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Two Vampires (One VtM, One Freestyle) - **Wolf Shifter Added to original request**

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Submissively Yours
Aug 9, 2013
I'm not quite sure if anyone would be interested in this sort of story, but I figured I would put feelers out there anyway just in case! Let me start off by saying that I am just learning about the World of Darkness line of roleplaying games even though I've known about them for years and have, from time to time, actually played against characters based on this setting/system. In those years, I picked up a little bit of knowledge about the games, but nothing in depth. Recently I picked up the 20th anniversary edition of VtM and started to read it (I haven't been able to read through the whole thing due to time constraints, but I am going to finish up) and created a character for an online game that, unfortunately, fell apart rather quickly which left me with a character that I was really starting to enjoy and feel out. This disappoints me because I was hoping to learn more about the game and the World of Darkness. Understand that I still have a lot to learn so I am pretty much not very good at dice rolling and knowing which dice pools to use for which actions, but I'm willing to learn (or if whoever is interested feels more comfortable keeping it more freestyle, that's alright too). I guess I'm hoping that there is someone out there that doesn't mind a little VtM in their day! lol

The other vampire in question is completely freestyle and I'm willing to discuss her with anyone that is interested because I understand that freestyling a character like this is a little on the iffy side. lol I've had her for years and I never ran into any problems playing her, but you never know!

Before I give a little bit about both characters, here's a little of what you can expect from me as a player. :)

First thing, here is my f-list:


- A post two to three times a week. I used to try and post every other day, but I learned very quickly that you can go into overload and lose steam quick. If I can post more, I will post more. In general, though, two to three times a week is workable for me
- I try to stick to 3-6 paragraphs but I do have a tendency to be long-winded from time to time (can't you tell?). All you have to do is tell me to pull back a little with the wordiness and I'll always do my level best to comply.
- Personally, I'm partial to 3rd person
- I prefer to post via private message or email
- If, for some reason, I can't post two to three times in a week, I will ALWAYS send you a private message and let you know that I can't, that I haven't forgotten about you, and that I'll get to the post soon
- Honesty and communication
- I will not disappear without a very good reason
- I am mostly around at night so you can probably expect most of my responses to be sometime after 6 though I do, on occasion, hop online during the day so you might get a surprise!
- I love smut and a wide range of dirty, naughty, deviant things (of which we can discuss via PM if you are interested), but I love the story too. If it's just fucking without plot, character development, or an interesting premise, I'm not going to be half as interested. It's all the little things that make the smut that much more fun for me
- I prefer long-lasting to one-shots or short roleplays. That goes back to the whole character development and plot aspect above
- I do not post potential pairings. I understand the reasoning why posting them can be necessary, but I have a different philosophy than the norm. I believe that if you're interested in playing with a certain character I post that you should be able to, in turn, develop your own creation. I am open to damn near anything so I'm not going to limit your choices!

Anyone interested, please PM me by all means!

Now, on with the!

--------------------Vampire: The Masquerade--------------------​


Character Sheet Available Upon Request


Jennifer Cohen was born in 1986 in Los Angeles, California to Adam and Maria Cohen. She is one of four children, being the second oldest. Her father is a very wealthy, very prominent divorce lawyer to some, in turn, very wealthy and very prominent people in California. Her mother is an interior designer, having gone through her schooling for that field during her first pregnancy, taking a break when she gave birth to Jennifer, and then finally establishing her business in the middle of her third pregnancy which, despite having children, managed to thrive. Honestly, it thrived because they hired someone to take care of the kids while they were off making money not that they actually needed to go out and make their own money since both of her parents came from upper crust stock from their parents, grandparents, so on and so forth (i.e. born into money). While life seemed idyllic from the outside, from the inside, everything was just fucked up. Along with the inherited wealth from the generations came some other less savory aspects inherited down like alcoholism, domestic abuse, adultery, etc. Jennifer grew up in a household where keeping up appearances and sweeping some family secrets under the rug was paramount. No one knew that her father was very abusive (physically, emotionally and mentally) to her mother and he wasn't exactly saintly to his children either. Yet they were all expected to step out of that house with smiles on their faces, boldly lying and giving the impression that all was well for the Cohen household. Jennifer was and always will be the black sheep of the family. Where her siblings did the best with what they were given and strove to over-come, she did everything she wasn't supposed to do. While she was a good student, she skipped class a lot. While she was into athletics and other extracurricular activities, she had a hard time making and keeping friends because she had a tendency to be shy and quiet which, to the friendlies, was suspicious. So Jenn eventually started to fall further and further within herself.

