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Midnight cravings

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Apr 9, 2013
Hah, well, I suppose it's 'Bored' Cravings for the most part.

I suck at formatting, so be aware of that, I'll be using Spaces and normal sized texts as titles for this.


I. I prefer female roleplay partners, I do have a male friend I've roleplayed with for awhile. I've known him long enough for it to not be awkward for me, though... So, we'll leave that as a standing rule for the moment.

II. Literate, novelized posts are my preference. This is kind of optional, though. Depending on how me and my partner are feeling we can use script in the PM's with a bit more crack than the norm. As long as we're both having fun then I'm pretty happy.

III. Grammar I can actually forgive to an extent. Accidents happen, as do typos, as long as you're obviously attempting to write proper English and the errors are glaring, I'm not going to mention them, or complain. I've got ADHD myself so sometimes I might be writing one thing, delete a fair bit, and write something else and accidentally leave word in there.

Or, at times, I might accidentally use a 'There, their' no-no. It's rare, but depending on how cloudy my brain is being, it does happen. I try to correct it if I see it while writing, however. On the bright side; I have autocorrect!

IV. ... Pending. I just wanting a chance to use IV.


My promise to you!

I will attempt to post in a timely manner when I'm around, the issue is, I'm in the military so I'm often called away from the computer with little time or warning. Shit happens, I'm afraid, and because I live AT my job I'm normally the gofer when it comes to getting things done. With that said, I will write to the best of my ability with the sole purpose of entertaining my company.

My writing abilities and level of description depends on my partner; It's a habit where if my partner is at a lower level than myself, for whatever reason, my mind automatically mimics their writing style. It doesn't mean I'm not entertained, the story itself usually keeps me happy, but don't expect to see me writing at the level I might for one of my stories if you're not writing at that level either.

This also comes into my laziness, I actually prefer people to write less descriptive sometimes so we can carry a plot along quicker. If you describe every little thing, then you're going to get stuck in one place longer than necessary... I don't mind that description either... Honestly, what I'm saying is, write with your own style and I'll more than likely enjoy myself just because I'm reaaaally easy to please.



I'll add to this as more come to me. These are cravings, with that said, they aren't the end all of what I want. Come to me with anything that you personally want and I'll be happy to oblige. These are, more or less, things I'd like to try that I rarely get a chance to do or simple comedy/smut that just seems pretty fun to try.

Scrooge (Bah Humfuck)

A younger Scrooge, probably one of my OC's, starts this story off with the wife of one of his employees begging for her husbands day off. The man offers her an ultimatum. For bothering him, her husband can either lose his job, or if she submits to him, gains both a raise and a day off.

In this instance, I'd like to see the wife to grow to enjoy Scrooge's(OC) Affection and cheat on her Sweet husband for the lust of a better lover. This, of course, doesn't need to be outright done and could easily be hinted at because -

The Ghosts of Christmas Past/Present/Future are all females and the OC is rather... tough. The Oc I have in mind isn't human, though he's not a furry or anthro, more of a created race with a long story outside of this AU. He's dominate, powerful, and slightly super natural. This will come to light during the Ghosts show.

At this point, I'm kind of lacking a plot but I'm happy to hear ideas from my partner to craft this into one hell of a XXX Parody of a great story.


This one isn't really doesn't have a huge plot. I'd like to, for once, play a more submissive role to a female. One where the woman actually comes onto the guy, coaxing him into coming home with her, or straight out molesting him in public. I'm so used to being dominate because my partners prefer the submissive role... Just something I'd like to try.


For now, that's all I really have. That doesn't mean it's all I'll roleplay. A list of things I'm happy to have in smut.

Threesome (Or Moresome)
Furries (Rare, but I don't mind them.)
Pretty much anything that's not in my 'No' list

NO LIST, because caps mean I'm serious.

Scat/Piss or Toilet play. No, I'm not into that shit in the slightest and it's something I will not accept (Which, when you think about it, it's probably a helluva lot less immoral than Bestiality and Incest. Weird how we think when it comes to make believe writing, eh?)

Male/Male. I'm not into the idea, though I've done it before for plot points, I'm not hugely interested in this and unless it's story moving (Aka rape, because I can't think of any other reason I'll allow to happen with any of my characters) then it's a no.

Vagina/Anal gaping. I... don't like it. Something about seeing the internal bits of a woman kind of makes me cringe, I can't even think how a woman would feel. I'd imagine it's like thinking about being kicked in the balls... Just... *Shivers*

That's really all I can think of offhand. Ask me if you're not sure, or I'll let you know I'm not interested in something when, or if, you post it. Otherwise, have at it.

I suppose that's all I got for now.
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