Extensive Bonding (Pokemon) [Shikokudarkstar]

Dec 25, 2012
A trainer exited the Ecruteak gym, his challenge had met with failure. The trainer was a bit short, black hair, blue eyes. His hooded jacket, T-shirt, and jeans implied he was rather from Unova than Johto. With a depressed look, he went to heal his precious team.

Irou sighed, exiting the city's Poke-center and holding a lot of camping gear on his back. The young adult had just been defeated by the resident gym leader and denied a badge to prove the strength of him and team. Irou was told he wasn't 'committed', and his bond with his Pokemon was not deep enough, too shallow. The humiliation was something that would drive him to start looking for a solution. Irou bought supplies, preparing to head on a sort of 'vacation' from his training. The young man was getting ready to set out from Ecruteak city and begin his trek into the wilderness.

Irou walked along the route for quite awhile before making a detour, taking a hard turn off the pavement and leaving the road. Many a trainer would just catch the first few pokemon they see and be done with it. A few more adventurous types would disregard the sage old advice of 'stay on the path', and delve into nature. Secret spots could be found, unique pokemon, rare opportunities, and so on. High risk, high reward. He liked to play things safe, by the book. Irou's defeat got him thinking. Maybe he was out of touch with his Pokemon? Recently, all he cared about was getting them to help win that gym battle, and he lost miserably. To help try and remedy this, the trainer decided to spend time in the middle of nowhere with Pokemon. He wanted to try and regain that bond with the ones he collected, and maybe meet a few new ones.

It didn't take long for the trainer to find himself completely lost. Having never trekked into the wilderness before, he lost his bearings rather quick. Already exhausting himself, he rested himself against a tree to try and think if this was a good place to stake a campsite.
The bond between Pokémon and trainer was often one that people talked about. It was told that you should treat your Pokémon with respect and love but they didn’t say exactly why. It was said that a bond of love and trust would create a more powerful Pokémon, one that would lay down their very life in order to assure you the glory of being the most powerful trainer. However with the love the trainer had for his Pokémon, he or she would never allow such a large sacrifice. That was the way it was supposed to work, anyway. Sometimes the trainer didn’t always show such love to their Pokémon, and the Pokémon in turn didn’t work as hard to win. They didn’t care about their trainers and their trainers didn’t care about them. This feeling of mutual disregard was not the best relationship but it wasn’t the worst. The worst was when the trainer started out as a loving and nearly perfect Pokémon trainer, well on their way to being a master, but then the power hunger struck. The hunger for glory made them push harder, work their beloved Pokémon like tools. All the love they had built up slowly drained from their Pokémon, all that love turned into hurt than betrayal. A betrayed Pokémon was the worst Pokémon to have. They followed orders, but barely. They started to hate the trainers who worked them like tools. To most, this wouldn’t have been the most threatening of situations. A bite here or there, an elemental attack that almost killed them to make them rethink how they treated their Pokémon but sometimes when the Pokémon was powerful and older…well sometimes that betrayal called for worse. Sometimes when you had a Pokémon like a Ninetails, that danger was much more real than anyone liked to believe.

Alune was the nickname that his trainer had bestowed upon him when they were both young. At the time he had been a vulpix and the very first Pokémon that Irou ever got. The young raven-haired boy had been so excited to see his new vulpix. Alune could still remember that first day, those words so joyful and clear, “I think I’m gonna call you Alune, because you and me alone are going to make it to the top!” Those words of course weren’t quite true. Soon Irou and Alune had realsed in their journey that they needed a bit more help than just one fire Pokémon could do. Still though, Irou had let him roam outside of his pokeball, staying close by and enjoying each other’s company. Sure, they had gotten into some trouble but they had managed to somehow get themselves out of it. There had been many times in those first golden years that Irou had told Alune that he loved him. Alune had loved those words but he had loved how Irou used to chatter to him. Sometimes they would talk about nothing and sometimes they would talk about everything. It was mostly one-sided, after all Alune couldn’t speak human but Irou hadn’t minded and sometimes Irou had understood his words even though he couldn’t speak them in Irou’s tongue. Irou had expressed his wish to understand Alune though, often times in his talks he talked about the power of Ninetails saying that, “One day after I get a firestone I'm going to evolve you into a Ninetails. I've heard that they have some wicked awesome powers. Maybe one of them can let me talk to you.” The time that Alune treasured the most was when he and Irou were watching the sunset together. Irou hadn’t said much, his crush on a girl had gotten his heart broken. Alune had sat beside him quietly, putting a paw on his best friend, waiting for Irou to start talking again. The words that had come from his human had startled him. They had resonated deep within his soul and suddenly every ‘I love you’ had even more special meaning. “Maybe if things were different then we could get married, Alune. Maybe if you got some of those Ninetails powers you could turn into a human and we could live together forever.” Still a vulpix, Alune had felt joy and sadness from those words. He hadn’t heard of any pokemon turning human but still, to live and love his master like that forever had made his small heart soar. Maybe when they had become the best they could start by looking for a way to be together!

How stupid his young hopes had been. The years went by and they hadn’t found a fire stone. The ‘I love you’s came less and less and Alune felt as those the feeling his master had weren’t as strong as before. He hadn’t let it bother him, battling with all his heart to make Irou the best. It had only been a few years ago that the human who had owned his heart, started earning his anger. Once Irou had found a fire stone, he had used it on Alune. They had worked so hard to get one, waited so long for Alune to be so powerful. Alune had jumped at the chance to change for his trainer, maybe earn the love they had back since that’s what they had been waiting for. They had talked, dreamed, and longed for this moment together…but once Alune had become a ninetails…nothing had changed. It had gotten worse. Alune had sat patiently after his evolution, waiting for the old Irou to come back and know him. Instead the boy who had loved him was now lost to the man who only used him. Irou had only said about how he was going to get to the top with a ninetails now and how he probably shouldn't let him wonder outside of the pokeball. The sad truth was, he would have if he had loved Alune more. They would be at the top now if only Alune had felt a small grain of the love he used to.

