggle when Tony was setting him onto the bed and he glared as hard as he could at Tony when he failed. there was something wrong in that Glare though, something different, very different. the utter hatred and loathing was still there, mixed with a bit of self hatred and broken desperation, but that wasn't what was so different... no, what was different wasn't the look in the eyes... it was the eyes themselves.

they where green. not the greyish blue they had been during the attack, but a bright emerald green that sparkled with the hatred he was feeling. "as if i could kill myself right now anyway, i can't even struggle properly." Loki hissed, furious that Tony was just doing as he pleased before he cringed. actually cringed as if Tony had screamed at him and struck him instead of speaking with that rather simple tone. "...all those people... dead..." Loki whispered, sounding rather broken again. "All those people dying... i tried to fight it, but the voices..." Loki muttered. "the Voices had all the control... there was no way to fight back anymore..." he muttered, swallowing thickly and wincing when that action pulled on his stitches. "this is my punishment, my never ending torment." he whispered before closing his eyes and going to sleep, too exaughsted to stay awake anymore. he woke up to the smell of fruit, most of it mashed for easy swallowing. it tickled Loki's nose, he was hungry, he really was... but he wasn't about to let someone feed him, that was just too much if an indignity, even for a suicidal Loki. although... he'd never had earth fruit before, and he'd always been a curious fellow. he turned his head and examined the tray of soft fruit, recognizing that one as a Banana, it was the only thing he did recognize.
Tony had finally noticed that Loki's eyes seemed different, planning on going to see if they had any images of him from New York to see if he had a comparison to make sure he wasn't crazy. Hell, maybe it was some Asgardian thing they could do. He cursed the other when he fell asleep again, why did he have to go and sleep when he was starting to actually say something interesting? From what he was saying he sounded so much more innocent than he had when he was actually committing those murders, even his voice sounded different. A month earlier he sounded so much more confidant and sure of himself instead of these worried, child-like sounds. Oh well. He couldn't press anything from him while he was sleeping, at least not yet. He was working on something for that but he wouldn't try it out on Loki. He would still feed him though, mashing up some fruit his throat and his stomach would be able to handle. "You're going to eat even if I have to force this down your throat so it would be a whole lot more pleasant if you just ate it the first time. It would taste better too." His eyes remained on Loki the whole time, searching his face for any tells of deception or anything other than self-loathing really.

He noticed the curiosity of the other and smiled, that was how he would get him. "You're a God, you should know what all of these are right?" He asked, looking at them even though most of them were mashed so much they didn't even resemble their natural shapes. He started with the banana since it was mild and most people liked those, holding it in front of his mouth "c'mon Loki, it's good" he tried, knowing goading would only get him to be more adamant about not eating anything. Loki, even sick, had perfectly flawless pale skin that contrasted his jet-black hair. He could see the God in him this closely. He had always though Loki resembled a God more than his brother. Thor just looked like a large rugby player who had dressed up and carried a large hammer. They certainly looked nothing alike, and it had made a lot of sense when Thor had admitted to them that Loki had been adopted, and that explained why he had been so mad and had carried out his plan in the first place. Seeing a Loki like he was seeing now threw all of that out the window and he didn't know what to think. Keeping him alive was just as much about him figuring out what happened to him and why he had done what he had done as it was keeping him alive because it was the right thing to do.
Loki stared at Stark for a moment, contemplating his choices and options. he could either fight the other, and ruin all that wonderful smelling food. or he could suffer the indignity of being fed. if he fought, there was no guarantee he'd win, because he was tired and exaughsted and weak... and he hated being weak. but if he let Tony feed him, then he could start getting his strength back, and escape in the future while Tony was gone, and make another attempt... he wasn't going to cut himself again, that was for sure, this was a miserable existence, exactly what he deserved. well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all, at least he was being properly punished. he'd have to thank Hela later. she'd kicked him out of Niflheim... what the humans would call Hell, each time he nearly crossed over. his own damn daughter had kicked him out! "i am not an Aeser... what you would call 'a god'. did Thor not tell you? i am not but a monster, an enemy to everyone i ever thought loved me." Loki stated simply. "and besides, i grew up in the beauty of Asgaurd, why would i know about your filthy human sludge?" he demanded, voice biting and cold, and yet... still childish, like a little frightened kid who was lashing out because he didn't know what else to do.

"...just a bite." Loki finally grumbled, too curious for his own good. he took a bite of the soft Banana and closed his eyes, tasted it on his tongue, swallowed and then. "...i do not think i like banana's." he admitted suddenly. "are they supposed to taste like that? disgusting." he grumbled looking at the tray. "i wish to try that one. the tannish one." applesauce. he liked that one a lot more, and allowed Tony to feel him the entire thing. he spat out the mashed oranges immidiatly, and the canned apricots didn't do much better, though he adored the canned pears and ate that entire dish as well. "well go on then. ask your infernal questions." Loki demanded once Tony gave up trying to feed loki anything more. Loki was as stubborn as a two year old having a temper tantrum when he wanted to be, Tony would learn to hate it when Loki set his jaw and narrowed his eyes. because it meant that Loki wasn't going to give in, or give up, no matter what. "does my brother even know you have me? i cannot imagine him allowing such a thing. even without magic, i am still very dangerous." Loki stated, studying Tony. "i could kill you right now actually. even as weak as i am." and that was a bluff, and Loki was pretty damn sure Tony knew it.
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