Superboy and Wondergirl (Malin and Messylips)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
CADMUS labs were situated deep under ground. They were reliant on their own power source, and for the most part off the grid. To the outside looking in they were your average pharmaceutical company, however in those strange labs all the way down several floors, there were secrets that had be buried deep, and kept well out of sight.

It was here in these labs that project Superboy was made. Kept in a form of stasis the genetically altered clone of Superman, was being designed to one day act as a weapon for CADMUS, and take over the position of earths defender should Superman ever fail... at least that was the version on paper. Usually all was quiet, and from his test tube he would be fed information. Though he looked like any seventeen year old, with a mind as developed as one project Superboy was only seven months old.

Tonight should have been like any other night for CADMUS labs however on this clear December night, a fire had broken out in the upper levels of the building, and the lower labs had lost power because of it.

Superboy's eyes opened he was dreary and dazed, his restraints gave way and he was dumped from the water, a last minute precaution encase his oxygen cut out during the black out. Falling to the ground he coughed up what water had already gotten into his lungs. For all his life he had been fed information digitally, but kept out of the real world, with his hands touching the ground and wind on his face his sensory abilities were starting to kick in.

His strength had been diminished, mostly because he had never stood in direct sunlight. Instead Solar energy had permeated his prison, feeding him with the energy weakened simulated Yellow sun. even as he got up, his head was light, and he wasn't really sure what was happening. He staggered through the halls of CADMUS labs, making his way through the building. He could hear the panic of the scientists but there was no way to see, the walls in this place were too thick for his eyes to see through them, and in the black out there were no lights for him to really see out of.

Eventually he had enough, he knew enough of the buildings lay out to know where he was, and that the exit was above him. Jumping he had meant to simply fly through the roof, but instead crashed through it and seven more before he started to fall. The realization that he couldn't fly came as a shock to him. He was the clone of superman.... why couldn't he fly? It didn't matter diminished strength or not, it wouldn't stop a kryptonian. And he set himself at the task, it took him 9 jumps before he crashed through enough roofs that he finally hit the surface and landed sprawling out into the streets outside the city of metropolis

It was still late at night, the clouds hung loosely around the moon, meaning there wasn't much he could do in terms of his energy or diminished strength. The fact was for the moment however he was free and cool night air touched against his skin. He turned when he saw a set of headlights approaching him, his eyes not yet fully adjusted to light, as a car speeding along the highway nailed him. The car flipped head over heels as it struck Superboy, but it didn't hurt. The impact hadn't even moved him, but it had angered him.
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