Sitting now inside his pokeball, Alune was only a shell of the once loving Pokémon he had been. He was no longer let out except for battle. He no longer heard all of those silly rants and talks that Irou had. Maybe the man still didn’t have them. Alune was nothing and no one inside his pokeball. He wondered if Irou even noticed him anymore, if the trainer knew that his ninetails didn’t do its best in battle and let other Pokémon faint him on purpose. The Gym leader had seen it. At such a high level, a nintails like Alune should have wiped the floor with his paltry Pokémon. Had Irou noticed? Probably not. Maybe the gym leader had said something to him after Alune had left back to his pokeball. It didn’t matter. The only thing Irou would notice was that they lost. Alune found it funny how one day you were the best thing to someone and the next you were just a tool.
Irou held all of his Pokemon in his hand, sealed in their own respective Pokeballs. In his mind, he replayed how each of them had been knocked out during that fight. All five of them failed to get what he thought he deserved.

Galvantula was acquired with his connections to his family in Unova. It was a family pokemon that he saw every now and then as a Joltik until it was entrusted to him. Too eager to please, too affectionate. That was clearly a distraction that got in the way of the pokemon's natural agility. One stray flamethrower was all it took to bring the spider down. Distancing was required.

Tangela was a stray that he took in. It was abandoned by another trainer, but Irou decided to adopt it. A mediocre addition. The vine pokemon did not like direct confrontations. The introverted nature got in the way when it could have finished an enemy off. It hesitated, due to some past trauma, and therefore lost to a Sucker Punch.

Noivern was traded. Irou caught a rare pokemon in Johto, and swapped it to someone in Kalos. Powerful, but unruly. While he took pleasure in any order that involved beating anything up, he was headstrong. The flier wasn't enthusiastic about tactics, and flew directly into feints and setups.

Eevee was simply not meant for this fight. Irou was just beginning to carefully raise it, trying to decide what to forcefully evolve it into. The poor conditions of the fight prompted him to bring the Pokemon out, and it didn't last long at all. Too new, too weak. Too small.

Irou looked to the last Pokemon he held, the one he was with the longest. This pokemon should have guaranteed victory, but instead the opposite happened. He had memories with this pokemon, way back when he was a kid. Perhaps it was time for a talk. With flick of a wrist, the capsule was opened and a Ninetales materialized.

"We should have won." Was the first thing that came out of the trainer's mouth, wrought with disgust. "You could have won that, for me, and for the rest of your team. I- I don't even know where to begin. You failed! I just... We're going to figure out what we did wrong. We're not going back until we fix this, fix you." The man sighed, sitting against the same tree and actually looking at the Ninetales in the eyes for the first time in a long while. "Look I'm, I'm sorry. This has just been so frustrating, so stressful. I'm trying to get us to the top. Your performance compared to the others has just been, bad. Terrible. I don't know what's wrong along the way!" Beyond useless, he thought. Orders were disobeyed, his speed was lacking, and there was no timing or synchronization.

"Alune?" It was a long time since he said that name. He recalled a prized Vulpix he did everything with, shared every secret he had with. "I... we have a lot of history together. I can't forget that. Those were wonderful years I shared with you when we were kids together. We went through some hard times together Alune." And now they kept hitting brick walls. Ninetales was a tool, to help him achieve his dream, a dull, rusty tool that lost its edge. What Irou saw before him now was a crutch.

He still held that pokeball in his hand. Irou glanced down at the device for a moment, pondering, until he dropped it on the ground and crushed it with his foot.

"Go, Alune, leave me. You're can't help me anymore."
Alune wasn’t surprised to be called out by his trainer. He had disobeyed his trainer and fought with no spirit at all. Their bond wasn’t what it used to be. Sometimes he wished it was. He listened to the human prattle on about how they lost and how they need to fix Alune. Honestly Alune snorted at the rant, knowing his trainer would carry on regardless of how he reacted. At least that’s what he thought, suddenly his trainer cooled down, looking at Alune in the eyes. Crimson eyes stared back at his owner’s own blue. Get us to the top? Irou only cared about himself anymore. It was amazing he even remembered that pokemon could understand him, given how low on the pole they were to him now. Since the trainer decided to actually look at Alune’s expression, he gave the man a look like he was a dumbass for not seeing how those words didn’t add up. There was no we on Irou’s team. There hadn’t been one for a long time. Longer probably than most of the pokemon remembered.

The ninetails was thrust from his musings at the sound of his nickname. Cream colored ears perked at the sound. How long had it been since he had heard it? Relaxing at the one word he listened to Irou talk. He had missed this, listening to his trainer talk. Funny, how one missed only the simple things when they were taken from him but the longer Alune listened the more this was starting to sound like a goodbye. He couldn’t be! Was Irou really going to throw him away after all these years? The hope that Alune had held was being crushed, stomped on like the pokeball before him.

Devastation. In all his thoughts, Alune had never thought that he would be thrown away like someone’s trash. His ears flattened, stuck on the pokeball that had been crushed before him. He couldn’t look away from it, it had been two decades that they had been together. All to be thrown away like this? Because Alune wouldn’t fight at full power for him? Alune started at the human before him. What was he thinking? Was Alune going to be replaced? The ninetails stared at the human, unable to move or speak. A shaken “Nine?” Was all that he could say. He was frozen. All these years meant nothing to the human.
"No, you're suppost to leave! Stop making this difficult for me! Don't make me change my mind damnit!" He struggled to try and come up with the words to convince the Pokemon. This was clearly a deep internal struggle for him. "I know I said we'd do things together... but we can't. It didn't work out the way we wanted. We dreamed of a lot of things, but this is real life. I'm not going to pretend everything's fine or ignore the problem." And the problem certainly was not himself. "Now just go! Do better than you were with me!"

