Factoring X

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May 21, 2013
Jason marched with the rest of the platoon converging on the small town. He wasn't happy about this. Looking for an alien? This wasn't what he'd signed up for. If he wanted to waste his time doing this, he would have signed up for that x-factor show. But he wasn't going to complain to the commander about it. When they had been briefed, everyone thought it was a joke. But the commander had somehow turned everything serious and now here they were. Jason stepped into the town with the rest of the men, pretending to be looking for something suspicious. He could've really cared less.
The alien was part of Skynet's super soldier xeno morph program. He had all the characteristics of the t800 terminator series, but with and xenomorph organic body around it. He waited for Jason and his platoon to fall into his trap. He was the prototype for the new series of T-800 model A series. Jason and his men were the first trial...
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