At fourteen, things took a turn for the worse for her. She sank into a depression that no one paid attention to, she didn't immediately get help for, and was making everything worse by the week. It was here that she started hanging out with bad elements and doing things like cutting school (not surprisingly, her parents always smoothed things over so she didn't get kicked out), sneaking out to party (and do who knows what else!) with a rough crowd, and basically drawing a lot of unwanted attention to herself (the part she didn't like because she wanted to be left alone) and her family. When she was sixteen, she got into a bit of trouble. She was at a bar (yes, underage drinking) with a group of "friends" and someone started something. Out of pure rage that just exploded from her from seemingly no where (alcohol and depression don't mix well), she got into a fight with some guy and she busted his nose. After that, her parents took a lot more interest because of all the negativity surrounding their daughter. They paid her fines, got her the help she needed, and actually started to behave like parents for a little while to make sure, at least, their high standing and good reputations would remain in tact. Things were fine for quite a while! Oh, she was still miserable as hell and hated her existence, but she managed to get through high school with decent grades (she was never stupid, just never wanted to do the work) and a black cloud hanging over her. In that span between getting "help" (which she was always suspicious and paranoid of), she discovered cutting (her chosen carving spot being her legs since she could hide them better), had antidepressants that she took only sporadically, and could pass as okay, but only okay.

When she graduated in 2004, she fell into another depression. This one was characterized by her freaking out on her parents and moving in with a guy named Darrell for three years. It was three years of hell because not only was he abusive in many ways to her, but she was abusive right back at him. Theirs was a toxic relationship that never should have started and ended with her finally admitting some semblance of defeat and crawling back to her parents in 2007. What could they do? They had a broken daughter at their doorstep and it was either turn her away (which maybe they should have done) or play the part of the caring, doting parents and welcome her back. So for around a year, she was okay. She felt a little better. She thought about attending college even though she doubted she could get in on her own merit and wouldn't know what to major in even if she did get in! Jennifer tried really hard to get better, but there always seemed to be a cloud over her head with lightning striking her as a reminder that she wasn't a bit like her family, that they played the parts they were trying to play far better than she ever could and doing a pretty good job at fooling everyone around them. She was the black sheep because she threatened their wealthy, snobby version of their "masquerade", if you will.

Just after the year 2009 began, she met a man named Erik. Of course, if you asked her what his name was today, she wouldn't remember. He only told her his name once (which she promptly forgot in one tequila induced night of folly) and, though they would remain together for awhile, she would just come to know him as "Misery". Jennifer thought he was safe which is kind of funny now seeing how she knows what he was now, but, as a mortal, she didn't know what he was. He kept everything hidden from her well. He wasn't watching her. He hadn't kept an eye on her for any amount of time. The way Jennifer sees it now is that "Misery" loved company and she, being as broken as he, was as good a company as any. He tried to make things better for her but, come on, he was a Malkavian who not only suffered from a great degree of Paranoia, but was, himself, deeply entrenched in bouts of depression that, in the time they were together, sometimes effected him so deeply that she would become afraid and take her chances on the streets, walking them through the night. He didn't make anything better. In fact, he only made everything worse and the worse things became, the more he said everything would be okay, that everything would work out in the end. Jenn still didn't realize that the man was something other than mortal, just knew that the remaining blocks of her life were crumbling and there was only one way out. Ask her one night why she chose to give up and she would tell anyone, "I don't look at trying to kill myself as giving up. I look at it as giving in. There's a difference..."

