A Ghostly Time (Shadows)


Sep 28, 2013

The door to the Fenton household opened with a small creak, the woman on the outside taking a moment to scan the interior with her goggle-covered eyes. All empty. Maddie Fenton, one of Amity Park's best know ghost hunters (Better known than her husband for quite a few reasons) took a cautious step into her house and shut the door behind her, a bag of groceries resting in one of her arms.

"Jack?" she called out. No answer. "Jazz?" she added soon after. Again, no answer. Maddie hesitated for a moment and called out "Danny?" a little louder than the other names. Well, from the looks of things she was home alone, excellent! She quickly hurried into the kitchen and set the bag down on the counter, before scurrying upstairs to her bedroom.

Thank goodness she had some privacy, she'd been dying to fire one out. She slipped her goggles and cowl off to reveal her brunette hair and unblemished face. Her hands quickly worked to undo her tight suits, freeing her large breasts and her womanly hips. Once naked, she reached into her sock drawer and took out a newspaper clipping of Amity Park's own ghost boy 'Inviso-Bill.' Ugh this was so wrong, fantasizing about someone who, not only was young enough to be her son, but also the fact that this was a ghost of all things!

But...well, while she was still emotionally in love with her husband, sexually he couldn't do anything without taking about a dozen pills, and even then he lacked the stamina to fully please her. Plus she was having a fantasy she imagined most mature women had, to take a young inexperienced stud and show him the ropes. So with the picture in hand, Maddie let out a long groan and sank two fingers into her pussy.
The ghostly apparition commonly known amongst by public as 'Inviso-Bill', but more preferably as Danny Phantom, was making his dozenth or so pass over the usual haunting spots of the city before contacting his friends and fellow ghost hunters. "Looks like a surprisingly quiet night here in Amity Parks, guys." Danny noted with a mixture of disappointment and relief after the time wasted on this patrol, "No ghost activity to report after hours of patrol. Not even any Goths with ghostly white complexions."

"Hey!" Came the familiar female voice on the other end; causing Danny to give an embarrassed chuckle before apologizing, "Heh. Sorry, Sam." Another sweep over the school and nothing yet, which caused the rather tired hero/public menace to let out a bored yawn before deciding, "Look, guys. I'm going to head home for now. Let me know if anything spooky pops up."

"You mean aside from helping my dad with his bunions?" Tucker Foley chimed in over the mic; only for an older male voice to call out in the background, "Tucker?! Is that you? I need your help again!" Immediately after came the rather rushed "Gotta go! Bye!" before Tucker's line went dead. From there Danny headed home while Sam and himself exchanged a few parting words to another for taking care until they see each other again at school the next day.

Upon arriving home, Danny kept to his ghost formed and turned invisible with the hopes of phasing through the walls and up to his room without anyone noticing. Surprisingly for his family, the place seemed awfully quiet as the teen made his way through the kitchen. "Huh. Looks like I got in while everyone else was out. At least that saves me having to come up with an excuse for where I was until now." The teen remarked before noticing the bags on the counter. "I guess Mom's here, at least. Probably down in the lab. Which means..." Danny muttered to himself; figuring it meant a quick shortcut through the bedrooms without any chance of disturbing anything while his parents might notice.

It didn't take long, however, before the invisible half-ghost found himself within his parents room and greeted to a rather unexpected sight. Freezing in mid-air, the currently invisible Danny's jaw dropped at the full on view of his mother pleasuring herself. "Woah." The teen whispered beneath his breath. In the past, the thought of his parents doing anything sexual would gross him out. Even their more intimate kisses made him a bit squeamish to be around for seeing. But seeing his mother on her own. No dad in sight. Fully exposed and in the midst of such intimacy. Well, it left Danny with a very different view of his better looking parental figure.

Watching Maddie for several moments, a rather shameful tent starting to form within those dark form fitting tights, Danny had to remind himself of how wrong this was before forcing himself to attempt in flying away. Taking the long way of flying by her, however, the teen hero couldn't help but let his eyes steal a few more glances of Maddie Fenton's rather full and mature curves.

