Weaving Waters [Eclipse Jalorda, Hooloovoo]

Dec 14, 2010

It was an early Alternian evening. The sun had just set, splashing colors over the budding night sky. The air was still warm from it's harsh light, but the sea was gentle and cool. Stars twinkled and the moons glimmered down on a female troll slowly making her way down a beach. Aranea Serket had been expecting a quiet day of contemplation and wandering, just herself and her thoughts. It'd been a while since she'd been on the beach. It was nicer than she remembered, and the water was soothing and comforting against her bare feet. She really ought to come more often. The sea hadn't been the one to earn her ire. It was just the sea. A body of water without thoughts or feelings or ulterior motives. Just water moving as it always moved, slow, calm, unstoppable. It simply kept going, and if something was in its way, then it eventually simply pushed through it. Maybe she ought to be like the water. She should stop letting things stop her from flowing in the direction that she wanted to flow in. Aranea should just crush whatever tried to keep her from moving forward.

Perhaps she was a little bitter. Just the tiniest bit. But honestly what did they expect of her. Her family had their legacy, each one was special in her own right. But Aranea, her specialty seemed to just be retelling the stories of people she knew. And she was tired of it. She didn't want to be the messenger girl, she wanted to be the message that was spread. She wanted trolls to know her name. Or at the very least, she wanted someone's attention. But she rarely had it unless she bribed her social group or forced her way into the conversation. Most of the time she could just sit in the background, observing, and everyone would be perfectly okay with that. But she wasn't. And it was so upsetting. So she took a break from their presence and went for a nice, long walk. She'd actually gotten herself fairly lost, but she couldn't bother herself to feel very worried. It was nicer, perhaps, to not know her way back. It would take her longer to get there and so she would have a great deal more time to calm down before she got there. If she wanted to go back. Maybe she wouldn't. Maybe she'd build a new hive here by the sea and spend her days with no one but the waves for company. And maybe a few gillbeasts.
Eridan suddenly appeared in the air and dropped down into what looked to be his hive/ship. His eyes were pure white, he wasn't in the mood to delude himself again, he knew he was dead. What was worse was he had just come back from being forcefully merged with an asshole that almost matched his own self hatred. It felt horrible, and they... he, weren't even arsed enough to end it themselves like Virska and Tav, it had to be a conversation with one of the thickest humans he had ever the displeasure to talk to.

"damn it wwhy does evverything go wwrong" Eridan muttered with clenched fists. Looking around his old home memories of his old life flood him, back when life was so much simpler, all he had to worry about was finding meals for Fef's lusus and coming up with ways to kill all the land dwellers. But those memories just lead back to Feferi, which of course lead to his biggest mistake. There is no words for how much Erdain wanted to take back that one moment.

Lost in self pity, he barely noticed when the open beach seemed to open up into half of his room. Looking up the sudden change did distract him for the more depressing thoughts. Cautious the high blood slowly walked onto the sandy shore. It didn't take long before he noticed a very attractive troll sitting on the beach, she looked a bit like Virka. Mainlly the horns and symbol really. "wwho are you wwhat do you wwant" He asked bluntly while getting closer, a visible sneer appearing when he saw Karkat's symbol below her chin, a very odd sight indeed.

((I can switch to the other AU if you want.))
Aranea sighed, sitting down in the sand, her shoes and stockings tossed behind her. She wasn't sure what she was doing anymore. She was alone, and she wasn't even sure that the dream bubble she was in was still touching the dream bubble she left behind. Maybe she was stuck, all alone in that dream bubble. And the worst of it was, she wasn't sure if that made her terribly sad, or blissfully joyful. They were her friends, even if she didn't find them to be very good friends. It was confusing, and she wished she had something else to think about.

A voice granted her wish, breaking her from her thoughts and revealing that she was, in fact, not alone on the beach. There was a troll, somewhat similar looking to Cronus, one who she knew from her days of observing in dream bubbles. Although, perhaps he just the slightest bit better looking of the Amporas. Already he was behaving in an irritating manner, so maybe it was more than looks. Aranea stood up, dusting the sand off of her dress. She smiled, if only out of politeness. One of them had to be nice.

"I'm Aranea Serket. I don't particularly want anything. Just a walk on the 8each away from… Well, personal matters. I know who you are though, I've 8een watching you and those you associ8 with, for a time. You're Eridan Ampora, aren't you?" She hadn't been paying them much attention for the past few days, since the meteor had swept through their dream bubble. Obviously he had died, again. She didn't ask, she'd find out how eventually.

((Is it an okay Aranea?))
Eridan's eyes narrowed as he got a little closer, making sure he didn't trip himself on the flowing cape. The fact that yet another troll had seen all his failings just frustrated the fishy troll even more. He wondered how many other unknown forces had been watching his life. “oh let me guess you use bullshit physic powwers like vvris to spy on all of us” He said with crossed arms. As he spoke something in him wanted to stop being an asshole, this was a some what new troll, a chance for a fresh start. But honestly, he didn't know how to turn the conversation around, he was just so used to talking to everyone like this. It felt natural to continue, even though chances were it would not end well for him.

“and wwhy on alternia are you wwearing kar's symbol
a blue blood like yourself wwearing a mutants sign
its disgraceful”
He said in a huff, unaware how that one statement could lead to a very long story. Then again, Eridan now had a lot of time on his hands. A flock of Lusus flew over the two, making loud squawking noises, another sound Eridan never thought he had missed until now. His first instincts were to get his own Lusus and take a couple of the airborne creatures down, but those days were long gone.

((Your Aranea is perfect!
Eridan's no punctuation or capitalization quirk is driving me crazy, I can't tell you how much I want add commas or question marks ><
I hope my Eridan is acceptable.))
Aranea sighed. Rude, but not Cronus rude. Every troll had their own flavor, she supposed. It was, in it's own way, rude to mentally compare him to his dancestor anyway. "No, it's not quite like that, though my powers are significant. It was more that, watching 8ecomes all there really is to do after a while." She said softly. "Although I was interested in o8serving all of you, 8oth to see where you would take the game, as well as to see what our ancestors were like when they were alive. It was enlightening. I learned a lot." Still, it would be to compare her to the Marquis. They were completely different trolls shaped by completely different lives. Looking at their dancestors gave just a slight idea, not a full picture. What Aranea wouldn't give to properly be Mindfang though.

"It's meaning is great. I can tell you the story if you'd like. It's very inspirational, a8out 8reaking down 8arriers and uniting as a people under the vision of a single troll na-" Aranea paused. There she went again, telling someone else's story to someone that really didn't care either way. Just because she liked the story, and found the Signless as an inspiration and role model, didn't mean that he would. Didn't mean that anyone would, really. It was disheartening, in its own way. "Ma8ey not. It's a long story." She added quietly, looking to the water. She'd like to sail a ship, disappear into the horizon for a wild adventure.
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