Yes, she tried to kill herself and might have been successful if "Misery" had been more willing to give up his company. Instead of lose Jennifer, who had been his friend without question and without any vampiric methods employed, he embraced her (the year, 2010). Jennifer awoke seeing through new eyes and burning with hunger. He explained what he was and what she now was and she doesn't know why she expected everything to have everything better. She did expect it, but it never happened. She was still broken and, what was worse, is that it seemed to only be more profound, cut a little deeper into her soul until, strangely, it made some sort of sick sense. Depression. Anxiety. Paranoia. Those things wrapped themselves around her, holding tightly. Her sire stayed with her for a few months to teach her, to explain things to her, to make sure she would be able to get by, but her education is incomplete. After three months, he disappeared. No word. No warning. Was just gone. Whether he decided to leave on his own volition, madness drew him away, or was killed....he was gone and for the next three years she remained in Los Angeles mostly secluded in her family's home....waiting....

2013 - Her sire once said he wanted to take her to New York City to "get away from all the uncertainties". She didn't know what he meant by that and to try to decipher the things he said sometimes is impossible. Of course, she didn't know that, in three short years, she had started to sound like him more or less. Jennifer also knows that, at 27 years old, things are not going to be so easy to explain to those that care about her. Why does she lock herself away all day? Why does she go out at night and stay away until a few hours before the rising of the sun? Why isn't she aging? For three years she did a really good job at covering up a lot of truths no one would understand not only because she had to for survival, but because her paranoia and anxiety drew her to develop her own methods of navigating a world she doesn't fully understand. She has learned the value of a secret, of not being seen, of blending in with the crowd. Even though she has grown some on her own, there is more out there. As surely as she hungers for blood, she hungers to know why, what, how, when, where....who? And all the questions she knows she'll have to answer if she stays with her family? These are things that are far more easily escaped by leaving then by revealing which her sire said never to do at any cost for anyone. "They never understood you before, Jenni, and they will understand you a lot less if you ever say anything." Words she remembers well. Her parents are going to fund her travels, ensure she is always taken care of (money is love to them after all), will arrange a nice apartment for her, and a few of their friends there in New York City will always be there for her should she ever get lonely, need a friend, or a "home cooked meal".

The journey and her education is only at its beginning.



Character Name: Claudine Lamarque

Nicknames: Italic, Italia

Species: Vampire (freestyle)

Physical appearance: 5'6, 120 lbs. Blonde hair, blue eyes

History: Born in 1635 in France, Claudine Lamarque had a simple life. Her mother took care of the children, most of which died at a young age, and her father was a carpenter. Out of eight children, four survived - two boys and two girls - and while her younger sister was married off at thirteen, Claudine was sent to Italy where she worked as a servant for a man named Gian de Carlo. What Claudine didn't know was that Gian was one of those creatures only spoken about to scare children. He took a liking to her and, sometime after her 28th Birthday, she was given the dark gift. Because she took such a strong liking to him and his native country, she took on the name Italia de Carlo. Gian stayed with her for about a year before something forced him to disappear (later to find out he was killed). Italia was unsure why he left and where he had gone. So, she decided to go back to France. During the process of moving, legal documents got her name wrong and, from there on out, she became known as Italic de Carlo, no semblance of Claudine anywhere to be found. She traveled for some time until, in 1760, she dug herself below the ground to sleep. Arising in the year 2010, Italic found that the world had change and with it came fear. She feared the mortal population and all their scientific and technological advances.

When she woke from her slumber, Italic was immediately found by a vampire older than even herself and, because he had a cruelness attached to him, he took to being fairly abusive, chipping away at her physically, emotionally, and mentally until she was not but an animal. She remained with that man as his "companion" until 2012 where an extended absence allowed her to break free. Alone and unsure, she tends to wander from place to place without real aim, trying to figure out the world around her. Because of the behaviors she has developed, she is a bit of a liability to the vampiric world. Will she survive in a world that she no longer recognizes?

