MLP: Equestrian Chronicles (Trixie & Calison)


Jun 18, 2013
Chapter 1: Princess of the Night

It had been quite some time since Trixie had returned to Ponyville and the land surrounding it -- not since her ill-fated magical duel with Twilight Sparkle and the brush with the Alicorn Amulet. That had been months and months ago as she'd taken to the road. Soul-searching, of a sort, after she'd seen what her jealousy had gotten her. It was still there, of course -- that sort of thing didn't just vanish like so much smoke. There was no ill will, though -- no, that sort of thing had gotten her into trouble in the first place. Instead, it had been replaced by a simple goal:

Learn to be just as good as Twilight Sparkle, on her own merits this time. And during her travels, she had come to realize just how she could do that. The right way.


"Ms. Lulamoon?" asked a high-ranking guard (Shining Armor's replacement after he'd moved to the Crystal Empire full time), stepping out of the throne room. "Her Majesty will see you now."

Trixie swallowed deep, holding her star-spangled hat in her hands, held over her stomach as she looked up at the tall doors that led into Celestia's throne room. They weren't forbidding by design at all, but then they might as well have been the very gates of Tartauros. She was hesitating, after coming so far, to beg Celestia to take her under her wing the same way she'd taken Twilight so many years ago...

"Ms. Lulamoon?" the guard asked, hand on the throne room doors, giving Trixie a look that bordered on the concerned.

"Ah, right," Trixie said, snapping out of it suddenly. "The Grrrreat and Powerful Trixie.... is... ready," she said, giving the doors another brief, worried look as she passed through them after the guard.

The walk was long down the great chamber, but there she was -- bright like the sun, Celestia with her iridescent hair and a golden crown atop those pastel locks. A flowing white dress that looked like it was woven of sunlight itself, that beatific smile that she favored all the denizens of Equestria with. It was the sort of look that belonged to a Princess, with wings that spread out like the solar corona. Trixie found herself almost bending a knee by pure instinct.

"Your Majesty," Trixie said.

"You're Trixie, yes? My student, Twilight Sparkle, wrote me about you," Celestia said, rising from her throne and walking down the stairs to the floor of the throne room.

Trixie could feel her heart sink into her stomach. Doubtless, those had been letters that wouldn't exactly reflect well on her. "Er. About those-" she started.

"She said that you have talent, but that you have no idea what to do with it. Constructively, at least," Celestia said, without even the slightest apparent hint of a lie.

Trixie stared up at Celestia, agape.

"Is that not true?" Celestia asked, giving the young unicorn a sharp look. Trixie was off-balance, which wasn't uncommon when dealing with the canny Celestia.

"Er. Is that all she said?"

"More or less. Is there something else?" Celestia asked.

Trixie became acutely aware of the fact that she was on thin ice, and she could hear it creaking. Wisely, she steered away from the topic.

"I... ahem," Trixie said, wisely changing tack. "I've been doing a lot of soul-searching, and..."


Trixie actually took a knee. It wasn't something she would originally have done, but her times in Ponyville had been... humbling. Found to be a sham, and later ruling over Ponyville with an iron fist under the influence of the Amulet... she looked up to Celestia. "Please... I want to learn. Learn how to use magic properly," Trixie said, looking up at Celestia with pleading eyes.

"... No."

Trixie felt her heart sink down past her stomach and right into the floor below, smashing into rock bottom.

"Take heart, Trixie -- I don't have the time to take on a student now. But..." Celestia looked distant for a moment, before casting her eyes to the observatory where her and her sister surveyed the land. "... I know someone who does. Come with me -- I have someone for you to meet."
The day and night were equals this time of year, and Princess Luna was very happy for this. Winters could be so exhausting and left her enough time to sleep and see to her other duties before needing to raise the moon and stars again. But now she could find time to herself and even be out and about the royal palace. She looked forward to the coming summer, when her work each daily cycle was short.

Up in her observatory, Luna surveyed the whole of Equestria through her telescope. The colors of night and glimmer of far away stars shimmered in her midnight blue hair while the princess sat and tilted her telescope from Ponyville to Manehatten. The silk dress she wore was also imbued with the energies of the night, the deep blues and the lightest blue of dusk mingled and stars idly drifted and shined. Another peaceful day from the looks of it, she concluded, adjusting the telescope's angle. Luna scratched a few notes in the journal, using her magic to mentally dictate with her quill. She didn't look up from her viewing even when the doors to the observation room opened.

