Halo: Friend or foe? with Byhakie-Beautiful Disgrace.


Aug 20, 2013
A small hum can be heard through out the hall's of the ship. As the tall man walked through them. With long strides, filled with pride. The Sangheli stood at a tall height. Stretching at a limit of two point six meter's. He was in full armor. At all times, he was ready for battle. It was just in his nature. Especially, when he was called to a briefing. He gave a small sigh, as he reached the end of the hall way. He felt exhilarated, he felt as though he would do battle this day. That he would shed blood, and make his lineage proud. But at the same time... He felt a woeful dread. That something about today was just not right. But the soldier shook this off. He was a warrior. A man of action. Not of fear's. Or a man to let premonition's of un known events define his fear's. Such thought's leaves room for failure, and dishonor. And with that, the tall Sangheli warrior passed through the opening door. The purple hue of the ship's lighting shining against his armor. And with that, was addressed into the room.

"We are pleased to see you can finally make it Zealot Sidonias. " One of the Sangheli said. "I apologize for my lateness. I meant no disrespect Admiral." The general stated. As he gave his commanding officer a small bow of respect. "At ease. Your honor is intact. No disrespect has been taken." And, with a nod. Sidonias stood in line. Ready for his briefing. "We have come into close contact with a heretic ship. We at this time, have successfully kept ourselves unknown. But they seem to be lost. I have received expressed order's from my superior's. That we must take it upon ourselves to destroy them. Before they can regain contact with their command. I will place Sidonias at the lead of this space assault. Now, dismissed."

Sidonias bowed to his commanding officer. Along side his fellow Zealot's. And with that. They went onward. It was not far from the briefing room, to the docking bay of the covenant ship. All the soldiers, were prepping their fighter's, and getting situated. Awaiting their order's to commence the attack. Sidonias was doing the same. Checking the integrity of the craft. And, getting it prepped. As he awaited his co pilot. "Sidonias. What are you suspecting? Sabotage?" An elite said, as he pounded his fist against the craft. "You know as well as I, that these ship's are kept well. And are battle hardened as you or I." Sidonias looked up at the man. A grunt of frustration escaping, as he knew who he was the second he see's the green armor. "There is no problem with making sure. Mistakes happen. Even to the greatest of warrior's. Or mchanic's.... Why are you bothering me Roel." Roel luaghed at Sidonias. Jumping into the craft with ease. "Why, I am here to be your co pilot of coarse."

"What!?" Sidonias shouted. It was practically a roar. "Ugh..." Sidonias took a few deep breaths. He obviously hated Roel. The man was insufferable. Full of himself. And, on top of it all he was reckless. But, at least he was good.

Soon, the bay was filled with a ear piercing sound. Which, gave them their que. It was time to set off. Sidonias, jumped into his seat. The door's closing, and completely engulfing them into the craft. Roel began configuring. While, Sidonias began to start the craft. Slowly, they all began to float. And, withing a few seconds. The entire bay was filled with a blue glow, that mixed with the purple hue to create a violate glare. As hundred's of fighter's, flew off into space. Hurtling towards battle. Sidonias still had a bad feeling that he couldn't shake. But, despite these feelings. He was prepared for the outcome. "At my command. Fire the first volley's." Sidonias said. As the ship was coming into sight. "Ready..." He said. As they got closer. "Ready..." He said. Just as they got into view of the ship. The puny heretic's, most likely in complete shock and fear. "Fire!" Sidonias yelled. As wave upon wave of plasmatic energy blasted into the side of the ship. The battle had begun. And unbeknownst to Sidonias. The feeling he felt was real. For today his life was going to change.

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