Fate Can Be Changed [AU FFX RP] (Yuna & Ayen's 1x1)


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC
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The sight of the Bevelle Temple finally came into view. Yuna couldn't help but swallow softly at it, though she kept her anxieties hidden away from the others, of course. The pilgrimage had been long and tiring, mentally and physically. But she could almost literally feel how close victory was. It'd meant her efforts to put an end to sin hadn't been in vain, which was more than enough to make her smile along with her guardians. Turning slightly to face them all, she gave everyone a polite bow of her head.

"It shouldn't be too long." That same irked look almost instantly went into Tidus's eyes and as she turned back and began walking inside, Yuna heard Wakka and Lulu remind him for about the tenth time since he joined that this was standard procedure for all summoners. Besides, she'd been able to handle herself before. Why would this one be any different?

The Chambers was a wide and very open, empty space; perfect for summoners to proceed with the required rituals and procedures to obtain their Aeons. Sinking to her knees in the dead center of the room, she laid her staff horizontally in front of her. Taking another deep breath, Yuna closed her heterochromic eyes and began to focus, giving every ounce of energy and concentration into the procedure.

It'd started to go smoothly but finally, the summoner had noted it during the half-way mark. Something was going so very wrong. It'd felt like everything had just abruptly ... halted or something. Her eyes quickly opened, panic overwhelming her as she looked around and found herself in a white .. Void?

There was literally nothing around her, making her reach for her staff .. only to find it wasn't there.

"... W-what?" She murmured, her heart beating frantically. "Lulu? Wakka? Auron? Tidus? Anyone?" Even after each answer, Yuna never once heard a reply, making her pulse quicken even more. Why? Why has everything just disappeared? What's happening?

Before she could even get a hint of an answer, a bright light flashed harshly into her eyes, making a shocked gasp leave. And as abruptly as everything had begun, it all seemed to end. After a few blinks, Yuna could see herself back in the temple, a new surge of power seeming to swim around her. Somewhat shakily picking her staff up, she could even feel Bahamut's power included, making her sigh in relief.

Giving silent praise and thanks, Yuna then headed out. Her head had started to bow in apology, "I'm sorry about that guys, something very -- "

And that was when she noticed .... no one was around. None of the guardians were waiting. She blinked, a new rush of confusion sweeping through her. Dark brown strands moved from side to side as her head did. ".... Hello?" She called out, gripping her staff nervously.

Was this somehow connected to what had just happened?

Upon closer examination, Yuna couldn't help but realize that literally, it almost seemed like all of Bevelle was .. deserted, a nearly impossible task for such a huge city. And yet, she was seeing no hints or signs that much of anyone was around here. Why not?

"Maybe ... they went into the actual city rather than waiting here?" It was an odd thought though few other things were making sense to the summoner at that moment. Nodding and trying to reassure herself, Yuna's feet began leading her deeper, further into Bevelle, keeping her eyes open for her guardians.

Bevelle Temple. How long has it been since someone had wandered here? There wasn't much point unless you were like him and were just looking for things you could bring back and sell to others. The place must have had something of value. A surprise expression covered his face when he saw someone standing outside of the temple in the distance, lifting up the pointed hat atop his head to get a better look at the figure. Did someone already beat him to it?

When he got close enough to make out who it was he was even more surprised. Brown hair, black boots, a purple dress, white sash and summoner's staff in hand. Daughter of High Summoner Braska, Lady Yuna. But what was she doing here and alone of all things? Ayen removed his hat and held it to his chest and bowed his head as a show of respect, eyes of sapphire being taken in by the beauty of the woman in front of him. The people who spoke of her wasn't exaggerating on that aspect at all. Ayen made sure his eyes didn't linger longer than was appropriate as he put his hat back on.

“Lady Yuna I presume. I wasn't expecting to find anybody out here. What are you doing all alone?”​
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Ahead, there were indeed sounds from further inside the actual city which hinted Bevelle wasn't completely empty. It made her sigh in relief. That was definitely a good sign, not everything had changed it seemed. But still, there had yet to be any signs of her guardians, which was making her more nervous with each passing second. Her feet had been ready to guide her further before a foreign voice caught her ears. Turning gently on her heels, she found a young man who seemed around her age standing nearby her. Managing a small smile, her head bowed respectfully in return to him.

