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Looking for partners (All welcome) - Originals & Fandoms - Edited

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Jun 28, 2011
I have quite a few different role plays rolling around in my head, but i'll just put down the pairings and settings for now, the rest we can sort out!

Historical Settings - I would really, really like to do something in a historical setting. *** extra points if you use Eva Green as a playby ***
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Norman conquest of England
Hundred Years War
New Imperialism - Something in a European colony during the Victorian Era
World War I - I would especially like something in the colonies or smaller theaters of the war.
Post-WWI - I would love something China during the 20's or 30's, preferably involving a Westerner opposite someone from China or perhaps two people from different countries brought together in a foreign land.
World War II

Fandoms Just going to list the fandoms I'm into... we can work stuff out from there * = craving

Star Wars - Well I actually have quite a few pairings with many different possible plots in mind. I've been hankering for a good Star Wars rp for awhile! As far as the era is concerned I am open to anything from The Battle of Naboo (Rise of the Empire Era) to the Legacy Era.

I am open to hearing your ideas as to what you'd like to play, but here is a list of what I'd like to play.
- Bounty Hunter
- Smuggler
- Inquisitor (Rebellion and New Republic Eras)
- Emperor's Hand (Rebellion & New Republic)
- Imperial Sovereign Protector (Rebellion & New Republic)
- Imperial Knight (Legacy Era): For this plot I would be using a character I already have developed named Rolan Tagge. I really, really really want to use him!
- Dark Side Adept (Rise of the Empire to New Republic)
- Rebel Special Forces Soldier/Commando/Operative (Rebellion & New Republic)

Game of Thrones - Looking again and craving *********
  • (This is an AU plot) One plot I am really craving for this involves an OC of mine, Daeron Targaryen, the elder twin brother of Rhaegar, and Daenerys. There is a rather detailed background for this, PM for details.
  • The Rains of Castamere: I am very much craving a plot involving a Reyne of Castamere and a Lannister. I was thinking that this could take place during the rebellion that Tywin crushes in his youth. This could take many different directions.
  • OC (Niall Dayne, the Sword of the Morning)/Sansa
  • My OC / Your OC
  • I also would be open to playing out past events that are not really covered in the shows or the books. Perhaps something involving one of the Blackfyre Rebellions?

Falling Skies
Fable 2 & 3
Dragon Age : Anyone up for playing Merril, Isabella, Aveline... well hell, pretty much any of the girls?
Resident Evil *****
Wold War Z *****
Walking Dead *****
Dawn of the Dead *****
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2
Pacific Rim *****
Dredd *********
Carriers ******

Pen & Paper RPGs
Rifts - Would love this!
Mutants & Masterminds

I'm sure more will be added... just a few to get started. PM or reply if interested!
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