The observatory was saturated with Luna's magic. The place was dimly by the light of many, many pinpricks of light that traveled lazily, even imperceptibly along the walls. Along the walls, torches ignited into blue burning flames as Celestia and Trixie entered, giving the room just a bit more light.

"To what do We owe the pleasure of Our sister's visit?" Luna said, tilting her telescope a few degrees down.

"Luna, I have someone I would like you to meet," Celestia said.

The princess of the night swiveled around in her chair and faced her sister and the guest she had brought with her. The hat the young mare had reminded her of Star Swirl the Bearded's. Luna stayed in her seat and stared at the Trixie. "And who might you be?"
Trixie had followed the Princess with bated breath across the grounds and up the spiraling staircase into the observatory tower. There had been silence the whole way across -- the air never seemed to not be serene around the princess of the day. Trixie was almost out of breath by the time they finally reached the top of the observatory, which was fortuitous, as the visions therein promptly would have taken her breath away anyway.

It looked like they had walked into a field of stars, a lonely system lit by burning blue stars. The room seemed to be a mere afterthought, with the stars dancing on bookshelves and deep azure shadows casing themselves over the rich tapestries that were typical of the castle.

Celestia stepped out of the way of her sister's line of sight, affording Trixie no place to hide. Having had some time to regain her composure from the pure surrealism of speaking with women who were not only rulers of this land, but nigh-on gods -- Alicorns. She'd only ever heard of Princess Luna, not had the chance to see her. She was... perhaps even lovelier than Celestia, in vivid blues and purples rather than brilliant whites and pastel hues.

"Er. Ahem," she said, reaching up to her throat. "I am the Grea-, er, Trixie Lulamoon," she said. It was a hard habit to break, and not one she was sure she ever would. "I want... I want to learn how to properly use magic. Not just parlor tricks," Trixie said.

Celestia turned a purple eye onto her younger sister. "She's the one Twilight mentioned in her letters a few months ago. I thought that it would be good for you to take a student."
Luna looked the young unicorn over with a hard, discerning gaze. At first Luna thought her dear sister was taking on another apprentice and this was a simple introduction. Celestia corrected her by voicing her real intentions. Luna's gaze tore away from Trixie and stared at her sister wide-eye.

"You want me to take a student?" Luna asked. She gestured toward Trixie. "And her?" Rounding on Trixie, Luna stared right in the eye with hard, measured gaze. "Twilight Sparkle may have spoken generously of you, but We happened to be surveying the land and caught sight of many of your...performances."

Of the two sister that ruled over Equestria, Luna was the more apprehensive. "You say you want to learn magic. To what end? What do you intend to do with such gifts? Recent events do not speak well for you, Trixie Lulamoon." Luna had seen the young mare abuse her parlor tricks and when empowered with true power, had abused that as well.
"I..." The words had confirmed what she had already suspected; that the two sisters already knew what she had been up to these past months and years. She felt her heart sinking once again, but was determined to remain resolute. She'd come here for a reason, darn it, and the Great and Powerful Trixie wasn't to be denied on that front.

"Because I want to help people. I... only know cantrips. Small things," she said, holding up a hand. Her horn glowed briefly as a bright spark formed and died in her hand, casting brilliant shadows into every corner of the room but for a brief fraction of a second. "And... I saw what damage I did with that amulet when I was wearing it. I don't even remember most of it, but I saw what things were like afterward..." she paused for a moment, giving the princess of the night a hard look.

"I wanna be able to make it up. I mean... there's not much I can do in Ponyville, since Twilight and her friends are there to take care of it... but... elsewhere I could help. And I can't do that with flash and bang," Trixie said.

Celestia was nodding slowly. She had suspected as much... and Trixie wasn't the only one that had sought redemption. Celestia leaned over toward Luna, and whispered. "I won't ask you to take her if you do not want her as a student..." she murmured. "But... I think it may well benefit you to take a student at some point," she said. Luna had kept herself confined to her observatory most days, when she wasn't ruling over the long winter nights. She thought her younger sister needed to get out more.
Luna listened intently to the answer Trixie gave to her question. The Princess of the Night had never been in charge of teaching anyone before, but she did know that knowledge was power and power was sacred...even if she had abused it herself a thousand years ago.