Still a perplexed look on the creature's face. This was going to be harder than he thought. "Are you even listening!? I-...Please, leave?" He was getting desperate. The Pokemon's refusal to just walk away was not how he pictured this. He needed something quick and easy. "Damnit I don't want to do this!" The human took a few steps forward, "I have to if I'm going to move forward on my journey."

Against all reason, he decided it was a good idea to hit Alune.

Not only hit him, but kick as well. All his anger from their losses were going into each blow. Not that they actually had any capacity to break anything. In the human's blind rage, his hand wrapped around one of the many tails the Pokemon had, yanking it violently.

He froze in the middle of this, quickly coming to the realization of how far he had gone. "Alune I..."
They were both hurting by this rash decision to cut Alune loose. Why had he done it then? The words shook on the humans voice and his words were sorrowful. Could it be that this hurt Irou as much as it hurt Alune? There was no real reason to stay but he couldn’t believe that it was over. So many years they had stayed together. A part of Alune was so lost at the thought of going on alone. Irou had been his love, his whole world for so many years. Did the man not remember all their promises? Did they mean nothing to him? Alune watched as the human came closer the man he had once loved like his whole world. They were over this was final. Then the blows came. At first Alune couldn’t believe his Irou would do such a thing but as the blows kept coming the pokemon realized something. This wasn’t the same Irou. That Irou would never come back. A hard yank on Alune’s tail and the human had signed a one-way ticket to slaughter.

Like a shot, Alune wrapped slammed his body into the human, now fighting back. There no mercy for the man, claws dug into flesh, bites rained down upon his body. This was a stranger wearing his beloved’s face. For all the ninetails cared, that man was gone. The trail to pokemaster had killed him and left this beast behind. Alune flung the man back into the tree hard, he had damage done to him but nothing that would kill him. Maybe there had once been hope for this man but there was no longer. He would be killed by the very Pokémon he swore to protect. Alune glared, his red eyes focused on the human as his tails spread out behind him, standing straight on end. It would hurt to kill the stranger wearing his Irou’s face. Red aura lit up around the pokemon showing the foolish human that this was no weakling he was dealing with. That he had been holding back all those battles.

Stepping over the human, Alune growled. The man would be finished soon. They both knew that this was the final betrayal. Placing a lick on the man’s cheek, Alune wished goodbye to the boy he had once known before wrapping his jaws around the trainer’s neck. One bite would end it all. All the pain all the suffering would end once Alune snapped his neck. Fiery breath heated against the human’s neck it would all be over soon.
The retaliation came swiftly, there was next to nothing he could have done as he was thrashed about. His will to resist faded, as he came to terms with how far he had pushed this matter. The man didn't even attempt to bring out any other pokemon as he felt the fox's maw take hold of his neck. In that moment, faced with the consequences of his actions, his mistakes were finally realized.

"Fine, do it! I deserve it! I did this to you. Alune just... I let you down. I couldn't look at you once I realize I was doing so horribly. I've been lying to myself, to you, everyone. Alune, I-... I broke." At this point the man was on the verge of tears, facing his own failures and his death. "I broke all of my promises to you. I got lost, chasing our dreams. And there's nothing now I can do to make it all up. No apology big enough. No happy ending for us. I'm worthless! Don't take pity on me, do what you will! Just... I love you Alune." The trainer's words broke into sobs after that, muttering incoherent sentences that kept kept using the words 'love' and sorry', waiting for the final blow.
Just as the final blow was about to be struck, Alune heard the words that he had been missing. The words that would have fixed this long ago had they only been said sooner…the words that saved this man’s life. Alune pulled back, releasing the human’s throat as he stared down at him, in those few words his boy had been back. Moving his head down he lifted the human’s hand, gently with his mouth he picked out the wedding finger that humans used to wed. Irou had told him all this once when he had talked about marrying Alune. He had wanted the fox to know about the ritual in case they did find something that could turn Alune human. A boy’s dream but one that Alue couldn’t forget. Using his teeth, the ninetails gently burnt a ring around the man’s wedding finger. It would never heal and scar so that all would see that Irou had been wed. Alune released the raven-haired man’s hand looking at the human. “Ninetails.” He practically purred into the man’s throat, all nine tails spreading out to their points. Power glowed as Alune worked. It would be a curse and a blessing he would place upon this man. One that the human would love and hate but at the same time Alune would grant some of the wishes that Irou had told him as a boy.

The Pokémon wasn’t done however; he flipped the human onto his stomach, bracing his paws into the human’s shoulder blades. Using his muzzle, he moved the collar of the shirt aside before he bit down at the base of the human’s neck. Magic flowed between them, the blessing and the curse coursing through their beings as they laid there. Paw marks appeared where Alune had braced himself, showing the magic of the duel spell while the bite mark had scarred to show that he was Alune’s mate. Gently moving off the human, the Pokémon stepped off to the side. They were now married and while Alune couldn’t turn into a human. He did make a way for Irou to have his children. The spell had a bit of a side effect and would cause his human to grow breasts but nothing that would be debilitating. The ninetails sat down and watched the human for a moment. He let the man settle for a bit before he showed part of what he did.

“I remember when we were young you said you wanted to be able to understand me and speak to me as an equal. I didn’t think I could do it but it seems to have worked.” Alune flicked his tails as he spoke. He wasn’t speaking anything different other than the Pokémon language but Irou was now able to understand him as any other Pokémon would. He would understand all Pokémon the same way. Watching curiously, the fire fox continued, his low voice like silk to the ears, “I also remember you telling me how if things were different we could marry. I can’t change my specie but I did make it so that you could carry our children. We are mated now as well. You will live as long as I do. Which is about a thousand years, give or take.”
The man was still a sobbing wreck when the pokemon lifted his teeth off from the neck. The next thing he knew an intense pain seared one of his fingers. The focused ember easily burned into his flesh, causing the man to scream in agony. The moment after that he heard the Pokemon purr with affection. His body, then, felt wrong, twisting, shifting. Irou couldn't focus on this sensation, as the Ninetales bent him over and bit down, completing his claim of ownership. He laid there, trying to recover from the pain, when he heard the fox utter actual words.

