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Suggestion: Weekly podcast thread

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May 21, 2013
Hi, Little new here and although having heard about the podcast it seems to be hidden on the forums rather well, I have managed to find the link to the RSS feed but it seems to not have updated since October.

What I would like to suggest would be instead of compiling all the threads having a weekly podcast thread where the topics for each week could be discussed by the members, questions asked, topics suggested.

I would love to hear more thoughts on this as someone who takes part in the podcast. Please send myself and/or darkangel76 any other thoughts you may have on this. We're in the process of reformatting the shows. :D
I second Candi here. Please send any and all suggestions here as they are most definitely welcome. This podcast is for the community, not a select few. So, feedback is imperative and certainly wanted. The point of this is to make the community unique, richer and something that is a statement about 'US' as a whole. So please... thoughts, feedback, comments... we want it ALL! :)
Ah, all righty. Though never hesitate to drop me or anyone on the podcast a PM as well. We will probably revamp the current podcast thread on top of everything so as to make it a bit more encouraging and such for members as a whole to post feedback in it. :)
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