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Looking for some extreme rp.

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Nov 30, 2013
Hi everyone. I'm once again looking for some excitement, however, I'm into some very extreme(often fucked up) kinks. Have a look at my f-list here to get a general idea.

I am in no way limited to those kinks though. For now though, I am looking for in particular: Extreme Pregnancy, Breast Growth, Stomach Bulging(I cannot emphasise how much this turns me on, I would go so far as to say it's mandatory), Ageplay, Cervical Penetration, Extreme Cum Inflation, Cum from nose, Cum Bath, Excessive Cum (I love cum ok!), Forced Growth, Hyper Voluptuous, Inflation Extreme, Large/Macro Breasts, Huge Cocks, All things Anal, Gaping, Face Fucking, Throat Penetration. I Reall love knoting as well for all you out there.

Again not restricted to them at all, but looking for those in particuar. I know it takes a special kind of guy/girl to be into those things, and am bracing myself for a distinct lack of messages, but heres hoping!

Thanks :) xxx
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