"Wha... Y-you speak, I mean, I can understand you. I..." Irou stared down at the burned area on his finger, his new 'ring'. The mark had meaning, the words he knew he couldn't understand were true. Connected, mated, married. "I-Impossible, that was a fantasy. I never though we could do it but... I, this isn't how I imagined it." His breathing was rapid, he was almost panicking at the changes happening. "A thousand years I- why? This is, this is different yes but... And what do you mean by, uh, children? I never thought about that. What did you do to me Alune?"
The ninetails sat patiently in front of his human. The man really was his now. They were married, mated and connected now by a bond that was more powerful than it ever could have been before. Listening to Irou speak, the Pokémon made a sound, “I’m not speaking human as you would understand it. My spell made it so that you understand the language of Pokémon.” The human was starting to panic; feeling his own body shift with the magic had to be scary for him. The fox Pokémon stood up, walking around the man before sitting down behind him, pressing his chest into Irou’s back to calm him. “I know it was a childhood dream of yours but I couldn’t let it go. I remembered how hurt you were by the rejection and promised myself that I would find a way for us to be together. I had originally planned to find a way to turn myself human so I could walk among your people with you hand in hand but that dream changed. “ Laying his head on the human’s shoulder, “You hurt me, Irou. I love you so much and you hurt me. I tried showing you how unhappy I was but you didn’t listen. You didn’t understand me anymore. Why would I give up so much of myself and my powers when all you wanted was them? I thought about turning you into a pokemon. Another ninetails like me but there isn’t a spell out there that could do that. I did manage to find this one. It allows me to be with you in a way that we both never thought.”

Alune pushed the human down onto the ground on his stomach, “The feelings twisting feeling will fade, I made sure that nothing I do will from now on will hurt you.” The ninetails grabbed onto the human’s jeans and pulled them down to his thighs. Fiery breath panted onto the human’s exposed ass, teasing as the fox himself started licking a trail down the human’s exposed back and into his entrance. The spell was taking effect, he knew, he could smell the human’s arousal. It would help through the pain that his body would feel. Sticking his muzzle deeply into the human, he rimmed the man until he felt like the other had loosened up enough.

Moving his body gracefully into position he thrust into the human, his canine cock fully encased into the other before Irou really had a chance to tense. Irou felt wonderful as Alune knew he would, the man hadn’t been with anyone else before that he knew of and honestly Alune took it as a good sign to mark his mate. His thrusts started gently, slowly awakening the need inside his human until they were both thrusting and needy against each other. He needed to pleasure his human, to show him that no other would be as good as Alune. That no one else was fit to breed him. Well he might let another pokemon have sex with the human but no other could own him like this. Each thrust moved them together until finally Alune had enough. This was his first coupling and he didn’t last long but he was enough to please his mate. The fox pokemon came deep inside his mate, flooding his needy hole with his semen and breeding the man below him.

Slowly and carefully he shifted his body, they were tied together, his knot had sometime in the process pushed itself deep within Irou’s new body. Pleasure ghosted over Alune’s body again, this was his mate. He had finally claimed him.
Too many things were happening. One moment Alune wanted him dead, the next Irou was forgiven after a few burn marks? He spoke slow, trying to ignore his internal organs shifting and burns.

"Language... So I understand you. I... This is happening so fast." Irou muttered, trying to calm down as the Pokemon crept behind him. It was indeed calming, but the human was still very inquisitive. "I, this is, nice, but, not what I imagined. I wanted a human family, I mean, I'm grateful but... how can we even have kids if we're both male? This makes no sense. I don't see how this can work."

He was content to just lay there, and wonder what the detailed effects of the spell were, when suddenly the human was shoved to the dirt with no effort. "Wha... Alune, please, you're scaring me a little. Don't do that." Irou was in no position to make demands now. The fox Pokemon managed to undo his pants. Now he was worried again. "Alune, I really think-" His sentence was cut short then a pleasant sensation hit him. "There's other ways to make up, let's just- HEY!" Again Irou lost the words, when Alune removed his tongue and replaced it with his cock.

"P-pull it out, pull it out!" He didn't understand. This was suppost to hurt, but he felt the exact opposite. Either way his nerves screamed ecstasy. A side effect of this spell? Or was this a curse? It was hard for Irou to think. These sensations were entirely new to him. "Stop it now, you can't just..." Words failed him as he felt the Pokemon's breeding tool move back and forth. It was rape. The Pokemon was raping him. And yet, it felt better than anything Irou had done in his life. It was like he was made for this!

At some point his hips began rocking back to Alune's thrusts. After that the trademark canine knot forced itself through, causing Irou to scream in pleasure. He couldn't remember when, but his own penis was erect and spurt his seed uselessly on the ground. The last thing Irou remembered was Alune's orgasm, one final pounding and filling his insides with fertility cream.