What caught him perhaps by even bigger surprise, though, was when Danny managed to fly close enough to take a look at the photo in the newspaper clipping she was using for visual assistance. "Wait. That's me?!" The ghost boy blurted rather loudly; his concentration letting go enough for him to end up smacking into the nearby wall, which in turn sent him tumbling to the bedroom floor and out of his invisible state.

"Ohno." Danny uttered as his face turned white even for a ghost; quickly scrambling to his feet and holding both hands up in a defensive stance while trying to explain and maintain the alter ego, "It's, uh. It's not what it looks like, citizen! Go back to your, um, reading and..." His voice trailed off slowly; there was no way of explaining this one away as he begged, "Please don't tell da-er, I mean, Mr. Fenton?"
The sudden voice made Maddie jump, knocked out of the pleasurable little daydream she'd given herself. "W-what the?! Who's there?!" she exclaimed, only for Amity Park's own ghost boy to land smack dab on her floor. Honestly Maddie didn't know how to react, despite all the positively weird moments she'd been in ever since she became a ghost hunter. Stark naked before the same ghost boy shed been having erotic fantasies about...nope, this was a first for her.

A loud shriek escaped her, the kind any normal woman would have if she was caught in the act like this. Unlike most normal women however, Maddie proceeded to pull out a large purple bazooka-like weapon out from under her bed, two rectangular barrels glowing with a menacing purple light. "You! You perverted poltergeist! You better believe you're not getting away with this!"

The glow on the weapon grew stronger and stronger, set to blow, and then suddenly...two waffles popped out of the barrels with a distinct *Ding!* sound. "Oh god..." Maddie grumbled, rolling her eyes to heaven. "Damnit Jack, I told you to stop converting weapons into food machines..." she grumbled, dumping the useless weapon onto the floor. Well now she just felt even more humiliated and stupid right about now...

"What are you doing here?" she asked, now more annoyed than insulted. She, unfortunately, had no other weapons stashed under the bed. The busty brunette let her hands rest on her hips, blue eyes locked firmly onto the silver-haired spectre before her. Ugh, he looked even better up close, it just made her feel more uncomfortable.
"No! Wait!!" Danny pleaded in a panic of the situation while holding his arms up in defense of the weapon aimed in his direction. Finished off by his own mother after floating in on her naked and pleasuring herself to his photo. Did not see this end coming. Or at least that's what Danny thought until the 'weapon' revealed its new usefulness to them both.

"Ding?" The spying spook repeated the noise while reluctantly lowering his arms; allowing himself a momentary breath of relief upon realizing what had happened. Thank goodness for dad's counterproductive snacking habits. Not that this entirely saved him from the wrath of his own mother, of course, as Danny gazed up toward the older woman with understandable nervousness.

Looks like it was time to make with the explaining, Danny figured, as the ghost boy sat up slightly while rambling together a half-true excuse, "I was just, uh, floating around the city and decided I'd, er, check in on the competition when it comes to the title of Amity Parks top ghost hunters." Pausing for a moment, Danny realized this did little to explain the real question at hand, as the teen specter book his hands up defensively while promising, "I swear I didn't mean to see anything. I REALLY didn't. It just kind of happened. But then I couldn't pull myself, there was the picture and..."

Okay, a little less talking there. Continuing with that train of thought would likely make matters worse. Yet it was near impossible to keep from doing so as the curvy older woman stood before the teen. Hands on her shapely hips which beat out any girl at his school. Those large, surprisingly firm breasts. Danny had to tilt his knees together slightly in a fairly obvious attempt at hiding the growing bulge within his dark outfit. Why did his dad have to make the original jumpsuits this originated from so form fittingly tight?