"I have no idea what you are thinking, dear sister," Luna whispered to Celestia. She saw a lot of herself in the young blue mare, but was the best teacher for Trixie really going to be her? Celestia had proved her wisdom time and time again, most recently with Twilight's ascension to princess. Who was she to question this?

Taking a step forward, Luna unfolded her wings and spread them wide. "Very well. Your answer pleases Us. If you truly want to help people, then We shall teach you." Her face was betrayed little, but beneath the collected the demeanor, Luna was unsure of what she had agreed to.
Trixie felt like she was being scrutinized every which way just then, which wasn't too far from the truth, really. But she stood resolute, refusing to just back down after she came all the way to Canterlot, got an audience with Celestia, and was talking to the princess of the night herself. She knew she would be weighed, knew she would be measured, but she would be damned if they had found her wanting. It didn't stop her from looking a little worried though as Celestia leaned in to Luna and the two conferred in a whispered conference.

"Just a suggestion, sister. You needn't take it to heart if you don't want to," Celestia said. She reached out to her sister for a brief moment, running her fingers along Luna's soft jawline and giving her a small smile, before she straightened up. "I'll leave you to make your decision. You know you'll have no judgment from me," she said. And then she was walking, heading for the door to the balcony... it was nearly impossible to see outside through those dimmed windows, but as she stepped outside, there was a brief fluttering of wings through blurred glass before Celestia disappeared back off to the castle.

Between them, the silence was palpable, even moreso as Luna's shadow consumed her, made deeper and wider by the span of her indigo wings. "I do! The Great and Humble Trixie will be the most Grrrrateful student you've ever had!" Trixie said, as magic fireworks burst into existence around her. Old habits died really hard. Elation shone on her face for nearly a minute before she cleared her throat, her horn's glow fading as she lowered her arms. "I mean... erm... thank you, Princess Luna."
In the dimly lit room, Luna hoped that her authority wasn't undermined by the sight of blush playing at her cheeks. She could feel her sister's warmth linger on the curve of her jawline, even as the sun princess exited by the balcony windows. She tried not to let her mind wander to the memories, both fresh and months old, the touch conjured up.

Trixie, for her part, managed to make keeping Luna's attention to matter at hand rather easy. While some might have shook their head at Trixie's grandiose and flashy nature, Luna just stared, blinking a couple of times. Trixie was eager, if nothing else, Luna thought.

Luna flapped her wings a couple of times and lifted herself slightly off the ground. The starlight around them faded and the star field, with its intimidating depth, gave way to the tall, curtained windows of the observatory, allowing the light of impending dusk in. Between the windows were high shelves reaching to the ceiling, crammed full of books.

"You may thank me with the keeping of your word," Luna said, dropping Royal voice completely. Her sister no longer used it, but some customs were hard to be rid of. "The magic I have to offer is not flashy. It does not call attention to itself. But it is ancient, and it is powerful. And it helps a great many people without their knowing. Spectacle isn't in its nature."

Luna's horn glowed night blue and a ladder for the shelves came gliding around on its rails. Resting on the bottom rung was a feather duster. "You are far from ready for those spells. The first task I give you is to clean the shelves. Without the use of any magic."
Trixie didn't even notice the purple blush spreading across indigo cheeks, instead entirely absorbed in herself, only coming out of it as the silence stretched between them, broken by the sudden flapping of the night princess' great wingspan -- she felt her cloak whipping around her bare knees with every beat of the wings, however gentle as they might have been to lift the princess off of the ground. As the starlight gave way to proper daylight, waning as it might have been, Trixie narrowed her eyes against the sudden (relative to the blue-purple faux nighttime) harshness.

"O-of course," she said, as resolute as ever, her expression the very picture of the ready student, which only brightened as she told her of the magic that she would be taught, the magic that would allow her to show Twilight she as just as powerful!... er, and help people. Yes. Of course. That was exactly what she meant. This picture began to crack around the edges when Luna next spoke, and the ladder came gliding along its rails, bringing with it a feather duster and the leaden shawl of manual labor.

