Castiel in love? (valkeryiefirestrom x Lila Lupin)


The original Valkyrie
Apr 27, 2012
The Void
Castiel stood in the parking lot as he watched the black impala drive off with dean at the wheel and sam in the passenger side. "you think he will be ok dean?" sam asked as he looked in the passenger side window. Dean glance back in the rearview mirror "yeah he will he may be a freaking angel but he still got nerve" sam nodded as the sight of castiel disappeared from the mirror. Castiel looked around for a moment before flashing out, he landed near a old cemetery and began walking. His eyes landed on a grave and he seem to shiver lightly "spirits that still roam" he mumbled to himself as he kept walking in the cemetery. He did not know why but he seemed a bit drawn here and every time he came he found nothing but still he was drawn.
Natania sighed as she began to lock up tonight. She'd taken a job as the caretaker of the grave yard here in town. It used to be her uncle's job, but he'd passed away about a month ago. She'd moved back when he'd started getting ill about two months before he passed, helping take care of the cemetery, and doing what needed to be done. After he'd passed she was really the only one that knew how everything was supposed to be done, so she'd been asked to take up the job. She figured she'd take it. She wanted a break from city life, and there was a house for the caretaker in this cemetery. She liked the peace and quiet here too. She'd been seeing things recently, things other people couldn't, but she chalked it all up to stress. She figured that this would be a good way to start over.
Castiel walked among the graves looking at the head stones. He stopped seeing a headstone, he read the dates "death of such a young one" he mumbled to himself. He stood back up and raised the collar up on his coat a bit as he felt the wind pick up a bit. "not now father, not now I just want to be left alone for a minute please" he mumbled out loud to no one as he continued walking. He noticed that night was falling, he sighed and started to made his way to the gate so he could go into town. The coats tail bellowed behind him in the breeze "alright tell me" he said out loud. His shoes made a soft click on the concrete sidewalk, his dark brown hair of his vessel had gotten a bit longer than usual. His eyes looked forward as he walked.
Natania shoved her hands in her pockets, as she made her way to the gate. It was almost time to lock up the gate. She hadn't seen anyone when she'd made her rounds. She'd only just finished them, so she doubted anyone had come in while she was finishing up. Everyone in town knew that the gates closed at dusk. When she reached the gates she smiled. Mrs. Burklam was coming up to her, moving as fast as her little old body would let her. "Oh, Ania, wait!" The little old woman called out. She seemed to have a bag in one hand, certain to hold some sort of delicious casserole or other dish, and her cane in the other. Mrs. Burklam ran an old Mom and Pop kind of diner in town, and ever since Natania had come back to help her uncle she'd made sure to bring the girl something whenever she could. "Now Mrs. B. I told you that you don't have to keep doing this. I can cook, you know." She said with a smile. Mrs. Burklam only smiled at her and shook her head. "I know what you said, but this is what I want to do. You've been a big help, sweetheart, to the whole town." She added as she gave the bag to Ania, telling her that there was turkey tetrazzini in the casserole dish, meatloaf in the square tuperware, and mashed potatoes in the round one. Natania shook her head with a smile as she wished the woman a safe goodbye. Just as Castiel was within earshot the woman turned around and shouted her farewell to the young caretaker. "Goodbye, Natania! You have a nice evening!" Natania...Gift of God. Natania placed the bag on the ground as she moved to lock up the gate, pausing when she heard the sound of shoes on the walkways behind her. She turned to see Castiel walking up to her, and it was at that moment that a soft white light seemed to fall on her, as if a spotlight. She couldn't see it, and neither could any other human, but Castiel most likely could see it. It was as if someone from up above was trying to point her out. "Oh hi there." Natania said as she waved towards Castiel. "I didn't see you when I made my rounds, sorry." She said with a sheepish grin. She felt bad for almost locking him into the graveyard with her. She'd seen him a few times over the past couple months, but they'd never really met. As far as she knew this was the first time he'd ever actually seen her.
Castiel looked at her and saw the light he blinked "Uh Hello, yeah i just came in for like five minutes but that was it" he told her as he stood there. His hands went into the pockets of his blue jeans. As his growing hair whipped in the wind that blew again.
