Sorry, RL had kept me away from the internet for a few days. Hence my silence.
In no particular order:
General overview can be found
here. A little more specific to the current game, though. I strictly abhor non-con. Which is one of the reasons why I built Michaela the way I did.

The other one being that at times I like to turn established tropes on their head. What I really like, though, is for my character to let 'things' happen that she would not need to. I think that is often referred to as pseudo rape.Also the motivation behind giving Michaela the 'Switch' background.
Maybe three example plot snippets I would enjoy illustrate my preferences better than a dry list of kink terms.
1) The simplest and most vanilla, likely. Basically Michaela is taking a shower at some odd hours, likely in the gym, and the elderly janitor comes across her. She is in no way afraiid, of course, and has no objections to let him have nother look at her naked body. In fact she finds it a turn on to have him stare at her. Things proceed to casual and rough copulation.
2) A trio of boys from one of the houses (Jupiter would work best) lure Michaela into their dorm to force her to have sex with them. Which leads to a rather rude and painful awakening for them. One of their fellow students, however, sees this as a great opportunity to increase his standing within the house. By making a very generous offer (details to be specified) he manages to convince Michaela to serve as dining room table for the three boys she previously humilitated.
3) Upong her evening jog she hears screams from an abaondoned house in the woods. Investigating she arrives just in time to see ahorned demon trying to face fuck the girl kneeing in front of him with his double cock. Not hesitating at all she barges in and gives that demon a rather unexpected beating. Right before she is aboout to finish the vile creature, though, the other girl cries out for her to stop.
Turns out the girl had summoned the demon, and the act was far more consensual that it appeared at first. What is more though, the demon actually is quite smitten by Michaela, since being beaten by a girl is a rather novel experience for himand he is fascinated with her strength. So he pleads with her and begs her for her ... compliance ... maybe offering valuuable information in return.
In the end the demon uses his double genital to fornicate with both girls at the same time.
Plot vs. Sex
I would deinitely prefer it if the whole thing would be abot 60% plot and 60% sex. Yes, they add up to more than 100%, that is intentional. What I am trying to say with this is that I really love it if the smutty parts are integrated into the story, and it becomes more than an loose alternating of humping and plot parts.
Having a common group goal besides getting laid in the hottest way possible would definitely appreciated. Maybe the plot suggestion 3) above could be used for this? This could get to PCs together, and maybe the demon offers some interesting information that sets the girl onto some dark conspiracy within the walls of Rapture Academy?