"Er. Isn't magic the whole point of it, though?" she asked, hesitantly picking up the feather duster as it came nearby. She held it by the handle, turning it every which way as if expecting a strange and fascinating foreign creature... which, to be utterly fair, with the use of magic so prevalent among the unicorn people... it wasn't exactly a stretch to say that that was exactly what it was.
"Magic is a lot of things," Luna said. "For every colt and filly blessed with a horn, magic is part of their being, whether in a small or large part. Magic is a tool, young Lulamoon. And like any tool, it's function is not appreciated until it is lost. The use of magic is powerful, but so is the disuse of you understand?" Luna poke sagely, confidently, but part of her didn't think she was explaining the exercise very well. Either way, the princess of the night sensed the ambition deeply rooted in her new student. And it just wouldn't do.

Luna pulled a book from one of the shelves and took a seat at a writing desk. "Night draws near. You may want to get started."
"I... yes," Trixie hazarded, even if it was something of a white lie. She believed that she got the gist of what Luna was saying, but magic was there to be used! You didn't shovel the snow with your hands when you had an actual shovel on-hand. It was like those silly folks down in Ponyville, refusing to call on their magical friends during the annual Winter Wrap-up. But if this was what Luna was asking of her... she would do it. She looked over the duster one last time, and then shrugged off her cloak and hat, laying them nearby, before laying a hand on the ladder, and starting up it. She'd work from the top down. Unaware that Luna, from where she sat, would be able to rather see up her skirt.

She'd likely never notice, for the hours it would take to properly clean every shelf on the darn thing.

Chapter 2: Sun & Moon

Celestia had retreated from her throne room in the early hours of the day, the sun just peeking over the eastern horizon, going instead to her room high in the castle. Night had passed to early gray morning, and outside the windows, she could see the first stirrings of life in Canterlot. All was well, and her first hearing as princess of these lands wasn't scheduled until 9:30 that morning; several hours from then.

Her white skirt swirled around her long legs as she entered her room, before shutting the great doors behind her. It was a cavernous room whose span belied the relatively thin tower it rested in. Above, a crystal ceiling let in the first strands of radiant sunlight, individual panes showing the sky all across Equestria. Manehattan, Appleoosa, Las Pegasus... the scope of her domain, presented through a crystal ceiling. Celestia slipped out of her shoes, taking slow, measured steps toward her bed, a circular disc of white silks and warm velvets in the center of the room.

It had been some time since Luna had taken on her new student, and idly, Celestia wondered how Luna had been faring. She reached out, the minds of the princesses powerful things, to contact her dear sister...
The last week for Luna had been...mixed. The princess of the night went about her usual duties of surveying the lands of Equestria, bringing out the moon and stars, and assisting ponies unable to deal with their dreams in their dreamscapes. Business as usual, and while it wasn't the most thanked of jobs, Luna enjoyed it, and had since come to accept her role as princess of the night.

Being a mentor was something else entirely. She knew to start Trixie needed an attitude adjustment in her views on magic and what it was for. Making the young mare do the various odd jobs and menial tasks around the observatory without the use of magic was one way Luna hoped to accomplish this...but so far it was the only think she could think of.

Uncertainty and anxiety would be what Celestia would feel immediately when she reached out to her sister. As well as a bit of a startle when Luna first heard her voice in her head. Oh, dear sister, Luna said, or rather, thought. Even in her mind, Luna sounded tired, and no shortage of wound up from self-imposed stresses of being a teacher. Lovely sunrise, this morning.
Luna would almost be able to hear Celestia's gentle "tsk, tsk, tsk" through the mental connection. Perhaps it was only to be expected, given that Luna had just finished her night's work. Celestia had done what she could to take the pressure off of her while her younger sister helped mentor the wily young unicorn, but there was only so much she could do without being obvious... Someone sounds sleepy, Celestia observed mildly. Among other things. The poor filly sounded outright exhausted, and more than a little bit bothered. She could remember that from her early days teaching, but it had been several hundred years since she had taken on her first students. Twilight was only the latest in a long line.

