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New Player On Stage


Jun 2, 2009
(I haven't written a main character as a man before and its been awhile.)

People screamed from the stands as a hard tackle was made by the Forest High's line backer, Thomas Thorn. The wide shouldered teenager was well known thanks to his family's wealth. His blonde hair shined under the bright lights and his bright blue eyes sparkled. He was Mr popular and by sad state of events he was neighbors with a painfully quiet mousey girl who did nothing! He often made fun of her even to her face with his buddies but yet when he was alone with her he did apologize as it didn't sit right with his morels.

Years gone by after the last day of High School and no one heard of this mousey girl. Alot of classmates had said she was killed or committed suicide. Thomas never thought of asking about her nor cared to know because he'd hear the occasional updates from his parents. A decade later after getting his Masters Degree in Finance and working with the top Military manufacturing company in the world had set him up for the American dream! Cars, models who looked good and a quick easy lay, a house on the beach. Life was perfect until one day at the office he got the shock of his life.

Thomas's broad shoulders were covered in his custom gray blazer and his white dress shirt seemed to fit him like a glove and wore his red tie, little color doesn't hurt. On the large screen there was people who made a video of a prototype of a flying suit a human can wear. On this screen was two camera angles. One on top of the flyer's head and another from a toy helicopter. Originally this flying suit was for those daredevil hobbyists and yet his company was considering on manufacturing for their military men and women to use.

On the screen they could see they were in a flat ranged area where there was fallen trees, boulders, canyons and rivers. There was a note of this being an amateur flyer yet the way this person moved, there was no way this was their first time. The person of interest spun, glided and dived in canyons to suddenly spring up past the helicopter's camera. This woman, Thomas could tell by how tightly the suit fitted to her frame of her round tight rump to her tiny waist and her large breasts. There was a webbing from the woman's arm down her side and a small jet pack on her back. To get things going the woman had to leap from a cliff side and there was no second thought when she leapt from the cliff's edge.

"Now that is a woman who doesn't need enhancements." Thomas smirked as some of his co-workers nodded as one woman commented on if its not broke, don't fix it. His eyes couldn't pull away from the large screen as this woman managed to find a herd of wild horses and she flew so close to the lead horse that it seemed the two were racing each other. This woman was daring and showed people what she saw, actual beauty that wasn't airbrushed. Thomas was transfixed by this until the landing as the helicopter toy swung around to the woman removing her helmet. "GAH!" Thomas nearly fell over as locks of dark brown hair fell from under the blacked out helmet. Those piercing emerald hues and those soft pink cupid bow lips! It was that mousey girl from next door! Lillian Filt!

The lights came up as his boss asked about Thomas's reaction after the meeting of trying to get this woman to present this suit to them in person. Thomas looked sick to his stomach as he followed his older yet fit boss to his office.

"I noticed your reaction to the video had changed in the end, Thomas. Care to explain?" The balding man took his coat off as he sat behind his industrial desk to take a sip of his water. To him what he saw was wonderful. If a naïve person can do such things then an enlisted can operate it.

"Nothing just...The flyer took me by surprise." Thomas said calmly after clearing his throat but his boss gave him an all to familiar look, the look to explain more. "That is Lillian Filt she and I grew up together but in High School she was the victim of many taunts for her being so quiet and different."

"Different is what makes this country great." His boss showed a tint of disgust that the woman who was a viral hit was bullied.

"Sir, she didn't date anyone or showed interest in herself! Just so creepy to the point teachers loved her and rumor had it she was fucking all the teachers to get straight As." Thomas seemed to be struggling not to face this woman he tormented so long ago. Mr. Smith sat there listening but a smirk slowly appeared on his lips and Thomas's heart sank.

"Well, Mr. Thorn...Time to grow up and face the music. This Friday she will be demonstrating her suit in front of several bidders and you will be accompany me."

"Sir-" Thomas was suddenly cut off.

"Time to show me exactly why I hired you besides you being a poster boy."

That comment hit Thomas below the belt as he had been fighting not to rely on his looks. Thomas nodded as he turned away but was stopped at the door. "Be sure to do your own research on Ms. Filt...That will help you greatly." Slowly the door to Mr. Smith's office closed as Thomas was having a panic attack for the first time in his life. To him Lillian was a strange girl who just shrugged off the bullies, taunts and his apologies. She never went out for sports or went for any club. He'd catch her with a new book every single week in a corner or under a tree in the upmost baggiest of jeans and a over sized shirt. Often people thought she was poor and getting hand-me downs but he knew better as her family made plenty of money so the choice was her on how to dress.

The office seemed to be operating at high speed around Thomas as he walked to the men's restroom. The sound of cold rushing water didn't stir him from his thoughts as he splashed some onto his strong jawed face. This woman had been operating under the radar until now. So for nearly ten years what has she been doing?
Update: I appreciate all the views I got with this one. I found myself wanting to restart it once more with some editing. I'm not sure if I'll post the new stuff on here or put it on Patreon in the future.
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