Fun Times on the Hive World


Apr 12, 2013
"Did someone say 'die for the Emperor'?" Sister Cy ducked through the open side hatch of the Immolator transport with her bolter cradled in one arm, a big sandwich in the other. The rest of the girls from tenth squad in the tank met her with high-fives as the heavily scarred Sister took her seat alongside her friend Carmen. The team liked to joke and call Carmen the patron Living Saint of hair, since her luxurious, flowing raven locks were the envy of every sentient being in the sector. She didn't even use product. Even after the loss of her eye, the eyepatch nestled amid the tussled mass just made her look sultry instead of disfigured.

Nina, whom the Sisters had dubbed their squad's Little Sister, ran her fingers through her ginger curls self-consciously, stealing sidelong glances at the two veteran Sisters joking around. She wondered if she'd ever get to that point, where the prospect of battle was a treat instead of a terror.

Marigold, the squad's support gunner, was in the back of the vehicle licking a heavy bolter shell. That was actually pretty normal, for her.

"Alright you dumb sluts," said Mirella, the squad leader as she thumbed the vox bead in her ear. "We just got confirmation of heretic forces in the city's southern sector. Glitter thinks their leader might be out for a stroll and we're going to go in and give her a good murder-fuck for the Emprah." Nina cringed involuntarily at the mention of Glitter, of the Ordo Hereticus, who had come to the barracks in the middle of the night and hand-selected tenth squad for the assignment. She had a feeling that there was more to this than met the eye, and that they were unlikely to return. But why did that make her so horny?
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