Lowering his hands slightly, the teen gave a nervous, largely forced smile while confessing, "If it makes you feel any better, you're a lot more beautiful than any of the other girls I've seen up to this point. Oh, not that I make it a habit of spying on girls! Even if a guy does get curious from a lack of first hand experience." Well, aside from perhaps a couple of trips to the girls locker room during the very early days of having his powers; before Sam found out and gave him a lecture on women's rights. Regardless, clothed or nude, Danny certainly had a newfound appreciation for his mother's natural beauty, which left the teen rather conflicted while trying to stay focused on talking his way out of this predicament.
Maddie listened intently, while inwardly trying to remember if she had any other weapons stashed in the bedroom still. She did used to have the heat ray, but then Jack had changed that into a taffy-maker during one particularly dry ghost hunting spell, so that was out of the question. Her plasma flail was atone point stashed above the bed, but...well when it accidentally fell out one night and nearly crushed her head, she had to move it somewhere a little safer.

So now she was unarmed, and fisticuffs didn't work on something that could turn intangible.

Still, her expression did soften slightly as she listened, and she supposed it was just an accident. The milf hopped down off the bed and landed barefoot across from the younger man, the smallest of smirks playing across her pretty face "Okay then 'Invis-o-Bill'...stupid nickname by the way. I'll believe that this was an accident, but you still owe me for sneaking up on me in this position."

Her hand gripped the collar of his jumpsuit, and with surprising strength for a woman her age she lifted him up with one arm. "So, here's the deal. If you think I'm beautiful, and if you need someone to show you the ropes, then I'm your girl. You fuck me until I'm good and satisfied, and we call it even." Then she rather aburptly kissed him, pressing her mouth to his with no idea of how taboo this all was.
Danny felt a bit easier upon noticing the softening of his mothers expression, although her approach and that smirk did leave him a touch uncertain on what to expect next. A slight grimace at the popularly coined name of 'Invis-o-Bill' flashed across his features, but before Danny could think to correct her, the mention of 'owing' her for sneaking in caused him to give a look of uncertainty.

"What do you mean by th-Hey!" Danny began to question before being yanked upward by his collar. Wow. Guess having to carry Jack's weight around in both a figurative and literal sense had its advantages. But then came the kicker. The silver haired youths eyes blinking in confusion. Then widening as his jaw dropped slightly. "You... You want me to-Mmmph!!" The young half-ghost boy started before being cut off by the surprising kiss of the older woman.

The younger Fenton struggled and squirmed in place during the abrupt kiss by the surprisingly strong older woman. Too surprised to consider simply turning intangible as his hands raised to try and push himself away from his own mother. Only to find his hands reaching upward and placing against her chest. Like so, the initial intention of pushing away turned to something else, as Danny instead let his hands linger upon Maddie's rather ample chest while the taboo embrace continue. It was his first time feeling an actual pair of breasts. And the kiss.... it wasn't so bad.

In fact, about halfway through the abrupt kiss, Danny actually found himself starting to reciprocate largely on reflex. Kissing back onto his mother's lips. His eyes growing lidded as his body started to relax. The hands on her chest beginning to actually grope and feel at the mature woman's breasts. It was his first time touching a pair. And he'd never imagined his first to belong to his own mother. But damned if she didn't have an impressive set for an older woman who gave birth to a pair of now teenagers.

When the kiss did eventually break, Danny was left with a rather dumbfounded expression. Gazing back at Maddie. His arousal now achingly hard and pressing into her full thighs due to their close proximity. Lips still parted. Tasting her on them as the young stud was left rather speechless by both the taboo act itself and how amazing even a simple kiss felt.

"....wow." Was about the best Danny could muster at first. His hands remaining on her chest. Showing hesitation still on the ghost boy's young features. Yet still not pulling away or using his powers for a quick escape. Instead, the teenager gazed up at his mother, still very much staying within character while inquiring, "Uh... but what about your husband? You're a married woman! And your kids..." One of which was right before her. Not that Danny could tell her that part, as the teens tongue briefly peeked out to lick at his freshly kissed lips. So much different from the usual peck on the cheek before school.
Maddie's experience became all the more obvious the longer they kept their lips in contact, and the taboo thrill of kissing a ghost was simply exciting her. Of course, it was also taboo for an entirely different reason, because of their familial relations... But she, like everyone else in town, was unable to see through the genius disguise of silver hair.

