Its not over yet (Raziel and MiHanna)


Jan 15, 2009
It was a bitterly cold night, but such things didn’t bother Alexander very much. In fact, he welcomed the cold that came with the upcoming winter season. His arms were crossed behind his back, sweeping his cloak behind him. He heard the motions of one of the messengers behind him, moving a little apprehensively. Alex turned to face the man with a slightly stern look.

“The problem with the brood spread over such a distance,” He said, as though he was continuing a conversation, and the messenger stood at attention immediately, listening closely. “Is that so few of lesser wealth get to join us for the celebration come solstice. Such a revelry is had, but only the wealthy seem to get here. And that is a problem, given that an agent has fulfilled her fate at such an early age. But unable to see the finer points in life, given what she has accomplished.”

He turned back to look over the balcony, the soft snowfall dusting his hair. “I want you to send a message to the Cullens. Their brood is invited this year for the revelry… under the condition that La Princessa Verite comes along with them. I have need to speak with Mikhail and Dimitri as well. This will be an unusually busy season, it seems.” He stood still for a long while, enough time that the messenger was gone before another word was spoken.

“The problem with such an agent.” He said softly to himself, as his eyes closing. “Is that they never get to see the fruits of their labors. That is something that must be changed, of course. After all, she is but a fledgling yet.”
"No, Carlisle...." The pretty brunette looked at her guardian over her shoulder as they walked up to the castle. "I have no wish for immortality, and you know it. After 19 years of war and persecution, I simply want to have peace and be calm these last six months, then I'll go quietly." She smiled softly at the Vampires all around her. "I was never meant to live long. To find love, have a family. I've always known it." She reached out for Esme's hand. "But you, all of've given me love - and a family - and for that I'll be forever grateful." The rest of the group knew better than to contradict her or to argue their points. If they, or the Volturi, or Mikhail or Dimitri, or, dammit, even Severus Snape....If any of them had their way, Jo would be just fine. For now, though, if they pushed her, she would run. And Alexander had been adamant that Johanna come with them. La Princessa Verite.....Such a pretty title for a life so wrought with ugliness. It was time to show Johanna that the world could be beautiful, too.

Johanna smiled brighter as the lights and sounds from the castle became more clear. "Now, come on! Are we here to party or not???" She asked her make-shift family, and they all smiled and walked ahead of her, a habit they'd gotten into with all the people trying to kill Johanna over the years. Now, though, the only person they really had to worry about was Johanna herself. "Before you ask, Carlisle," she said quietly as Carlisle turned to look at her, "I took my medicine, like a good little girl. No reason to hide the wine glasses from me." Carlisle smiled and the group entered the Hall of the Castle.

Johanna found herself slightly awed at all there was around her. In the back of her mind, though, there was always one thought: Why am I here? There's no reason for Alexander, whoever he is, to have called for me. I am not Vampire, nor Carpathian. I'm a human. Not even a pretty one....She sighed. No matter. If he's expecting some grand, elegant princess, he'll soon be corrected.
The day of any event in Alexander’s estate was always busy and hectic, and the Winter Solstice was no exception. While Mikhail simply enjoyed the season for aesthetic reasons – a feeling shared by Alex and his brothers – Alex believed there was power in this time of year, and a celebration of the world’s aging was never a bad thing in his mind. It was just tending to so many other people that tended to end strangely. Just this past solstice, there was an argument between Jason and Raphael that Alex had to break apart, and there was animosity between the two since.

Mikhail was with him in his office as the Cullen entourage came into the estate. The two men were having a hearty laugh before Alexander’s attention was disturbed by her presence in the estate. He swiveled in his chair, looking through one of the camera screens to watch what was happening in the entrance hall. Thankfully, it was thinly filled, most of the guests for the evening retired to their rooms for the time being. That would end once he left the room, he was sure of.

“They’ve arrived then, I see.” Mikhail seemed pensive, and Alex nodded in agreement. “Now, Alex, no scaring or hurting her. She’s been through enough without your voodoo.”

“My voodoo?” There was a hearty chuckle at that. “First, Mikhail, I planned on rewarding her for her service, not to torment her with a bleak future. Second, what I do is not voodoo.” He turned to give the other man a stern look before both men stood up. “I need you to go find Dimitri. I understand that he is protective of the girl, but he needs to know that I mean only good, even if my methods are unorthodox.” Both men bowed to each other before leaving the room, Mikhail first.

Alex headed towards the entrance hall, hearing as doors opened behind him, people flooding the hallway behind him as he went. The stairs were bare in front of him as he looked over the hall, stopping at the middle landing, large double doors behind him as people passed him down the grand staircase to the floor below. Alex’s cloak opened as his arms lifted, showing white clothes through and through. “Welcome, welcome! Sadly, as this time has been hectic for the clan, I have had little time to think of what I would say this night. So I simply give word of peace for these coming nights, and for everyone to enjoy the coming festivities. After all, the night is ours!”
As the man welcomed the crowd, Johanna couldn't help but stare at him. A sense of peace and safety swept over her as he spoke, a feeling she was completely unfamiliar with - and one that didn't set easily. 'Why would I feel safe when he speaks? He must have some sort of power..."

She turned to her 'Uncle' Jasper as they walked toward their rooms, linking her arm through his, letting him know she wanted to talk to him. As La Princessa Verité, Johanna was protected from vampires and other beings - she didn't smell tasty to them and if they should decide to take a bite anyway, they would be shocked and thrown back well before her skin had been pierced. This made her essentially the only non-vampire to be able to come this close to Jasper, a connection that both treasured dearly. "What is it, Jo?" he asked softly.

"That man - the one who welcomed everyone - do you know him? Who is he? Does he have a power like you?" Johanna spoke quickly and quietly, keeping her voice light and a smile on her face in the hopes that the rest of her family would pay them no mind.

"Of course - he's Alexander, this is his estate. He's quite powerful in his own right, but I've never heard that he had the power to manipulate emotions." Jasper gave Johanna a worried look and stopped walking. "Why? You wouldn't ask me these things without a reason, Jo. What's wrong?"

Johanna tugged on his arm to get him to start walking forward again. "It's just...when he spoke, I Almost...wanted, you know?" Johanna's face showed her confusion before she shrugged it off. "Whatever. It doesn't matter - even if it wasn't some sort of spell, I doubt he'd feel the same once he found out I was dying," she whispered under her breath, but not quietly enough to escape the ears of the vampire.

"Johanna..." he said, pulling her to him before she could enter the rooms. "You have options, you know that."

"I know." Johanna's voice was barely more than a whisper before she pulled her arm free and joined the rest of the family to prepare for the evening's festivities. For once, she didn't reiterate her intentions of remaining mortal at all costs - something that Jasper didn't miss. He longed to share this with the rest of the family, but Johanna's trust was fragile at best and he would never betray something she said in confidence.
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