"She's back....Protect her." Said a deep, but quiet voice that seemed to carry on the wind. Natania raised an eyebrow, her smile fading for a moment as she looked around, as though she'd heard the voice to. When she didn't see anything she just kind of shrugged it off. "Oh you're fine." She said as she smiled at him. "I'm sorry for nearly locking you in here with me." She said with a slightly awkward laugh. "I'm still kinda new at this. I was helping for two months before the previous caretaker passed, and then I got the job, about a month ago." She added. "My name's Natania Tracou, by the way. It's nice to meet you." She said smiling, holding her hand out to shake his.
Castiel blinked hearing the voice 'yes father' he thought. He looked towards the women and took her hand, if she was anything she would have pitchured him in his true form. He shook it "um Jimmy Novak" he said half way telling truth. "and its ok I came in late so that is why you did not see me in your rounds" he said to her as he took his hand away and placed it back in his pocket but noticed the package "you need help with that?" he asked her
Natania smiled as he brought his hand out to hers, but the second he grasped it her own hand clenched. Her eyes fluttered for a moment as what seemed like memories, this man's, if that's even what he was, memories, flooded through her mind. He told her his name was Jimmy Novak, but she could hear him being called Castiel over and over in the memories. To her it felt like hours though it was only about a minute before she let his hand go. She just barely caught him telling her that it was alright since he'd come in late. She smiled as he took his hand away. She hadn't been squeezing that hard, so she figured he wouldn't notice what had just happened, or at least, that's what she hoped. She smiled as he offered to help her with the food that had been brought to her by Mrs. Burklam. "The help would be appreciated. You don't look familiar, so I'm assuming you're out of town." She said with a smile. "If you'd like I can lock up for the night and you're welcome to eat with me and stay the night. There's a quest room at the caretaker's place." She offered, not really worried that this man might hurt her, especially if what she thought had just happened was real.
Castiel nodded and took the bag of food from her and into his arms "well Miss that would be much appreciated I was planning on trying to get a hotel room for the night and yes I am a out towner..I come by here sometimes" he said to her "To look for someone but have yet to find them" ((sorry for the short post tied and heading to bed wanted to post something))
She smiled at him as he took the bag from her. She listened to what he said about looking for someone but not having found them yet. "Well, if you stay awhile they might just show up." She said with a giggle. "I've seen you around her a few times while I was helping my uncle." She said with a warm smile. "I try not to bother the visitors too much though. I try to let them mourn or pay their respects in peace." She said with a smile. She locked up the gate as they spoke and then showed him back to her house. It was pretty nice for a house in a graveyard, nice enough that she didn't mind staying there but that it didn't look horribly out of place.
He nodded "I met your uncle a couple times, he has a pure spirit" he said as he shifted the bag to better have a grip on it. "must be a little eerie at night with the graves and all, especially the lost souls that wander" he said to her not realing knowing if she knew what he meant. 'where is that off switch when I need it?' he thought to himself as he followed her to her home.
She sighed as he spoke about the wandering spirits. "The graves aren't all that bad, and the spirits leave me alone for the most part." She added. She'd never talked to anyone else about what she could see, but she figured an angel might be able to help her make more sense of it. "There are some though that stand outside the house, others that beat at the doors and walls as though they're trying to get inside but can't." She added. "After three months I've gotten used to it. The more aggressive ones only come out at night for some reason, but that's why I make sure to lock up at night." She said with a smile as they reached the house. "Come on, let's get inside before they start coming out. I mean I'm not sure how active they'll be with an angel in my house, but I'd rather not chance it." She said, purposely letting the word angel slip out. She wanted to see how he would react to it. She figured that she probably shouldn't have known what he was, but apparently she had a gift. Though at times it felt more like a curse.
"So you know what I am? then you would know my true name is Castiel" he said to her "and spirits don't bother me only the heel spawn of Crowley" he said to her as he still followed her and waited for her to open the door, still holding the bag of food in his arms. His coat bellowed again behind his as did his hair.
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