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Purity Most Monstrous / Mother Monster / Bound Dog's Wish

Traveller's Guide

May 20, 2012
Lithe little limb grasping deep into twisted torn texture for hold, complete lack of light doing little to impede the sight as the sleep-heavy head was carefully raised, curious vision rapidly inspecting the surroundings.

The ground, the walls, all covered in myriads of rotting, pus-glistening flesh, the sweet-retching stench of decay, sour bile and defiling filth filling the foul air, in the darkness screams of agony and rage, the tell-tale sounds of crunching bones and tearing meat lost within the far, far distance, all beneath a tar-like sky. A sight that would have made any being possessed by sanity run away screaming in frightful denial.

Sun-bright smile forming as her gaze swept over the horrifying environment with nothing but pure inquisitiveness-born wonder, she slowly rose upon her limbs, outstretched and crawling forward like an animal, unsteadily at first, as if each appendage was strange and new, though the unfamiliarity of not just the flesh around her, but also that within merely added to her fun of exploration, though soon enough her petite frame rose further, walking out of comfort.

Going on her way, aiming towards the exciting sounds in the distance, each step accompanied by an ugly slurp of slimy meat, she passed by the remains of what appeared to have once been creatures of humanoid stature, now half-sunk into the visceral ground, here an arm desperately reaching for hold, there a leg futilely kicking for freedom, or over yonder a fear-frozen face screaming helplessly for salvation, all overgrown by the ever-present flesh.

Creeping onwards, ever onwards, caring little for direction, all she wanted was to experience the wonders of this world, though, unbeknownst to even herself, there was indeed something that drew her onto a certain way, in both parts instinct as well as outside-demand.

Finally, a sight besides the sky and the filthy viscera:

Monsters. Such would have been the most fitting description to the naked eye as she beheld trembling masses of flesh, teeth, eyes, maws and claws flowing into one another like multi-colored heaps, either just aimlessly moving or bent over to feast upon torn carcasses that once might have been their siblings, eating and swallowing until the meat burst forth from torn stomachs only for other creeps to penetrate the open wounds.

Smiling and laughing, she writhed, wriggled and danced as she walked through the macabre assembly, though with a slight hint of distress: she knew she did not belong to them, nor did they belong to her. Such sadness, but at least for the moment she was not alone, instead she could feel like one of them as her unshaped mind became drunk upon the intruding emotions of hunger, lust and rage of the creatures, her following their example as she joined them in their feasting and delighting.

At that moment of unity, she experienced content happiness.

That rapidly changed when a claw tore and a maw ate deep into her, mercilessly shredding what was within the form and hungrily drinking the blood as chunks of meat flew by the squirming, shining and rutting forms.

Stupefied, she sank to the ground as more and more of the creatures leapt towards her, intent on having their own fill. The lacerating of her own matter loud in her ears, her gaze followed the appendage ripping into her, slowly and unfocused, her mind still trying to make sense of what was going on, trying to decipher the flood of impressions, pictures and emotions.

Her own grasp followed the claw, passing by a salivating maw, a barbed tentacle, an eye-crowned hand, directly into the raw matter from which her life-fluid spewed forth.

Grasping hold, digging deep into the frail mass, she slowly pulled, completely transfixed upon the task, concentration blocking out the distracting sounds and feels of her flesh being ripped, violated, torn and eaten.

she crept away, a trail of blood behind her while her innards were rapidly replaced and her open skin mended in mere moments, a process so sudden that it merely called forth more pain as the beasts relentlessly dug into their morsel.

Rising and running, screaming and wailing, she attempted her escape, away from the sight, away from these emotions of lustful hunger and slothful fury, the monsters close behind, a trail of jagged bones, spilled lifefluid and abandoned hope in their wake.
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