"Oh ... you don't need to be so formal with me, really. Well ... I'm looking for my guardians. They seem to have just ... disappeared. There were three men, two ladies, and a Ronso. Did you see any of them by chance?" Part of Yuna did feel guilty for seeming like she may be ignoring the young boy but this had really been bothering her. She wanted to know why she was failing to find anyone again. They'd never just vanished like this before ... so why would it begin now? Something had to have happened to cause this. It was just ... unlike any of them to suddenly do such a task to her.

"Yes though, I am Lady Yuna. You are?" She added, hoping it would make up for her temporary lack of manners. Even while waiting for the reply, her mind went back to the odd happenings of what had happened in the temple. Yuna was trying desperately to piece together if the events had meant anything. They seemed to somehow .. but she couldn't pinpoint exacts just yet. Still, she felt as if she was almost figuring it out. But maybe an answer from the lad would add the very last piece in; or so she hoped.

Thin beige lips curved upward at the sight of the smile on the young woman's lips. The change happened so naturally that Ayen wasn't even aware that he was doing it until he felt his cheeks move. Not wanting to come across as a smiling doofus to the Summoner he brought the smile back down reverting to a normal expression. A hand scratched the back of his head, fingers brushing through hair as yellow as a Chocobo feathers while looking over his shoulder back the way he can.

The nearest people were all in the city and Ayen hadn't seen another soul until right now this very second. It was hard not to notice a whole group of people walking past you on such a narrow path to begin with and he certainly would have noticed a Ronso running around Bevelle. All Ayen could do was shake his head regretfully, wishing he had better news for the woman.

“I haven't ran into anyone except you since coming out of town.”

Though she asked for a name, Ayen could still tell she was deeply troubled. It didn't take a genius to figure out why given what he already knew. Yuna was a lot more thoughtful than he was, Ayen would have already ditched him if he was in Yuna's shoes to go off looking for the disappearing guardians and he'd be thinking they better have a good excuses for not being around. Ayen's eyes looked back to the temple, contemplating his next actions. He could just go on his merry way and leave, that would be the easiest choice. But the moment he considered it he felt a heavy pressure on his heart and he already knew then and there what his choice was.

“My name is Ayen. And if you'd have me I'll gladly accompany you into town and help you look for your guardians.”​
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/yuna_zpsb43078d8.jpghttp://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/yuna_zpsb43078d8.jpghttp://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/yuna_zpsb43078d8.jpg

There indeed was a very rare and selfish part of Yuna that knew she probably should just leave and try to resume her search. But ... that wouldn't be right. If she wasn't fighting Sin, she was helping others - summoners or not - in any possible way. Even just simple talks could do wonders, regardless of whether the individual wanted anything back or not. More than that, she didn't feel like Ayen was trying to lead her into any harmful situation and that would be one of the main scenarios her guardians would worry the most about. Her safety before any of theirs; it'd always been that way with everyone. Her own smile subconsciously crossed her face as she thought of Auron, Tidus, Rikku, Lulu, Wakka and everyone.

But then her head shook quickly. For the time being, it wouldn't seem right to ignore Ayen, especially when he seemed to be trying to help her out. Yuna knew and was often told her kindness could easily be a trait for others to use and manipulate. While she did see the very valid concerns, she didn't get that worry while being around this boy. Although she wouldn't lie, was he only speaking to her for whom she was? Or was there more that she didn't yet know?

Answers will show themselves later .. She decided, giving a polite nod to Ayen. "That would be much appreciated, actually." Beginning to walk beside Ayen, she glanced around Bevelle for a few moments before looking back to him. "Do you live here by chance?" It had been far too long since she'd been away from her place of birth. It hadn't seemed to change much ... but it was still nice to be able to see once again.

Though Yuna tried to hide it in her eyes and face, her mind was racing, trying to plan ahead. It sounded silly .. but she began to genuinely wonder if she'd even find the others? And if not, what would she do? Continuing to fight Sin alone was ... bordering suicide, wasn't it? It sounded that way in her head. Her head shook no slowly again, trying to dismiss the thoughts for now. When the bridge for that arrived, she'd think more seriously upon it. Besides, they wouldn't just up and leave her ... would they?

