Within the Walls of Hogwarts (Cnt x Shadow Angel)


Jun 14, 2013
Classes were over for the day, and the normally snarky and crude Draco Malfoy made his way through the halls. He couldn't wait until he had the privacy of his room, so that he could chat with his girlfriend who was over in America. While Hogwarts frowned upon technology within their halls, Draco had smuggled in a computer that he had bought before the year started. The sole purpose was so that he could see his girlfriend's face and talk with her face to face. He missed her so much, and at times during the school year, he found himself spacing out and wondering just when he would see her again. Logging onto a Muggle application, he waited for her to log on as well.
Natalie logged into a muggle application from a local cyber cafe, smiled when Draco popped up. She clucked on his name, opened the window which launched a web cam. " Draco! Hello my slytherin prince." The brunette witch said as she smiled, waved at him she was wearing his favorite outfit. While no one was watching her she took out the chop sticks, let her hair fall around her shoulders. It'd been a few weeks since she had talked to Draco, she knew how hogwarts felt about technology. She was busy with her studies though,technically she was still a student there but she had been able to graduate earlier due to the amount of classes she had taken.
The man smiled when he finally saw her face. It was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen, and he always longed to see her. When her hair fell, his smile grew wider. "Hey beautiful." He said in a lovey-dovey voice. "It's so good to see you." He checked around really quick, making sure no one was in the vicinity before he leaned back and started talking with her. "How are things in the Big Apple?" He asked her, just getting lost in her eyes. The camera quality was bad, but he could tell she wasn't in her room at her apartment. It was probably somewhere that she had to pay for. But he just wanted to make sure he got to talk to her today. It had been quite awhile.
'' There fine, sorry the camera is grainy. My apartment is being painted, I'm staying in a hotel across the street. But enough about me.. when are you coming to visit me? I mean I miss you draco..'' Natalie said as she sounded sincere with what she had just said the truth was her apartment wasn't being painted, she wasn't staying in a hotel she just didn't want him to know she was cheating on him with another wizard. She'd hooked up with him on the 1st day, well she was good at getting men to fall at her feet without a single word her looks did all the work. Chewing on her lip she tried really hard to hide the fact she was cheating on him, even though she could be read like an open book this time she was actually trying really hard to avoid him reading her. The relationship she had with Draco was some what complicated.. she wasn't really the girl his parents had expected him to fall in love with, she had a dark streak which is why she'd left the school when she did.
The man could tell that something was wrong with her. It had seemed like she was trying to hide something from him, but he hadn't seen her in awhile so his knack for seeing through her had started to fade a little bit. She always chewed her lip when she was hiding something from him though, he just didn't know what it was. "Uh, well Christmas is in a week or two, I could probably come then." He said with a smile. He was so infatuated with her, it was crazy. If any of the other students knew, they would likely flip him a fair amount of crap. Luckily, they didn't know, though he was always thinking about her. Natalie was always on his mind for one reason or another. He wondered how she felt about him? Maybe he had just fallen for her too hard, and was going to pay the price for it later with a broken heart. Even when she was here, she was always being flirted with, and would flirt back with no regards to him. He wondered if anything was going on in New York.

Meanwhile, in New York, she was sitting at a Cyber Cafe, and most everything seemed normal. She was in a secluded part of the cafe, no one was back here. It was during the day, so the only people that were in the cafe were the attendant, her, and the man between her legs underneath the table. His head was positioned between her legs, and his tongue was prodding her pink while she talked to her boyfriend. This was the kind of thing that she was doing without Draco. She better not moan or anything while he was eating her out right there, otherwise, Draco would know that something was up. The man had a long tongue so he was able to get deep inside of her, paying great attention to the every fold, every inch, and of course, sucking her clit now and then.
'' Yeah Um.. sounds great if you can get a flight..'' Natalie said as she ran her fingers through her hair, tried really hard not to make any noise. She was a little embarrassed that the guy she was seeing while in new york was pleasuring her in public but she didn't really mind it felt good, she would return the favor when they got back to her apartment. Her heart was racing her palms were sweating, she was trying really hard not to breath heavily or make any noises that would set Draco off to thinking she was doing anything wrong. She knew his parents didn't like her, well she didn't really have any parents she'd been living with a muggle woman since she was born. But until she got her letter from Hogwarts the muggle woman had no idea the child she had raised was a witch, that had been quite awhile ago. Still Natalie had no idea who her parents were, she didn't really care to find out all she knew was that the old lady had raised her as if she was her own then passed away shortly after she was old enough to take care of herself.
The blond nodded. They were wizards, if he wanted he could Floo Powder himself there. It would be easy. He watched her starting to fidget around a little bit, and he shook his head. He was going to call her out on it, but decided not to. He knew his parents didn't like her, but it didn't matter. He was in love with her, and he wanted to be with her. He saw her shift a little bit in her chair, and his eyebrow rose. "What are we going to do when I get there?" Sometimes he liked to talk dirty with her over the Muggle app called Skype. She was in a cyber cafe though, it probably wouldn't be happening though. She would likely shut that down really quick. Even with how promiscuous she seemed, Draco still trusted that she wouldn't cheat on him. To Draco, the thought probably never even crossed her mind.

Beneath her, the man grabbed the chair and pulled her closer to him, causing the movement that Draco had seen on the camera. With that, he readjusted himself, pushing his tongue deeper inside her pussy. He wanted some noise from her, but she was doing a damn good job of holding things down. It was odd, this was the game that they had been reduced to playing. The man loved these kinds of games though, it was one of the only times Natalie seemed nervous. She was so attractive when she bit her lip and was nervous about something. Hell, he just wanted her to moan and expose them right now. Like Draco, this man had also fallen in love with Natalie. He was sure her heart belonged to him, even if she was talking all lovey dovey to Draco right now. Who was tasting her pussy? That's right. He was.
" My time is almost up.." Natalie said as she tried to keep a straight face, tried to keep the noise down. She was having a really hard time, wasn't really lying about her time being up. The brunette gulped harder as she tilted her head back, tried to keep herself from moaning. She was almost to a point where she would have no choice but to main because her climax was getting very close losing it all together, she would be giving herself away.
When she spoke, Draco frowned at her. "What, we just started though!" He complained as he saw that she was distracted about something. He wondered just exactly she was doing, but he shook his head. Natalie wouldn't lie to him, that would have been silly. No, if she had to go, she had to go. "Alright." Draco said after a little while, before he kissed his hand and put it to the camera. "I love you, and see you soon." He said before he shut the camera off. Sitting for just a moment, Draco thought about their conversation. Every time they had one of these, Draco left missing her more and more. Talking to her was one thing, but actually seeing her and holding her was another completely different thing. Why did she have to choose to go and do her studying overseas? It simply just wasn't fair.


The man mumbled something into her pussy as he pulled her even closer. It was muffled, but it sounded a little like "You almost gave us away." He had been with Natalie long enough, he knew what made her tick, and what made her cum fastest, and so he did it. He focused on her clit, taking the fold into his mouth and giving it a suck, focusing all of his attention there while two fingers vigorously thrust in and out of her pink. They were wizards, they didn't give a shit what Muggles thought! Besides, he had taken an invisibility potion, and her clothes were still on. No one could even see him.
Natalie logged out of the application, moaned as she tilted her head. She was close, she didn't go what muggles thought. Her climax was getting harder to hold onto as she moaned, chewed on her lower lip. Her heart was racing, her breathing was heavy which meant she was very close. She had to admit she missed Draco but compared to the guy eating her out he was so immature, never wanted to do anything aside from kissing. Her heart wasn't torn between the two she loved them both but she loved the man that was eating her out even more.
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