Come, sister. We've hours yet until either of us is called upon. Why don't you come up to my room so that we may speak properly? she asked. Or, rather, it sounded like she was asking. It was hard to tell "no" to her, even when family was involved. Celestia took a moment as she briefly severed their mental conversation, glancing around her room. She raised both arms, yellow magic shining around a number of things in the room, rearranging what had become a messy place to live of late. She was quite untidy behind closed doors, but soon, everything was back in its proper place, and the doors to her balcony were opening up, to admit Luna, should she choose to take the aerial entrance afforded by their wings.
Luna rolled her eyes, sensing, rather than hearing, her sister's chiding. Celestia's invitation to her quarters brought heat to Luna's cheeks and managed to sooth some of the night princess' weariness with anticipation. Even if Luna wanted to say no, there was no way she could deny her sister. I will be there shortly. Luna replied.

And in but a few moment after Celestia opened her balcony doors, Luna, on her midnight blue wings glided gracefully into her room. Well, it might have been graceful if it wasn't for the brief stumbling Luna made as she landed. Her duties and fretting over a student had taken more out of her than she realized. Luna approached her sister on the bed, stopping just at the edge.

"Good morning, sister," Luna said. "Will be talking. Or talking?" There was a rumored secret that those of the royal family were rather...close. Though when faced with their rulers, their very gods, many ponies are never able to see the sisters as anything more than pure.
As Luna landed on the balcony, Celestia offered her younger sister a small smile, even as the princess of the night stumbled her way into the room. Goodness, she really was a mess right now. She wondered, briefly, if Trixie had been "keeping Luna up" recently, but she doubted if such a thought had ever even crossed the young unicorn's mind. The ponies never really seriously suspected that they were anything but just loving sisters, or at least never actually voiced that around them... for how could they be anything but, since her sister's return from exile? They seemed so sweet.

"Here. Sit down, won't you? Make yourself comfortable," Celestia said, scooting back further on the bed, offering the edge for Luna to sit down. She moved to lay on her side, resting her elbow on the bed and then her chin on her hand, her other hand laying down on her own stomach before sliding along the curve of her body to her thigh. "You seem stressed, sister. Is there anything I could do that might... de-stress you?" she asked with a smile as dazzling as the sun, her hand reaching out to briefly slide down the side of her sister's leg.
Luna took the seat offered to her at the edge of the bed. As Celestia made herself comfortable, Luna did the same, allowing her shoulders to rest and her wings to fold. She kicked off her dark blue heels and stretched her toes. Looking over at her sister, Luna watched her hand slide along her curves, as if presenting herself and guiding Luna's eyes to look.

Luna shivered lightly when her sister's hand began to travel along the length of her leg. Even presented with such a loving, dazzling smile, Luna couldn't help but turn her eyes downcast. "I don't know what made you think I'm ready to take a student. If you see a lot of me in young Lulamoon, then I have to agree...but I made those same mistakes. And worse. Do you really think I'm what she needs?"

She allowed herself the time to rant, but it was hard not to remember the hand sliding along her leg. "Are you offering to be the mare this morning, Tia?"
Celestia's smile never quite went away, as her hand traveled along Luna's leg to where her dress fell between her legs. She brushed briefly across here, her long white fingers gentle yet firm upon Luna's pliant flesh. "Consider this, sister. Perhaps I was not considering what Trixie needs, but instead what you need. You know those pitfalls more than anyone. I am sure you shall do fine, sister. If nothing else, her heart is in the right place, and so is yours. It can not go so wrong, yes?" Celestia asked, slowly turning onto her stomach as she leaned over Luna.

"Mm. Not quite, Lulu. I just think that you're stressed, and I know how to best relieve my stresses. Besides, you are tired. Just let your sister take care of you," Celestia purred as she reached to slowly pull Luna's dress up, sliding it along those long, shapely legs of hers, pulling it out of the way before reaching down between Luna's legs. There were... advantages to being an alicorn. Magical ones that escaped the bounds of usual unicorn-kind. Celestia's fingers were gentle as she stroked between Luna's legs, giving her younger sister a beatific smile that was as full of benevolence as it was of lust.
Luna was rather convinced, despite her sister's word of reassurance, that things could certainly go quite wrong. The thoughts of doubt and anxiety though were washed away when Celestia leaned over her. "Tia..." Luna gasped, staring into those beautiful, lustful eyes. She blushed as she was stroked between the legs. Luna didn't look it normally, but she was easy to fluster, easy to embarrass.