The human seemed only half conscious afterwards, basking in the pleasure of the aftermath and being so wonderfully full. His mind itself had yet to return, and right how he was feeling little more than a cum receptacle.
The ninetails scented the human’s pleasure as he stood over the man. It would take a while before the knot released them, but in that time he was sure the human wouldn’t stay so placid. Using his back foot, Alune pushed Irou’s pants down, maneuvering around his body to unclothe the man from the waist down. Using his powers, the ninetails moved the clothing and bag that the trainer carried out of range. With the Irou’s clothing out of the way, there would be no way that the man could leave without some major embarrassment. The Pokémon shifted his body again, spreading the trainer’s legs as he thrust his penis deep into the human again using the rough thrust to get the human’s attention. An amused huff left his mouth at the sound of the human’s pleasure. The spell he used on the human seemed to cause the man to feel only pleasure at the ninetails’s cock. “You seem to not understand, Irou. There are many ways that other Pokémon would want to make up but they aren’t me.” The ninetails huffed, thrusting hard into the human to get his attention, “You were always mine. We were always together and you promised me we would be together forever. But you tried to throw me away, Irou. You evolved me from a vulpix and then I wasn’t your Alune anymore. I was a tool.” Thrusting hard into the human, the Pokémon grinned at the sounds that the man was making. “This way you’ll always be mine. No matter what you do or where you go, we are connected together for as long as we both live. Any children we have will hold us together farther because you are mine and have always been mine.”

There was a doubt in Alune’s mind that Irou was paying any attention to him while he was thrusting his hot canine member into Irou’s tight ass. Sure, it would retie them together but the sounds his human was making was worth it. The second time he flooded the human’s entrance he decided that was enough for the night. Alune patiently waited until his knot deflated and released them before stepping around to Irou’s head. The fox Pokémon let his cock hang out, in a way showing Irou what had just given the man pleasure. Semen was still dripping from it, and from the human’s entrance after the ninetails had flooded it with vupine love. He didn’t think that most Pokémon would find the sight of their trainer well fucked attractive but this was Irou, this was Alune’s mate; a mate who had to earn the right to ever leave the fox’s sight. Alune blinked staring down at the hoodie that covered Irou’s body. He rolled the human over onto his back before looking at the human’s chest. Where once had been flat how held heavy breasts. They weren’t overly large or anything to that degree. They were however new since and probably a side effect of the fox’s spell. Deciding there was nothing to do for it now, he turned his attention to the semen sliding out of Irou’s ass. Using his power’s one again, Alune retrieved the trainer’s back before stealing an empty pokeball. He held it in his mouth before sending the bag back up safely into the trees. Gently as not to hurt the human, he pushed the pokeball into the well-used entrance and plugged Irou. Alune huffed happily at the sight. The pokeball kept his cum from leaving the human’s body, allowing their scents to mix so that any pokemon who smelled Irou would know that he belonged to Alune.
Irou twisted and squirmed while he was attached to Alune, part of him wanted to escape, part of him wanted to just keep rattling that shaft buried inside him. The human only really woke up once Alune forced him back to reality, by starting it all over again. The lecture he was given gave the human something to focus on other than getting fucked, something to argue, to plead against. "Please, I was wrong! Alune I-, I'm sorry but we really should have talked this through! I didn't consent to this, you can't expect me to go through with this! Just stop for a moment I can't, I can't think straight..."

His objections faded as they reached another climax together. The human felt trapped, truly tied to the obsessive Ninetales, and not just because he had that Ninetales' knot buried inside him. He laid where the Pokemon left him, still squirming occasionally as he was stripped further to reveal rapidly budding mammaries to help with his new role. That was not the only thing growing. The man's hair was growing, and his frame slim but his ass larger, fuller. At this rate, the only thing that would make him a man was the mundane penis hanging limp between his legs. There internal changes as well. His voice would change, his horomones were being reworked, and most important of all, the spell was forcing the creation of a new womb. A womb that could help produce children just as Alune said they would. Already full of fertility cream, it would soon create new life for the couple.

These changes frightened him, this was almost a nightmare. Irou always imagined him as the man, he developed an aggressive attitude as he grew up, but instead was being turned into a mockery of a woman. All of this at the hands of his childhood companion.

Irou almost jumped in surprise as he felt something cold, smooth, force it's way inside. Not nearly as filling as Alune's vulpine shaft, he was silently disappointed, as well as embarrassed. The pokeball was firmly set there, perhaps because of some magic trick. The trainer dared not to remove it, he didn't want to do anything to anger Alune at the moment.

"Please, just, no more. Each time you... It's like you're touching my mind almost. It was so, so... too much!"
The Pokémon’s crimson eyes blinked owlishly at the human before looking down at the pokeball that held back all of the vulpine liquid love into the human. Alune’s ears twitched before he spoke again, “I’m not going to do anything more for tonight. We have been mated and my child should be growing inside you soon. The spell isn’t going to mess with anything of how you are, Irou. It only changed the hormones inside you so that you could bare my children. You have always had this personality inside you. Perhaps you have never noticed it but it was obvious to me. It was why I worked so hard for you, so that we could be mates and I could protect you from those that would use you. This wasn’t the way I had imagined it of course but you should not fear that the spell will change who you are. The mating bond only makes you tied to me. It makes you tied me like a wife would be a husband. Anything else has already been there, Irou.” Moving forward the ninetails pushed up the human’s hoodie before latching onto a new breast. He teased the man’s nipples lightly between his teeth, each tug and twist bringing pleasure to the man. Nothing he did hurt the human, all the ‘pain’ that the man felt was good and brought him pleasure. It was a part of the spell that Alune made sure to add. The Pokémon didn’t want his mate to ever fear their mating due to pain. Uncertainty in the being was expected but Irou would learn soon that Alune wasn’t out to harm him. Own him, possess him and mate him? Now that was all part of the goal.

