Anywhere and Everywhere (RP for Bhyakie and I)


Aug 22, 2012
United States
Halecron Spa and Resort had only been open for a few weeks but it was always been booked solid. The commercials and ads for this place claimed they could take someone and transform them into a different person. It was the usual spa and as normal people went in and came out relaxed some looking almost tranquil. The building itself was very modern on the outside but inside the lighting was muted and gentle instrumental music played. A water feature sat against one wall carved from what appeared to be obsidian and lit from within. The water gently flowed down the face of the stone creating a relaxing sound. The floor was made of soft beige carpeting and the walls were colored a pale cream that seemed to reflect the low lighting in a tasteful manner. Paintings on the wall chosen for their colors so they would soothe and relax. Even the wood pieces were of mute colors to avoid overwhelming the senses.

A large group were waiting in the lobby waiting for their appointments among them sat a young female reporter. She didn't look like a reporter now she'd made herself look like a bedraggled housewife. Blonde hair sticking out in places she had slept little so bags appeared under her eyes. She was going for the special Complete Care Package offered by the spa. It was a closely guarded secret even the patrons who partook of it said nothing to anyone. That's where the young reporter came in she was going to write up a report but she was keeping quiet until after her report was written up. She checked her watch before walking to the desk and smiled lightly.

"Um I appointment" She said "In five minutes...under Caren Liddel"
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