The more Celestia stroke her through her panties, the more Luna was able to feed off of her sister's lust and eventually, the flat of where her mound was began to bulge. In her flustered state, Luna wasn't able to complete the transformation of her parts into that of a colt, at least from the outside. When her sister went to pull down her panties, a nice, thick 8 inch cock stood at attention for the sun princess where Luna's clit would have been. Luna's slit remained, just below her cock.

"You're always so aggressive," Luna said, pouting slightly. Of course, she didn't dislike the way her sister took charge of the situation. In fact, quite the opposite, if the moon princess' cock was any indication.
"Lulu?" she asked with a devilish smile. She knew just how easily flustered her little Lulu was... after the end of her exile, Celestia had been rather happy to give Luna a proper welcome home to get her acclimated back to life in Equestria. Those had been long, fun nights that hadn't ended until they were both in a sweaty pile and could barely walk.

As the lacy material of Luna's panties began to stretch, Celestia very nearly cooed, hooking her fingers around the tops of her panties and pulling down slowly to reveal the hard, thick cock that lay beneath. "If you would like me to stop, I most certainly can," Celestia said, pulling those panties down all the way along Luna's shapely legs before depositing them in the floor somewhere over the edge of the bed. She turned back to Luna, leaning over her and gently wrapping a hand around the base of Luna's cock.

She leaned in, giving the indigo shaft a small kiss on the side before pressing her tongue to the base, slowly drawing it all the way up along the underside of her cock, before taking the head into her mouth. Her lips formed a perfect O around the top, sucking hard as her wet tongue bathed the crown of the princess' cock, her eyes staring up and into Luna's. She could almost see the smile in those devilishly lusty eyes.
Luna shook her head, with its flushed cheeks. She didn't want her sister to stop, even more so when the sun princess wrapped her lips around the crown of the cock. Luna's mind went back to her first night back in Canterlot after her redemption. The session between her and her sister...Celestia rarely took the role of the mare. Even when she did have a cock, there wasn't a mistake for a second who was still top pony in the bed. Seeing those lusty eyes staring right up at her made Luna moan all the louder.

"Tia..." Luna groaned. She reached out ran her hands through her sister's multicolored mane. Her hips moved on their own, and Luna found herself lightly bucking into her sister's hot, wet mouth. "Don't stop, please!" Her hands lightly gripped the sides of her sister's head, seeking to encourage her pace.
It didn't matter where Celestia was physically... there was no doubt that she was the top, and her sweet sister Luna the bottom, the sun wrapping the moon around its little finger like it was nothing. When those hands gripped the sides of her head, there was a brief burst of magic, her horn glowing as Luna would feel herself enveloped, pushing the hands away and forcing Luna back down against the bed. Meanwhile, Celestia gripped the base of Luna's cock tightly with one hand, her lips pulling off of the dark blue cock with a little "pop!"

"Mm. Sweet sister... cum for me," Celestia cooed, before her hands left Luna's cock. She shrugged, her gossamer gown's straps sliding down her shoulders, baring her bountiful cleavage. She gripped both of her breasts tightly, squeezing them around the base of the other princess' cock, feeling the hard rod slip between the pliant flesh. She moaned softly, beginning to stroke Luna with her breasts, her lips wrapping around the tip of Luna's cock every time she slid down, pleasuring every inch of the poor girl's shaft. <i>Cum for me,</i> she whispered into Luna's mind, more forcefully now. Cum for your sister... and I'll reward you by taking you like the mare you are, she said, her thoughts sultry, memories briefly flashing by of all the times Celestia had pleasured her sister and been pleasured in turn in the years since her return.
When her sister magically forced against the bed, tearing her hands away from her head, Luna gave out a gasping moan. Yep, classic Tia with her aggression. She didn't resist, doing all that she could to not get lost in the sea of pleasure Celestia was giving her. Any hopes for that were cast away when Luna's cock got lost in her sister's breasts.