Releasing the tormented breasts, the ninetails growled in pleasure. With the human fucked and filled, there was no doubt in the Pokémon’s mind that Irou was his. “You have never been the alpha male. You always just wanted someone to be one to you but when they failed, you became aggressive. Maybe if humans hadn’t failed you then you wouldn’t have failed us. You didn’t just betray my trust with your latest stunts, you betrayed all your Pokémon. We trusted you not to harm us and you abused that trust. At least like this we will be together forever. Maybe one day I can find a spell to turn you into a Pokémon. I’m sure we could ask one of the legendries. I’ve heard that they can perform all kinds of blessings. Of course you would have to learn to beat the gym leaders before they even looked your way. They tend to only look at those who have proven themselves. I wonder, could you go into town with my marks and your new body?” Alune mused on this thought before he pulled the human’s hoodie back down to cover him again. Although the man was beautiful naked, there was something to be said for him being half naked and vulnerable. The ninetails laid down on the bedroll that Irou had bought for this trip into the wilderness. He shifted his body to the side to allow enough room for the human. “Come sleep, Irou. Maybe if you’re good, I’ll remove the pokeball from you. I find I like the look of you plugged with my seed inside you. A tool used to capture pokemon is now being used to capture my seed inside you. My magic lodged it inside so you trying to get it out would only make it slide against your prostate. You seem to be afraid of the pleasure your body brings you now. I wonder would you fear it so much if you knew you could bring it to yourself?” An amused sound left the fire fox as he mused aloud, “You did look good as you rode my cock to your climax.”
The changes were occurring rapidly, and Irou was beset with exhaustion. He couldn't do anything but just lay there as his new master began to toy with his new assets. The human bit down on his own teeth to suppress the ecstatic moans of bliss he would he whimpering at the moment. His breasts were real, there was no doubt. Alune seemed adamant about all this mating business. The pokemon was in complete control, and Irou hated it. So far, Alune had yet to directly harm him, and his voice this entire time was sympathetic, calming, pleasant. It was what he hated most of all. If this was the way Alune was going to treat him, Irou feared he may grow to accept it. This was still Alune, forcing them into a childhood fantasy of theirs, which so far felt amazing.

But he was being made the beta. The bottom. The bitch. Irou frowned as Alune lectured him on how this was his calling. He was used to having control, and now it was stolen by his own Pokemon. "You may be right, I never took failure very well. Maybe I always wanted someone to lean on and be dependent, but what you did today Alune? What I did today was horrible. I violated your trust. At the same time, you... you violated me, in more ways than one. It felt, well it just felt so..." His sentence ended abruptly, Irou realized he was going to say how amazing it was. He wouldn't admit it, but Irou believed this was still better than death. If he was going to be a mate to a Pokemon, let it be his Alune. "I'm done talking right now." He was silently grateful to have his jacket back, but still looked annoyed at having no cover for his lower body. Every comment that his new master let out only made Irou blush in response, letting Alune know what Irou felt. Embarrassed, but excited.

Begrudgingly, Irou took up Alune's offer to sleep next to eachother. He knew he wouldn't rest against a tree in the cold. He tried to empty his mind of all the things that happened, but the Pokeball plugged inside of him was an uncomfortable sensation that kept him awake. One of his hands subconsciously reached down, to try and remove the alien feeling emanating from his bottom. When the fingers tried to wrap around the pokeball to try and take it out, it seemed to move further up, and the feeling was suddenly very pleasurable. His own dick, well spent from two quick climaxes, woke up, eager to please. Irou knew Alune told him what would happen, but what if he kept at it? Again his hand touched the device until his male sex was completely erect, dripping bit of pre on his own jacket as eager as it could ever be. Irou didn't care about the mess, and he didn't care about taking it out. Stifled moans escaped his lips as he kept at it. All he cared about right now was cumming, and kept prodding and poking the cursed butt plug as it brought him closer and closer to that heaven Alune showed him before. It never occurred to him if Alune had already fallen asleep or not.
In all his thoughts of how his human would react to the news of being plugged, he didn’t think the man would be so quick to use the plug to pleasure himself. The Pokémon had assumed that the human would be afraid of his new body for a while but looking over at the man now, he knew he had been proven wrong. The fox Pokémon had been asleep before he heard soft moaning. Since the sound was unusual, he had woken up right away. Of course Alune hadn’t expected to be greeted by this beautiful sight. Sitting up the ninetails, debated on what to do. After watching the human a minute, he decided that this really couldn’t go on since the man was his beta. He couldn’t be allowed to think he could just pleasure himself without pleasuring his mate. Using his powers again, Alune wrapped an illusion of silk thread around the man’s cock. The illusion could touch, feel and work with other objects but it could not be touched. This successfully cut off the man’s means of climax. The pokeball shifted, pressing into the human’s prostate without need or prodding and vibrated so that the pleasure was pulsing and rapid.

“You forgot about something, Irou.” Alune made a soft but amused growl. “You are neglecting your mate and your breasts. You should be thankful to your mate for pleasuring you. That pokeball was after all, my work. It seems awful selfish of you to pleasure yourself on it without thanking me.” The ninetails used his magic again to sit the human up and pull the hoodie off, “Such a dirty boy, Irou. I might have to make you wear it like that until you learn to keep it clean.” The fox Pokémon moved behind the human, his tails suddenly alive with a mind of their own. They latched onto the human’s breasts. Teasing, pulling, tweaking, caressing; the tails were never in one place for long. The soft fur felt luxurious on his mate’s skin. Once the fox felt he had made his point, he used illusions to make it feel as if pairs of hands were playing with his body. Nothing that felt human. The Pokémon would never forgive the human if he went to other human’s for pleasure. This was his Irou, his mate, his wife, and his whole world. Of course the human shouldn’t be allowed to know that last part. Irou would just try to use that against him again. That love that had once been glue to keep them together had somehow pushed them apart. Alune could not allow the human that weakness again. He couldn’t allow that love to become a weapon against him again. Maybe after Irou learned that he was Alune’s mate, he would be allowed to seek pleasure from other Pokémon as well. After all, Irou needed to bond with his team if they were ever going to get the legendary Pokémon’s attention.

