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Dirty, Messy Smut (Male Seeking Female For Rough Smutty Fun)

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Promise Nothing, Deliver Less
Jun 8, 2012
Hello, thank you for stopping to read my request thread. As of lately, I've been craving some dark and dirty roleplays. Roleplays where my character takes a female and makes her his, with or without her consent. She could be an innocent girl or a mature woman, she will soon become happy as a man's personal fuck toy.

Before I get to listing some plots and pairings, I need to get my rules and kinks out of the way.

1. I'm a male, looking for a female, therefore I'm straight.
2. Please have good grammar. I don't mind the occasional screw up, but if I can't read what you're saying, it's gonna be difficult to respond.
3. I roleplay through PMs, threads, and now emails. I still don't do IMs, I lose track of those too quickly.
4. I usually type at least 1-3 paragraphs, please try to match how much I post. Basically, I don't want one-liners.
5. Let's all be friends here. I come on this site for fun, I'm not a novelist, I just enjoy writing for my enjoyment. I hate it when someone give me a hard time because they don't like how I write. Also, if I make a mistake, please let me know so I don't do it again, don't bite my head off.
6. Please don't ditch me, I usually try not to ditch my partners, it's rude. If you don't hear from me, send me a little poke, chances are that something came up and I can't come online.
7. If I do have to leave for a certain period of time, I will let you know.
8. Since I'm on the topic of ditching, I'll bring up an issue I've been having lately. I have a shitty laptop, so sometimes my PMs and emails don't successfully send. If they don't make it to you, please let me know, I'll do my best to resend my response to you.
9. I use pictures to describe my characters, let me know if you prefer anime or real life pictures.
10. To make sure that you've gone over these rules, give me the name of your favorite anime in the subject line. If you don't watch anime, just tell me that you don't watch it in the subject line. (I'm currently looking for some new anime to watch, that's why I'm doing this. :p )

Likes and Dislikes:
Likes: rough sex, public sex, humiliation, cheating, giving anal sex, toys, creampies, blackmail, manipulation, corruption, multiple partners, milfs, lots of cum.

Dislikes: scat, watersports, vomit, vore, gore, death, extreme violence, playing multiple males (I lose track too quickly)

For more specific kinks here's my F-list

Plot Ideas:
The Celebrity: This is mostly meant for a younger female. A young actress or pop star is currently on the rise. She gets a new manager, a sleazy guy, only interested in money and sex. He begins convincing the young celebrity that she needs to start looking more adult, bring in more fans with her sex appeal. He starts booking her for photo shoots, making her wear more revealing clothing and acting more lewd. It only gets worse from there. He then makes her wear a vibrator when she's working, then he makes sex videos of her. Eventually it goes on as far as live sex shows, or appearances in porno movies. The sweet innocent star becomes a shameless slut for her manager. As for the celebrity, feel free to be whoever you want to be. Maybe you want to be a real celebrity. Maybe a fictional one, like one of the vocaloids. Maybe you have one that you created yourself, it's all up to you.

Incest: After the death of her beloved husband, a widowed mother has become depressed and lonely. She originally married the man because he was an amazing lover and had godly attributes (huge cock, large cum load, amazing stamina, take your pick ;) ). Now that he's gone, she can no longer have sex. Her son has also noticed her depression, and he's also developed an attraction to her. He often masturbates to her underwear, thinking about sex with her. One night, she gets drunk and starts flirting with her son. Unable to hold back anymore, he forces himself onto her, showing her that he's just as good of a lover as his father was. (Turns out that he inherited his father's attributes) The next morning, she's horrified of what happened between them, but her son has developed a craving for her. Every night, he comes to her room and rapes her. She's afraid of her son because she knows it's wrong, but she doesn't want to reject him. Eventually that fear starts to go away and she starts enjoying it, begging for more.

Son's Bully: Another milf plot. All his life, a young boy grew up very weak, both physically and mentally. This often led him to getting bullied. His mother would often have to call the school and complain to the teachers about doing something about the bullying, although it doesn't help much. With the son now in high school, he still gets bullied, this time by one of the punks at school. The mother is sick of the school not doing anything, so she decides to confront the bully herself. She tries yelling, she tries threatening, she even tries bargaining with him, but all he's interested in is her body. While she's flattered, she's much older than him, and it didn't help that he torments her son. Eventually the bully forces himself onto her, leading to her being bullied as well. Except this time, she starts enjoying it after a while. After years of not having sex, she's finally got a cock shoved in her, she's in heaven. Now with the mother at the bullies mercy, there is no longer any hope for the son. Perhaps he ends up getting forced to watch his mother get fucked by his tormentor.

The Office Affair A young woman, either happily married or in a loving relationship, has been working in an office space for a few years now. After gaining the respect of her coworkers, she's been promoted to the assistant manager. Shortly afterwards, a new guy started working in the office. He's a bit of a playboy, messing around with some of his female coworkers and he seems to have taken an interest to his superior. She politely turns him down, saying that she's already taken, but that doesn't seem to stop him. They still seem to get along together, working hard, but she could do without the constant flirting. After a particularly rough day, he offers her a drink, and she gladly accepts. After a few too many drinks, she finds herself having sex with him in a cheap motel before she even realizes it. The next day, she finds out that he made a few videos on his phone of their night together and plans to show them around the office if she doesn't do what he wants. So she's forced to have sex with him, although she eventually starts to enjoy it, finding him much more experienced than her husband/boyfriend. So their affair begins to take off, the two of them having lots of sex. They spend their breaks in the restroom or in the back of his car. After a late night at work, they get it on in the office, doing it on top of the manager's desk. During business trips, they spend most of it locked in their hotel room. She's sometimes even under his desk, sucking him off. Maybe they have an office party, and she's with him in the other room, while her husband/boyfriend is chatting with her coworkers.

A more specific plot I've been craving:
Jessica Rabbit: We all know who Jessica Rabbit is, we've watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit as kids, right? Of course Jessica Rabbit was designed to have sex appeal. I was thinking of a plot that would take place a few years into the future of that movie, or in an entirely different universe. The knew owner of the cartoon company that Roger works for calls in Jessica. Roger's career is in the shitter, he's a washed up cartoon, nobody wants to work with him. If Roger knew that, he'd be crushed, so Jessica offers her services to do anything in order for her husband to continue working. So they strike a deal. For every time she has sex with the owner of the company, Roger is given a new cartoon to star in. While she doesn't want to cheat on her husband, she hates the idea of seeing him depressed because he isn't able to work, so she agrees. He ravages her, uses her body for his personal pleasures. At first, she's disgusted with herself, unable to look at herself in the mirror because she cheated on her husband. After a while though, she starts to enjoy it. He's so much manlier than her husband, he knows how to treat a woman like her. Whether we have Roger find out about the affair or not, she is soon unable to live without the man's cock, constantly going behind her husband's back to have some hot sex.

More to come.....

PM me if you're interested and we can talk more about plots. Also, if you have some naughty ideas of your own, feel free to bring them up, I'd love to hear them. Hope to hear from you soon. :)
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