Luna breathed heavily and heatedly, her member throbbing and pulsing with each passing stroke Celestia bestowed on her with those lovely breasts. Her own thoughts were pushed aside while her sister's voice filled her mind, cooing for her, urging her, and teasing out the memories of all their trysts since Luna's return. Luna's mind didn't just remember, but her body as well and the jolts of pleasure coursing through her became indistinguishable to those she was remembering; her whole body writhed under Celestia's touches, past and present.

Luna bucked her hips as much as her magical restraints would allow her, sending her shaft eagerly between her sister's breasts and pressing beyond her lips. "Tia...Tia...Tia!" Luna let out a cry of pleasure as she peaked, and her cock erupted when they touched the sun princess' lips, releasing a load truly worthy of a princess as she came onto her sister's face and breasts, coating her utterly if Celestia willed it.
Celestia was utterly relentless, tightening the magical restraints so that Luna was held against the bed, completely unable to fight the pleasure that her sister was foisting upon her. Celestia gave her bountiful tits a squeeze, pushing them tight around the base of Luna's cock, rapidly massaging it as she gave the head a bath with her tongue and lips, coaxing out the hot seed that would soon be coming... and then there it was.

Her throat bobbed as she swallowed the first couple of shots of seed, but even she couldn't keep up with Luna's prodigious pace, and with a delighted laugh, Celestia pulled off and closed her eyes. She felt each spurt splash against her cheeks, her soft lips, and her breasts as well, the hot seed sticking to her alabaster body, bathing her in the thick, viscous fluid she'd coaxed out of Luna's cock.

"Oh my, Lulu," Celestia said with a small laugh, licking a few drops of seed off of her fingers. "You really have been pent up," she said, at the same time she released Luna from her bindings. "I'm surprised you hadn't taken your new student for a... test run yet," Celestia said as she stood. The gown she wore slithered down to the floor to pool at her feet, and a moment later, so too did the thong that the princess favored. She reached down, her magic glowing for a moment as she bequeathed herself with a cock as great as her sister's, her pussy entirely disappearing for the moment to be replaced by a set of testicles.

"... now, sweet sister, I think it is time I take you. Like a mare," Celestia said with a wicked grin as she slowly stroked her cock to full hardness.
Her climax left Luna panting heavily for breath. Even when her magical restraints were lifted, all she wanted to do was breathe. Luna's head was swimming in pleasure and her eyes, slightly glazed over, said as much. The cock that she had willed onto herself grew flaccid and magically shrunk back into her clit.

Luna's head lolled over in the direction of her sister's voice and her eyes tried to focus on her. It was true; she had hardly the time to fool around and it certainly showed. Luna didn't think it would have been appropriate for her to take Trixie on 'test run'. The night princess didn't see the point--it wouldn't have deepened any bond they had, because, well, they didn't. Nor was Luna the type to take advantage of her position to leverage favors. Sexual ones, at any rate.

When Celestia manifested her cock and testicles, Luna found herself drawing up from her place on the bed and onto her hands and knees. Even from here she could smell her sister's scent wafting from her cock. If nothing else cemented Luna's position as the bottom in the sisters' dynamic, it was this. When Celestia had her cock on, Luna couldn't resist her.

Crawling forward, Luna didn't say a word, but leaned in and nuzzled her cheek against her sister's member. "Please my stallion."
Celestia chuckled to herself as Luna was quick to put herself on her hands and knees for her sister. Celestia grinned; there was no denying the Sun Princess when she knew what she wanted... "You should consider it, dear sister. The moment they were old enough, I had quite a lot of fun with Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle," Celestia said, bidding Luna come closer to the edge of the bed She smiled down at Luna, grabbing the base of her own cock and brushing it along her sister's cheek. "Of course."

She moved behind Luna, standing behind where her sister was propped up on the bed, and settled her hands on Luna's hips. "But if you do..." Celestia said, leaning in until her breasts were pressed to Luna's back, and her cock was waiting at the entrance of Luna's pussy, "... just remember whose mare you are," she finished as a whisper, before she plunged her cock into Luna's waiting depths. She let out a deep moan and shuddered from head to toe as she bottomed out in her sister's lovely snatch. She leaned in close, her hands wrapping around her sister's body and gripping her large breasts. So posed, Celestia began to pound away at her younger sister's supple body.
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