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The Last of Us - Next Year

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Jan 6, 2013
Ellie is now fifteen, and one thing is a steady constant. The human population is going down, and fast. Ethics and morals would tell you that Ellie is far too young to be with Joel, but biologically they're fully compatable. And in many ways they're cute together. At least Ellie thinks so. Both have saved the other's life, countless times. They clearly have an unbreakable bond. The only thing they need to get over, is age.

1. Ellie gets caught with her pants down. Literally, she was peeing behind a building when some urban punks decide to take her and turn her into their source of fun for the next few hours. How far this gets is up to you. I'll be playing the gang as well as Joel when he comes in for the rescue.

2. Joel is having a hell of a time trying to get to sleep. He realizes his entire mission with Ellie went to the shitter, and he's depressed about losing Tess. The only way he's going to lose some of that stress is to release it, and Ellie cares enough to help with that.
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