Clown queen of crime (Malin and Starryskies)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
Comming back to Gotham had been a difficult move to say the least. After all the work he had done in bludhaven he had almost told the old man to shove it, but of course he hadn't. Nightwing didn't want to believe it, but Batman really had retired, the old man was more old then even Dick Grayson had wanted to admit, and times had long changed since he had been the boy wonder. Returning to Gotham he had refused the mantel of Batman, after all Nightwing was a damn good name and he was gonna use it end of story.

His return to Gotham had been a little rocky at the start. It had been a few years, but he still knew the ally ways, and still knew his way around town. It was more because here he had that other reputation, the one from years past where he wore bright green shorts, and went by boy wonder.... Good years, but not exactly the best for instilling fear into the hearts of criminals. It had taken months to get a good reputation and start getting some of the more chatty villains to refer to him as Nightwing.

Dick snapped out of his reflections for a moment as he twisted a mans arm around. This entire night had been filled with an odd sense of memory, but it wasn't his. He stood at the Gotham reservoir, every drop of drinkable water in Gotham came from this place, and tonight it seems someone had a sick idea of poisoning it. It actually made dick laugh slightly, or maybe that was the feeling the last goon going down as he struck hard with his elbow. Some things never really changed in this city, and for some reason even after years of work Gotham still had an endless supply of morons willing to help the super villain.

Walking into the building's last room, he blinked not really able too see much around him. Years of training and spacial awareness told him he wasn't in immediate danger, but he sure as hell felt on edge.
Growing up a single child was often seen as a negative thing, a rough upbringing. For Kira that had not been so, life had been incredibly easy for her. From the very beginning she was taken care of, her mother saw to her every need and groomed her to follow in her father's footsteps, even if she had never gotten the chance to meet the man. She had a respect for him nonetheless, being her father's daughter, a fact that had become more evident the older the got. Kira was a genius, intelligence passing from both her parents to her along with an oddly high physical capability and a drive that some would call madness. To Kira the choices she made didn't seem insane, and she wasn't a psychopath, in fact Kira was about as sane as a person could be. However her upbringing and the constant desire for a challenge had led her to challenge the system, growing up pulling off her own entertaining little crimes. That had pleased her mother greatly and a greater task than ever, a greater challenge was put before her.

After her mother's death Kira finally took up the mantle, she was ready, training of all sorts and her natural skills making sure of that. The money supplied to her by her mother helped as well, and she departed for Gotham. Of course that had been several weeks prior to the night of her first true appearance. She had acquired a place to live, got acquainted to the city that had been her father's stomping ground, and found herself some hired help. Of course she was not your normal criminal, not even for Gotham, that had become obvious quickly. Kira had studied up prior to arriving but once in Gotham she did more research and it was obvious she had no true competition, nobody on her level, the only step left was making that clear. She had to make a statement to the other criminals and the inevitable vigilante or honest cop that squired out of the shadows to try and stop her, and her plan was going to do that.

A noise in the distance pulled Kira from her mind, thoughts dissipating as she began to shiver with anticipation of finding out who had been bashing their way through the hired thugs. She had a little monitor with cameras but it was too dark to make out who exactly was heading her way, even if she got to watch the near flawless takedowns. She didn't give a damn about the men she had hired, in fact she wouldn't be impressed that someone had made their way through the fodder, but she was still looking forward to seeing who it was, which of the famous, or perhaps new, 'good guys' of Gotham had come to stop her little plan. She looked towards the door of the room, no lights to reveal her to whoever was looking, giving her the advantage of surprise. Kira was currently in full makeup to look similar to her father, clothing to match, and of course she had another little surprise next to her, a rather large canister attached to the main water pipe, her hand resting on the valve ready to turn it and release the contents into Gotham's water supply.

Another shiver ran up Kira's spine, she was looking forward to it, to making herself known and seeing who she would be competing with, part of her wondering if it would be the famous Batman, the only man capable of thwarting her father and mother. Yes, she hoped it was him, though his age could make things too easy, she didn't know, regardless she was becoming impatient after only a few moments, eyes staring towards the entrance to the room she was waiting in, hand in her pocket toying with a small switchblade inside as her other hand stayed rested on the valve to the canister. Then it happened, someone walked in, a shadow in the distance and a small giddy, quite insane, laugh left her lips.

Suddenly two lights flickered on in the room, all part of the plan. One lit up the canister and Kira's hand but not the rest of her, and the other shined on her guest. Kira couldn't claim not to be surprised by who it was but a smile crept up on her face when it was Nightwing. She knew of him, he was famous enough and young, someone worthy of playing with in the absence of Batman, even if she believed he was not quite on her level, confidence to the point of arrogance clouding her reasoning. "Well well, it looks like you came to play hero..." She chuckled, a little "Predictable..." Being muttered afterwards. "Well then hero, since it seems you've caught me how about we play a game!" Her voice was dramatic and she began turning the valve on the canister, a gas sound coming from it. "Choose me or the people of Gotham... I'm sure it's a no brainer to a man like yourself." With a small smile she gave a bow and then began running towards a door to make her escape, leaving the vigilante to see what he would do, having cameras set up in the room as with the rest of the rooms, and further surprise for the man. The fun had begun.
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