The Great Change {Femshep}


Sep 28, 2013
Tom awoke in his sleeping bag with a loud yawn, the sounds of nature stirring him from his sleep. The 16 year old redhead had been journeying across Kanto for a few weeks now, with his trusty Umbreon, Dusk at his side, and his three other Pokemon. Mainly he was exploring and trying to make his team even more powerful for when he eventually worked up the courage to try and take on a gym leader or two, but the possibility of proving his adulthood to his parents by lasting so long on his own like this was also appealing.

Something was a little odd about this morning...Tom didn't know how to put his finger on it, but...well it was as if the air itself felt different. Oh well, probably his imagination. Tom pulled his trousers on in a sleepy haze and got out of the tent, starting up a campfire so he could prepare some breakfast for himself and Dusk. "Oi...Dusk, it's breakfast time! Come out here." Tom called out.
Dusk's ears perked up when she heard Tom calling her. She opened her eyes and stretched her body, but quickly noticed something was different. She felt...bigger. She looked at her paws, her eyes widened to see her paws were...different. Her paws were shaped like human hands. She still had her black fur with gold rings, her ears and tail, but her body was changed. Her small feral body was now the shape and design of a human female. Thin, with hourglass curves, large breast, round rear, everything about her was changed. She was confused and couldn't believe what happened to her. "Tom!" She cried then immediately covered her mouth. She could speak like a human!? What was happening?! Dusk didn't know what to do or say from the shock and confusion.
"Huh?" he looked up when he heard his name called. What was that all about? Seemed to be just his imagination playing tricks on him. He placed some of the meat in Dusk's favourite bowl and headed into the tent, seeing that the Umbreon must have been feeling lay today and wasn't coming out yet. Then he saw her, how her body had morphed to such an incredible degree. She was beautiful, curvy...human in many respects, but she had the fur and features of a pokemon. Tom dropped the bowl, almost about to pass out from the sight. How had he not seen this when he woke up?! "D-Dusk, is that you?"
Dusk heard Tom's voice she looked over to see him and found herself able to sit up just like a human could. "Tom, what's happened to me?" She asked a little panicked. She tried to stand on her two feet, but she wobbled too much for her to fully stand and was forced to stand on her hands and knees, like she was use to, until she could master the ability to stand on two feet. She looked up to Tom with her ears flattened in fear looking for an answer or at least try to figure out what happened to her.
"I...I have no idea..." Tom said, blinking in shock. Did...did this happen? No of course not, there was no incident in recorded history of a Pokemon doing stuff like this. "It's going to be okay though. We'll just head into town and visit a Pokemon centre...they'll be sure to help." he said, affectionately petting her head. With that he reached into his backpack and took out his portable radio, tuning in to see if this was an isolated incident...and sure enough, it wasn't. Every station was filled with stories of Pokemon morphing to become more humanoid, and it seemed to be in every region. And going by what To heard over some of the reports, many Pokemon experts were theorizing that Arceus had a hand in it.

"Well...shit..." he said, turning the radio off and tucking it away. "Just um...Just eat your breakfast, I'll see if I can get a shirt for you."
Umbreon tried to keep herself calm, but coping with this sudden change was difficult just to understand. If it wasn't for her trainer comforting her, she wouldn't know what she would do. She looked up at him as he affectionately pet her head then replied "Yeah I'm sure everything's gonna be fine." She smiled softly. Hearing the report on the radio, her ears perked up once Arceus' name was mentioned. Could it really be Arceus? It was too soon to tell. She gave him a nod and started to eat her breakfast from her bowel.
After breakfast was finished, Tom started to sort through his supplies in search of some spare clothing. As attractive as Dusk looked naked, he kind of had a job to do to keep her covered. He tossed over a long white t-shirt that would reach down to her knees, and once she had put it on he started packing everything away. "I know this is all really sudden, Dusk." Tom said while closing up his backpack "But you're a very strong girl, and I know you can get through it."
Dusk took the long shirt that Tom gave her, she could understand why, Tom was uncomfortable with her body. She didn't feel naked since she still had her fur, but she'll happily wear the shirt. It reached down to her knees and looked pretty adorable with it loosely on her body. She smiled brightly at him and said "Thank you Tom."
"Yeah're my first, and my best Pokemon. I'll always look after you." Tom replied, starting to walk along the dirt trail with the Umbreon. This was weird in so many ways, and the weirdest thing was the crush he now had on an Umbreon. She was cute, and loyal, and always made him smile. But...well they couldn't be anything more than trainer and Pokemon, right?
Dusk smiled at him and replied "And you're my best friend Tom. I couldn't be more proud and happy to have you as my trainer." She smiled at him and walked closely beside him. It was odd to have this body, but she honestly was happy they could finally talk to each other. She was clueless of Tom's secret affections towards her, but she did see he was a bit tense and asked "Are you okay? You look a bit on edge."
"Huh? Oh I'm fine." Tom replied, managing to smile at the pretty Umbreon girl. "I'm just still trying to take this all in, it's quite a shock." he added. A thought occurred to him, and he promptly glanced to the pokeballs on his belt. "Hm..." he trailed off and looked toward Dusk " you think that the others are like you now?" he asked, curious to test it out. Perhaps those inside Pokeballs when the change happened wouldn't be effected...well that wasn't wholly likely.
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