But all these thought fell to the wayside as he felt his own cock growing. A fleshy vulpine cock slid free from its sheath before Alune even really thought about it. He could work this, the human needed to know to pleasure his mate too after all. “Suck me and I might let you cum before I fuck you full again.” The Pokémon watched the human for a while more before he spoke again, “You liked my cock last time, it didn’t hurt you, did it? It won’t hurt you again. You’ve been selfish to pleasure yourself without me. I’ll let you play with toys and maybe other Pokémon but I do require you show me that you’re still mine. You like my cock still, don’t you? You want to taste it? It felt so good inside you, maybe it will taste good too?” Alune’s crimson eyes were half closed in desire, all that biting Irou had done on his own lips had made them swollen and plump. They would feel perfect around Alune’s cock.
Irou continued to work furiously, hoping to achieve that climax quickly. As he was about to reach his limit, an invisible force seemed to wrap itself around his own manhood, restraining it and keeping him from his orgasm. He looked up to see an amused Alune. "I-, That's not what I was doing! I was..." Irou never mentioned he was originally trying to remove it, and then decided to have it help him cut. His words were cut off as the fox began to tease and prod his budding breasts with tails and illusions. All he could do was sit back, and stifle a moan of agonizing pleasure for all the pent up stress building in his cock.

And then, it stopped. Again Irou groaned in sexual frustration, at Alune's taunting words. At least until the fox Pokemon proudly presented his breeding tool for Irou. That made him fall silent, for a moment. "You, you can't expect me to do that. Why should I? Why should I do anything for you after you already fucked me with that thing twice!?" The trainer objected, before staring down at Alune's throbbing meat. His own cock was still being tormented, aching for a release that wouldn't arrive. "I... I can't, it's too degrading, is this really how you see me serving you, helping you with every sexual need you can think of? I just, Alune you're being..." His face was subconsciously getting closer to the tip, Irou weak will was being crushed under his body's demand for release.

Slowly, the human opened his mouth, gently taking Alune's cock in his mouth and savoring the taste, adjusting to it. He was reluctant, disgusted, but as his mouth began to taste the fox's first few drops of cum, he came to a horrible realization. Irou needed more. The trainer prodded the tip with his tongue, seeing if he could coax any other drops out, before beginning to bob his head back and forth. Irou needed more, and he needed release. Pleasure for pleasure didn't sound like such a bad trade now that his brain was addled with the taste of Ninetales cum.
Alune watched the human fight with himself. He listened to the man’s protests before spreading his legs wider. “I don’t see why I can’t ask it of you. I’m not forcing you to suck me off. You could simply ignore your body’s cravings and try to sleep. After a while I might get bored with you.” The vulpine Pokémon watched the human longer, spreading his legs wider as the man lost the battle with himself and began to go down upon the ninetails. The man seemed hypnotized by Alune’s cock, gently wrapping his lips around the cock until he had created a gentle lock. Irou didn’t seem to like it at first but as he began to move and bob his head, the man seemed to get more into it. Alune placed a paw on the man’s shoulder’s feeling the shudders as he would reward the human for anything that felt particularly good.

A wicked idea came to his head a moment later, using his illusions to make the pokeball feel like Alune’s cock deep inside him. The fox grinned as the human’s suction increased, more pleasure flowing into the ninetails’s veins. “How does it feel to have me at both ends of your body?” Alune practically purred at the attention he was getting to his cock, the human’s suction getting more and more greedy as Alune’s cock came closer and closer to climax. Of course the ninetails didn’t last much longer once Irou really put all of his attention into sucking on his mate’s cock. The pokemon came, semen flooding the human’s mouth. There was more semen than a human could produce and Irou had to swallow all the of liquid love down or drown in it. Once those talented lips and tongue released and cleaned him, the ninetails flipped the human over. The pokeball turned penis fucked Irou with great fevor, until Alune was sure that his human couldn’t get any higher in his orgasm. It was then he released Irou’s cock. All that built up cum splashed onto the man’s body and into his face. A feral grin spread across Alune’s face, “That was very beautiful Irou but I think you want more don’t you?”
Irou currently wasn't bothering with whatever Alune was saying, instead lost in the euphoric high of tasting his Pokemon's seed. It never occurred to him drinking the cum of a Pokemon with powerful mystical abilities beyond his comprehension could have side effects, all he knew was that it tasted good somehow, and he needed more. His bobbing and licks became much more erratic when suddenly the pokeball felt like it grew into the monster cock that penetrated him before, effectively filling him both ways. This seemed to only encourage him. Irou needed to climax, and he needed Alune to climax to get that wonderful bounty that awaited him. Perhaps to try and help coax it, both of his hands took hold of Alune's churning orbs to massage and caress. It didn't take long, as the human was rewarded with having his innards painted with Alune's baby batter. He struggled to swallow it all, but he tried, and mostly succeeded.

While he had his meal, he had no rest. Irou felt himself flipped over and suddenly pounded repeatedly from behind with the phantom penis the fox conjured up. It didn't take long, within a minute the human spattered himself with his own seed, still coughing up a few droplets of the Ninetales' cum. He looked up, at the wicked grin Alune sported, and answered.

"I... I would rather not." Irou tried to ignore how engorged he was in the blowjob earlier, instead trying to pretend nothing had just happened. He felt shameful at what just happened, as his mind started thinking more clearly. There was white all around his mouth from his unclean acts. Irou hated himself still, for not doing a very good job of resisting Alune's efforts to dominate him.
The Pokémon had just finished watching his former trainer be painted with semen when he heard the words he wished he hadn’t. ‘I’d rather not’. The ninetails flattened his ears, a frown crossing his face as the crimson eyes stared down to Irou’s slightly bloated stomach. Since there was no more semen left from their last breeding, the pokeball slid out of the human’s entrance. Alune stood up, walking around his human. He couldn’t decide if he should punish the man or leave him be. On one hand the man had been almost enthusiastic when blowing his mate’s cock. Maybe for that performance he would let the man rest. Maybe not. He wondered what to do with human while pacing before deciding something else. His mate needed to do something else before they could leave this forest. He had to re-bond with the team. A sound left his throat as he sat down. There was something they needed to do, teach Irou just how low he had made his Pokémon feel.

