The Bat Family (Malin, and Borgov)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
Dick Grayson had finally had enough. A month ago he had disappeared from Wayne Manor, vanishing into the night after a rather climactic argument in which he had basically sucker punched Bruce Wayne. Since then no one had seen or heard from Robin, or Dick Grayson.

The move had been difficult on him, his life had required plenty of re evaluation, and yet for as much as he currently hated Bruce, Dick hadn't had it in him to leave Gotham. In the weeks following the argument he had found and bought a loft on Gothams east end far enough away from Wayne Manor that he felt Bruce wouldn't visit. He had used money from his trust fund to get the loft, so it wasn't like the worlds greatest detective didn't know where he was, but it seemed for the moment everything was being left alone. ~Maybe the old man is just waiting for me to crawl back to him on hands and knees begging for forgiveness~ He mentally scoffed at the image.

Which lead into Dick Grayson going back into action. His new costume had taken a little while to have made for him, but the black and blue mixed nicely together. He wasn't robin anymore he had grown out of the boy shorts a life time ago, he was Nightwing, a brand new super hero. He had spent half the night trying to come up with the name, and he was proud of himself after having settled on it. He had proven time and time again that he didn't need Batman always looking over his shoulder, and this was just the next logical step.

He watched from the shadows on a group of people below him. He had been stalking them for a few days now, low members of Two Faces gang, and any night now they were gonna lead him right to Two Face.

Two Face had only recently come out of hiding with his gang, and He was certainly building up to something, with any luck he would beat Bruce on finding out what it was, and establish himself. This was the first real step for Dick, and he smiled as he continued to watch the low lives below.
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