Personality: Italic is not all there in the head. Most of the time she can easily pass for a mortal, having a awareness of everything that's going on. Then, out of no where, something triggers her to lose touch with everything around her and she begins to act like a wild animal that's never had contact with people before. She's always had psychological issues even as a mortal and with the dark gift came these issues being more prominent, heightened. With her recent treatment at the hands of one of her own kind, her behavior has only grown worse and her personality more cracked. A part of her fears mortals but she's slowly getting over that with time and because of knowing that their numbers are many, she has every incentive to respect them in her own way.

Abilities: She's never been trained to fight or defend herself so what she knows is very "street" in nature. Italic is more likely to work on her rage to bring her opponent down than actual skill.

Powers: None


- Reading surface thoughts of those near her
- Vampiric speed
- Amplified sight (better than a mortal, not better than some other creatures i.e. werewolves)
- Stronger than a average mortal
- High dexterity
- Average Stamina
- Really good at "getting the hell out of dodge"

************************Wolf Shifter - Freestyle************************​


Character Name: Shiloh Buhari

Age: 25

Species: Wolf Shifter

Setting: Modern Day

Physical appearance:

- African-American
- Height: 5'8
- Weight: Approximately 120-125
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Brown, but in some lights they take on a more Hazel color
- Measurements: 34-24-36


Shiloh was born and raised in a rural town in Pennsylvania to two loving parents who owned and operated a local drug/convenience store. Her life was actually pretty normal and happy. She was adopted - a fact that couldn't be hidden because her adoptive parents were Caucasian - and did well in school, had a lot of friends, and excelled at a number of activities/academic areas/sports (i.e. creative writing, volleyball and track, and loves to create artistic graffiti murals). When she was about fourteen years old, something out of the ordinary happened - one evening she felt the first pangs of discomfort before she shifted into a new form, accidentally injuring her father (not lethally!) and taking off into the woods where she hunted for a few hours (killing two separate neighbor's dog and cat) before, exhausted, curling up beneath a tree to sleep. The next morning, she awoke back in her bed in "normal" form with her mother waiting nearby to talk to her. Neither one of her parents were actually surprised and it was explained to her that they were the friends of her real parents and adopted her when they died (though it was never told to her how they died). They explained to her what she was, what she was capable of, and encouraged her to embrace the human part of her more so than the wolf because it would, in the end, be easier. From that point on, she has done everything she can to keep the wolf in check and to be as "normal" as she possibly can.

When she was 16 years old, her father died in a car accident and, when she was 21, her mother died fighting cancer. With the last of the only family that she has ever known gone, she left that small town in Pennsylvania (since there was little for her there besides her adoptive parents anyway) and decided to travel across the United States doing odd jobs along the way, never staying in any place long, and just enjoying life. She has held to her promise that she would embrace the human part of herself more than the animal though she has been approached by a number of wolf packs in various places that have tried to extend a hand to her in offering her a place with them. Some of them have been kind while others have been cruel and basically gave the the ultimatum that she join the pack or get out of town to which, of course, she always left. Shiloh doesn't know what she's going to find - good graces or trouble - in her travels, but that doesn't stop her from exploring the world around her.

There are many ideas about wolf-based characters out there so let me just tell you about how I play Shiloh:

- She was born a wolf, not bitten. That means that a bite from her is not going to turn anyone else into a wolf. It's just going to hurt! It also means that she, herself, has a pretty good chance of giving birth to a wolf.
- I have her set as having two forms - Human and wolf.
- Her ability to shift is relatively painless, nothing gruesome that you'd see in movies (though American Werewolf in London, I admit, is pretty fun!)
- Her shifting is not dependent on the moon!

Powers and Abilities:

- Stronger than the average human
- Speed above average
- Heightened senses
- Very agile
- Above average reflexes
- High stamina
- Can heal faster than a human
- Can control when she shifts pretty well in high instances of emotion
- Can communicate with other wolves via mindspeak (wolf form only) and through various vocal communications


- Not immune to dominance effects of vampires
- Not immune to alpha powers/status of other wolves
- Doesn't know much about what else she is possibly capable of (which means room to explore other powers/abilities)
- Doesn't know much about where she came from which makes her a bit vulnerable
RE: Two Vampires (One VtM, One Freestyle)

I'm living on such sweet nothing.....which is why I'm bumping this thread up!
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