“Rest. We have worked to do, my Irou.” The ninetails found a place to lay down before snorting, with a swish of his tail, magic cleaned the human up.
Irou could see disappointment in the Pokemon's eyes. He was dreading some severe form of punishment, but instead the Ninetales decided to let him off the hook, for now. Even better, the plug in his ass was removed. For now, Irou felt full relief. After all of his other acts, Irou didn't expect that, and crawled over to join his Pokemon in sleep, hoping to rest in the comfortable position they were before.

"Thank you, Alune." Irou wasn't sure what the fox was thinking, but he still wanted to show his gratitude for respite. "I appreciate that."
Alune was the first one up the next day, sliding out from the cuddled hold that the human had on him. The Pokemon pulled the backpack back down for a moment before shifting through the bag of pokeballs. Who on the team needed the most bonding? Musing to himself, he looked though all the options before deciding that the eevee that Irou had been neglecting to be loved first. Of course the thought of Irou begging for a cock and only getting an eevee cock was one of the thoughts that went into the selection. Using his powers to slide the bag back into the trees, he looked over the mess that he and Irou had made last night. It was funny how Irou protested but he seemed to keep doing anything to please his ninetails. Of course it helped Alune’s ego that anything his mate did, was not influenced by anything but the man himself.

Crimson eyes looked back to the sleeping human, he was half dressed again in a hoodie that kept him warm while his ninetails was musing around the area. Pert ass cheeks barely showed from the bottom of the hoodie and for all the protests that Irou had made, his ass was the most eager part of him. That black hair had grown longer with the night, and the breasts had filled out more. Sometime they would have to go into town and get new clothing for the human. Something that would support those love pillows so Irou didn’t get beat from them. However since they weren’t terribly far from Goldenrod, Alune could probably use an illusion to pick up some clothing for his newly transformed trainer. Of course he could do that while his trainer was team building. The man had to remember how good last night felt, to be fucked from both ends. Maybe he would be hungry for cock again. Of course Alune still had to punish him for last night.

Slowly Alune felt his cock rise until a part of it was sticking out of the sheath. He wondered how his mate would react to the smell of it? Would he suck him off? Would he fight his urges? Would he beg for cock? Alune wanted that. Alune wanted him to beg and cry for a cock to fill him. How to do it though? How could he get the man that frustrated? Last night had done wonders on the fox’s desire. Irou had been the most sexy being alive last night. Free with his lust and hot with desire. Alune sat close to the human but not so close that he was right in the man’s face. No the human had to work for his cock.

Well that was his thought until another wicked thought came to mind. He wanted to play with those plush breasts. Using his muzzle he pushed up the human’s hoodie until he got to those gorgeous mounds. He took the nipple gently into his mouth tugging and sucking at it until it was hard enough to cut diamonds. He then moved to the other nipple, tormenting it until it was just as hard. He nipped and suckled along the delicate skin. Hickies lined the plush mounts, tormenting the skin and nipples with pleasure until he heard his human moan. Under the cover of the hoodie, the fox couldn’t see his human’s face, just hear the noises the man made. One day these would be flush full of milk, seeping with the nurturing liquid. Alune could see the day his human was flush with pup and milk. The man would be beautiful with it. Licking his lips the vulpine slid back from under the hoodie, “Good morning Irou.”
The time Irou spent asleep helped accelerate the changes of the spell. The human's breasts, hips and hair had fully expanded, face and muscle mass shifting to a more pleasing, female form. Irou's womb was already being the host of their first child. By the time morning came, the trainer was a fully functioning woman for her mate, if not for the male organs she still possessed.

Even now as she felt her breasts being teased in her sleep, Irou let out a pleading moan for more. Her eyes opened, staring at the ground where Alune sat next to her at. She knew what was going on, and chose to remain still, close her eyes, and feign sleep as Alune had his fun. The attention the Ninetales gave Irou's breasts was already causing her cock to harden. Once her hood was finally removed, she stirred, staring back up at her new master.

"Oh um, hi, Alune." Irou didn't sound all that enthusiastic in return.
Sitting down, the ninetails leveled a look at the human before him. This wasn’t exactly the greeting he was expecting. Though Alune supposed he should have figured out sooner that he wasn’t going to get what he wanted from playing nice and fucking Irou like the mate he was. The Pokémon stood up again, pulling off the man’s clothing before sending it up into the trees. Bare as the day he was born, the human looked the part of sexy and Alune wished he had the hands to please his mate and fondle the human before he would let Irou climax. Of course this was impossibility so Alune would have to live without or use illusions. Now, however he found that he didn’t want to pleasure his mate at all. His mate needed to please him. Of course pleasing him was going to become a bit tougher today. The human was pregnant, Alune knew he was so it didn’t bother him so much that he was forcing the man to ‘bond’ with the other members of the Pokémon team. Of course it would help them along the path to legendary Pokémon if the Pokémon in the team would love their trainer as much as Alune did. Of course Irou could only be his mate. The fox Pokémon ran his crimson eyes over the human, “I have plans for you today, my mate. Before we start on our journey we need to reform some bonds that were lost when you got lost from the path.”

Alune stood, picking up the pokeball that he had selected earlier and placed it in front of him. Of course the human had no idea which of the Pokémon Alune had selected. Nor, did he know that the fox Pokémon was going to make him beg for a cock to fill him. Alune first wanted to use natural means to get the human hungry for cock, so that hardened member was once again cut off from having orgasm. Oh, Alune would never hurt the human in a way that wouldn’t pleasure him but Irou needed to be lowered. He needed to be knocked down until he realized just how low he had made his Pokémon feel. Of course, he was Alune’s first so the trainer had to be pleasured by and pleasure the ninetails before everyone else. Very soon, Irou would beg for cock. Alune just hoped he could do this the ‘natural’ way instead of using magic.
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