She shuddered slightly when her breasts were groped and felt up, and she had to let her thoughts linger on how nice it was to be groped by hands that hadn't just been holding a rather messy cake. And the fact that he was having difficulty holding their entire size, well that simply excited her all the more.

The brunette was panting softly for breath, and going by that immense heat between her legs it seemed she was unwilling to turn back from this. "How do you know about my family...?" she asked warily, before shaking her head "Doesn't matter. I still love my husband,but he hasn't gotten me off in years. And my kids aren't home, they don't need to know any of this."

As she spoke her hand came up, palm resting on the bulge in Danny's tight pants, feeling the impressive length while her skilled fingers worked to estimate his size. "And don't deny it, this is all the hotter if you're doing it with a married woman," She placed him on the bed and traced a hand down his chest "Look... I need this. And your cock didn't get that way by thinking of how much you don't want it."
"Er, it's good to keep tabs on the competition?" Danny uttered at the question on his knowledge of her family; finding it hard to keep his thoughts straight on the act of 'Invis-o-Bill' with the way her hands explored over his fit young body.

As she placed him upon the bed, the teen gazed upward at his mother and swallowed a bit at remark on her being married women making it all the hotter. "Well, the married woman deal is part of what has me worked up, but... but...." His words trailed off. A soft moan escaping as the skilled woman's fingers roamed over his growing bulge. Did it always feel this good even through the clothing? Or was it simply years of experience leading to her knowing just the right ways to touch a man?

Whatever it was, Danny found himself letting his head roll back as her fingers continued their exploration. His eyes closing shut. Ignoring for a moment who was doing this and simply allowing the sensations of those skilled fingers to soak in through his sense of touch. His cock growing even harder beneath those dark pants until the ghostly material almost seemed close to ripping as he whispered, "...Yes."

Opening those eyes and gazing upward at the mature woman, Danny's firm chest rose and fell with every heavy breath while confessing, "I want this, Mo-Mrs. Fenton. It's wrong. So very... VERY wrong. But I can't help it. Not now. Not anymore. Mmm." Another slight shiver at the feel of those skilled fingers roaming over his body. How would this feel without the clothing in the way? Danny had to know.

The ghost boy soon sat up to reach for the bottom of his shirt and further cemented his dedication toward giving into this taboo act by willingly pulling it over his head and then discarding it to the side. Giving Maddie a rather clear view of the teens fit young body which, while slim, did show a tone of muscle due to the many hours and nights spent physically dealing with various threats to the city. It was a rather fitting display of a young male in that 'almost a man, yet not quite' phase for the older woman to enjoy.

Leaning back at the moment with his very eager source of arousal pressing upward in desperate need of further attention, the virgin teen spoke with an attempt at showing restraint which still gave way to youthful desperation within his tone, "I want you to teach me everything you can tonight. Please."
Maddie raised her finger up when she heard his agreement, bringing a small smirk to her face. She still had it, apparently. Of course she shouldn't have been too surprised by his consent. After all, more or less every straight man in Amity Park (And quite a few lesbians in town too) had cast their gaze Maddie's way. Of course, the concept of her own son being attracted to her like this would certainly be a shock to her.

She let out a wicked smile as the younger male lifted his shirt up, exposing that toned body type she had grown to really admire. In her high school and college years, there had been nothing hotter than a large rugged male... but after almost getting crushed by Jack in his sleep more times than she could count, well that larger body type had lost its appeal.

"Is that so?" Maddie asked, approaching his side with a swinging sway in her womanly hips "Well how could I deny a request like that?" she purred, pulling the ghost boy in and kissing him again, while her strong hand started to stroke down the toned muscle of his pectorals and down to his abdomen. Her other hand gripped the hem of his black pants, and then she pulled them down in a sweeping motion to reveal his shaft, eager to see if he was as impressive down there as he was up top.
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