No, of course not.

That was what she wanted to believe, anyways. But there was still that nagging part of her mind and gut which kept trying to insist something was very wrong and out of place.

Ayen pushed his index finger up underneath the front tip of his hat to keep it from falling in his eyes and walked side by side the summoner. A day that had began searching for objects of material value has transformed to searching for people. Never was a dull day in Spira that much was for sure. Ayen wondered what Yuna was doing all the way out here since Sin has been long defeated and there was no real need to pray to the fayth anymore, but he knew asking such a question could very well lead to him being asked what he was doing headed to the temple and he rather not risk walking down that road so here they were.

“Kilika, actually,” replied Ayen. “I've been traveling for a while now honing my craft. I still get a little lost in the bigger cities like this one. Kilika feels like a small enclosed space next to a city like this.”

Must have been good growing up in a big city, meant you never got lost because you were used to it. At least, that was the impression Ayen got from big city dwellers. He couldn't imagine what it was like being the reversed though, going from a big city to someplace relatively smaller. The change must have been quite the adjustment. Instead of more places to explore you had a lot less places to explore. It was something he couldn't relate to but didn't dwell on, just an interesting thought while trying to think of something to talk about with the pretty lady next to you.​
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/yuna_zpsb43078d8.jpghttp://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/yuna_zpsb43078d8.jpghttp://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/yuna_zpsb43078d8.jpg

The name 'Kilika' made Yuna's eyes quickly sadden. "I'm sorry. I hope they're rebuilding is going smoothly? I haven't been there in quite a while." Last she'd seen the island, a hurricane may as well have gone through it. The cause was much worse; it'd been Sin. Sin had literally torn most of everything and a good amount of the residents apart. She'd done her first official sending there. The memory was beautiful and yet bittersweet in it's own ways. Thankfully, he'd brought up the word 'craft', which easily lead to a happier subject to speak of.

"Oh? May I ask what your craft is then, Ayen?" Every now and again, she let her eyes gaze around them both .. and inwardly frowned. There still appeared to be no sign of any of the others. Her heart raced and sank at the same time. Why? Why was this even happening? Why now of all times? On the outside, Yuna was doing her best to keep her happy and calm face. But on the inside, she was actually scared and terrified. First the odd occurrence in the Temple .. now her guardians vanishing?

Something to do with that bright flash of light maybe? She inwardly pondered. By now they were close to the downtown-like part of Bevelle ... and still nothing. Yuna couldn't help but swallow softly, feeling her strong front steadily beginning to vanish and disappear; much like the others had seemed to do.

Ayen came to a sudden stop and rested a hand against the summoner's forehead.

“Are you feeling okay? Nothing's bothering you?”

There was genuine concern in his voice and his eyes as he examined Yuna. His hand didn't feel warm at all when he touched her and he extracted it as soon as he could see the woman was just fine, but that only perplexed the Black Mage as he looked into those heterochromic eyes of the summoner. They were rather alluring to gaze into, green and blue, both different and yet the same. A person could get lost in them over time. Ayen shook his head, snapping out of the trance he nearly brought himself into.

“Kilika... Kilika has been rebuilt for some time now.”​
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"Well ... " Yuna's head bowed slightly, wondering if it'd be wise to confess what had happened in the Temple. But would he think her to be crazy? A bright light just randomly flashing in peoples' eyes wasn't exactly a common thing to occur. But this entire scenario really was bothering the hell out of her. There were far more questions than answers and right now, the summoner really wanted the latter if at all possible. Giving a slow nod, she looked back to Ayen, still taking steady steps further into Bevelle.

"I went to acquire my Aeon. As per tradition, my guardians can't join me. A very abrupt flash of light just ... appeared in my eyes. For a bit, I was in ... some sort of white Void. Nothing was around me nor was anyone. By the time it went away and I walked out ... so were my guardians. I ... I'm sorry if that sounds .... unbelievable. But I don't know how else to put it."

A smile managed to cross her face upon hearing Kilika was rebuilt although ... it hadn't felt like that long ago. Confusion went back onto her face. No, it hadn't been. The same sinking sensation quickly overwhelmed her as Yuna felt her spirits lower once again. "Um ... would you mind defining 'some time now', Ayen?" She asked.
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